View Full Version : Still Missing in Spatsizi

09-01-2010, 08:06 AM
I would like to let all hunters know who are planning on going to Spatsizi that I am still looking for my husband. For those of you who may not have heard about his disapperance, Outdoor Canada has wrote an article about him in their Summer 2010 magazine (the front cover has a Grizzly on it). I also have a web page www.missinginspatsizi.com (http://www.missinginspatsizi.com). Please, if you are going to Spatsizi, keep a look out for anything that could help my daughters and I to find him.

09-01-2010, 08:12 AM
Thank you for posting here. There are a really good bunch of people on HBC, who will do whatever they can to help. Im sure anyone from HBC that is in that area or near by area will keep their eyes open for anything that can help.

09-01-2010, 08:27 AM
I am so sorry to hear this .I hope that with your strength and perserverance that your husband will be found and you can find find some peace and closure. Please take care and god bless you.

09-01-2010, 09:54 PM
I will pray for you and your daughters. May God be with you.

09-02-2010, 12:58 AM
Thanks for posting and the update. I am hopeful some sign will be found.
Take care.

09-02-2010, 05:20 PM
We've hunted the area often during the last 5 years. Always keep our eyes open for anything and will continue to do so.

Hopefully things work out for you.

09-02-2010, 05:47 PM
Sincerely hope this fall brings your husband home.

6 K
09-02-2010, 09:25 PM
I got your letter the year after your husband went missing.
I keep my eyes open for any sighn whenever I am in the area.
May the Lord God grant you and your family peace.

09-02-2010, 10:05 PM
I hope you get some closure this year.

09-03-2010, 10:30 AM
I will be in the Spatsizi on Sept. 15th - 29th, I will be with three other hunter gathers. We are aware of this story and will keep our eyes open.

09-03-2010, 06:41 PM
I will be in spatsizi Oct 1-8 and will sure keep my eyes open for anything that might help with this mystery.
I pray for closure to come to you and your family in the near future so you can deal with all that you have dealt with over the years.

09-06-2010, 08:59 AM
I hope he isn't missing after this year.

I received one of your letters in the past, but did not go on my caribou hunt.

Take care.

09-06-2010, 10:44 AM
Thank you all so much for your support. It helps us so much knowing people are still keeping their eyes open for any sign of him.


09-06-2010, 02:00 PM
We will be up there on Sept 24. we'll keep our eyes open.

Little Red Man
09-07-2010, 05:21 PM
I read the article in OC, and thought it was well done. My heart goes out to you. I suspect that any outdoors person that heads into that beautiful wilderness will likely know of the story, and will do everything possible to help out if/when the can.......


10-11-2010, 06:54 PM
Working in the area right now and there is a story going around that what appears to be part of a tent and a backpack was found. The backpack was buried.

This is hearsay though so take it for what it is. It would be good to have closure.

10-11-2010, 09:37 PM
Rumor or not, this has got my heart pumping. I have not heard anything about this. I am going to phone the RCMP in Dease Lake first thing in the morning to find out if anything has been located or not. Thank you so much for letting me know.


10-11-2010, 09:41 PM
Let us know what you have found out as well. Hope you get some closure soon.

10-11-2010, 09:55 PM
wow first time of hereing this, seams a long time to be lost, so sorry to here,, good luck in finding something,, all hunter's and the partners hearts are with you,,

10-11-2010, 10:45 PM
Tammy, although this is probably the best news for you to date, don't get your hopes up too high. Remember, as Wild_Dog said, " This is hearsay though so take it for what it is." It's just a rumour, you must steel yourself for the crash of disappointment.

10-11-2010, 11:16 PM
I was up there sept 30 to the 5th of oct. Two sheep hunters Clint and Dave from the kootneys found a axe, wooden handle about 1 1/2 feet long , head made in germany and a leather cover that looked hand made with metal rivets on one end and lether lace to hold it on the axe head. They said they would report it to parks people for heritage reasons as they thought it might be an axe from an old outfitter. Not sure if this might help. If it does get a hold of Dale the pilot at tatoga lake he would have their names in the log book.
May some lead bring you closer to your goal of finding some of your questions answered.

10-12-2010, 09:27 AM
There is no one at the Dease Lake RCMP that can tell me anything for a couple of days. The Staff Sgt is gone until November and the Const. is in Terrace for court. If anyone else has heard these rumors can you tell me if you have heard if it it has been reported or not. Was it a hunter who located these items? Does anyone know what area of Spatsiz?

10-12-2010, 11:00 AM
The information I heard was that it was two hunters that found what was left of a tent and a rotted out backpack that was most likely buried. I was having coffee in Tattoga Lodge with my uncle and he is the one that told me. He is hunting in the area right now and I won't see him again for a couple days. You might try phoning the Tattoga Lodge.

