View Full Version : Frustrating hunting season so far?

09-11-2010, 06:59 PM
well...I guess for now...this can be the frustrating bitch thread.....because i guess we all know by now...everyone who has joined this site loves to hunt and be a hunter...and we all love all the other people on the site in a round about way....as long as we dont shoot the animals the other person has been dreaming about all last winter ha ha...well i gotta say...im frustrated. i missed a wolf the day my buddy dropped a moose which is great...but my hunting career...went nowhere fast...the wolf i missed was white and huge..and im pissed at myself...but thats hunting...then me and my buddy bugled in to close quarters 3 bull elk in one day....but due to being a dumbass....we couldnt deliver...then this morning...weather was perfect up here in fort st john...i went to a spot where i put in tons of preseason...and thought i had a under the radar good spot...i had a guy driving through bugling on his quad...and some other random dude driving through at prime time after a decent sweaty bootpack...i didnt even get to sneaking down the game trails before it was totally stirred up...i know its a free country and all that..but i definitely learned my lesson yet again for not just hunting on my boots in solid timber....im definitely frustrated so far...but tomorow brings a week of elk hunting with some solid dudes....packboard and a game trail...i hope finally weather will be ok and i can get an experience that ive dreamed about for 2 years now...seeing as ...i had a no shoot year last year...for the first time in quite some time...I wish everyone the best and hope your season in going well....but to be selfish for one thread...this year makes me wanna punch myself so far....so any other dude out there care to whine?

09-11-2010, 07:27 PM
Opening day piston went in my rear brake drum. Today 4 hours up the mountain my ignition decides to jam and stop working. Luckily a mechanic drives by and saves my ass.

First two days of my hunting season isn't going so great.

09-11-2010, 07:59 PM
...dude...you see what im saying tho...it can only get better i guess....maybe karma is saving the big one for us...

09-11-2010, 08:30 PM
Still bettor that work?

09-11-2010, 08:31 PM
ahh....this is true kennyj....thanks for giving me some perspective....

09-11-2010, 09:04 PM
It could be worse,don,t forget how much of the year we wait just to get to go hunting.

09-11-2010, 09:10 PM
ha ha ya man i know....and the 1000's of dollars....got a 2 tag tatanka hunt comin...and ive pretty much spent 10 000 bucks or more on hunting this year...bought a quad and what not...it just keeps you coming back....the love of hunting....even the close calls and the majesty of it all are well worth it....dont get me wrong brother....sometimes you just wanna waaaaahhh about the whole thing....

09-11-2010, 09:17 PM
Quading and bugling haha haha.

That would not surprise me at all.

09-11-2010, 09:34 PM
Good Luck and dont forget the cam-take lots of pix!!

09-11-2010, 09:41 PM
ya dude it was ridiculous...i trailcammed this area since the end of june...i thought it was like a big secret...boy am i dumb....so i walk all this frickin way...and im like sweating.....bad in the dark...and im skinny...and its good to see through my x50 scope...finally...and i still resist the urge til im right where i wanna be...so i finally let fly...and ...nothin so ...i decide to go the 60 yards or so to my trail cam and i hear a bugle...just as i get to the game trail...i hear a bugle...and i know right away its a dude...so i walk the 30 yards in to my cam and im thinkin...shit man the jig is up...this spots sunk...and who do i see?...this dude goin 30 km standing on his quad....with a bugle flappin on his back...good to see the spot went to a good cause...glad i got up at 3 thirty for that...im standing there on a poplar flat like a sore thumb...i didnt move a muscle..dude doesnt even see me...well...the spots a spot no longer im done there...rise of the quadbuglers...

