View Full Version : Nailed a yote

09-13-2010, 11:47 PM
went out today lookin for deer saw a little spike and decided to let him grow up then I spied a yote on the run and felt like breakin in my new 300wsm forgot how fun it is to blast em

http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv74/log_roller/th_DSCF1008.jpg?t=1284446860 http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv74/log_roller/th_DSCF1007.jpg?t=1284446860 http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv74/log_roller/th_DSCF1005.jpg?t=1284446860

09-14-2010, 07:54 AM
nice the 300 makes a little hole

09-14-2010, 12:24 PM
I guess I could get into some serious sh--t for saying what I think about the hunters who feel they have to blast something. Coyotes are legal game, but as the man says, a little respect for wildlife is required too.

09-14-2010, 12:32 PM
good on ya for blasthing one! i blast every yote i see, or at least try to! there is only one yote i never took a crack at him i watched him for like 15 mins while me he was mousin in the field and i had him dead to rights as he walked closer and closer to me i had the cross hairs on him and i was goin to pull but then i remember that there was a bull moose in the area some where and i didnt wanna scare him away.

09-14-2010, 04:07 PM
I guess I could get into some serious sh--t for saying what I think about the hunters who feel they have to blast something. Coyotes are legal game, but as the man says, a little respect for wildlife is required too.
Yeah I agree , too early for a nice hide ....

09-14-2010, 04:29 PM
there is a nbl on them for a reason guys relax

09-14-2010, 09:58 PM
Yeah I agree , too early for a nice hide ....

I disagree it had a pretty nice hide........ before my 300 put a pie plate sized hole in it , personally I dont like yotes so the NBL is an added bonus . I can honestly say I had alot of fun and I mean fun giving that yote a dirt nap so much fun infact I ordered ab bunch of yote hunting crap from cabelas , I am very excited and can barely keep it in my pants, I used to get this kind of thrill when I first started hunting but it wore off , yote hunting gave me back my mojo

09-14-2010, 10:04 PM
what bullet where you shooting log roller? Good job. Way to many yotes around. Sure is fun eh. Even funner when ya call em in and they come in at mach 3 and there almost on your lap before you pull the trigger. Go get some more

09-14-2010, 10:31 PM
what bullet where you shooting log roller? Good job. Way to many yotes around. Sure is fun eh. Even funner when ya call em in and they come in at mach 3 and there almost on your lap before you pull the trigger. Go get some more

I have never tried calling them in but I ordered some johnny stuart and randy anderson calls from cabelas any tips from anyone would be great , I hit it with a federal powershok 180 gr

09-15-2010, 06:27 AM
I disagree it had a pretty nice hide........ ,
And you didnt skin it out because ??:confused: Dont get me wrong , I dont care how many coyotes you shoot but why just leave them lying around if you can pick up a few hundred bucks ? esp if you have hundreds you could easily buy a new rifle or 2 with the proceeds unless of course you dont like getting a little blood on your hands or find skinning a critter "yucky" ,
in which case I would suggest stick to shooting paper / cut-outs

09-15-2010, 07:53 AM
And you didnt skin it out because ??:confused: Dont get me wrong , I dont care how many coyotes you shoot but why just leave them lying around if you can pick up a few hundred bucks ? esp if you have hundreds you could easily buy a new rifle or 2 with the proceeds unless of course you dont like getting a little blood on your hands or find skinning a critter "yucky" ,
in which case I would suggest stick to shooting paper / cut-outs

who the hell pays a few hundred bucks to yote hides? why skin it out u dont have to. shoot it and leave it its calll population control. and i m pretty sure after he hit it with his 300 he wouldnt be able to sell that hide to anyone for any amount LOL

09-15-2010, 08:33 AM
i m pretty sure after he hit it with his 300 he wouldnt be able to sell that hide to anyone for any amount LOL[/quote]

The fur market for coyotes has not been good lately, however it is still a matter of ethics as to what you do with anything that you shoot. Coyotes that have been shot that have big holes can still be salvaged and sold for their fur by someone who knows what they are doing.

09-15-2010, 08:43 AM
I disagree it had a pretty nice hide........ before my 300 put a pie plate sized hole in it , personally I dont like yotes so the NBL is an added bonus . I can honestly say I had alot of fun and I mean fun giving that yote a dirt nap so much fun infact I ordered ab bunch of yote hunting crap from cabelas , I am very excited and can barely keep it in my pants, I used to get this kind of thrill when I first started hunting but it wore off , yote hunting gave me back my mojo

Nothing like finding your mojo again!!!! Hunting thrills me too. Especially when my kids are out with me & you try to get them pumped.