I believe that it was reported but I cannot confirm 100%

10-12-2010, 01:48 PM
Just talked to the RCMP and nothing like this has been reported to them. Please if anyone knows who may have found something could they have them report it to the RCMP at 250-771-4111. Thanks for all your help.


10-14-2010, 07:12 PM
I was hunting in Spatsizi early August of this year for sheep. Nothing seen, however we did lose a tent that was strapped to one of our backpacks on the way out in a drainage towards the rail-grade road. In case anyone finds it, this would be mine, but not from a missing the person.

10-16-2010, 09:18 AM
Can you tell me the color of your tent and was it a one person?

10-16-2010, 09:55 AM
The information I heard was that it was two hunters that found what was left of a tent and a rotted out backpack that was most likely buried. I was having coffee in Tattoga Lodge with my uncle and he is the one that told me. He is hunting in the area right now and I won't see him again for a couple days. You might try phoning the Tattoga Lodge.

I believe that it was reported but I cannot confirm 100%

Keep us posted on this, hopefully there is truth to this for your familys sake.

10-21-2010, 11:52 AM
I thank all of those who sent me emails letting me know what they had heard about possible items being found in Spatsizi. I could never track this rumour down to the source and now everything seems to have become very quite. If this ends of being a rumour I will be fine. This event happening helps me keep up hope. Even if it turns out not to be true it brought the hope back in my life that maybe someday someone will find something. So please in the future if anyone hears anything do not hesitate to let me know, I am stronger than people may think.


10-21-2010, 12:10 PM
I thank all of those who sent me emails letting me know what they had heard about possible items being found in Spatsizi. I could never track this rumour down to the source and now everything seems to have become very quite. If this ends of being a rumour I will be fine. This event happening helps me keep up hope. Even if it turns out not to be true it brought the hope back in my life that maybe someday someone will find something. So please in the future if anyone hears anything do not hesitate to let me know, I am stronger than people may think.


Good on yah Girl, you are an inspiration to us all, keep going strong, lots of hunters in and out of that area one day you'll get your closure

07-24-2014, 07:11 PM
bump bump bump

07-25-2014, 06:03 AM
has anything ever been found after all these years?

07-25-2014, 06:59 AM
has anything ever been found after all these years?

nothing new


07-25-2014, 07:06 AM
That is a Very SADDENING storey :cry: maybe one day he will be found so the family can have closure . RJ

07-25-2014, 07:28 AM
May God give you peace.

07-25-2014, 08:53 AM
I figured as people are going to start heading up north to chase rams it would be a good reminder ...

07-25-2014, 09:19 AM
Cant imagine how troubling this much be, hopefully answers come this year.

Bugle M In
07-25-2014, 11:55 AM
makes one really reconsider doing trips like this alone, not a good idea, but there will always be some who will, just in their genes.
I know there are pingers for those who have been smothered by an avalanche.
Wonder if there are pingers which could be used...say for 2 weeks, that one can turn on, keep on the body, while moving around til trip is over.
Not that the individual who is out there on their own will really care, but for those around them who care.
My heartfelt condolences to the family, must be hard even now at times...not knowing...no closure.
Peace to them.

07-25-2014, 12:28 PM
SPOT was just starting up when Tom went missing. Too bad he did not have one at the time.
The length of time (3 weeks) that Tom was going was just too long a period for solo without some method of checking in. Regardless of what event and time of event, it was too long a time before the alarm was raised. The trail was cold by the time searchers would embark.
My advice to you solo hunters would be to buy a SPOT device. When you pay for activation, go the extra dollars and make sure you have the bread crumb trail activated. This way, should you not be able to activate the 911 phase, someone will know your immediate location as long as the batteries are functional. New lithium batteries before you depart and make sure that your contacts are able to receive the transmissions.
Hopefully, maybe this year Tammy and her daughters will get closure and be able to put Tom to rest.

Bugle M In
07-25-2014, 12:53 PM
thanks Jager for the info, maybe this is some advice that should be pinned to the top of the forum.
I heard of SPOT, but did not know it's full details and potential.

07-28-2014, 11:47 AM
Thanks Toadhunter for bringing this story back (that gesture touched our hearts dearly). The girls and I will never give up hope in finding Tom. It does not matter how many years pass, we will always hope that this will be the year that we will receive the news, "something has been located". From that we will be able to piece together what kept our loved one from coming home to us. It is so nice to see the "user names" that supported us back in 2006 are still here wishing us closure that we so desire to get.

07-28-2014, 12:09 PM
I think your story touched and continues to touch many of us here. We all venture into the backcountry to pursue our passion and we all look to make it home to our loved ones.

I do hope you get word that something has been located and you find some closure to this tragedy in your lives.

My heart goes out to you all.

07-28-2014, 01:04 PM
I fly in on the 10th to cartmel I'll keep my eyes peeled

07-28-2014, 06:21 PM
I think your story touched and continues to touch many of us here. We all venture into the backcountry to pursue our passion and we all look to make it home to our loved ones.

