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09-19-2010, 07:30 AM
So what kind of dynamic do you have in your hunting camp? I gotta say I feel really blessed by the group we have and how everyone brings something different to the table.

First off we have Al (Tank’s Dad). He is the planner and analyzer, he spends tons of time pouring over maps and comparing geographic data from past elk encounters/kills looking for similiarities to other potential areas on the map. He is always searching for another piece of the puzzle. I think his reward is not in taking elk persay, but rather the fact that taking an elk usually takes us 1 step closer to solving the riddle!!! .

Next we have James (Tank). He is just what his nickname implies....a tank!! There is nowhere he will not go and no potential pack out that scares him. Most commonly heard from James in camp is "lets do it"!! If we were standing at the base of Mt Everest and he suspected there was a good bull on top, all you would hear is......"lets do it"!!! He is the guy in camp who pushes us all to go farther, higher, deeper than we otherwise might!

Me, I think I am the voice of reason in camp, or devils advocate if you will. I tend to point out logistical problems with some of the more radical places James wants to go, with an eye to the reality of being able to get an elk out of the bush in good shape. I think I keep us from maybe pushing too hard in areas we know hold elk to keep from blowing them out of the area for good. Also I think I act as a bit of a sounding board for Al’s ideas on where we should go as I also am quite interested in the analytical side of figuring out the puzzle!

Lastly, joining our little group for the last 2 years in elk camp is my 10 year old son Michael. What he brings to camp is that wide eyed enthusiasm of youth. He helps remind us through his first experiences in the elk woods how exciting it is the first time a bull answers your call, or how you felt the first time you lined up on a bull! I think he is just a constant reminder of why we spend time out in the bush. Picking on him also supplies some comedy for the camp!!!:mrgreen:

Now i would like to take a moment to really, really thank Tank and Al for this years hunt! The hunt was due to start on Friday but I was not able to make it until Monday afternoon. Well they did not hesitate in telling me to drop off michael and they would take him with them so he would get an extra 3 days in camp. I’m not sure i know a lot of people who would take a 10 year old into their elk camp at all, let alone someone elses kid when he wasn’t even there. Not only did they take him, but early in the trip a nice bull escaped them because they were trying to get Michael the shot on it rather than just taking it when it presented an opportunity out of Michaels range, but easily within theirs. These 2 gentlemen are most definately cut from the finest cloth, I feel extremely fortunate to call them my friends!!

So how about your hunting camp?? Lets hear about your group!


PS - Keep your eyes open for Tank to start posting up the story of our elk hunt this year....you won't want to miss this one!!!....should be up today!!

09-19-2010, 09:33 AM
Sounds like a sound team to stick with. My hunting party is me, trying to avoid any basic stuck in the bush on foot emergencies while hopefully filling the freezer. I'm in the middle of a campaign to turn my brother-in-law into next year's hunting partner. My sister seems to be on board, so I may succeed.

09-19-2010, 12:24 PM
Interesting thread, I like it. Hunt solo quite a bit but the guys I do hunt with are as follows -

My Dad - Tough as nails hunter/trapper who's been around and done it all. Awesome to go with in areas we've never hunted before as there's no limit to how far he's willing to go to explore an area - has to see what's around the next corner or over the next ridge. Can spot game with the best of 'em, and is one of the best off-hand rifle shots I know. Not much of a camp cook, unless you like scrambled pancakes and blackened eggs.

Uncle - The wise older brother to my dad, also been around and probably forgot more about hunting than many guys know. Good cook and storyteller, lots of fun around the campfire at night. Good guy for figuring out a strategy for stalking a critter as he just seems to always 'know' the best way to go about it.

Me - Big, strong, tough bugger (like my dad, just bigger). Willing to go anywhere or climb any ridge, but I like to sit back and figure out all the possibilities before jumping in head first which has probably saved my ass many times hunting solo. Also probably the most patient one of the group. Usually end up doing a lot of the planning for a hunt, and am hell with a dutch oven & cast iron pan over the fire.

Brother - not as experienced as the rest but has been coming on more hunts the last few years. Been a firefighter for 10 years, and he can climb a steep slope with a loaded pack like nothing while the rest of us are scratching up the hill trying to keep up. A little stubborn and bullheaded sometimes, but it's easy enough to work around.