09-12-2010, 01:07 PM
I think we all go through this regularly. Thats what hunting is about. Lots of failures to one success. As far as running into other hunters, you always will. I have been on the mountain many times and watched other hunters going about their hunting. Sometimes I sneak in and say hello. I find this pisses some people off, as they feel you are in their area. There are even backpack hunters that have no morals. I new a guy on a fly in sheep hunt. He spotted a legal ram late in the day, and was planning on hunting him in the morning. Another backpack hunter came by. The first hunter told him of what was going on, and the second hunter moved on. At first light the first hunter was moving in on the ram when he heard a shot. He continued on and there was the other hunter gutting the ram he was hunting. Apparently the other hunter had moved in on the ram during the night. How could you do that to someone. Thats not what hunting is about. I spotted a buck one year in the alpine out of Lilloett. I was moving in and came across another hunter and his young son, covered in sweat nad panting. I learned that they had spotted the buck 2 hrs before me from another mountain and were hustling to get on it. I stayed with his young son and gave him hand signals while he moved in and took the buck. This was one of the greatest experiences I have had hunting. I wouldnt have been as happy if I had taken that buck. Afterwards, the father said that he expected a fight when he came across me. That is what hunting is about.

09-12-2010, 04:04 PM
quad bugling- I'm gonna have to try that now that I have a quad ;)

09-12-2010, 04:29 PM
...dude...you see what im saying tho...it can only get better i guess....maybe karma is saving the big one for us...

I sure hope so! :)

09-12-2010, 06:11 PM
I got a rabbit and a big ass load of fire wood and an extra day off work.Tommorow is gonna suck,back to the job site.

09-12-2010, 08:46 PM
Shawn, I got you beat. Once was sitting on the edge of an agriculture field waiting for the elk to come off, I had crept in with my bow 1 1/2 hours before first light and sat waiting patiently. Just before first light, I see lights bounce around on the trees behind me. Here is a truck driving through the middle of the field that I am expecting the elk to come off of. I watch as buddy hoists himself out of his truck and comes and stands about 20 yards from me with a travel mug of coffee in one hand and a crossbow in the other. No word of a lie.
Funny thing was I came very close to getting an elk that morning, right under Bubba's nose.:wink:

09-12-2010, 09:04 PM
Getting excited the whole week before the Sept 10th opening. Was up in the region I chose the weekend before looking around. Found a spot to hunt.

Wednesday afternoon after work my oil pressure gauge in my 4x4 hits the little plastic needle stopper under low and stay's there. Then on the drive home comes the lifter ticking. Arrg two nights before my very first hunting trip and the oil pump goes on my truck.

I was stuck using a 2 wheel drive pickup this weekend and couldn't get to the spot I found last weekend. Can't complain too much though as at least I still got out there and wasn't stuck at home.

09-12-2010, 09:10 PM
I think we all go through this regularly. Thats what hunting is about. Lots of failures to one success. As far as running into other hunters, you always will. I have been on the mountain many times and watched other hunters going about their hunting. Sometimes I sneak in and say hello. I find this pisses some people off, as they feel you are in their area. There are even backpack hunters that have no morals. I new a guy on a fly in sheep hunt. He spotted a legal ram late in the day, and was planning on hunting him in the morning. Another backpack hunter came by. The first hunter told him of what was going on, and the second hunter moved on. At first light the first hunter was moving in on the ram when he heard a shot. He continued on and there was the other hunter gutting the ram he was hunting. Apparently the other hunter had moved in on the ram during the night. How could you do that to someone. Thats not what hunting is about. I spotted a buck one year in the alpine out of Lilloett. I was moving in and came across another hunter and his young son, covered in sweat nad panting. I learned that they had spotted the buck 2 hrs before me from another mountain and were hustling to get on it. I stayed with his young son and gave him hand signals while he moved in and took the buck. This was one of the greatest experiences I have had hunting. I wouldnt have been as happy if I had taken that buck. Afterwards, the father said that he expected a fight when he came across me. That is what hunting is about.

I aspire to be able to do the same one day now that I've started hunting. This is the best post I have ever read on here for the short while I have been lurking.

