View Full Version : Slob hunters

04-30-2006, 09:20 AM
I was out scouting for turkeys yesterday and couldn't believe all the garbage I found,beer cans, candy wrappers etc. . I suspect a lot of it is from hunters. I found stuff where guys probably parked while glassing areas. I get concerned about hunters reputations (not to mention my safety when I am walking in the bush in an area some guy with a gun has been downing a sixpack of beer) when I see this kind of stuff. I don't know what the rest of us can do to try and educate people like this, but I can't help but feel we should be trying to do something.

04-30-2006, 09:40 AM
i don't know if there is much we can do to break the bad habits of some already established slob hunters,i know i always try to set a good example for my kids when i'm out.I'll point out a certain area as we walk by and make them realize that the garbage on the ground ( or the 200 hundred spent shot gun shells )should have been packed out by who ever brought it in.I always make sure i leave my campsite cleaner then when i found it, and hopefully by educating the younger generation of hunters , campers we can eventually have a cleaner forest for all of us.As far as trying to teach some of the established slob hunters, campers i dont think it would be a good idea to approach the guy and tell him to pick up his trash after he drank that 6-pack.

mainland hunter
04-30-2006, 09:49 AM
the only thing u can really do is pick it up after them. its too bad. we want to be known as the original conservationists as hunters but there are a lot of hunters who think nothing of leaving there garbage behind. I'll usually just clean it up if i can. ive hunted with a few guys who have thrown trash down while we're hunting. rather than say anything i just pick it up right in front of them. they usually get the hint

04-30-2006, 09:55 AM
yep i agree mainland hunter i cant tell you the number of times i came out of the bush with more than just my garbage, but i also think if we want this to stop we have to educate the younger generation and set an example ourselves which i like to think most hunters do.

04-30-2006, 10:43 AM
I found a fence last year where the fence post had been shot with a shot gun until it fell in half. All of the shells were still on the ground. They must of shot off a dozen or more boxes.

04-30-2006, 10:53 AM
:x I agree about slobs !!! Plus they are always the biggest bitchers about the Gov. and rules. The thing is there wouldn't be any need if we all acted our bloody age. As I get older I tend to bark up these guys rearends pretty good.

I sure hope they don't ruin it for the rest of us.

04-30-2006, 10:59 AM
:grin: I should add that the majority of us are not slobs but "Damn good men" and women.

04-30-2006, 12:05 PM
or the 200 hundred spent shot gun shells

That always cheezes me off. I can see not picking up your 22 casings, but good lord, it's not like it's hard to see spend 12 guage shells and it takes 3 minutes to collect 'em all up and keep our reputations clean.

04-30-2006, 12:15 PM
the spent shotgun shells is something that really makes me mad and on my first trip out this year i walked up an old road into the middle of a cut block i like to sit and watch and get up there and no word of a lie must have been 200 spent shells on the ground.( and yes i did pack them all out and throw them in the garbage)

04-30-2006, 02:53 PM
We should have a SLOB thread and post plate #'s or pics.

04-30-2006, 07:00 PM
Interesting thread, I would like to suggest that those that abuse the woods such as these people do are NOT hunters, a true hunter is respectful of the environment in which he or she needs to enjoy the privledge of hunting. I believe by labelling these slobs, hunters we do ourselves a disservice as well as promote the non hunting publics image of hunters as drunks in four by fours with guns.

moose hunter
04-30-2006, 07:17 PM
my dad will have a beer after he gets a moose while gutting it but thats as far as he will go and he picks up after himself and so do i, i am educated enough to know that these kind of people give us all a bad reputation i pick up my spent shells or i try somtimes i lose trck of where they went cuz im shooting a deer, caught some guys tresspassing on a friends land they ripped around on there atvs and even took shots at livestock they were stinking drunk and we found there jeep rolled over in the ditch up the road we called the c.os on the cb since we ran into them in the morning they came and police came and arrested all 4 of them they r lucky they didnt hit any livestock with there shot gun or else theyd be in way more trouble at least we know they woke up with a hgue hangover a couple thousand dollar fines and a few more weeks in jail it was easy to tell it was there jeep with a trail of beer cans down the road

04-30-2006, 07:25 PM
I know there must be some slobs that hunt but just last week high up on a hill above Norrish creek we watched a few guys blaze a whole Wallymart brick of 12ga and a few handgun rounds at a broken old fridge. They were having a good time and left just as fast as they came. An NO they weren't hunters!!