Cousin - new to hunting. Came with us this past spring ang got his first bear and is hooked. Great attitude and willing to learn, and great to have around camp.

And last but not least - my dog. Has been following me hunting and around the trapline since he was 5 weeks old. Now he's my packdog & camp watchdog and all around good hunting buddy. Can't help but feel good when you see him always happy and ready to go in any kind of weather or conditions.

Also should add that everyone in the group has a good sense of humour, no one complains about doing their share around camp, or wimps out if it's rainy or cold. Hard to beat a group like that.:-D


09-19-2010, 01:17 PM
Right now, just me. It kinda blows cause it can be alot of work, more $, and its not as safe should something happen. but atleast i can do some serious hunting.

09-19-2010, 01:20 PM
Great topic Willyqbc!!!!

The old crew I used to hunt with were a great bunch of guys.

We all had nicknames and we kind of followed along with those names.

Mine was "The Guide". I did the homework for the area, the scouting, camp locations, the access and gained the knowledge so that when we went there, we had a game plan.

Next was "One Shot". He was the organizer, logistics and when ever we needed something, he found it, and as his name implies, he usually needed only one shot. He either killed it or missed.....

One of the older crew (there is a couple) named "Gunfighter". He was the food buyer, main camp cook and as his name implies, he would keep shooting until the animal was down. Seen him put 4 shots into the chest of a moose until it went down. He was the one to get most excited about most things

Next was "One Eye". He name came from the fact that his right eye wandered....and he was right handed, so sometime he needed extra time for the shot. He was also the engineer, he supplied the rope, pulleys, Block and Tackle and other stuff to get the animal out. He invented the best "tool" for getting a moose into the back of the truck. Remember that most of the crew were retired or getting to that age, so quartering and packing were not always an option. He was also second camp cook and homemade beer and wine maker.....

Next was "Dad". He was not anyones dad, but he was the the most calm of us and had the most reasoning when things went to sh*t. He also looked like a dad, white beard and all. he was also the most experienced of all of us when it came to hunting and had spent a ton of time in the bush.

We no longer hunt together much as age, medical and such have changed things. But we still talk about the trips and might just do another one in a couple years.

This new crew I am going with this year are all a lot younger than me. I am the one with experience, calm and such, but they are all young and strong, so packing will not be an issue and already I am seeing individuals starting to take control of certain thing with in the group. I know this will be a good group.



09-19-2010, 02:09 PM
Just me. I hunt alone. I am too militant about my hunting areas. You know the saying. "3 can keep a secret if 2 are dead"

I do endless hours all season pouring over maps and satellite images. For the most part if it is an area that is easy to access I won't share it with anyone because then it is competition for an area. If it is far enough back that I am willing to share it I haven't found anyone willing to go there with me because it is too much work.

09-20-2010, 08:43 AM
Well Chris, when you and Michael were down you met "my" hunting crew...:mrgreen:

Throw in a couple of very long term buddies that make an odd weekend trip with us and you have the group..... I haven't been doing the 1-2 week trips for the last few years due to work and kids activities, hope to change that next year.... (been say that for awhile now!)

09-20-2010, 09:50 AM
My hunting crew consits of me and my dog/dogs, when here in the Shuswaps. I find my self more and more just sticking to the roads and glassing cut blocks, or finding a place that over looks a cut block and spending hours glassing. I find this quite enjoyable and relaxing.

This year I have a friend who is getting into hunting, so I will see how he dose and help him out with my knowlage (although it my be little lol) of game animails.

09-20-2010, 10:06 AM
Hunting Crew:

With me it all depends on different circumstances and times of the season.

Sept - October my crew is
The Warden (Peter) he likes to act like my guide
The Kid (Azshia) she can outhunt us in a heart beat - kill zone everytime
The Cutie (hehehehe of course that would be me) did ya really think I would tell you what they really call me in the bush?
The Warden's Biotch (Chris) hehehehe he is always good for some expert ideas
on occasion: My Honey (Al) now don't go thinking naughty, he is called that by me for one reason only, those who know Al understand the nickname

November my crew is
ME - yup that's right - I go solo okay not completely alone Remington the wonder dog comes along for the ride

I hope one day to add to my crew - try a few new places with some very nice friends I have met on HBC that have offered both Peter and I to join with them

06-18-2011, 10:03 PM
Interesting thread, I don't think I have what I'd call a steady crew unless I called HBC my crew.

