View Full Version : The Hunt - SSS and BCrams Adventure

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08-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Putting things into perspective, this was one heck of a trip we did this year. All trips are successful no matter if an animal goes down or not.

SSS and I know everyone has enjoyed the photo safari accounts of previous trips that it would be a shame not to continue with it and share the adventure with the members and lurkers alike. We believe its adventures like this which are shared with the readers that fuel the desire and get more hunters in the mountains in pursuit of sheep.

I am sure SSS will pipe up and add to this as it flows. It was a great team effort and I know there probably were times during the trip we were questioning our sanity at some choices we made...but ultimatly we persevered and didn't waver from our goal.

Many can relate to this, sometimes when hunting country you have previously hunted, things change and decisions must be made afield. We were faced with that decision this trip .... a choice that caused us to shoulder our still heavy packs and take a jaunt of 2.5 days into a new set of mountains of which neither of us had ever hunted. As it was, it was a good decision and although if you were to ask SSS or I at the end of the hunt if we would ever do it again .... it was a resounding no......yet thinking back on it ..... I'd do it again in a heart beat. We did have an agree though that the next trip will be settling ourselves into a smaller area to focus on :-D

We rode in style this year flying in Northern Rockies Lodge's turbine single otter!! (I heard the otter broke down the day after we came out.)


SSS rarin' to go and posing with a couple Barney packpacks all loaded up for 14 days in the mountains.


08-20-2010, 03:27 PM
Well...............how'd you guys do this year?

I assume you got plenty of cool pics...

08-20-2010, 03:32 PM
As everyone who has gone hunting in the mountains can attest to .... it often involves some bushwacking before you get anywhere......add the heat / bugs / sweat and your clothes are getting saturated pretty quick. Those mosquitoes and black flies were pretty bad (and thats putting it mildly) and we realized that perhaps it might push rams out of the timber / buckbrush into lofty places.

Sheep hunting often involves some level of bush wacking at the beginning and at the end.

It was late at night when we finally made camp in a grove of trees still down low in a valley and the views in the waning sunset offered no views of any animals. It was like a silent void interupted by the steady zzzZZZzzzzzZZZ from mosquitoes trying to get inside the head nets.

08-20-2010, 03:44 PM
Having flown in a few days before opener, we figured we had time on our hands to find sheep yet by noon that first day.....not a single sheep sighting. Not surprising given SSS and I had gone an entire hunt 3 years ago in this area without seeing a single legal ram .... or many sheep for that matter. We had to give it another try.

The heat was insane and the water source was now an issue....whereas in the past it wasn't. There's a good reason why hunters should always filter their water or zap the water......SSS and I had already chugged down a full liter and a bit when he passed me his water bottle and I stopped short of drinking what had us rolling our eyes and wondering what the next few days or weeks might play out with our insides .....

I am positive more than a few of these ended up in our system ..... a harsh reminder to zap or filter all water sources....




08-20-2010, 03:49 PM
SSS living up to his "Worm Boy" nickname. :mrgreen:

08-20-2010, 03:49 PM
Good thing we knew where to find alternative water sources with it being so dry. Often places have tiny seeps that will always have water dripping throughout even the hottest summers. Its always a good idea to note where these are for future hunts. It took a little while, but we eventually filled up our jugs with enough water to last a couple days in the alpine.

Zip lock bags are pretty handy as SSS patiently waits for the first bottle to fill up!


08-20-2010, 03:53 PM
hmm pretty big larvae..was it a full curl??:mrgreen:

Great start Greg..I can already tell this gonna be a gooder..


Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2010, 03:58 PM
SSS living up to his "Worm Boy" nickname. :mrgreen:

Thanks for the reminder.......I'd better keep a big "disposable" stick beside the toilet for the next few weeks:shock:.


08-20-2010, 03:59 PM
Aw, damn. I started reading this post way to early. I am on the edge of my seat with that annoying reminder of crappy 80's shows that always said "To be continued....."
Thank for the story so far BCRams, I can't wait for the rest of the story.

08-20-2010, 04:33 PM
After making camp, we scoured the mountain and what was severely lacking anywhere we walked was lack of sheep sign such as fresh pellets. Yet with one day remaining prior to opening day we spot them. A band of sheep which looked like rams way off on a ridge and a decision had to be made .... keep hunting the mountain or pack up and make the move to where the sheep were (which was a grunt effort in itself to get there).

After some discussion based on current and past conditions in the area, we made the move .... it was an exhausting move that had us finally fall asleep at our destination after nightfall. Only to find the water source all dried up whereas it was flowing in the past. A big rain storm moved in as we were setting up and we quickly threw out SSS's Sil-Tarp to collect rain water....... a tactic that provided us with water tasting like an ashtray for the next few days....but the water problem was solved.

On the move .... and no we didn't see any sheep despite glassing and watching on our way. Destination was the distant mountain with snow on it. A long haul day and quite smokey.

Plodding along .... still a long ways to go when keeping an eye out for sheep at the same time.

The water collection method using the Sit-Tarp is dynamite! Hence why we each pack a Sil-Tarp. One to collect water (if needed) and the other for shelter. Here we have more than enough water to last a few days from one rain storm.


08-20-2010, 04:39 PM
I got into some bad water a few years ago. Nothing some big pills for a few weeks couldn't clear up.

08-20-2010, 04:43 PM
I got into some bad water a few years ago. Nothing some big pills for a few weeks couldn't clear up.

Me too. 7 weeks of projectile shitting until the doc gave me the right pills. :?

SSS is going to suffer protein deficiency if he drinks that rainwater.

08-20-2010, 04:48 PM
That's cuz your full of it lol

08-20-2010, 04:54 PM
The weather was socked in opening morning with low cloud obscuring the mountains which was great for us as we were quite tired from the previous days hike. By mid-morning the fog started to lift and it was with that we shouldered our packs and started making our way up and around the mountain side to where we last saw the sheep. We did see lots of sheep sign and fresh pellets yet as we climbed, glassed and peeked around every little bump in the terrain, no sheep were to be seen. Finally we were on the ridge and we moved into position to do some glassing and expecting to see sheep. We saw sheep, only 4 or 5 ewes and lambs. Where were the rams? Did the sudden rain storm change their whereabouts? After glassing a while, it was apparent we weren't the only ones there. 4 people were down below also glassing and by alternatively watching them and glassing the basin we surmised it might be some guides with clients and it was clear after a few hours, that the basin harboured no rams and we started to pick our way through the slopes to check out other areas for rams.

08-20-2010, 05:02 PM
Taking too long...send me a PM and we can meet up so I can get the "live" version...

08-20-2010, 05:06 PM
grrrrrr.. waiting!!!!

08-20-2010, 05:20 PM
grrrrrr.. waiting!!!!

Easy there Lightmag, we don't want to piss him off too much. It really would suck if BCRams got mad and decided to end it right here and now. I wanna hear this one out, not be left hanging forever!

08-20-2010, 05:21 PM
We finally make our way across the mountain scree and within a couple hours we're glassing a new basin and we know there's absolutly nothing wrong with our spotting / glassing abilities as SSS is quick to point out a few rams in the rocks but they're all young with the oldest maybe being 5 or 6 yrs old. We keep glassing and stay put until late evening with no further sheep sightings. We decide we'll return the next day to see if we can relocate them and any other rams we may have missed ....


08-20-2010, 05:23 PM
keep it coming. Im hooked

08-20-2010, 05:31 PM
this is great!!!

08-20-2010, 05:31 PM
The next morning bright and early we're outside the tent when SSS says he hears rocks rolling above the tent ..... a quick look with the glass and there are 2 rams moving across the scree above the tent but they're both young rams....a little 5 yr and 3 yr old ram.

Can you see them?? They sure blend in well.


They bedded on a ridge above us and after climbing within a 100 yards we took a couple photos' and they were on their way again.


08-20-2010, 05:45 PM
We were glassing the same basins and relocated the same sheep we were seeing the day before in fairly short order including the same folks we saw the day before. Back to where we saw the rams the day before, we saw what we didn't expect to see but did see. 3 more folks on the ridge on the far side glassing into the same spot where the rams were ...... we decided to move down closer to them and glass a different basin out of their sight .... it was getting a tad crowded on this mountain with 10 sets of eyes all over the place (including us).....

We relocated the rams but knew they couldn't see them but wondered if they were sitting on legal rams .... and thought we should keep our distance and keep an eye on movement ..... irregardless, they sent the wrangler to have a talk with us as we were hidden glassing a back basin .... we had a good conversation but it was clear they would be upset if we moved in their direction as they were waiting for rams to come up on top ...... turns out none of them were legal anyways and we departed on good terms and headed the other way after glassing the one basin.

Glassing the back basin ...

Guide and hunter working their way down the ridge. They gave us a farewell wave with a smile as we departed. We would bump into them again a couple days later.

08-20-2010, 05:50 PM
Its a "pause" guys / gals.

Dinner time. To be cont. as quick as possible ... no delays this evening.

08-20-2010, 06:17 PM
So Far Excellent:-D Discouraging seeing so many others but are they worthy???? Brent can't believe you guys flew in the Otter OUCH!!!!


Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2010, 06:20 PM
So Far Excellent:-D Discouraging seeing so many others but are they worthy???? Brent can't believe you guys flew in the Otter OUCH!!!!


We could have taken the 185 or the Beav but nothing but first class for us high rollers:rolleyes:.

Should I just skip to the end?? I'm done eating.


08-20-2010, 06:34 PM
Great read MR . RAMS..and exellent photos Mr. Brent..absolutley love it ..:mrgreen:

Amazing how one flies into the "back country" to get away from folks and find sheep...and end up with so many others glassing the same hidden bowls...

I know how dissapointed I have felt in simmilar situations with massive effort and not inconsequental sums of $$$$$$ only to find boatloads of others after the same sheep..

Keep er going Greg...WELL DONE...


08-20-2010, 06:57 PM
Ohhh good. A break, need to pee bad ! I'm guessing that if the guide and his clients are crawling over the same ridges you've found a good spot Greg.

08-20-2010, 06:58 PM
Great story so far, man I'd be a tad bit disappointed with all those "other eyes"

08-20-2010, 07:15 PM
Good read so far Rams...love the play- by- play photos....

Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2010, 07:30 PM
Someone ask Rams about the wrangler that paid us a visit:cool:. Not what you'd expect to run into on northern BC mtn, that's for sure!!


08-20-2010, 07:30 PM
I'm predicting happy ending?

08-20-2010, 07:36 PM
Back to the hunt. So there we were, sitting on a mountain with 10 sets of eyes glassing the hell out of it for rams and no shots have been heard and no legal rams have been seen.

SSS and I had a pretty funny dialogue going on regarding the wranglers visit and ensueing conversation. He was a bit lost in conversation a few times but at the end of the day, the guide / hunter were onto the rams first that day and all we could do is sit a ways back and watch and see what the rams did (if there were legal ones around) and then left the area when they observed that there were no legal rams and therefor saved us a little walking that day to check the basin they were watching.

Here are the young rams we both were watching.

08-20-2010, 07:39 PM
On the way back to camp, we observed the camp down below ... not even a km from where we pitched our tent :/ For the first few days, it was feeling rather crowded and we surmised the fire ban was lifted or something given the smoke coming from camp.


The Hermit
08-20-2010, 07:52 PM
Okay I'll bite, what was so unusual about the wrangler/guide?

08-20-2010, 08:09 PM
Keep er going Rams..good deal...:mrgreen:


08-20-2010, 08:14 PM
Okay I'll bit, what was so unusual about the wrangler/guide?

I'm guessing it was someone with a few "assets"

08-20-2010, 08:47 PM
A little discouraged, we headed back to camp early to figure out our next plan of attack for the area.

The Sil-tarp came out almost right away when we arrived in camp. A massive wind / rain storm started bellowing through and all we could do was just hunker down and come to grips with the weather and start boiling water for our freeze dried dinner.

We didn't take any photo's of the storm but it sure replenished our water supply.

Discussions turned around to the lack of sheep (sure we saw some but certainly not many) and seeing how the others weren't seeing / shooting rams either we figured we should hit another mountain with the idea we might bivvy out for the night and see what happens.

When all of a sudden out of the blue came a man on a horse just like it came from an episode of man tracker but it happened to be a good man I'd made an aquaintance with before and after some friendly chit chat with the ongoings he left us a treat of canned pineapple, peaches and tuna!! What an energy boost!!

The next morning we were up early and started a long hike to another mountain to check out .... it was a dreadfully hot day and water was scarce other than what we carried on ourselves.

After a lot of glassing, we finally see some ewes and lambs and 1 maybe legal ram bedded down low in a saddle but too far to tell if he was legal.

Sitting tight we continued glassing to no avail. SSS eventually fell asleep curled up on his side. At this point it was late morning and the sun was burning down. After putting the bino's down from a glassing stint, I casually looked over my shoulders ...... and I was floored .... not 130 yards away was a ram staring at us....things happened awful fast at this point ..... putting the binos up I look at him and see he's a nice full curl ram .... at this point I turn and whisper loudly to SSS to wake up that a ram was staring at us ... ... quick whispers back and forth that he was a good ram and I was gonna shoot him and as SSS put the spotter on to see if it was a mature ram but at the same time he said shoot the ram turned and ran off before I could let the safety off ..... staring at eachother in disbelief what just transpired the ram reappeared over 230 or so yards away and bootin it up further away on the ridge to which I quickly got into an awkward prone position and 2 shots later ......... I was in shock......I had missed at a running ram.

Unbelievably - I had missed. ..... it was the unthinkable but it happened in all the excitement within the moment. It wasn't one of those cool, calm, collected moments where you pull a stalk on a ram and pick your shot. We did end up bivvying up on that mountain for the night to see if we could find him again but the direction and the way the mountains were, it would not have surprised us if he hit the timber and booted it for parts unknown at that point.

A nice ram. One which finally had me shouldering my rifle after all these years. It was one of the toughest couple days I had mentally.

I graciously told SSS that night over dinner that I had my opportunity and it was his turn on the next ram we found. I must say this is where good hunting partners can talk over the situation and he refused to take it, saying it wasn't one of those instances where we spotted, stalked, and had the shooting opportunity but rather a quirky case of the ram finding us and in the hurried events which transpired didn't quite fit as a good opportunity.

This part of the hunt seems to lack a few pictures....may have zoned out in that regard but we did make a great bivvy shelter with the Sil-Tarp and just stare off in the direction the ram last disappeared.

Bighorn hunter
08-20-2010, 08:54 PM
Althought the drawn out wait is killing me,,,,,,,,,,,,, loving ever bit of it,,,,,keep er coming


08-20-2010, 09:02 PM
It was a long haul back to camp after hunting / glassing all the next day from a vantage that let us see in all directions for any rams .... we only saw a few ewes and lambs (including the bunch that the other 'maybe' legal ram was with but he was last seen also headed in the timber direction and perhaps a different mountain).

We were parched and exhausted upon returning the to the main camp late that night ....

At this point we were hunting mountains 2 days and if we spotted sheep, we would return the 2nd day to ensure we didn't miss any other sheep, especially if we were able to re-locate the sheep from the day before. This method increases the odds of seeing rams when moving around looking for sheep. We never did see new sheep ..... sure there 'may' have been missed sheep but sometimes you need to play the odds.

Given the prospects with so many eyes around and no sheep taken and having blown an opportunity ..... we were reflecting on the next plan and it was one we had in the back of our minds but never thought we would contemplate. Way off in the horizon lay a rugged, and I mean rugged mountains in the distance ..... mountains neither of us had ever hunted and knew relatively little about other than passing rumours.

"We're gonna do it huh. Hike all the way over to those mountains??" It wasn't just a hike over for a look see .... it took us 2 1/2 days to get there. A hike that would leave us shaking our head at times but given the circumstances .... it was time to move into unfamiliar country.

On zoom from through the spotter ..... intimidating.....and we would end up beyond the far peak in the photo ....

08-20-2010, 09:09 PM
Someone ask Rams about the wrangler that paid us a visit:cool:. Not what you'd expect to run into on northern BC mtn, that's for sure!!


The wrangler in question was a 'she'.

SSS had trouble taking the opportunity to defend resident hunters a few times :lol:

08-20-2010, 09:18 PM
The wrangler in question was a 'she'.

SSS had trouble taking the opportunity to defend resident hunters a few times :lol:

You've got pics of everything except this.....some people's children ;)

08-20-2010, 09:19 PM
almost bedtime ... i won't be able to sleep until th end, lol.....

08-20-2010, 09:22 PM
Does her name rhyme with banana ?

08-20-2010, 09:23 PM
how do you carry enough food? seems like you've been going for days by now.?!

08-20-2010, 09:24 PM
You've got pics of everything except this.....some people's children ;)

Now that was a photo opp we missed out on that we talked about afterwards!!

To my credit, I called just about everything through the spotter long before she visited us. :)

08-20-2010, 09:26 PM
how do you carry enough food? seems like you've been going for days by now.?!

We had enough food to last 15-16 days if needed to ration a little .... 14 days with no rationing.

08-20-2010, 09:29 PM
ramanaha? lol

08-20-2010, 09:29 PM
The next morning we start up our packing for the big move. We figured 1 day .... how wrong we were....those mountains were farther than we thought they were.

Here's us starting to load up.....followed by the lucky marmot that was under our tent when we arrived back the night before.



08-20-2010, 09:32 PM
Now that was a photo opp we missed out on that we talked about afterwards!!

They're just holding out. $5 will get you 10 that they got pictures while she was walkiing away.:-D Probly a couple through the spotting scope too.

08-20-2010, 09:33 PM
does your uh "partner"fall asleep with all yore foreplay.actually good story keep it goin and hope we hear the outcome before next sheep season.!

08-20-2010, 09:33 PM
lovin' the story so far

08-20-2010, 09:38 PM
Packing our packs with well rehearsed precision, we were loaded and off without much delay other than slight apprehension as to what we were getting ourselves into with the unknown.



Early on our hike, we were amused as I am sure they were as we came upon the previously mentioned wrangler, guide and hunter (who couldn't resist taking our photo as we stood there with packs on). They were all loaded up and pulling out as well and in the direction we were headed.

With a bemused look upon her face, the wrangler pipes up .... "You guys tired yet?"