I do hope you get word that something has been located and you find some closure to this tragedy in your lives.

My heart goes out to you all.

Very well said .. Neil

07-28-2014, 06:25 PM
We will find him. makes me want to come up there and hunt for him.

07-21-2016, 01:09 PM
As people are starting to pack their packs and head up into the hills remember be careful and if you see something that is out of the sorts in the Spatsizi please remember this thread.

Have fun and good luck

07-23-2016, 05:35 PM
flying in to coldfish, will keep eyes open as we hike

07-23-2016, 07:43 PM
We're going to try and push into Eaglenest trailhead area... we'll keep an eye out.

07-25-2016, 08:26 AM
Was there ever a vehicle found?

07-25-2016, 09:22 AM
Was there ever a vehicle found?

Yes, vehicle was found immediately as the search began at the bottom of the trail.

Bugle M In
07-25-2016, 10:58 AM
Yes, vehicle was found immediately as the search began at the bottom of the trail.

Is there somewhere we can have "full details" of what is known, what was the plan, what was found and not found.
I thought I read the risk of him falling into a river may have been possible as well?
I don't know , I have never been up there, but if that was a potential risk, that people keep their eyes open along any of
these waterways, just in case some articles are washed up along there.
I do hope the family finds "closure".

07-25-2016, 01:59 PM
Is there somewhere we can have "full details" of what is known, what was the plan, what was found and not found.
I thought I read the risk of him falling into a river may have been possible as well?
I don't know , I have never been up there, but if that was a potential risk, that people keep their eyes open along any of
these waterways, just in case some articles are washed up along there.
I do hope the family finds "closure".

Here it is

If any mod can copy link picture into the OP I'd appreciate it

01-27-2017, 07:58 PM
Was thinking of this thread, figured worth a bump again.

01-27-2017, 08:15 PM
sharing it

01-27-2017, 08:16 PM
Was thinking of this thread, figured worth a bump again.
Always worth a bump until the family gets closure

Arctic Lake
01-28-2017, 06:34 PM
Man that is a sad story ! I hope the family is holding up well !

Arctic Lake

01-28-2017, 07:19 PM
icredibly sad story. Does this area have a high grizzly population?

01-29-2017, 02:04 PM
Many grizzly....
Steep cliffs ....


01-29-2017, 05:00 PM
Never been to the Spatsizi, but would think that if he was pursuing sheep, that he would have been on a trail, following a drainage ridge or creek/river bottom to the alpine. In other words, I think at least some of his gear would have been found by now, if in fact it was ever there to be found. Long way of saying, disappearing without a trace leaves me thinking river.
That said, I really hope the family receives enough evidence to give them some of the closure they deserve.

01-29-2017, 11:36 PM
As the others have said there is a good chance that his death? was caused by some water related incident while on his way to his destination.

Could have been similar to Garry Last’s injury while hiking in the Spatsizi wilderness.


Close to home after almost a week(Jan. 2017) for 2 snowshoers lost on Cypress the intensive search was called off.
“In May, a Delta man slipped while crossing a shallow part of Norvan Creek in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, causing him to hit his head and go into fatal cardiac arrest.”

Hate to say it but after almost 11 ½ years it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack scenario.:cry:

01-30-2017, 07:58 AM
As the others have said there is a good chance that his death? was caused by some water related incident while on his way to his destination.

Could have been similar to Garry Last’s injury while hiking in the Spatsizi wilderness.


Close to home after almost a week(Jan. 2017) for 2 snowshoers lost on Cypress the intensive search was called off.
“In May, a Delta man slipped while crossing a shallow part of Norvan Creek in Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, causing him to hit his head and go into fatal cardiac arrest.”

Hate to say it but after almost 11 ½ years it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack scenario.:cry:

all you can hope for over time is that enough people trample through that haystack until someone steps on the needle..... I am wishing hard for the family to have closure!!

01-30-2017, 09:44 PM
Never been to the Spatsizi, but would think that if he was pursuing sheep, that he would have been on a trail, following a drainage ridge or creek/river bottom to the alpine. In other words, I think at least some of his gear would have been found by now, if in fact it was ever there to be found. Long way of saying, disappearing without a trace leaves me thinking river.
That said, I really hope the family receives enough evidence to give them some of the closure they deserve.
Me thinks someone else has his gear. I'm probably not the only one thinking that.

02-01-2017, 03:53 PM
If this fella is still missing after five years in that kind of wilderness... Sad for the family.