I've had the pleasure of hunting waterfowl with HuntNHookSports,SVIR-Symon, Chessieguy, Fieldmarshall, kyleklasson, IanF, Elkhound, Dutchie, Duckbuster, Shotgunjohn, Tanya, Fowlweather, Vindog and Islandbowhunter.

Big Game so far I've had the pleasure of hunting with and meeting K1, WillyQBC, Swamper, Amphibious, Sammy99, The Beast, Oldtimer, the legend himself todbartell, Donk, Vindog, jkt , Hunter1947, and Johnybear.

All whom I consider great people and all add to the experience of the outdoors.

06-18-2011, 10:23 PM
If the whole crew is there it's like a pack
of wolves. Otherwise its like a bunch of

Lone Ranger
06-18-2011, 10:24 PM
3 drunks and me who tries to be a drunk :mrgreen: Nah, every single one of them I would give my life for and I know they'd do the same for me if the situation warranted it. I wouldn't want to hunt with anyone else, besides my dad or a couple other close friends. Its hard to find a crew that you can trust to the point of sharing a 14' tent with for a week willingly! LR

06-19-2011, 03:35 AM
I plan all year around for the hunts ,I go on next month into the bush to camp and scout by myself looking for Mr big ,setting out my 5 trail cams to help me out scouting ,I like hunting with anyone that has good sense for the bush and is safe with his or her firearm thats the most important thing around camp or in the bush hunting ,gun safe..

06-19-2011, 05:37 AM
My wife is now licensed and will be hunting this year. Should be good she has always been able to spot critters before me.

Surrey Boy
06-19-2011, 01:02 PM
No steady crew, but I go out with guys when our work schedules allow it. Everyone brings strengths for different types of hunting, my gun and pack change depending on who I'm with and where we go.

06-19-2011, 01:08 PM
My crew is just me. It would be nice in the future however to get a couple serious hunters together for those far away hunts to split costs. I used to hunt with a crew in ontario for moose and another crew for waterfawl. Being in Squamish and primarily chasing blacktails and bears I don't really need a crew.

06-19-2011, 03:03 PM
My crew...I guess that all depends on which adventure we are talking about.

The local crew...NIL, they all moved away this past winter/spring. Ive got a couple guys that just got their PAL but no CORE, and another buddy that is a long time friend from back home but we just can't seem to match up our schedules, and he might be moving soon as well.

As for the out of town crew, we get together every year for a 2 week adventure. This will be the first year we don't go hunting moose as our primary target.
Reagan...Best man, best friend and all around great guy...lives on salty, pretty much a hippy with a red neck. We sometimes have too much fun together and forget that we are supposed to be hunting.
Uncle Bob, great guy very smart always brings some new contraption with him that runs on batteries and will charge via a quad or cigarette lighter. I can't wait to see what hes dreamed up this year.
The old man...sometimes I wonder why he is more interested in documenting the trip via his camera, and sometimes I have to raise my voice to get him to pay attention to the task at hand, but I wouldn't wanna do it without him. I really cherish our time together, and when hunting its my turn to become the teacher.
Big Dan...strong like a bull with all the gear. You want wall tents, hes got them, you want a complete camping kitchen while out there, he brings it. After last year he saw me on the quad and now he bought 1. Great guy, always welcome always over prepared. I love guys like that.

06-19-2011, 03:28 PM
Dad, Brother, Cousin, Nephew, Uncle and a couple of lonley misfits....all a real pain in the butt. Argue all the time when not out humping the hills, but what a gas we have, can't wait till this year.

06-19-2011, 05:50 PM
Another loner. I do a weekend with a good bud most years in the north Okanagan for whitetail and have been known to help HBC types with spring bear a time or two. Other than that I hunt alone 90 plus % of the time.