"Just getting started." SSS answers .....

Guide goes, "Which way are you guys headed" and it was answered with a general wave of the hiking pole .... "That way!"

And off they went ..... with the guide snapping a couple photo's of us before he mounted his horse.

And so it was .... we were off......

08-20-2010, 09:50 PM
The hike was eventful and eventually creeks turned into raging torrents which is better suited to be called small rivers but off with the boots and on with the crocks with every crossing ..... quite tedius so to speak. We were tired but we kept pushing forward, taking breaks when required.

A tired SSS likely thinking what the hell are we doing anyways....


08-20-2010, 09:57 PM
We were glassing the same basins and relocated the same sheep we were seeing the day before in fairly short order including the same folks we saw the day before. Back to where we saw the rams the day before, we saw what we didn't expect to see but did see. 3 more folks on the ridge on the far side glassing into the same spot where the rams were ...... we decided to move down closer to them and glass a different basin out of their sight .... it was getting a tad crowded on this mountain with 10 sets of eyes all over the place (including us).....

We relocated the rams but knew they couldn't see them but wondered if they were sitting on legal rams .... and thought we should keep our distance and keep an eye on movement ..... irregardless, they sent the wrangler to have a talk with us as we were hidden glassing a back basin .... we had a good conversation but it was clear they would be upset if we moved in their direction as they were waiting for rams to come up on top ...... turns out none of them were legal anyways and we departed on good terms and headed the other way after glassing the one basin.

Glassing the back basin ...


Guide and hunter working their way down the ridge. They gave us a farewell wave with a smile as we departed. We would bump into them again a couple days later.

OMG Looks like Boxhitch + his hunter !!!

08-20-2010, 09:59 PM
We don't have too many photos of the 'journey' more so because the cameras were tucked away and we were more focussed on covering ground as much as possible. Not being able to really sheep hunt for over 2 days while in timber was eating away at us. We got rained on really good and that bush is just soaking wet when having to hike with rain gear and being saturated with sweat in the humid heat.

We had to light a fire one evening to dry our stuff out at one of the camps we made.


One of us managed to remember snapping the camp photo. Still down low but our mood was good and we were looking forward to climbing up out of the timber again.

08-20-2010, 10:10 PM
Thanks for sharing this has been a great read so far,cant wait for the outcome.

08-20-2010, 10:19 PM
excellent story so far....amazing sounding adventure! looking forward to the outcome

08-20-2010, 10:20 PM
At long last .... we finally were breaking tree line and given the first views of the mountains we would start in search of sheep. It wasn't long before a nice caribou bull entertained us for an hour!!


SSS luring the bull back!! Curiosity gets them every time.


Back he comes....

SSS studying the maps to give us an idea of the area shortly after breaking tree line.


Soon we were making camp beside a creek with adequate glassing!! So much fun being in new country we had never hunted or seen before. Never knowing what to expect.


08-20-2010, 10:31 PM
That evening, despite tired legs, we were motivated to take an hour to climb up and have a peak over into another basin for the evening glass. Things were looking up .... we spotted a few rams on another nearby mountain ridge but they were young ones. After a couple days of hiking in the timber, it was a great feeling to see rams right away and stoked our confidence.

SSS heading back down to camp after glassing an adjoining basin.

08-20-2010, 10:31 PM
Great read so far Greg! Keep it coming...

08-20-2010, 10:40 PM
The next morning, it was up and at it again as we glassed the surrounding with a couple ewe lamb sightings from the tent. More promise!! It was time to climb up and get another 'new' view in the other direction. We weren't disapointed and liked what we saw. Now if only we could find the sheep.

Climbing up from camp.

08-20-2010, 10:51 PM
It wasn't long while glassing that I found a bull caribou on a high ridge in the distance. Told SSS about it and we kept on glassing. About 15 mins later, SSS announces there's a sheep where the caribou was. And it was a ram. Our legs went nearly dead .... that ram was 5 km as the crow flies on the sky line and we could see he was a ram worth checking out. With our camp behind us we decided to make the choice to empty our packs except for rifles / binos and make the haul back down to camp and bring it back up with us so we could be more in the 'zone' so to speak as far as glassing / hunting goes. And so we did just that ... made it back to camp in time to have a dinner break and then pack it all up again and over to where we wanted to be.

Back glassing and the good news was that the ram was still bedded / feeding on the distant ridge. We were going to go for it. 5km straight line .... we had alot of hiking ahead of us and we figured we were going to be making a bivvy camp again..... putting it into perspective, the ram was on the farthest sky line above the tent.

The ram in question on the sky line.

Keep in mind ... the day we made the move onto this ram was day 10 of our hunt.

08-20-2010, 10:56 PM
Great read so far.
I'm bagged, hope its all up in the a.m :cool: (Falling asleep between clicking "refresh" :lol:)

08-20-2010, 11:12 PM
We were up early at 4 am and on the move. It was a cold day with a north wind and skies that left us wondering if we shouldn't have just brought the tent just in case ..... but we didn't.

Motivated an hour into the hike, that the ram was still there, we forged on .... always on the lookout for other sheep enroute. Closer and closer by the hour. We were pushing hard and it was having a telling effect on both of us fatigue wise. It didn't help that with only a couple km to go that we spot another GO camp with tent and people in it down below.

Given the location of the camp and the fact the people were still there, told us that they likely couldn't see the ram from where they were so we pushed onwards to see if we could get into position.

I'd like to say at this point, we were both nearly tanked and parched for water. But by 11am we peaked over the top and at exactly 220 yards was the ram bedded down without a clue in the world as to our presence.

Beautiful ram with nice dropping and flaring horns that didn't quite make full curl ..... "Jeeze SSS, I can't get 8 on him." which went on for over an hour. After a while though we were getting the view we needed and it looked like the ram would be 8 .... but at that point, we were like, if we couldn't decide earlier to shoot him that perhaps we let him walk and thats exactly what we did.....even though he was a nice ram.

We got up to stretch our legs and decide to take in the rest of the scenery and crawling back over we were given a great sight!!

A great looking pack train of horses moving through the country.

08-20-2010, 11:23 PM
Gotta love these epics! Great photos, makes me wonder why I'm not out there already

08-20-2010, 11:26 PM
After watching them go through .... we returned our attention to the ram. He was up and feeding and moving away from us .... having a better opportunity to view his horns, and see he was a nice ram and he fed out of sight, that we should go down and have one last good look 'just to be sure' ..... we started down and then this rain / wind storm hits and while waiting it out ... we climb the next ridge to find the ram nowhere to be seen ..... at that point we went back on our previous statement that if its taking us that long to look him over, we should pass him up.

A few hundred yards up the ridge towards the packs (which were on top of the mountain.... I spot a grizzly across the basin working its way towards us and gave SSS the heads up and that we had better keep working our way up ..... the bear disappeared ...then reappeared .... and what happened next ..... happened really fast.....upon seeing us on the ridge, the bear charged from about 500 yards away ......we started yelling and waving our arms as loud as we could to get his attention .... he wasn't stopping and he was reducing the yardage damn fast .....SSS was the first to fire the first warning shot .... bear still charging ..... I fired the 2nd shot .... bear still running at a charge ...... SSS fires a 3rd ...... I fire the 4th ..... and he's still charging ......I fire the 5th shot and that finally turns the bear ..... he heads off running back to the opposite ridge and down its length and back down into the timber...... a few more seconds at the rate he was moving and we were going to end up having to shoot to kill. Yelling and waving followed by several shots and he was still coming ..... we were certainly in an ideal spot with high visibility. At the end of the day we are both safe.

At this point its absolutly pissing rain and miserable out. We knew we weren't going to make it back to the tent and so we dropped down to utilize the camp from which the outfit pulled out from. Everything was drenched and it was by good fortune a tarp rolled up was put to good use as a ground sheet with the Sil-Tarp as a cover. (we rolled and put it back as we found it!!).

08-20-2010, 11:35 PM
A few hundred yards up the ridge towards the packs (which were on top of the mountain.... I spot a grizzly across the basin working its way towards us and gave SSS the heads up and that we had better keep working our way up ..... the bear disappeared ...then reappeared .... and what happened next ..... happened really fast.....upon seeing us on the ridge, the bear charged from about 500 yards away ......we started yelling and waving our arms as loud as we could to get his attention .... he wasn't stopping and he was reducing the yardage damn fast .....SSS was the first to fire the first warning shot .... bear still charging ..... I fired the 2nd shot .... bear still running at a charge ...... SSS fires a 3rd ...... I fire the 4th ..... and he's still charging ......I fire the 5th shot and that finally turns the bear ..... he heads off running back to the opposite ridge and down its length and back down into the timber...... a few more seconds at the rate he was moving and we were going to end up having to shoot to kill. Yelling and waving followed by several shots and he was still coming ..... we were certainly in an ideal spot with high visibility. At the end of the day we are both safe.

At least you got to get a few shots off at that bear, you lucky SOB. Amazing he'd charge from that far away, you guys must have smelled yummy

08-20-2010, 11:37 PM
At least you got to get a few shots off at that bear, you lucky SOB. Amazing he'd charge from that far away, you guys must have smelled yummy

SSS was menstruating after all that hard hiking. :wink:

08-20-2010, 11:53 PM
A more comfortable bivvy camp we were able to use.


