View Full Version : Broadheads: my ongoing selection saga

09-04-2010, 10:33 AM
So far this year, I have played with a number of different broadheads. In no particular order they include:
Slick Tricks
NAP Shockwave
Magnus 2 blade
Eastman Outfitters "Sabre Titanium"

All have been fine until about 30 yards, where planing seems to start with the big Magnus, Tekans not deploying, and general straying of most of the heads. The only ones I've had flight consistency with are the Sabre Titaniums, but as I found out yesterday, the blades are thin and soft, and curled upon impact (thankfully not on an animal).
What I changed this year was the weight of my arrows (went heavier), and the new ones have the little blazer vanes, much smaller than the beasts I've been using.
I have been sure to tune the heads to the shafts, so I don't think that's the issue. I'm sure a lot of it is "user error". I am going to pick up some others today, and continue the trial and error joy. Not a great deal of selection here in PG though.

09-04-2010, 03:00 PM
Your right ... there isnt alot of selection here in PG ...

I have heard decent reviews of the Grim reapers .. but I have never used them ....

This year I am using Trophy Ridge Rocket "Ultimate Steels" as a Fixed head with replacable blades and I have the Same POI out to 90 Meters with them. They are small (7/8") and short, the blades are thick considering some that are out there.
I also like the steelhead XPs for a mechanical head
See if you can find some Rocky Mtn Premiere or Titanium ... as they will give you a larger Diameter Cut ...

I noticed tthe Muzzy MX series wasnt on your list ... you would be wise to give them a chance ... I personally like the 4 blade series

09-04-2010, 03:27 PM
Mikey, fortuitously, I was just down at Troutfitters and picked up a pack of the Muzzy MX-3 series. I see they are nice enough to include practice blades. I'm heading out in an hour or so to give 'em a whirl. Are you getting the Trophy Ridge heads in Calgary, or online? I have not seen them in town...

09-04-2010, 07:28 PM
Ahhh narrowing down the broadheads eh? This one can spend a boat load of time on. I also like the Trophy Ridge stuff, not the most durable but great reviews in terms of putting down in a hurry and reasonably priced. Bump for the Grims as well that would be my next choice. So safe to guess you selected a bow? What did you get?

09-04-2010, 07:35 PM
If you can keep alittle more weight up front (FOC) it will help with the longer shots and penetration. Also consider your vane set up, with 3 degree RH Helical being the best choice to impart some good stabilizing spin to your arrow.

09-04-2010, 09:33 PM
Big fan of Rocky mountain titaniums myself...

09-04-2010, 10:12 PM
Went out this afternoon and tried out the Muzzy's, and am pretty happy with them. Trashed the practice blades on a shot that went awry, but they ultimately still flew well. I also found they fly pretty much the same as Judo points, which is a nice touch when I happen upon grouse and bunnies. No having to readjust the sights...
Slugman, I have not purchased a new bow yet, but it's a toss up between the G5 and the PSE Bow Madness. Both are roughly the same price here.

09-05-2010, 09:02 AM
I mostly get the TR heads out of Calgary Archery Center

09-05-2010, 09:20 AM
A little bit off the topic. What if the arrow shaft breaks off the game and the broadhead is left in its body? Will the game still die over time?

09-05-2010, 09:43 AM
A little bit off the topic. What if the arrow shaft breaks off the game and the broadhead is left in its body? Will the game still die over time?

Depending upon where the animal is hit ... if its a good hit like Lungs heart liver etc ... then yes the animal will still bleed out like it normally does ... alot of times if you get a decent hit on an animal ... and the arrow shaft smacks a tree and breaks off in the animal ... that Broadhead is moving around inside and cutting up anything it comes in contact with.

For example .. I made a Mediocre shot on a deer once about 9 years ago ... little more forward than what I wanted and not much penitration... as the deer ran away I could see the fletches of the arrow moving in a circular motion as the legs moved .... weknew the area pretty well and know that Injured animals look for cover and or water ...being in the bald ass praire the options are limited so we knew where he was going ... we recovered the deer about 1.5 hours later and like I suspected Penitration wasnt all that much ...but just enough through the shoulder to tag one lung ... as well feild dressed the buck we saw that one lung was nothing more than a pile of jelly from being sliced up by that BH moving around while he ran those few hundred meters...

On a poor hit ie: rump ... Probally not so much unless you got lucky and hit a major arterie and it bleeds out

09-05-2010, 09:53 AM
How far did your deer run and how good/bad the blood trail was for that shot?

09-05-2010, 09:56 AM
I mostly get the TR heads out of Calgary Archery Center

I was out in Calgary (Strathmore actually) a month or so ago, but didn't get a chance to head down there. I wish those guys would hurry up and update their website. It's been out of commission for over a year now.