02-01-2017, 03:58 PM
If this fella is still missing after five years in that kind of wilderness... Sad for the family.

very sad and much more than 5 years ago

Tom Leonard failed to return from a fall hunting trip in Northwestern British Columbia at Spatsizi Plateau Provincial Wilderness Park. Tom signed in at the Eaglenest Trail Head on September 11, 2005 and continued on backpacking on his limited entry sheep hunt. When he failed to return home on October 2, 2005 RCMP conducted a search and located his truck at the base of the mountain at Eaglenest Trail

Bighorn hunter
02-01-2017, 04:00 PM
Wolfman, he went missing in 2005, can't imagine how tough its been for his wife and kids

02-01-2017, 04:25 PM
Me thinks someone else has his gear. I'm probably not the only one thinking that.

It's huge country up there. Looking for camouflaged clothing, backpack, brown tent....it's tough to see that stuff. A person could walk by 10 yards away on not see anything.

Remember the old Winchester find?


02-17-2017, 12:55 PM
Will keep an eye out. But like most have said, camouflaged 12 years later is going to be near impossible to see.

02-21-2017, 12:38 PM
Been along time now so sad. Wish you some answers and some closure for your family.
Im Planning to hunt Spatsizi this aug-sept I have sheep draw. Will be my first time in there first time draw. I'm looking for all the info I can to make this a successful trip and by successful I mean safe. Whether it's just enjoying this amazing country and only coming home with pictures and memories but its coming home to my wife and son. It would be great to find anything to help close this mystery for your family.
Are you still able to drive into where the truck was found? Or do you have to fly in now making following his trail heading almost impossible? How far can you drive in from tatogga? Anyone who's been there that would care to share some info please pm me.

Trigger Happy
02-21-2017, 09:03 PM
Very sad story. But remember you never know what someone is thinking, and could have wanted to disappear. Or like others have said, river!

03-01-2017, 01:33 AM
Hmmm remember the Mayor of Kelowna crashed north of Abotsford" he survived the crash, wrote a note and headed towards the highway..they found the aircraft but not the Mayor..years later he was found at the base of a waterfall when a particularly low water level revealed the remains..
Most sheep hunters follow traditional trails, areas..looking for sheep hunter ? Look for sheep...
The helicopter crash 25 years ago..they were collar ing sheep..so look for the sheep locations.ironically the lady from USA wore the pilots coat and said they would be found at a lake shaped like a cowboy boot..they were at the toe of the boot..when found they were as the lady predicted. .however no survivors. .
As has been repeated"..only so many options. .cliffs, water, bears or foul play..
Cliff collapse may unfortunately hide evidence for a long time..or longer..
Water..creeks, rivers usually relinquish it's hold on objects..over time deteriorating material fabrics will catch water. .unwind and show up..low water levels reveal hidden secrets..
Bear attacks do not explain miss in rifle, back pack..etc..food sources in the pack would result in strewn contents blowing in the wind..visible..
This does leave foul play..someone (s) deliberately not wanting evidence to be found...
My thoughts over the years come back to the family. .our thoughts and prayers for closure continue to this day..
Steven Rupp

Trigger Happy
03-07-2017, 12:23 AM
Hmmm remember the Mayor of Kelowna crashed north of Abotsford" he survived the crash, wrote a note and headed towards the highway..they found the aircraft but not the Mayor..years later he was found at the base of a waterfall when a particularly low water level revealed the remains..
Most sheep hunters follow traditional trails, areas..looking for sheep hunter ? Look for sheep...
The helicopter crash 25 years ago..they were collar ing sheep..so look for the sheep locations.ironically the lady from USA wore the pilots coat and said they would be found at a lake shaped like a cowboy boot..they were at the toe of the boot..when found they were as the lady predicted. .however no survivors. .
As has been repeated"..only so many options. .cliffs, water, bears or foul play..
Cliff collapse may unfortunately hide evidence for a long time..or longer..
Water..creeks, rivers usually relinquish it's hold on objects..over time deteriorating material fabrics will catch water. .unwind and show up..low water levels reveal hidden secrets..
Bear attacks do not explain miss in rifle, back pack..etc..food sources in the pack would result in strewn contents blowing in the wind..visible..
This does leave foul play..someone (s) deliberately not wanting evidence to be found...
My thoughts over the years come back to the family. .our thoughts and prayers for closure continue to this day..
Steven Rupp

Very well said, only time will tell unfortunately

04-28-2017, 12:37 PM
Still not found, my thoughts and prayers to the family. Remember all, when that little voice inside sparks up a conversation it is time to listen, we all want to get home to our loved ones, and no animal no matter how much meat or size of trophy is worth your life.

04-28-2017, 08:29 PM
Will keep an eye out. But like most have said, camouflaged 12 years later is going to be near impossible to see.

This reminds me of the Matthew Hobbs teen who went missing back in 1995, his remains were found 8 years later in 2003, and it was clear his death was foul play. My wife is good friends with his older sister, and I also am acquainted with the family of the man who discovered his remains, so i got more of an inside story on the affair than what was reported by the media.

The fellow who found him was in a forestry type career at the time and spent every day out in the bush. He was on fire watch or fighting a fire at the time when he discovered the remains in a shallow grave. His mom told me he quit his job soon after because, and I quote, "when you find a human skull with a bullet hole in it, that kind of thing messes with you".