Fire to dry our stuff out ......


Still smiling away the next afternoon. Thats right .... it rained / socked us in till the next afternoon .... we needed the sleep anyways.

Oh yeah.....did I mention we were tanked .... last bit of climb before overlooking the ram. SSS looking the part.


Loading up / cleaning up camp to start the rest of the hike back to our tent and glass / hunt sheep as we go.


The trip back was great with a few ewe lamb sightings and the opportunity to check out the new country.

BiG Boar
08-20-2010, 11:56 PM
This is a long one. A bit too long. Yet slightly exciting. So I'll finish up on Monday when you're done. Hope you get a couple. Man you're putting on the miles! Good on ya boys.

08-21-2010, 12:02 AM
The weather started to break as we made the last climb towards our tent camp and the sun set was showing ....


Not too long after this photo ... we were walking along and about half a mile to go to the tent when I whistfully brought the bino's up to check a distant ridge on another mountain ......... "Hey Brent ... Brent ... rams ... rams on the ridge........." .... "No way ...."

And so it started again ...... we hunkered down below skyline on another mountain ridge and whipped out the spotters. 3 rams and ....... one of them looked like a shooter. Our time was running out and here we had more rams and we were tired. Yet we needed to get a closer look at the larger ram. We watched the rams and put them to bed at dark and woke up a few hours later .... they were still there and had dropped significantly in elevation and were feeding just above the buckbrush line .... time to make a move.....if all went well, we'd be on them within the hour.

The rams disappeared from sight .... and the winds were causing us a little worry ...... blowing in every direction .... we needed to locate those rams again to plan an attack yet we had no idea if they bedded or were still feeding into the buckbrush / timber area.

BiG Boar
08-21-2010, 12:06 AM
Now it gets interesting.

08-21-2010, 12:13 AM
We were sneaking along the buck brush and hoping to get a glimpse of the sheep from another angle when all of a sudden SSS stopped suddenly and backed up .... they were bedded and the larger ram was facing us .... busted ..... we both dropped behind a tree each and froze ..... that ram knew something was up but we didn't dare move and the mosquitoes were really getting annoying ..... after over an hour the rams got up to feed out of sight and we made our move back up hill in the direction they were feeding .... we had them right where we wanted them .... it was going to be a matter of sneaking over a low rise and being within shooting range ..... .... we peaked over and nothing ..... where were they??? for some unknown reason I looked behind me and there they were ... already making their way into the cliffs over 500 yards away ...... the wind must have given us away ....... sooo defeated .... but we watched them make their way across the mountain side ... slowing down to feed below some cliffs..... exasperated .... I noted a steep creek wash across the basin which required dropping down into the timber / bruck brush and regaining all that elevation ..... there was a slight knob of which we could peak over .... if we moved hard, we might be able to intercept them if they stayed their present course of movement .....

Going down was ok ... but climbing up ... the energy was low but we had to go and go hard we did and when we topped out on the knob and peaked over ... at first I couldn't see anything .... then all of a sudden one of the rams fed into view .... they were now just over 400 yards and closing the distance!!!

08-21-2010, 12:40 AM
are we done for the night??

08-21-2010, 12:41 AM
We were pumped ... the rams were now feeding towards us and it was just a matter of letting them just walk right into us and we were downwind!!

After getting ready .... I slowly rose to take a peek and incredulously the rams had bedded down .... between 320 and 350 yards away and 2 of them were facing us.

We hunkered down and figured to wait them out. I didn't keep track but I'm sure it was at least an hour or two before the rams got up to feed again but this time they were really no longer feeding towards us .... they were oblivious to our presence yet with the larger ram at 320 yards, we didn't want the prospect of them starting to feed away from us ...... whispering with SSS .... we decided now was the time to shoot when he fed broadside .......

Given everything we've gone through up to that point to be on day 12 of our hunt ..... I told SSS, "lets shoot that ram at the same time!"

The excitement was building .... as we belly crawled the last few meters to a small little knob to rest our rifles on .....

simultaneous and in sync.......one, two....BOOM and a quick simulaneous 2nd round downed the ram for good!!!

And so an epic Stone's trip came to a conclusion and through hard work, perseverence and effort a fine ram was down.

Every year, sheep hunters take great sheep and have great adventures. This was our adventure and our ram. Hopefully some of you guys / gals who have yet to hunt in the mountains will make that effort to experience what sheep hunting is all about. Sometimes the ram will come early in a hunt ... and other times you'll have to work for it like we did. Either way, taking a ram on a trip is a bonus and secondary to the actual hunt itself. This is the reason why SSS and I are able to stay and hunt the duration of a long hunt without giving up. We're there to hunt sheep in the mountains.

08-21-2010, 12:46 AM
I stayed up, can I see a picture of the ram and smilling hunters?

Kitimat Killer
08-21-2010, 12:51 AM
congrats on the amazing trip the story made me feel like i was there congrats the two of you, you guys earned that sheep thats for sure


08-21-2010, 12:52 AM
Awesome story, this has been the best night shift ever!!! Thank u iPhone and bc rams

08-21-2010, 12:54 AM
well got to get to bed, guess i'l see the final photo's tomorrow!! great story, what a journey!! i hope to one day do something like that!! congrats to both of you.

08-21-2010, 12:57 AM
I know some folks are looking to see the ram ..... here are a few.



Short side


Long side


08-21-2010, 01:00 AM
A couple more:



08-21-2010, 01:02 AM
What an awesome adventure and a great story!!!!

Kitimat Killer
08-21-2010, 01:12 AM
and again nice ram guys congrats on a wicked ram what a beauty ram


08-21-2010, 01:12 AM
Well done fellows! Great looking ram and what fantastic smiles! You certainly earned it, I guess next year you're going back to simultaneously shoot another?

08-21-2010, 01:13 AM
That thing is a pig, lotsa mass on him. Beautiful basin too, huge congrats guys on a well deserved Ram. You finally shot something together, a long time coming.
Great story and thanks for taking the time to post it all up.

Now about the gag order...tisk tisk. I'll remember that.

08-21-2010, 01:15 AM
Now that's a sheep hunt!!! An absolute cranker ram . . . congrats to both of you on going the distance and sharing the journey with us. A few new sheep hunters may have just enlisted!

The Hermit
08-21-2010, 01:18 AM
Excellent story and great pics too! Now tell us about carrying that fellow out of there with all your gear, or did you stay up there an extra couple days and eat him? LOL Great hunt guys!!

08-21-2010, 01:26 AM
Wow, great story, thanks for taking the time to share it, and for the great photos. I've never had the urge to hunt sheep, until now. Won't my wife be pleased?:-D That sure is beautiful country. It's good to see that your perseverance paid off - big time. Congrats!

08-21-2010, 01:50 AM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif Congratulations to you both. True sportsmen. What a great hunt. Incredible perserverance. This gives a true picture of what it means to go after sheep. Thanks for taking time for all those pictures during the hunt. Thank you for posting the story and pictures.

08-21-2010, 02:14 AM
Sweet ram!! Since you both shot it are you guys keeping one horn each to remember it by? Cuttin' it right down the middle? Could redefine the half mount!

08-21-2010, 03:31 AM
Awsome hunt, ram and story.................

Well deserved!

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 04:42 AM
Snarling raccoons outside my bedroom window @ 3:30 am and I haven't been able to get back to sleep for the last hour:-?. At least when I got on here the story was finished:)

Funny....after finally having success after several yrs I expected BCR to provide very few details...but that's as honest as a sheep story as you'll ever hear....as it truly happened.

Sweet ram!! Since you both shot it are you guys keeping one horn each to remember it by? Cuttin' it right down the middle? Could redefine the half mount!

It is BCR's ram.....so he made the call. The shot was not short (~330 yds) and the wind was howling. It was day 12 of our hunt and we had taken several tumbles including bashed scopes. Now, some guys might slag us for deciding to both shoot but there could not have been a more fitting end to yet another epic shared hunt. For both of us it's never been about "me", it's been about "us".
For the past three hunts I've given Greg first choice on rams but the info on the areas has all been his...so it was only fitting. Most guys would do the same.
Earlier in the hunt when he missed he tried to pass me the first choice but there was no way I would let him do that....even if he had a better, less rushed shot. There was no question in my mind. I was there to help Greg get a ram...and that's what I was going to do.....or at least have fun trying.
On the pack out Greg mentioned that over the last 4 sheep hunts together we've never even had a hint of a harsh word with one another. We're there to have fun, enjoy the mountains and each other's company. I doubt there are many sheep hunters that can claim that.
I'm as happy just being a part of it as I would have if it was my ram.:)

Congrats again, Greg! You deserve him!


08-21-2010, 05:35 AM
Awsome story makes me want to get into sheep hunting .

08-21-2010, 06:11 AM
Wow fellas you've shown just what hunting is really about. I'm glad to see you guys got one after everything you went through on that trip. Congratulations and awesome story!

08-21-2010, 06:21 AM
Great story, beauty Ram, congrats to both of ya!!
Upped sheep a couple of notches higher on my to-hunt list!