09-15-2010, 09:52 AM
leave it its calll population control.

How does that work?

09-15-2010, 04:26 PM
who the hell pays a few hundred bucks to yote hides? why skin it out u dont have to. shoot it and leave it its calll population control. and i m pretty sure after he hit it with his 300 he wouldnt be able to sell that hide to anyone for any amount LOL
Vancouver fur auction is who i used to ship to ... i believe there is a auction in edmonton as well , Pete would be able to confirm for the address if you asked nice . It depends how many hides you sent in even @ $20 per you would only need 10 to make $200 and logroller had said he had hundreds in his area ..... you do the math ! And as for the hole nothing a needle and thread cant fix ... and my point is that You Should Have To ...

09-15-2010, 04:33 PM
Vancouver fur auction is who i used to ship to ... i believe there is a auction in edmonton as well , Pete would be able to confirm for the address if you asked nice . It depends how many hides you sent in even @ $20 per you would only need 10 to make $200 and logroller had said he had hundreds in his area ..... you do the math ! And as for the hole nothing a needle and thread cant fix ... and my point is that You Should Have To ...
Holy sh^t dannybuoy...get over it already........nice shootin logrollerhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

09-15-2010, 04:50 PM
i shoot every coyote i see especially on my land, theres waaay to many of them and if you've had your dog attacked/ killed like i have then you'd know why we shoot them. good shootin!!

09-15-2010, 05:04 PM
Holy sh^t dannybuoy...get over it already........nice shootin logrollerhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif
Just answering a question for the guy .... nothing to get over :-D
besides how else can the youngsters learn ?

09-15-2010, 07:34 PM
Vancouver fur auction is who i used to ship to ... i believe there is a auction in edmonton as well , Pete would be able to confirm for the address if you asked nice . It depends how many hides you sent in even @ $20 per you would only need 10 to make $200 and logroller had said he had hundreds in his area ..... you do the math ! And as for the hole nothing a needle and thread cant fix ... and my point is that You Should Have To ...
well tell ya what when i shoot coyotes this fall i will let ya know where they are and u can go pick them up and skin them and makes some money

09-15-2010, 10:38 PM
Vancouver fur auction is who i used to ship to ... i believe there is a auction in edmonton as well , Pete would be able to confirm for the address if you asked nice . It depends how many hides you sent in even @ $20 per you would only need 10 to make $200 and logroller had said he had hundreds in his area ..... you do the math ! And as for the hole nothing a needle and thread cant fix ... and my point is that You Should Have To ...

Put the box of tissue down and wipe the tears from your eyes its blurrin your vision, where did I say there were hundreds in my area

09-15-2010, 10:55 PM
for the record, legally you have to remove the fur from the carcass. So shooting them and throwing them in the ditch is not 100% legal in BC


09-15-2010, 11:10 PM
where does it say he never skinned it out?

09-15-2010, 11:22 PM
didn't accuse anyone of anything, I was making a statement on the BC Hunting regulations. Where does it say he did skin it?

09-16-2010, 06:20 AM
for the record, legally you have to remove the fur from the carcass. So shooting them and throwing them in the ditch is not 100% legal in BC


where is that in the regs? not sayin it doesnt say it i just havent read it in there and i looked for it.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-16-2010, 06:29 AM
where is that in the regs? not sayin it doesnt say it i just havent read it in there and i looked for it.

You could also keep the yote in the round. What you do with it once it's home is your business...uless you sell it then you must pay the royalty fee.

From the regs...........

"Of grizzly bear,
cougar or a furbearing animal other than
a black bear, the hide must be removed
to the person’s normal dwelling place or
to a meat cutter, the owner or operator
of a cold storage plant or to a taxidermist,
tanner or a fur trader. A person who kills
wildlife is exempted from the requirement
to remove the hide if that person
transfers possession of the wildlife to
another person who complies with the


09-16-2010, 08:47 AM
^^^ right there

thanks SSS

09-16-2010, 12:32 PM
If you want some extra bucks, you can mail the feet to Saskatchewan to someone you know and get 5$ a foot/20$ for a set. Last year they paid out for 70,000 sets of 4 feet! Supposed to be sask coyotes though.

Good shootin' loggroller, great practice for the big buck

09-17-2010, 07:46 AM
Wow that 300 really tore 'im a new one!! Nice job, and I agree 'yote hunting is a ton of fun.