Geez I like my new bino's just wish I could find animals with them instead of dingbats!!!

05-01-2006, 10:42 AM
Guys like that really piss me off. My wife and kids help me pick up garbage in the areas we go. The kids really can't understand why some people do it. Hell, I don't understand it either. How hard is it to bring your garbage with you?

05-01-2006, 10:52 AM
I usually find a ton of garbage in the spring (when the roads just open up)when I am bear hunting. More then any other season. I would say most of it appears as the snow melts so I think a lot of it comes from snowmobile crowd. That is just my opinion.

I was once working an area close to kelowna when a guy came up and said there was about 10 bags of household garbage all spread about (coyotes and ravens). He said there were bills and even transcripts in the garbage. I phoned the CO and he found the guy through the garbage. The CO gave him the choice do nothing and pay a $600 (waste management fine) or pick up the garbage, take it to the landfill (reciept required) and a $100 littering fine. The guy chose the latter.

It just makes me wonder why somebody would take household garbage up into the hills when there are tons of dumpsters around town that are never locked. Gotta shake your head sometimes.


05-01-2006, 12:51 PM
I hear ya on this one...seems like as soon as hunting season opens up the amount of crap on the sides of the roads increases....most of that crap being beer cans...always made me a little wary the idea of drunk hunters running around with guns. I've heard a few interesting stories about drunk moose hunters shooting their "moose" only to find out it had shoes on, and was a horse or mule. Really makes you wanna wear bright colors when you're out riding in the bush. Whatever you take into the bush should come out with you, regardless...there's nothing more disgusting than finding somebody's old camp, whether hunting or otherwise, and they have their garbage and what not left all over the place...makes the rest of us look bad.

05-01-2006, 03:00 PM
we always blame hunters but there`s lots of other people in the bush. i think the worst for leaving garbage are mushroom pickers and fisherman now a lot of you on this form fish but the garbage left on the ice from icefishing is nasty and the balls of line left allong the steelhead rivers is bad. I have seen some pretty nasty hunting camps not garbage but human waste a hole could be dug and filled in.

05-01-2006, 03:12 PM
I have to agree some fisherman is pigs. The amount of garbage I pack off the bar in a season would fill a dumpster.My kids pickup 100's of yards of line every trip out. All you can do is try to educate people on the damage it does.

05-01-2006, 03:37 PM
I went ice fishing for the last time this year a few weeks back. I could not believe all the fire pits on the ice with half burnt beer cans, bottles of whiskey, potatoe chip bags, etc. I can't understand why somebody would want to pollute and dump garbage into the waters in which they take fish from.

05-01-2006, 08:30 PM
It's really bad around Nanaimo area. There is a lot of area's close to town that you can access the bush from and just about anywhere just out of city limits you'll find tons (and I mean tons) of garbage on the logging roads and at the gates. Furniture, drywall, tires, household garbage, you name it. Some of the roads up Mt. Benson have piles so high you can't see over them. A lot of volunteers help clean up the mess every so often but as soon as you clean it up more appears. I heard they even set up camera's to try and catch people in the act. The whole situation is grim. Most of this mess is not hunters but ignorant people who burn 10 bucks in gas to save the 2 dollar dump fee? go figure? and contractors trying to cheat the outrageous drywall disposal fee's. If they lowered the cost of some of these disposal fee's (like drywall and other items) it would help a lot.

I've been to prestine hike in alpine lakes for fishing only to find some jack@## left his garbage behind. I, like some of the others that have posted, end up to many times hauling other peoples mess out of the bush. Somebody has to do it you just can't leave it. Some salal pickers are bad for leaving a mess in the woods too.

05-02-2006, 05:46 AM
I don't think we can blame just hunters for the mess that is left in the woods. I would say that all user groups have their litter bugs in their midst.

My buddy was driving up Penticton Creek when he came across a person dumping garbage into the canyon. He drove up and confronted the person who proceeded to verbally abuse my buddy after he told him to put the garbage back into the truck. My buddy calmly walked back to his vehicle and locked in the hubs. The litter bug questioned what he was doing and my buddy replied that he was going to push the litter bug's vehicle into the canyon. My buddy started creeping toward the litterbug's vehicle and all of a sudden the litter bug started heaving the garbage back into his truck. He finally got all the garbage back into the truck and went down and told the police there was this crazy guy on the mountain. The police told my buddy to next time get a license number and not threaten to push the guy's vehicle into the canyon.