06-19-2011, 05:52 PM
I go with my wife (the best outdoor cook in the great white north) and her best friend the nymphomaniac. Sometimes I don't get out of the tent until 11:00 but...what you gonna do? Just dreaming. I hunt with a couple beer guzzling middle age guys who like their good grub and fine wine. We take turns at making dinner and it's about out-doing the other guy all the time. It's also about being first to fall asleep in your cot. Otherwise, you got to put-up with the snoring and the farting A couple times we allowed a new member to the annual moose hunt on a trial basis. So far, it's back to just Rick, Steve and myself. All others proved to be either too lazy (wouldn't cut firewood), too abnoxious (he never shut-up and did everything better than you), too cheap (he would only bring a dozen beer on a two week trip with the excuse that he was cutting back, day two he was dipping in to your stash). We get a moose or two every year as an added bonus to our camping trip.

The Dawg
06-19-2011, 07:40 PM
Moosinaround- great guy, funny as hell. Wealth of experience. We always end up with sore stomach's after a long day of hunting due to the laughing.

Brett- Meh ;)

Minimoosin- fun to watch him grow up from a squeaky 10 year old to having a voice that I have to question on the phone 'Uhh...Tanner?'... Lots of fun to be around and always able to get his Dad riled up nicely. Cant wait to be there when he gets his first big-game animal.

Looking forward to hunting with Torch.

Feel pretty privileged to call those guys my friends.

06-19-2011, 10:36 PM
Me too... This years gonna rock!!!

Too bad we'll have to "rough" it in my new 30' trailer...should be great times with greater people...

And hopefully we get to watch brett pop the cherry on his 338 edge...

06-19-2011, 11:03 PM
No real Crew to Speak of ... But I hunt regularly with Steve and Steve ....Its like my own episode of Newhart ;)(I am Mikey ... Dis my Brudder Steve... dis my udder Brudder Steve...LOL) and Willy_Q and his Clan I try to hook up with at least once or twice in a season when Schedules mesh up...

and anyone else that wants to go to the woods for a day .... but the people I mentioned in the top are the people I enjoy the most and trust with my life ....

06-19-2011, 11:40 PM
No real Crew to Speak of ... But I hunt regularly with Steve and Steve ....Its like my own episode of Newhart ;)(I am Mikey ... Dis my Brudder Steve... dis my udder Brudder Steve...LOL) and Willy_Q and his Clan I try to hook up with at least once or twice in a season when Schedules mesh up...

and anyone else that wants to go to the woods for a day .... but the people I mentioned in the top are the people I enjoy the most and trust with my life ....
mikey i would love to go hunting

06-20-2011, 05:43 PM
mikey i would love to go hunting

Ya .... You can come to I guess ;)

06-20-2011, 06:11 PM
I think it's a crazy idea to go on a sheep trip alone this year, but where can I find someone who is ready for this type of hunt? The partner who came along with me last year quit this year because he thought overall he wouldn't be ready yet...for last year's hunt he had worked out hard for a whole year and actually did well physically.

nature girl
06-20-2011, 06:57 PM
My crew is my boyfriend and I. But it would be nice to have other people to hunt with. Last year we just drove past these 3 guys in a camp in the lower valley. And we went thru the crossditches higher up in the valley. They saw our truck never move. We were walking around lots hunting. Well when we came out about 3 or 4 days later. We talked to them and they thought something had happened to us. By the sounds of it the one fellow sounded kind of worried. Now that would be the kind of people I would want in my hunting crew. If they are on this hunting site hopefully well see them again. All I know is they live in the Kootenays.

06-20-2011, 08:58 PM
My Dad - Always organized prior to our departure and a huge motivator. He's taught me most of what I know and has set a great example for me on how to be a successful but ethical hunter. He got me into hunting before I could walk and I will be forever grateful. My Dad is always good for lightening the mood at camp as well. He knows how to get us all laughing.

My Uncle Perry - If my Dad is organized then I don't know what you call Perry. He is the researcher. Always up to date and well informed on the best gear out there. He's the last one to bed in camp as he's always getting stuff together for the morning. He's also the first one up in the morning getting the coffee going and stoking the fire in the middle of the night. If anyone ever forgets anything Perry always has an extra.

Shawn - The plan maker. He's always got a great game plan and a back up in case the original fails. He's a keener and I can always count on him to climb higher and farther with me. He's an absolute bull and I don't think there's a place on Earth that him and I wouldn't pack a big game animal out of together. We always seem to have success whether it's with elk, deer or moose (fingers crossed it doesn't stop). Shawn adds some absolutely great humour to camp as well.