08-21-2010, 06:22 AM
That is absolutely,100%, the kind of story that keeps me frequenting this site!
I can only say thankyou for sharing such a great adventure on such a well desreved ram.

Wild Images
08-21-2010, 06:34 AM
Well done fellas, nice mature ram and very well earned

08-21-2010, 06:41 AM
Simply an amazing acount of an incredible hunt boys! Thanks for bringing the rest of us along. I know full well how deserved that ram is. Not just the effort on this latest trip but several years worth of trips. Congrats to the both of you! It ain't about the size of the critter but rather the hunt itself.

08-21-2010, 06:44 AM
Congratulations guys on an epic journey for a mountain monarch! Well done!

Duk Dog
08-21-2010, 06:47 AM
Fantastic adventure. Awesome job on the story, pictures, and ram! Way to go.

08-21-2010, 06:47 AM
Huge congrats on a awesome hunt and a fine animal.Just read your article in bc outdoors Gearing up for sheep.Looks like you boys know how to geter done.Thanks for the read:-D

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 06:56 AM
Huge congrats on a awesome hunt and a fine animal.Just read your article in bc outdoors Gearing up for sheep.Looks like you boys know how to geter done.Thanks for the read:-D

I think Rams should have read that article just before we left.....and paid particular att'n to author's point #6(IIRC-don't have the mag handy).......the one about putting fresh batteries in all your electronic gear...including headlamps. :-D


Bear Chaser
08-21-2010, 06:56 AM
Congratulations gentlemen. You've got a friendship and memories you can truly be proud of. The ram is a pretty good bonus.

08-21-2010, 07:02 AM
Congratulations gentlemen, a well deserved Sheep.

Greg, you have one of the very BEST trophies that one could possibly find and that is an awsome hunting partner. SSS, you've set a fine example for all hunters to work for. Great hunt, now, next year....

yamadirt 426
08-21-2010, 07:02 AM
Thanks for the read. Congrats

08-21-2010, 07:04 AM
Congratulations to both of you on a great hunt and a great ram

08-21-2010, 07:08 AM
Snarling raccoons outside my bedroom window @ 3:30 am and I haven't been able to get back to sleep for the last hour:-?. At least when I got on here the story was finished:)

Funny....after finally having success after several yrs I expected BCR to provide very few details...but that's as honest as a sheep story as you'll ever hear....as it truly happened.

It is BCR's ram.....so he made the call. The shot was not short (~330 yds) and the wind was howling. It was day 12 of our hunt and we had taken several tumbles including bashed scopes. Now, some guys might slag us for deciding to both shoot but there could not have been a more fitting end to yet another epic shared hunt. For both of us it's never been about "me", it's been about "us".
For the past three hunts I've given Greg first choice on rams but the info on the areas has all been his...so it was only fitting. Most guys would do the same.
Earlier in the hunt when he missed he tried to pass me the first choice but there was no way I would let him do that....even if he had a better, less rushed shot. There was no question in my mind. I was there to help Greg get a ram...and that's what I was going to do.....or at least have fun trying.
On the pack out Greg mentioned that over the last 4 sheep hunts together we've never even had a hint of a harsh word with one another. We're there to have fun, enjoy the mountains and each other's company. I doubt there are many sheep hunters that can claim that.
I'm as happy just being a part of it as I would have if it was my ram.:)

Congrats again, Greg! You deserve him!

A great hunt shared by 2 hard working guys out doing what they love to do...hard to beat that ..sounds like you 2 have built something special between each other over the past few yrs...im sure you will get your turn at getting your sheep sss with rams next time out...good hunting partrners are hard to find..sounds like you guys are on the same page on how to go about hunting..congrats to you guys on a great trip...awesome ram bcrams .

08-21-2010, 07:14 AM
Since it hasn't been asked yet, and I'm curious, was the ram that got missed the same size, or bigger than the one Greg ended up shooting?

08-21-2010, 07:16 AM
Great write up and pics Greg! I phoned Brent as soon as I knew he was back in town and did get the Reader's Digest version plus some pics, but this really puts what you guys went through into perspective.

I'm proud to include you guys on my list of friends - you define what hunting is all about in the truest sense of the word. Congrats on taking a spectacular animal!

08-21-2010, 07:22 AM
You made my morning with that story. Awesome read and a smasher ram.
Congratulations to you both. You earned it.

08-21-2010, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the great story and the pics.

Incredible perserverence and cooperation.


Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 07:39 AM
Since it hasn't been asked yet, and I'm curious, was the ram that got missed the same size, or bigger than the one Greg ended up shooting?

I think we would both agree that the missed ram would have scored better. Heavy based, lamb-tipped and probably in the 39" range....but since Greg has passed-over many legal rams over the yrs he was intent on taking a ram with some ageand wanted to verify that. As soon as I saw the ram(once the cobwebs cleared from my eyes) I told him to shoot if he broke the nose(Greg saw that when he turned his head before I woke up). That small hesitation was enough to let the ram slip out of sight.
Rams was beside himself for missing but I reassured him that he didn't want to take "that" ram "that" way. I'm glad things worked out the way they did in a classic "spot and stalk" finish.
If Greg would have killed that first ram we would have never got to see some new country.

It's funny....I fell asleep and this ram appeared ....and in the next 24 hours whenever someone fell asleep sheep would appear in close proximitry in front of us. The rest of the sheep were just ewes and lambs.
Just call us the Narcoleptic sheep hunters! :)


08-21-2010, 07:53 AM
Top notch guys !!!
That'll be one to reminisce about for many years to come.
Congrats to succeeding in the 'harvest' category of your stone hunts Greg.

08-21-2010, 07:55 AM
Fantastic Ram Guys. IMO,I don't care for the Rupperized method of story telling,but a great read nonetheless.Congratulations.

08-21-2010, 07:56 AM
you guys rocked!! what a tough hunt, any guess on the amount of KM you 2 put on?? doubt there are many guys that could be as patient and determind as you two!! Congrats again!!

08-21-2010, 08:03 AM
Gotta be the best read on this site so far...Grear story and great hunt...way to go guys

325 wsm
08-21-2010, 08:03 AM
great ram and excellent write up of a hard won trophy. Does that thing ever carry it's mass well. congrats 2 the 2 of you.

Hunt'n Guide
08-21-2010, 08:09 AM
What a great story. Congratulations on a well earned ram. You've got me sick that I took the summer off.

08-21-2010, 08:14 AM
Ravens outside had me up early making coffee, and a little grumpy about it. Your story and pics were a nice treat!

What a smasher ram. Awesome!

08-21-2010, 08:22 AM
Congrats to both of you on a FANTASTIC trophy! Well earned for sure, especially considering your other challenging hunts the past few years. That is a pig of a ram, what does it score?


I heard that the otter needs a new engine, 2 bad for sure.

08-21-2010, 08:23 AM
good story BCRams, and congrats on the ram. thanks for posting

08-21-2010, 08:28 AM
Great story! Noth'n like a picture book to go along with the tale.... Took a few rums last night and a couple coffee's this morning to finish, it was great. Good on you guys.

08-21-2010, 08:31 AM
Wow, what a ram! That was an epic hunt and one for the books...You guys really showed determination and it paid off with a beautiful ram. Thanks for posting Greg! Soooo.....how much weight did you guys lose?

08-21-2010, 08:31 AM
A well deserved, gorgeous ram. You guys are inspirational. Thanks for the great read.

08-21-2010, 08:32 AM
Great Ram Guys! Congrats.


08-21-2010, 08:34 AM
great story , that truly is what sheep hunting is about...kudo's to you greg for getting brent in on the shot, that truly show's character in my books, great ram!! congrats.. Jim

08-21-2010, 08:34 AM
Thanks for the incredible Story, journey , Hunt, Brent and Greg. Man did you guys earn this Ram and the memories along with it. Congratulations. Stone Sheep Hunting is something this Albertan will only dream about but have at the top of list of Most wanted Big Game animals.
Greg i Imagine you must jot down the days event , each evening. Well put together.
Way to Git-er-done.

08-21-2010, 08:42 AM
Awsome story, great account of what it takes to make a successeful sheep hunt come together!
Loved it!

08-21-2010, 08:45 AM
Congrats on a great ram!

Got any pics from head on?

08-21-2010, 08:46 AM
Great hunt guys! Brent I guess all the training on Boucherie and Kettle paid off! Glad you guys made it back safe, especially after the damn Grizz! Congrats to the both of you. Now you can recoop and hunt the lowland deer!

08-21-2010, 08:48 AM
Great story and what a nice ram!!!!!!!!!! You guys are pretty lucky to have hunting partners like each other! Things dont get any better then that!

08-21-2010, 08:59 AM
What an amazing adventure.
Thanks for posting a great story and some amazing photos. Well worth the wait. Congrats on an absolute monarch.
thanks again guys

08-21-2010, 09:03 AM
Awesome story, beauty ram. Really can't ask for more than that. Congrats!

08-21-2010, 09:04 AM
Awesome story! Awesome ram! You guys earned it.

08-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Looks like a 10 1/2 year old?

08-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Thanks for sharing your great adventure with us. Great pics and well written to keep us reading. So how many bullet holes where in the Ram?