Apparently they found his remains only a few feet off a power line road right of way where there is normally some tall grass. Unless a person literally tripped over the remains, you wouldn't see them otherwise. The older sister told us the family was taken up to the location where they found him. Their younger brother freaked out when they got there because he was familiar with the area and would dirt bike there on a regular basis. He said he must have passed that location a dozen times in the years after his brother went missing and was literally only a few feet away from him on several occasions.

The family found "some" closure once he was discovered. The police also had a suspect and an arrest a few years later, and after 21 months in jail the trial handed down an additional 3 years in prison to the suspect who pled guilty. The family was not happy with that outcome however.

06-28-2017, 07:32 AM
As people are gearing up for another season of hunting in the Spatsizi just a reminder of this thread. Pass on this story to your friends that are going.



09-17-2017, 10:05 AM
Just came back from the Cartmel area. Didn't see anything. Best of luck

nature girl
04-21-2018, 07:59 AM
Years ago actually the year before I was born. My grandpa and uncle went hunting in the mountains. My uncle went one way around the mtn and my grandpa the other way around the mtn. Then they would meet up. Well my grandpa got to the meet up spot and my uncle was not to be seen. He searched the area and then went home and got some buddies the authorities and did a search.
Well a year later they did find my uncle some hunters found him he was sitting and leaning up against a tree with his rifle across his lap. He froze to death. Atleast they did find him. I could just not imagine how that would of affected my family knowing he was just going hunting and to not be seen or heard off.
Often when I am in the mtns I think of my uncle and realize how easy it could be to get lost or get cold not prepared for the right weather conditions. Or just be to dang tired.
So to the family that lost her husband and there dad I am truly sorry for you. And hope one day that you do find closure.

06-19-2018, 03:29 PM
Thought I would give this a "bump" as before we know it we will be off in the woods chasing critters!

As a reminder ... please keep your eyes open for anything that is odd out there as I know the family would like closure on this.


07-24-2019, 10:01 AM
Annual bump of this thread. I am curious if anyone knows if the posters at the Eagle Nest Trail Head and at Tatogga Lake Lodge?

Be careful out there. Have fun and good luck.

08-06-2019, 04:20 PM
Recently returned from Coldfish Lake. While I was there I met a couple who hiked in to Coldfish via the Eaglenest Trail. It took them 6 days. The condition of the trail is very poor. Badly overgrown and lots of windfall. The couple I met were experienced back country hikers. They had a very difficult time to follow the trail in many places and had to do a lot of back-tracking and scouting to find it. Often game trails were more evident and this lead to a lot of wasted hours finding the route. They found a lot of garbage at the camp spots along the trail including abandoned propane tanks, camp chairs and various other items. It looked to them like people had gotten so far in on the trail and abandoned their plans and a bunch of gear. There are Bear proof metal caches at some of the camp spots, intended for food and gear storage. They found some food in the caches dated 2009- the most recent date.

The trail is getting very little use and it is no surprise as Parks is not maintaining it.
The trail from the Coldfish Lake is good through Danihue Pass to Ice Box Canyon and for a few more kilometers toward the Rail Grade trail head of the Eaglenest trail. About 16km of easy well defined trail. Then it goes to pieces.
If you are planning a LEH sheep hunt in the area, I encourage you to please keep a lookout for the missing hunter but also to be aware that the Eaglenest Trail from the Rail Grade trail head, for all but the last 16 km, is a difficult and ill-defined route.
Here is a link to Missing in Spatsizi http://www.missinginspatsizi.com/

08-31-2020, 08:19 AM
I've been following that story for awhile now, fingers crossed you and your family get some closure soon. Thanks for posting.

08-31-2020, 11:41 AM
Fifteen years now since Tom disappeared. A year or two before SPOT was available
I didn't know Tom that well. He was fairly tall and slender, always had a smile on his face, full of mirth.
The last time I saw him, we were at Cariboo Fly & Tackle. He was pumped, excited to begin his hunt in the next day or two. He was given a list of camping places and a map by a friend that had made several forays into the area in recent years. This person also instructed Tom to leave an identifiable wrapper under a rock at each camping spot he stayed at. His trip was to last about 3 weeks with a return in early October. When he failed to return, his wife sounded the alarm immediately and a search commenced within a few days. The problem was the weather had turned bad a some point in time with copious amounts of snow. This greatly hindered the search, especially in the Icebox Canyon area. As I was told, much ice and drifting snow. Tom's friend that provided the map and instructions was on the initial search and I can't remember if he said they found the wrapper or not.
The following year, another search was conducted in the summer to no avail and there may have been more after that. There was some speculation that he made never had made the area and his truck was planted at the trail head as subterfuge.
To my knowledge, none of Tom's possessions have ever been recovered.