My friend Ryan - He's 22 like me and is always up for getting out. We got him into backpack hunting with us last year and he's loving it. Lots to learn but a great hunting partner to have. He's the give you the shirt off his back kind of guy. You can count on him for anything and I'm proud to call him a friend. We call ourselves the "Young Bucks" and we've also shared some great hunting success together.

Finally there's me - I'm as keen as anyone. I love getting out whether it's for a day trip or a 4 or 5 day backpack hunt. I'm definitely not as organized as the others in the group but I make up for that. For only being 22 I've been privileged to have a lot of hunting experience. I'd say I'm the one in the group who always wants to hike farther and hunt longer and harder. It seems to be paying off as I've harvested some great game and been in on many others. There's no place I love more than the great outdoors.

06-20-2011, 09:15 PM
My dad, never hunted with me so I was left at home while he went with his buddies.
My friends in school didn't know nothing about hunting either.
My one hunting partner sleeps in cuz he drinks a bit partying it up
Pete he makes too much noise dragging his butt around the bush so he's out.
My second cousin Jake is broke all the time
I basically taught myself how to hunt and hunted for years with success.
John well he does nothing in camp, no work or help so he's done.
Jp..I hunt pretty much alone cuz I walk and most others road hunt.

06-20-2011, 09:22 PM
My hunting crew?? Hmmm my son minimoosin, I have tried to have him out with me every chance I get. He is a licensed BC resident hunter this year, and is itchin to get his first critter. I can't even begin to show how proud I am of this little fella, umm, big little fella. The excitement and anticipation in his eyes when the stalk is on are memories I will cherish forever!

My father in law, he is in a bit of rough shape as of late due to fightin cancer and winning. He and I have been in some doozy hunts over the years, and have shared some wonderful adventures together.

My HBC buddies, Brett, Dawg, BCishome, and Torch. We will get er done this year boys!! The adventures I have had with these fellas are some very fun and memorable memories. The filthy off color humour of these guys is worth the trip hunting with them, never mind killing any critters!! Tomorrow after we get the LEH results will start to see the years plans come together. I am pretty stoked about my caribou hunt, and elk hunt in the GOS, and a late season deer hunt. The local hunting is going to be a blast as well.

I sure would like to get out with my dad again. My dad, my son and I bagged our very first critter together last year. Is sure liked the comradarie I felt out there with my dad and son. I felt a pride that I have never experienced before.

I will take a few days of hunting by myself though. I love the feeling of being out on a cool fall day with just myself and my thoughts. I have experienced some wonderful things in nature just walking and sitting by myself.


06-20-2011, 10:39 PM
Moosin ... we gotta hook up fer a day or few and get out ... catch up ... and have some fun ...

06-21-2011, 10:58 AM
Moosin ... we gotta hook up fer a day or few and get out ... catch up ... and have some fun ...
Yes sireee!! I will be around all summer, just scouting for elk and getting into caribou shape!! Moosin

06-21-2011, 07:35 PM
I like to have a mix of personalities around, keep things entertaining at night.

One guy is very good at setting up camp, not telling stories outside of camp and doing the dishes (a little bit of OCD, but not too much).

Another guy is full of all kinds of information relating to ballistics, lunar tables, statistics, truck modifications, deep frying, internet ID's and all things relating to gear choices for hunting (replaces the www when in hunting camp).

Another guy likes to pack out moose and is always greatfull to not have to cook. He can be a little tough on the beer supply at times though!

My dad comes along on occassion to make sure that I am fully occupied taking care of his needs when I get back to camp after a day of hunting. This provides the others endless entertainment (perhaps at my expense??).

Another guy is able to bring his young sons. These guys run errands for me while I am running errands for my dad. Not to mention they are pretty darn good spotters (ie: I can have a nap while they watch the country for game).

I fart and snore a whole bunch - after all everyone needs to bring something.

All of them are great to have around for unique reasons.

06-21-2011, 08:40 PM
usually it's just me, sometimes i try to get the 23 year old brother-in-law out of bed or pry him away from his playstation 3 to tag along (good luck),i have a better chance on winning the lottery or getting my LEH! my 4 year old daughter is always fun, dad i gotta pee!........dad i gotta pee! i want to go home, dad i have to pee again! i'm hungry! anyone looking for a new hunting partner? have guns,willing to travel (when i can get the car away from the girlfriend), and i don't take up much space!