08-21-2010, 09:23 AM
Wow, that's what it's all about. Congrats guys, awesome story and an awesome ram.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 09:26 AM
Great hunt guys! Brent I guess all the training on Boucherie and Kettle paid off! Glad you guys made it back safe, especially after the damn Grizz! Congrats to the both of you. Now you can recoop and hunt the lowland deer!

Truth be told I wish I was in better shape to start this hunt. I was certainly lagging behind Rams the first few days when the packs were heavy.

Looks like a 10 1/2 year old?

In the field we had him pegged for 9 for sure and possibly 10. It turns out he's only 9 and he had already put on almost as much growth this yr as all of last yr.
BTW- he was shot on age as we doubted he broke the bridge of his nose..but it turned out he did break the bridge by 1/2- 3/4".

Come on, Greg! Get out of bed!! This is your thread!


08-21-2010, 09:29 AM
Greg and Brent, congrats to both of you! Sounds like you guys worked as hard as any and it paid off in the end! Awesome ram and awesome story! Ram or no ram you both were successful on this trip!

08-21-2010, 09:33 AM
For both of us it's never been about "me", it's been about "us".

For the past three hunts I've given Greg first choice on rams but the info on the areas has all been his...so it was only fitting. Most guys would do the same.
Earlier in the hunt when he missed he tried to pass me the first choice but there was no way I would let him do that....even if he had a better, less rushed shot. There was no question in my mind. I was there to help Greg get a ram...and that's what I was going to do.....or at least have fun trying.

Brent....very classy and just the kind of hunting partner/friend we all wish we could have. Cheers to you.

On the pack out Greg mentioned that over the last 4 sheep hunts together we've never even had a hint of a harsh word with one another.

Ya...what are you going to say??? "Greg....you stink"...."NO....you do". :wink:

We're there to have fun, enjoy the mountains and each other's company. I doubt there are many sheep hunters that can claim that.
I'm as happy just being a part of it as I would have if it was my ram.:)

Congrats again, Greg! You deserve him!

No kidding.......awesome story telling Greg. Congrats on the ram and thanks for taking us along on the adventure. :cool:

08-21-2010, 09:36 AM
Very nice ram, sounds like a real grunt of a hunt. Congratulations.

08-21-2010, 09:51 AM
WOW! Exciting reading..and I for one actually enjoy the "Rupperized" way of storey telling:mrgreen:

What a stellar example of teamwork, tenacious unrelenting perserverince, no wonder you wear out boots every 6 months or 60,000 kms..

Taking us along through the ups and the downs literally in words and beautiful photos,and such a beautiful well deserved ram...truly a monarch of the mountains..fitting for two such outstanding GENTLEMEN.

some excitement..happily things turned out well..

Thanks again Brent, Greg it couldnt get any better,


08-21-2010, 09:55 AM
Congrats Greg on an epic hunt and pi$$cutter of a Ram!!!

You deserve it!!!!

It is great to see two guys who enjoy the outdoors so much fit together as hunting partners. This story is a great example of how it should be done!!!

I had to work to midnight and thought about reading it last night, but decided to wait to this morning, glad I did, it made for great breakfast reading!!

Once again congrats to the both of you and a hunting trip for the ages and memories that will last a life time.



08-21-2010, 09:58 AM
epic story, thanks for posting, sure got me pumped for this years season.

08-21-2010, 09:59 AM
Congrats Greg and Brent! Classic sheep hunt....persistence, patience, and good ol' "wearing out some boot leather"! And rewarded with this great, heavy ram!
Gorgeous ram!
I know u both shot, but any chance that video camera was set up and recording?

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 10:05 AM
I know u both shot, but any chance that video camera was set up and recording?

It was rolling and it was zoomed to just the perfect amount to catch the action. You are able to see the shockwaves from the bulllet(s) travelling through the air. The ram just rolled out the screen at the end but the moment was captured!

The memory on my computer is too small to handle the video camera software or I would attempt to post up a few video clips.


08-21-2010, 10:21 AM
Nice ram boys, great job!

08-21-2010, 10:24 AM
I nominate this for best thread of the year.

What an inspiring story.

08-21-2010, 10:24 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone!

I hope this portrays what a sheep hunt can be like for the backpack hunter. There was no question about quitting or giving up on this or past hunts. It truely was a joint effort for both of us.

We may have had a minor predicament on the last 2 dall hunts had we seen rams we wanted to shoot .... "No, you shoot." .... "No you shoot."...."Fill your BC slam and shoot that ram" .... "I'll get one but you shoot first" :lol:

To us, hunting sheep is about being in the mountains and we don't get discouraged too easily even when we're not seeing many sheep or did not harvest a ram.

Good hunters and partners are hard to come by and I've been blessed and privileged to be in the company of great people on past sheep hunts as well as elk and deer hunting. I hope I've been just as good company on those hunts!!

08-21-2010, 10:32 AM
As good a read as you can get. Tops most of the stories I have ever read in outdoors magazines and you guys should consider compiling it and sending it into a magazine to have published. If you could get it published in bc outdoors that would make an awesome addition beside the rams mount.

08-21-2010, 10:35 AM
Great trip with a fantastic result, one of my dreams for the next season. The only way it could have been better is to have a few more 'Gold rings" in the pictures, lol. Congrads boys! Very well done.

08-21-2010, 10:38 AM
Wow,unbelievable read,felt like i was right there with you guys.Excellent story,great pictures,enjoyed every minute reading that story.I can tell from the story and the comments here you guys are class act gentlemen and hunting partners.Thank you for sharing what a hunt should be like and how hunting partners should act with each other and other hunters they meet along the way.I hope everyone can take a little of that attitude along with them on their hunts this fall.Congrats to BOTH of you on a very succesfull hunt and a fantastic trophy ,truley a class act hunting trip.

08-21-2010, 10:41 AM
Just spent almost the past hour reading this account from start to now..........spectacular, it just doesn't get any better. This was the true definition of "sheep hunt" in all respects. Congratulations to you both.

A most excellent read and sure beats the hell out of; "Buddy & I flew into a place up north, hiked into the mountains and shot a sheep, here's a couple of pictures" version. I think the majority of us really like to hear the "whole story". Very well written, top drawer in all respects.

How about a short epilogue to the saga; the pack out with your prize, total days, distance, a few equip/food details, etc., Would make for a nice conclusion to a spectacular story.
Congrats again, an experience only very few can relate to. VERY Well done.

08-21-2010, 10:47 AM
I think Rams should have read that article just before we left.....and paid particular att'n to author's point #6(IIRC-don't have the mag handy).......the one about putting fresh batteries in all your electronic gear...including headlamps. :-D


Knew I should have replaced them but we proved that you only need 1 headlamp on a hunt between 2 guys. :-D


I heard that the otter needs a new engine, 2 bad for sure.

Thanks! Talking with Dad, he said with the low hours on the engine, it should be covered by warranty for a new overhauled engine. It happens on occassion.

Wow, what a ram! That was an epic hunt and one for the books...You guys really showed determination and it paid off with a beautiful ram. Thanks for posting Greg! Soooo.....how much weight did you guys lose?

I don't know about SSS when he put himself on the scale back home but I lost 13-14 lbs and still sitting 13 lbs under the weight I started with today. Losing weight was certainly noticable throughout the hunt in particular the latter half of it.

Congrats on a great ram!

Got any pics from head on?

As you know sometimes guys get carried away and surprisingly virtually no straight on photo's except for these ones. Hope they suffice.


Bighorn hunter
08-21-2010, 10:54 AM
Great pic!!!!!!!! and story to match

Congrats on a beauty and well earned ram

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 10:58 AM
Knew I should have replaced them but we proved that you only need 1 headlamp on a hunt between 2 guys. :-D

I don't know about SSS when he put himself on the scale back home but I lost 13-14 lbs and still sitting 13 lbs under the weight I started with today. Losing weight was certainly noticable throughout the hunt in particular the latter half of it.

As you know sometimes guys get carried away and surprisingly virtually no straight on photo's except for these ones. Hope they suffice.

I probably lost about the same amount....but never did weigh myself after a week of drinking beer and stuffing my hole while camping just before we left.

Yes, surpizingly not many head-on shots. There is a nice clip on the video cam where Greg turns his head and he looks really nice.


08-21-2010, 11:06 AM
Incredible story Greg!

I look forward to you and SSS adventures every fall and they keep getting better. This ram is the icing on the cake. After 10+ days of hard hunting, with all the obstacles of other hunters, bears and weather and you both pull the trigger! This is surely a hunt to last a life time. my feet are sore my back aches and I have a grin from ear to ear reading this story!!! Thanks for the adventure it was awesome...


08-21-2010, 11:16 AM
Way to go guys, that's a hard earned and well deserved ram and a great veteran ram to boot. An epic adventure for sure. I'm happy for you guys, you've certainly earned your stripes. Congratulations...!

08-21-2010, 11:17 AM
He's an old buster, no doubt about it!

Once again, great ram ... congrats fellas!

08-21-2010, 11:21 AM
Thanks SC. You're certainly one who can relate with your great sheep adventures!

08-21-2010, 11:23 AM
What an incredible account of the hunt, thank you for posting.
It's stories like these that are so enjoyable to read and inspiring to get out there with a friend and chase something.