05-02-2006, 06:12 AM
He finally got all the garbage back into the truck and went down and told the police there was this crazy guy on the mountain. The police told my buddy to next time get a license number and not threaten to push the guy's vehicle into the canyon.
LOL Gotta luv it. I bet the guy didn't confess what 'he' was doing on the mtn. Sometimes 'peer' pressure is the best tool.

05-02-2006, 06:35 AM
we have a good bunch of wilderness watch up here they do a good job. but they catch someone bumping garbage red handed take pics of the lic plate. non of then have been convicted because the courts are to busy and it gets cancelad.

05-03-2006, 09:32 AM
I like the idea of taking license plate numbers and making the powers that be aware of the idiots that are out there making a mess. I think that a lot of the people that do these kinds of things have no concept of the impact that they have on others. I remember a few years ago a handful of us were hunting elk together. We had parked our vehicles to clearly show the area that we had hiked in to. we had elk bugling and moving when all of a sudden this guy drives in on a trail on his ATV with his two radio blaring as he was talking to his wife back in camp. Everyone on the mountain could hear him, as well as the elk of course. The elk took off and when we came down the mountain we ran into the fellow. He was a nice old guy who didn't have a clue. He was wondering why we had trucks parked the way we did and where all the people were. He also couldn't figure out why he hadn't seen any game all week, he just figured there were no animals around. I have had lots of these kind of situations where slob hunters show their other side. By the way this guy threw some wrappers out as he was driving away. We picked them up of course.

05-03-2006, 10:01 AM
Are you sure he was a hunter? I have over heard yahoo anti's planning to do just what that guy did, make as much noise as possible to disturb the wildlife so they spook.


05-03-2006, 02:52 PM
He was a hunter for sure, he had more gear than most of us could ever dream of. I have seen his camp over the past few years, and every year he has some new toy. His truck and camper are worth more than my house.
Unfortunately, I have had numereous other similar type experiences with guys trying to slip and take an animal I was working. I was working an elk in two years ago, and another hunter who was scouting the spot for the next morning came in and chased it off. When I confronted him about it his defense was that he hunts there all the time and he had never seen my vehicle in the area before. So basically he felt he owned the animal because it was in his backyard.
My point being that this type of thinking tends to go hand in hand with poor enviromental conscience, and has a an everyone else be damned attitude.

moose hunter
05-03-2006, 03:57 PM
we have had ppl hunt deer on our property with out permission and when we tell them they have to leave they freak and say this isnt your land so you cant tell me to leave there faces turn around completel;y when we tell them it is

05-03-2006, 04:12 PM
I have backpacked things as bizarre as large, glass pickle jars left by "environmentalists" near the top of Earl Grey Pass back out to "civilization" and when I met the people who had left this debris, later in Nelson, they turned out to be strong "anti-hunters", BUT, "wilderness advocates".....yeah, sure.

There are pr**ks and azzWholes in every group of outdoor users, I just keep a garbage can, a re-cycling can, shovel, rake and so forth in my vehicle and clean up every mess I find. I bet that I have cleaned up Blanket Cr. campsite in the Yalakom a half dozen times and even packed a driveshaft out of upper Churn Cr. lashed to my backpack. I could have cheerfully S**t the MF'er who left it there!

Ya just gotta do yer best to cleanup and educate people, I will not leave even beer bottle caps, lifter tabs or .22 casings anywhere and make sure to deeply bury every "bio-deposit" I have to leave.

05-06-2006, 04:20 PM
Ya I agree we should label them just SLOBS/PIGS not anything else.

05-13-2006, 08:12 PM
well i was out in the harrison area today and came across another site where some people had been shooting and found 12 empty boxes of 25 shotgun shells in 12 gauge aswell as an empty box 100 12 gauge shells , and if i picked up all the spent shells i bet i could have refilled those boxes.I also found for empty boxes of .22 shells at the same site.But this is what really pissed me off is these idiots had been shooting at 2 empty propane cylinders that you would use for soldering, what would have happened if there had been enough fuel left in one of those to start a fire, the results would have been devastating.You now if people want to be that stupid atleast pack out the garbage/evidence , there is no need to leave it behind.

05-13-2006, 09:49 PM
someone came into are range last week sometime we have a small room at the end of our pistol bays. It has a wood stove and a electric kettle for making tea & coffee. They sat in this room 8-10 and shot beer bottles of a shelf and shot the kettle full of holes.

05-13-2006, 10:02 PM
Hopefully the idiots deafened themselves Sealevel. Fred