09-13-2010, 10:59 AM
My dad and I were the first people on a dead end road Saturday morning. I look up and see a bachlror group of bucks running away. I jump off the quad. Take up a rest in a pile of dirt and wait for them to stop. First buck is a nice 4x4. Then, a white chev comes up behind us, doesn't stop or slow down. The deer keep on running and dip in behind a hill. The guy drives up next to me and says, "did ya get em?" as I reply. "no, they wouldn't stop running". He then goes out of his way to drive around our quads and continue up this dead end road. What an ignorant SOB. I'm still pissed about it. If that was me that came upon that situation, I would have stopped and turned my truck off until I got an all clear and then promptly turned around and left them to the area. We left that area and motored on to another where the deer were headed. As we get to where we were going to walk, there is a guy and his son getting out of their truck to go for a walk. I roll up and inform them that there is a bachelor group of bucks coming up towards where they are going walking. I say good luck, they say thanks and we are on our way. Some people have absolutely ZERO hunter etiquette.

09-13-2010, 05:23 PM
My dad and I were the first people on a dead end road Saturday morning. I look up and see a bachlror group of bucks running away. I jump off the quad. Take up a rest in a pile of dirt and wait for them to stop. First buck is a nice 4x4. Then, a white chev comes up behind us, doesn't stop or slow down. The deer keep on running and dip in behind a hill. The guy drives up next to me and says, "did ya get em?" as I reply. "no, they wouldn't stop running". He then goes out of his way to drive around our quads and continue up this dead end road. What an ignorant SOB. I'm still pissed about it. If that was me that came upon that situation, I would have stopped and turned my truck off until I got an all clear and then promptly turned around and left them to the area. We left that area and motored on to another where the deer were headed. As we get to where we were going to walk, there is a guy and his son getting out of their truck to go for a walk. I roll up and inform them that there is a bachelor group of bucks coming up towards where they are going walking. I say good luck, they say thanks and we are on our way. Some people have absolutely ZERO hunter etiquette.

Ya i'd say I would be a little angry myself. Being a newbie all that kept running through my mind when out walking and searching was "Am I walking right through someones area they are monitoring? Say someone who is sitting in a tree stand or somewhere out of sight while looking at me with bino's. I figured well if I am all I can do is apologize afterwards if I run into them.

Ghost Stalker
09-13-2010, 06:00 PM
god i hope the guys i tell about are on here. was at cooper lake on friday night(hiked in with my buddys nephew). no one there so we pitched camp. went to bed with alarm set for 6:10. at 6:05 2 quads come ripping in. on guy says are you awake and i say yes. got dressed and came out of the tent to find they have started up the lake. now this spot is a 1 group spot so they were obviously just being dicks. i walk to the waters edge and yell "ya know that's a bit of a douche thing to do" the tough guy yells F U we were here last week(not sure how that makes it ok). so we pack up camp and do a lil howling to see if there are any wolves in the area lol. oh ya just before leaving we needed to sight in our rifles. the nerve of some people. if you are reading this douchebags from the lake you are more than welcome to reply or PM me. i'd love to get you take on this.

09-14-2010, 12:10 AM
I also had an experience with a poor sport last weekend. I was riding my quad with my wife to our spot at the end of some spur road when on my way some guy is walking down the main road with a pack and gun. So I stop and see if he is on an animal. He gives no signal just keeps walking as if he didn't see me. So I pull up to him and ask him which way he is going to at the upcoming cuts. All he says to me is "You aren't going past me". I was baffled by this response because he is walking down a main road not even a spur. So I calmly turned around and left but if I hadn't have been with my wife I don't think I would have been so polite. But I hope he is on here because that evening I went back up that road and seen the biggest mulie of my life. HAHAHA

09-14-2010, 07:40 PM
Kind words Teskelly. You are already that kind of person. Meeting people like you on the mountain always makes my day. I met two great people on an earlier hunt this year. My son and I arrived at our intended camp location and two gents were in it. We said hello and asked if they minded if we set up our camp at a site 200 yards from them. They said sure and then offered to share there camp. We did set up our own camp and enjoyed there company during evenings. We shared our next days plans during these visits so as to avoid running into each other. I felt an extra measure of security being camped near good people like this. Sorry to here about the oil pump. Have a good season.

09-19-2010, 05:22 PM
dude thats frickin brutal....i guess hunting means different things to different people...