08-21-2010, 11:47 AM
It's stories like these that are so enjoyable to read and inspiring to get out there with a friend and chase something.

That is the main reason for posting. Getting guys / gals out there hunting and perhaps making their dreams of experiencing a sheep hunt in the mountains a reality. The more residents we get in the mountains, the better.

There's so much sheep country up north and there will be guys who will see this and start planning their first trips and there will be hunting vets in their own right who already know where to go and some who will learn and figure out where we were hunting and decide they want to hunt there too and by all means, if thats what they want to do, more power to them and I wish them success and perhaps a great ram too!!

We'd welcome anyone to share our camp should we ever meet up in the mountains.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 12:03 PM
They're just holding out. $5 will get you 10 that they got pictures while she was walkiing away.:-D Probly a couple through the spotting scope too.

Ding! Ding!! How did you guess??:mrgreen:
She was moving pretty fast but Rams managed to snap just one pic!
I can't even remember one word she said:shock:.


08-21-2010, 12:06 PM
Ding! Ding!! How did you guess??:mrgreen:
She was moving pretty fast but Rams managed to snap just one pic!
I can't even remember one word she said:shock:.


well show some pics!!!!! help us all "not remember a thing she said"..........:mrgreen:

08-21-2010, 12:12 PM
Ding! Ding!! How did you guess??:mrgreen:
She was moving pretty fast but Rams managed to snap just one pic!
I can't even remember one word she said:shock:.


That was a hilarious day. Like I said, you blew the chance to defend resident hunters.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 12:14 PM
That was a hilarious day. Like I said, you blew the chance to defend resident hunters.

Thank goodness Mr. Ellis doesn't have a body like that or us resident hunters would be in deep doo-doo!!:mrgreen:(my apologies to the ladies:redface:)


08-21-2010, 01:02 PM
Truely epic and inspiring to say the least!!!

08-21-2010, 01:16 PM
What a fantastic hunt and great write up.
Congratulations on your success!

08-21-2010, 01:20 PM
What an awesome read! Thanks for the story and the pics were fantastic. That's what hunting is all about, good partners, fun times and eventually success! Congratulations on a fine ram.

08-21-2010, 01:21 PM
great story, congrats on the ram.

Now let's see the pic everyone is waiting for...

08-21-2010, 01:32 PM
Great job guys!

great example of what happens when you stick to something. Work hard, don't give up and stubbornly plod along. In hunting and in life.

Nice ram as well!

08-21-2010, 01:49 PM
Thanks I needed a boost.Great hunt!It shows how important it is to have a great hunting partner.

08-21-2010, 01:57 PM
Great hunt, great partner, great ram it just doesn't get better than that. Thanks for taking us with you.:mrgreen:

08-21-2010, 02:02 PM
It was rolling and it was zoomed to just the perfect amount to catch the action. You are able to see the shockwaves from the bulllet(s) travelling through the air.

Video??? I can't believe it. Incredible. You guys rock.
It is hard enough to catch the shock waves by eye with a spotting scope:shock:.
What is your prefered drink? I am buying both of you a drink when we meet.

08-21-2010, 02:06 PM
If that story doesn't get your heart racing, nothing will!
Great story, congrats guys:-D

08-21-2010, 02:21 PM
best read in along time.it makes you feel like your there. congrats on a job well done.thats what hunting is all about the Aventure!

08-21-2010, 03:03 PM
A real bruiser!
Congrats on holdin out for a real character ram, Greg.
The story tells of a complete hunt (even hooters!) from start to finish.
Most can only dream about it.
Next beers on me.

08-21-2010, 03:27 PM
Nicely done gents!! Congrats on a great hunt, and a great ram. You boys know how to do it right. We are priveleged that you are willing to share it with the rest of us.

I have only had a chance to skim the thread so far, but am looking forward to getting back on line tonite and giving it a full read.

Congrats again, Greg & Brent. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif


calvin L
08-21-2010, 04:00 PM
Great read boys . I can see bcr spotted most of the game (just like bear hunting SSS can be a little blind :mrgreen:)

I can only hope the read in feb will be just as good . I think you two should be eating lots to get into shape for that hunt as it will be cold .

calvin L

SSS will get a little twisted up inside when there are hooters around and not think right . that is where BCR should have steped in .

08-21-2010, 04:28 PM
Congratulations guys, and thanks for sharing. That was epic!

Stone Sheep Steve
08-21-2010, 04:39 PM
SSS will get a little twisted up inside when there are hooters around and not think right . that is where BCR should have steped in .

I can usually keep my composure around them but their location caught me off guard. It's kind of like seeing a 40" ram on Gyro Beach. :mrgreen:.
And hey! I wasn't the one who snapped to pic!:wink:

I'm surprized you didn't ask if I shot him in the head:wink:.


08-21-2010, 05:42 PM
A well organized, articulated & entertaining story+photos. :)
Congrats on your successful hunt!
There is nothing more exhilarating than standing on a mountain top –like being on top of the world. (been there many times)

Guys-Good thing that the grizz decided to drop by for a visit in the daytime!:shock:

08-21-2010, 06:08 PM
amazing adventure and amazing ram!! thanks for taking the time to share it with all of us on here...man he is beefy!! makes me think the brothers fly in idea for next year is probably the plan...hunt of a lifetime! cheers boys

08-21-2010, 06:30 PM
Wow! epic story and hunt!

congrats guys

08-21-2010, 06:52 PM
My timing couldn't have been better, just back after a couple of days out of town and it was all here to enjoy!

Great story of an epic hunt in some absolutely stunning country and topped off with a fine trophy to keep the memories going for years. You guys sure showed stamina, way to go!

Thanks BCRams and SSS for sharing your hunt with us, I was thinking for bit that it had turned into a Grizzly hunt in the mountains, good thing you both took extra ammo! (I guess you must have been on one of those migration routes) :wink:

08-21-2010, 08:08 PM
Great hunt and great read guys, thanks for sharing. I made the mistake of logging on before work this morning and was an hour late getting going. Good think I answer to myself. This one had it all, a visit from Wrangler, charging G, lots of ups and downs as well as real ups and downs and even a tag team effort resuting in a great ram. Thanks for all the photos and sharing this experience.

08-21-2010, 09:16 PM
I can usually keep my composure around them but their location caught me off guard. It's kind of like seeing a 40" ram on Gyro Beach. :mrgreen:.
And hey! I wasn't the one who snapped to pic!:wink:

I'm surprized you didn't ask if I shot him in the head:wink:.


by "location" im guessing they didnt look like "cue balls" in tube sox?:mrgreen:

08-21-2010, 09:18 PM
by "location" im guessing they didnt look like "cue balls" in tube sox?:mrgreen:

This great post is going to go sideways in a hurry if we don't get to see the pics.:twisted:

08-21-2010, 09:24 PM
This great post is going to go sideways in a hurry if we don't get to see the pics.:twisted:

oh ya.................:mrgreen:

Tarp Man
08-21-2010, 09:28 PM
That is truly an epic trip report! After reading your article in BC Outdoors and tweaking a few things on my packing list, I am headed out in two weeks for my own adventure with the only buddy I would trust in situations that are often encountered on trips like that (i.e. grizzly, wranglers extraordinaire, relocating camp, sheep attracted to narcoleptic hunters). Absolutely riveting retelling of the story, with just the right amount of pictures... I will admit I could use just one more?

08-21-2010, 09:40 PM
yup i agree- wicked thread....

08-21-2010, 09:41 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed this thread, plus it's got me motivated for my up and coming sheep hunt. Thanks guys. Excellent job.

08-21-2010, 10:18 PM
Right on boys - epic journey!! Even though I've been waiting all week since your PM's, it was worth the wait. The double blast was perfect... You both earned every ring on that bad boy!

Brent, it looks like all that floatin' & guzzlin' training you did really paid off! :lol: I was hoping you were gonna blow outta that first cluster f*ck basin, but you took it a little extreme, with 2.5 days one way... :eek: Awesome ram!! Thanks for takin' us there Greg...

08-21-2010, 10:50 PM
Everythings great. Great story, great pictures, great ram, great friendship and now great memories. Great!

08-22-2010, 12:05 AM
Cool story, you guys really deserved that Ram, but all this talk on the She guide and no pic .... good or bad that's not fare ... so is she or was she hot?
Sure would help to make a good sheep hunt even gooder ...hahaha

Congrats guys


Great photos too .... Thanks for sharing

08-22-2010, 03:48 AM
Well done you two the story is tops and the ram is a fantastic animal ,you can't get it any better then this hunt ,congratulations to the two of you for your effort on this sheep hunt http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon6.gif..

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 08:04 AM
Due to popular demand, here's a pic of the wrangler in question. Very pleasant person. She moved like the wind and danced across the rocks.

Crappy pic but it's all we've got.

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Greg_s_2010_Stone_001.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20185)

and cropped

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Greg_s_2010_Stone_0011.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20186)

and here are a few packing out pics and camp pics.

The smiles masked the pain.

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Kettle_River_2010_215.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20180&ppuser=1509)

Me working on cleaning up the head while BCR was detailing the cape.
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Greg_s_2010_Stone_003.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20182&ppuser=1509)

Chef extrordinaire
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Greg_s_2010_Stone_002.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20181&ppuser=1509)


Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 08:08 AM
Pass the floss...