08-31-2020, 01:40 PM
This is a very tragic story with no closure.
There are guys on the ground every fall that have their eyes open for any clue that might still explain what happened to Tom Leonard.

08-06-2021, 11:20 AM
Please watch and share. I really need to get my husbands story out there. 16 years has been way too long for nothing to be found. If you or know anyone going to Spatsizi please keep an eye out for anything.
The girls and I are asking for your help to bring Tom home.

16 year long search for MISSING HUNTER! - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOXqx51w9N0)

Bugle M In
08-07-2021, 02:10 PM
So, first off I have forward to all on my FB site.

I have watched the video (excellent job!)
I have a question or 2, if someone could help out?

He took his quad.
Was that ever found? was it with his truck? or had he left it elsewhere. (at the round 2 trip)?
Also, he never took his 2nd round of food (as it was found in the truck), so issue happened in the first 10 days appr.

So, the last question is, what was the weather during this 10 days or so? was there heavy snowfall during that time?
(i know there was during search, but what about his timeline and conditions)
I only ask because i almost lost myself after falling into a huge snow drift that sat upon a juniper bush and if not for a friend,
i may never have gotten out)
Also ask (and i have never been there so dont know the terrain) because if there was heavy snow, is it possible to have fallen
into a hidden rock crevasse?
(which if so, most hunters avoid on their hunts and never look into)

Sorry, dont mean to sound morbid, but we know the outcome isnt good but we all want closure for the family and his body
brought home.

Lastly, did anyone have direct contact with him before this hunt that may have given him some areas "to check out"?
Meaning a spot or 2 to "hit first".
Does anyone recall back then "where the sheep were hanging" that season?? (I know it is a stretch to remember).

Only asking because if someone gave him some areas to hit or tips/advice or had he seen sheep, this would be the 2 areas to
look at first.
Obviously the ram creek sounds like a lead.

Also, if anyone has leads, call the rcmp, but i would also say contact the family.
The family will have the facts and if there is some similarities or coincidences, they would know if someone reports new info.
No stone too small to help this family!
Anything, albeit insignificant could help.
A lighter, old wrappers, anything in there!

08-07-2021, 09:16 PM
Thank you so much for taking the time and watching the video.

To answer your questions, yes the quad and the truck were found together at the Eagle Nest Trail Head. Yes there was a storm that hit Spatsizi day 3 or 4 of Tom's trip. I believe it may have been a snow storm. Tom talked to coworkers before he left about making a loop and then heading back to his truck for the next 10 days of food. What loop he meant I am not sure. The RCMP/search and rescue interviewed the coworkers but I am not sure what was said.

What we have stated in the video is all the facts that we know of. If I could go back in time trust me I would have asked a lot more questions from him. I know Tom always had a well thought out plan before he left for any trip. However, plans change when you are there. What he said before he left he may have changed when he arrived and started scoping for sheep.

Your questions are always welcome so please don't stop asking them. I will answer as much as I can.

Bugle M In
08-08-2021, 12:17 AM
Thanks for filing in some of the blanks.
Also, don't blame yourself for the questions you asked then and the ones you wished you asked now.
Hunters are a different breed.
We are more than hikers, and certainly not rock climbers.
Hikers get lost, rock climbers take falls.
Hunters are somewhere in between when hunting/searching for game, and in Toms case, sheep.
Sometimes as hunters we avoid a route due to the extreme terrain normally, but throw a ram in there and suddenly we are doing
something we wouldn't other wise do.
At least with his quad and truck still there, at least it supports that there wasn't a nefarious force at work which i am sure lingers
in the back of minds.
The fact that there was bad weather more likely supports that it was conditions that led to some choices to be made.
Again, I don't know the terrain, but i have seen how weather can change the terrain and things that can happen when it does.
I walked over a spot that i thought was barren ground, but wasn't, and fell into a hole beside a bush.
And bad conditions can make one seek out a spot that is extremely hidden, from the element's, and that too can make it hard
to be found.
I know many think of him, and the few that go up there do always consider him when they are out there.
If the conditions were bad, the terrain could look very different and he ventured into somewhere where under a normal day,
all hunters/hikers would generally avoid and would explain why he has not been found.
Recently i have seen several clips on people who left their home, taking their car, either for a short trip or a longer road trip and
never be seen of again, and everyone wonders what happened.
Years later, they found these people, their cars, and realized they just went off the road and into water and no one was around
to witness it.
I don't say this to be upsetting but to give you and your family hope that there will be answers one day.
And that no one in your family blames themselves for feeling they never did enough or had done it differently.
Tom obviously went to do something he was passionate about.
Last thing he would ever want to see is you or ones in your family circle blaming yourselves for not having done enough.

For others reading and who do find themselves up there in Spatsizi, do consider Tom, and if time allows, take that little walk over
to the left or right from where you would normally consider walking.
Who knows what conditions and circumstances he was facing at that time.