09-05-2010, 11:23 AM
yea I hear ya .... Al is not a techno guy .... I phone them and talk to Craig whenever I want something

09-05-2010, 11:28 AM
How far did your deer run and how good/bad the blood trail was for that shot?

about 1/2 a KM or so ... there was some blood but not alot ... I honestly didnt look for blood on the ground ... I knew I had hit him and could see see blood on his side ... it was near Vulcan AB ... Bald assed Prairie ... seen him hightail it to the "island " of trees and water .... didnt take long to search him out .... most of that time was in the truck yakking about what to do next and eating jerky actually ... there was alot of blood however where he bedded down

Bow Walker
09-05-2010, 02:19 PM
If you can keep alittle more weight up front (FOC) it will help with the longer shots and penetration. Also consider your vane set up, with 3 degree RH Helical being the best choice to impart some good stabilizing spin to your arrow.
Excellent advice there.

I was going to suggest the Muzzy's myself - but I wasn't online at all yesterday - they seem to fly great. I've bought the MX-3's and some that came in a package of 6 heads. Both types are good.

So far I've had really good success with my Slick Tricks, both in flying like my field tips (I've shot out to 50 yards at small-sized plastic pop bottles and hit them consistently) and also in killing the game quickly when I do hit them.

Sideofabarn - do you have an arrow spinner and do you spin-test the completed hunting arrow to make sure that it spins true? When I do that, my broadheads fly just like my field tips. Maybe I'm just lucky so far?

09-05-2010, 05:00 PM
RAGE....Awesome blood trail...Made of thicker metal....Little pricey, but at least you find the crtiiter at the end of the trail... :)

09-05-2010, 06:13 PM
How about the NAP crossbow thunderhead? Anyone tried those?

09-05-2010, 09:29 PM
Excellent advice there.

I was going to suggest the Muzzy's myself - but I wasn't online at all yesterday - they seem to fly great. I've bought the MX-3's and some that came in a package of 6 heads. Both types are good.

So far I've had really good success with my Slick Tricks, both in flying like my field tips (I've shot out to 50 yards at small-sized plastic pop bottles and hit them consistently) and also in killing the game quickly when I do hit them.

Sideofabarn - do you have an arrow spinner and do you spin-test the completed hunting arrow to make sure that it spins true? When I do that, my broadheads fly just like my field tips. Maybe I'm just lucky so far?

No, I do not have an arrow spinner. I keep thinking about picking one up, but I haven't seen any here in PG. Are they simple enough to make, as opposed to buying one?

afflicted 1
09-05-2010, 10:23 PM
G5 strikers are worth a try, I like the Montecs but the litz blades on the strikers are deadly sharp and they shoot with my field points.

Bow Walker
09-06-2010, 12:12 AM
No, I do not have an arrow spinner. I keep thinking about picking one up, but I haven't seen any here in PG. Are they simple enough to make, as opposed to buying one?
The are (or should be) pretty easy to make, with a little ingenuity. Take a look a the picture to get an idea of how they work and then go for it. the only thing I'd suggest is that you make sure the arrow will spin with very little effort on your part - it has to spin freely for it to be any good.

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Pine_Ridge_Arrow_Spinner1.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20306)

09-06-2010, 02:55 PM
I use a 100g G-5 Striker. Made three successful kills out of 3 shots, all with excellent penetration. They are expensive and required considerable time tuning which basically destroyed the three I practiced with. So I figure the 12 that I bought I have 9 that are still useable. So for the 180$ I spent buying the dozen Im paying about 20 a piece for the useable ones. I wish it wasnt so, but thats how it is for me. One day I might invest in a foam backstop for my yard, might save me some broadhead damage.

afflicted 1
09-06-2010, 07:52 PM
I use a rhinhart 18-1, awsome sofar but overpriced, their are some cheaper versions out now.

09-15-2010, 07:57 PM
How about the NAP crossbow thunderhead? Anyone tried those?

I have used thunderheads before and was looking at the X-bow version. I still can't find a difference between the two. Marketing ploy or am I missing something?

09-15-2010, 08:34 PM
RAGE....Awesome blood trail...Made of thicker metal....Little pricey, but at least you find the crtiiter at the end of the trail... :)

your right ...
too bad you cant use em on a fast bow ...

Couple of friends tried them on their APAs .... every shot they opened in flight ... I didnt beleive them ... I got a package and tried for myself and opened in flight untill I slowed the bow down ... the speed threshold seems to be about 275Fps

I wouldnt shoot them if I shot faster than 270 Fps just to be safe