For Tom's family, i wish you all to keep the faith he will be found and that peace can properly enter your lives.
I think the family truly deserves that after all this time.

09-28-2021, 10:03 AM
Any updates?... I read that there was a search recently???

10-14-2021, 08:32 PM
Good podcast episode on the Wild Sheep Society BC channel about the search this year and plans for next year:


10-22-2021, 07:54 PM
There is a go fund me page now to help pay for the search


01-08-2022, 09:55 AM
Happy New Year Everyone!
The plans for the search are well underway and there will be lot’s of discussion and promotion coming to help raise funds for the search for Tom. Hats off to Joey and the Terrace SAR for taking the lead. Kyle and the folks at WSSBC are doing some amazing things to help get this search going as well.

I decided to donate a rifle to the cause and WSSBC is launching the raffle today. I commissioned my good friend and master gunsmith Gary Flach to build a beautiful custom. It’s based on a t3 action, IBI 20 inch spiral fluted mtn lite with Gary’s brake, chambered in 6.5 PRC. Wildcat ultralight stock with Gary’s negative comb , topped with a Leica amplus 6,3-18x44i from Omer at Precision Optics.
Please do your part and buy some tickets, let’s find Tom!


Good Luck and thanks to all!

01-08-2022, 10:04 AM
Any idea on dates for this search. I’d like to try and take part if I can swing it. It’ll be hard for me to set time aside, but if I know in advance it’ll be easier.

01-08-2022, 10:40 AM
It sounds like mid June. Details will be coming in the next few weeks.

01-08-2022, 10:45 AM
I might be able to make that.

is that the best time to go? I’ve never been to spatzizi, but most other mountain places I go like that tend to have a lot of snow run off that time of year. Creek crossing etc tend to be dicey.

Arctic Lake
01-08-2022, 11:48 AM
What a great way to raise money for a tragic story . Hopefully he is found and that it will bring closure to his family !
Arctic Lake

01-08-2022, 01:27 PM
Every time this thread arises, i see a image of Tom's face. We were in Doug Brautigan's Cariboo Fly & Tackle shop when Tom entered all giddy about his up and coming solo hunt to the Spatsizi. I will never forget that day.

01-08-2022, 02:32 PM
Hope he is found. Bought two tickets to help the cause

01-08-2022, 02:38 PM
Too bad you have to be a BC resident to buy a ticket.

Regardless, great cause and I’m sure they will sell out fast. And good on you 264Mag for donating the rifle. That’s a real class act right there. Cheers!

01-08-2022, 03:19 PM
Too bad you have to be a BC resident to buy a ticket.

Regardless, great cause and I’m sure they will sell out fast. And good on you 264Mag for donating the rifle. That’s a real class act right there. Cheers!

Yeah, gotta follow the gaming regs.

Thanks so much for the donation Chuck. Heck of a move on your part!

Hope that the funds raised will contribute to the closure of this story.

01-08-2022, 03:19 PM
bought 4 tickets - great cause!
I know my family would never give up hope of finding some closure if it was me. I hope they get some one day!

01-08-2022, 03:33 PM
Tickets are flying off the shelf! So grateful for all the support from the hunting community.

thanks to all

01-08-2022, 03:46 PM
Good cause and bought a couple tickets to support. Good luck with the search! Closure for the family would be amazing

01-08-2022, 04:59 PM
All sold out!

01-08-2022, 05:26 PM
All sold out!

Geez, I just squeezed in I guess LoL.

glad to see so much support for a good cause

01-08-2022, 07:25 PM
Don’t know how I missed this post over the years. Bought a few tickets for the cause, hope the family gets some answers and closure.

01-08-2022, 07:56 PM
Tammy and the girls are very thankful and very excited about the momentum on getting this search going in the spring. I am blown away at how fast it sold out, I was worried it would take awhile. The hunting community is amazing.


Weatherby Fan
01-08-2022, 08:42 PM
Tammy and the girls are very thankful and very excited about the momentum on getting this search going in the spring. I am blown away at how fast it sold out, I was worried it would take awhile. The hunting community is amazing.


Great work Chuck, very good of you to donate and make this happen, again it shows the thoughtful awesome folks in the outdoor community,
Many thanks to all you

01-08-2022, 08:51 PM
Thanks Don,
Just taking a page out of your book! You are right, amazing people in the hunting world.

digger dogger
01-08-2022, 08:58 PM
Wow good on ya 264, that’s a great way to generate funds for the search for Tom.

Anyone that’s thinking of going in to help, I would suggest you go in sheep shape.
The Spatsizi is rugged and can be very unforgiving.

Hoping for an early spring this year. Fingers crossed.

09-13-2022, 07:49 PM
Update on 2022 Spatsizi search for my husband Tom Leonard.

On July 12-15/22 Terrace SARS searched a new area of Spatsizi due to receiving a new lead. Items were located and given to authorities. No words can express the emotions we were feeling and how high our hopes were running during the weeks following but unfortunately the items were ruled out belonging to Tom. On the same search SARS searched for the old camp that had been reported to us a few years ago but unfortunately it was not located. On September 10-13/22 Terrace SARS returned to Spatsizi to search for the old camp, unfortunately it was not located.

I would like to thank the members of Terrace Search and Rescue for their continued support, dedication and sacrifices they make to help the girls and I. I am so grateful to The Wild Sheep Society of BC and The Hunter Conservationist for giving me an opportunity to bring awareness to Tom’s story through their podcasts. All those who have reached out to us to offer kind words and support by email and through the hunting forums, you truly have touched our hearts. We thank those who have helped with helicopter funds by donating to the go fund me account. To the Wild Sheep Society and all their members your support means the world to us. We are beyond grateful to Chuck for donating the rifle to the Wild Sheep Society for the raffle. All of you are the reason the search was able to happen this year and for that we are forever grateful.

Please continue to share Tom’s story to whoever is heading to Spatsizi. It just takes locating one item to change our world forever.

Tammy Leonard

“My Dad saw his life from a great altitude, as if through a landscape outstretching mountain ranges. He lived a fearless life of adventure. He was real and true, with a heart the size of the moon he laid under most nights. His life encompassed his passion of the outdoors, weaving itself into every aspect of his life. He honoured all those he loved through the experiences of beauty and simplicity seen in the places he called home. He continues to live a life of great proportion among the outstanding mountains of the Spatsizi Plateau. Watching from above the adventures we lead in his honour.”

Words by Tom’s daughter Shamara

09-13-2022, 10:32 PM
I am sorry to hear that the items found were not Tom’s. This doesn’t mean we give up, it just means that we aren’t done yet.
Please give the girls a hug from me and the entire hunting community. We will find him. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Chuck Peeling

09-14-2022, 07:29 AM
I am sorry to hear that the items found were not Tom’s. This doesn’t mean we give up, it just means that we aren’t done yet.
Please give the girls a hug from me and the entire hunting community. We will find him. Our prayers are with you and your family.

Chuck Peeling

GOOD on you Chuck and all the folks looking for Tom - NICE to hear your going to Keep at it for Tammy and the Family . :wink: RJ

11-19-2022, 01:53 PM
I have recently updated the web page with pdf and kmz maps to show the searched area for the reported camp. It is absolutely beyond comprehendible to visually see the search lines from Terrace Search and Rescue. They are amazing human beings.

08-14-2023, 01:08 PM
Recently, I received an email with a picture of an old backpack that was found in Spatsizi by a sheep hunter. Unfortunately, it was not Toms. I am so grateful to everyone for continuing to share our posts and for keeping their eyes open for anything of Toms. I know one day someone will find something of Toms that will help us piece together why he did not come home to us. Please keep sharing our story.

09-24-2023, 09:57 PM
“Missing” is having problems with her user name so she has asked if I could post her update for her.

A quick update for this year. Three hunters located items in different parts of Spatsizi. A pack was discovered, a camo baseball cap and a shirt were all located. Unfortunately, all the items were ruled out as being Tom’s. Receiving those emails definitely got my heart pumping and put me on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but I wouldn’t change that for anything. This past year brought hope back to us that things can still be found! Please do not hesitate to make contact with us, to ask questions or to report finding the smallest thing. Your questions and that small item could lead us on a journey to help find our loved one.
In the near future my email tleonard@goldcity.net the domain will not be operational. Due to this I have to change my email address. My new email is tammyleonard22@gmail.com.

07-29-2024, 08:06 PM
"Missing" is having problems with her user name so she has asked if I could post this for her.

My yearly reminder if you are hunting in Spatsizi Plateau Wilderness Park to please keep a watch out for any items that might belong to Tom. As opening season for sheep approaches, I have mixed emotions. My heart, soul and body become heavy as this is when we lost a wonderful husband and father. However, my mind is hopeful that this will be the year that something is found to lead us to some answers. After 19 years the pain is as raw as it was in 2005. The girls and I have continued to move forward with our lives carrying a weight on our hearts as we do so. We know one day this weight will be lifted when someone finds something of Toms that will help us piece together why he did not come home to us. We are still looking for a tent that was located years ago. The search grid for this tent you can find on the webpage https://missinginspatsizi.com/. The description for the location of this tent from the hunter who stumbled upon it, “it is located just outside of the base of the swamp line and just getting into the immature trees. The tent was tucked up under a pine tree. If you didn’t know it was there you would walk right past it”. We are truly grateful for all that have watched the video, all that continue to share my posts and for the hunters that keep looking for anything that could possibly be Toms. Please keep sharing our story https://missinginspatsizi.com/.

Arctic Lake
07-29-2024, 08:14 PM
May you find more items of your beloved Tom and find closure to a sad ending !
Arctic Lake