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Kettle_River_2010_136.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20187)

Creek crossing on the way out. They were a pain. Crocs came in handy but we left the boots on for this one.
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Greg_s_2010_Stone_040.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20184&ppuser=1509)


08-22-2010, 08:08 AM
You boys have been married too long - you've lost your touch. Shoulda had her name, number, and email, along with a few close ups. Geesh!

08-22-2010, 08:10 AM
Crappy pic but she looks decent, should have offered to have a 3 way with her, now that would have been EPIC.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 08:13 AM
Crappy pic but she looks decent, should have offered to have a 3 way with her, now that would have been EPIC.

I thought it's always an unwritten rule that "what happens in the mtns, stays in the mtns".:rolleyes:


08-22-2010, 08:21 AM
I thought it's always an unwritten rule that "what happens in the mtns, stays in the mtns".:rolleyes:


You see how much a little hunt and the resulting stone sheep has elevated your social status, imagine if you would have fired a few more rounds into deeper darker bush:mrgreen: wink wink..... You would be GODS

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 08:37 AM
You see how much a little hunt and the resulting stone sheep has elevated your social status, imagine if you would have fired a few more rounds into deeper darker bush:mrgreen: wink wink..... You would be GODS

If I ended up with a divorce my sheep hunting days would be over:???:.

We'll save the legendary status for guys lke you that fend off grizzlies with their bare hands!:wink:


08-22-2010, 08:45 AM
Great account of a great hunt with all the makings of an adventure to remember.

How do you guys keep track of a 2 week trip, one of you or both keep a journal? What do you do if you get a ram on day 2 and the plane is not coming back for 12 days?

08-22-2010, 08:46 AM
You need some Wiggy's waders!!

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Greg_s_2010_Stone_040.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=20184&ppuser=1509)

08-22-2010, 08:51 AM
We'll save the legendary status for guys lke you that fend off grizzlies with their bare hands!:wink:


Legendayrh eh... well maybe if we'd squared off Mano eh Mano, now that would have been legendary. But rolling around in a tent getting trampled and bitten, gives you limited ability to do much "fending", but it was obviously enough.

You guys took the easy way out and started shooting at it, the fun really starts when its on top.... thrashing, ripping and tearing. Yup thats the fun part....:roll:

Did you notice if you guys were on a "clear migratory bear path"?

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 09:09 AM
How do you guys keep track of a 2 week trip, one of you or both keep a journal? What do you do if you get a ram on day 2 and the plane is not coming back for 12 days?

Pretty easy to remember the details but we also both take a lot of pics....which helps to refresh our memories.

Snow and creeks can help the meat last in hot weather. The weather was hot earlier in the trip but cooled off considerably later on.

You need some Wiggy's waders!!

Had my eye on a set of Wiggy's a few yrs ago after Stonechaser(IIRC?) mentioned them. Crocs do work great(and double as camp shoes) but it becomes a pain when you have multiple creek crossings.
In all previous sheep hunts I can only think of one creek crossing where we had to take off our boots(6- 28 ). This is the first yr where a set of Wiggy's would have come in handy.


08-22-2010, 09:41 AM
hmmm getting to be more female wranglers in the mountains all the time....some pretty darn good looking...even when three of em are swimmining topless in the creek below..yup can be some sort of attraction..Im sure Greg and Brent hardly gave this mountain beauty a second glance...they were men on a mission...:mrgreen:

Great shot of Rams snarfing down the ribs....darn near taste it myself..

Well done


08-22-2010, 09:55 AM
How do you guys keep track of a 2 week trip, one of you or both keep a journal? What do you do if you get a ram on day 2 and the plane is not coming back for 12 days?

I usually pack a pencil to record it but that was one of the items that slipped through the cracks this year. Daily video and photo's helped restore daily happenings.

Taking a ram early in the hunt happened before and you can easily maintain the meat without spoilage by using snowpacks and creeks for the duration of the hunt.

You need some Wiggy's waders!!

More weight and space :-| Kinda like the gaiters he packed around and only wore once. I believe those wiggy's could come in handy if you had to use them on a daily basis making them worthwhile.

But rolling around in a tent getting trampled and bitten, gives you limited ability to do much "fending", but it was obviously enough.

You guys took the easy way out and started shooting at it, the fun really starts when its on top.... thrashing, ripping and tearing. Yup thats the fun part....:roll:

Did you notice if you guys were on a "clear migratory bear path"?

Legendary ... pushing a grizz off your partner is legendary in my eyes!

Every drainage, every pass existing in BC is a migratory path for animals :-D :wink:

We'll take the easy way out anytime!!

Great photo of the wrangler SSS. No disrespect intended and we had a good conversation. She was pleasant and the conversation was cordial with regards to the ongoings of each parties hunting. Just the way it should be.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 10:04 AM
No disrespect intended and we had a good conversation. She was pleasant and the conversation was cordial with regards to the ongoings of each parties hunting. Just the way it should be.

Right. I can imagine handling a packstring of horses in the mtns is no easy task. Certainly not for wussies. She certainly seemed like she was doing something that she loved to do.

In all fairness, the conversation went well because we chose not to react when she said residents were not well liked around there. It could have easily gone the wrong way. Our non-confrontational, positive personalities helped it go the right direction:). Be positive.


08-22-2010, 11:04 AM
Right. I can imagine handling a packstring of horses in the mtns is no easy task. Certainly not for wussies. She certainly seemed like she was doing something that she loved to do.

In all fainess, the conversation went well because we chose not to react when she said residents were not well liked around there. It could have easily gone the wrong way. Our non-confrontational, positive personalities helped it go the right direction:). Be positive.


Thats a very important point SSS highlights. At the end of the day, I am sure we were viewed in good stead and at one point was acknowledged they were impressed with what we were doing.

And while there was talk of "residents" in the past being disrespectful in that area and shadowing guides and shooting their firearms off....we chose to bite our tongue and say nothing that GO's sometimes are well noted for having done the same thing in the past to mess up residents on their hunts.... instead we answered that we weren't the sort to do that and if a guide / hunter were onto rams before us, we would back off and would expect the same courtesy in return. She acknowledged thats the way it should be.

08-22-2010, 11:27 AM
That's why you carry a sat phone:wink: Also good to stay in contact just prior to pick-up as if a weather storm rolls in you could be there an extra 4-5+ days past pick-up date, and sometimes may need to leave a day or 2 earlier if you can't afford the extra time away. That's why it's so fun, all about the challenge.


Great account of a great hunt with all the makings of an adventure to remember.

How do you guys keep track of a 2 week trip, one of you or both keep a journal? What do you do if you get a ram on day 2 and the plane is not coming back for 12 days?

08-22-2010, 05:23 PM
Congrats on a fine ram and very nice series of photos and story sounds like quit the adventure. Right at the start you mentioned both using barneys packs curious as to what model etc and how the performed and if any pros or cons.

08-22-2010, 05:32 PM
Congrats on a fine ram and very nice series of photos and story sounds like quit the adventure. Right at the start you mentioned both using barneys packs curious as to what model etc and how the performed and if any pros or cons.

Yes indeed. Congrats on a fine hunt. I am also curious about the Barney Sport Chalet Pack.

08-22-2010, 05:44 PM
Congradulations on an excellent Ram.(Nice to see SSS with a mature set of horns in his hands). Only one question, who gets the half mount facing left and who gets the one facing right? Haven't seen those girls since they were little, but looks like developed into the best looking sheep guides I've seen. You are right in your assesment of dealing with the guide. It's away better to appear to try and work with him then not, leaves them thinking you are one of the hard working, selective sheep hunters that deserves to be there and should also enjoy the success of harvesting a mature Ram. It's the trigger happy immy shooters they don't like seeing. (not taking sides or be rude to anyone jst stating the truth).

08-22-2010, 05:51 PM
Wow!! that is an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing. Nice Ram as well!

08-22-2010, 05:58 PM
Yes indeed. Congrats on a fine hunt. I am also curious about the Barney Sport Chalet Pack.

Brother and I bought the Barneys freighter frame with Hunter packs a few years ago. I find it hard to believe there is a pack more comfortable under heavy loads, period. I can easly fit my gear for 17 day pack trip in the Barneys. There are some other nice packs out there that are comfy when around 70-80 lbs, but slap 120+lbs loads for couple days :-|. Barneys is very tough material and tons of straps and pockets to keep things tight.

I have packed out deer with my eberlestock and I would rather pack 130lbs in my Barneys then 90lbs in the eberlestock. Partner used a MR kodiak this year, not sure if it wasn't set up right for him or what. I doubt that pack will be going on another sheep hunt with him though, as it sure was painfull for him and that was only 1 ram.

sniper ren
08-22-2010, 07:40 PM
Congrats on a great hunt! You two sure did deserve that ram! Looks like an awsome experience!


08-22-2010, 07:43 PM
In all fainess, the conversation went well because we chose not to react when she said residents were not well liked around there. It could have easily gone the wrong way. Our non-confrontational, positive personalities helped it go the right direction:). Be positive.


I knew I should have been on that trip. You boys needed someone to properly handle the communications department. :wink:

08-22-2010, 07:52 PM
Right at the start you mentioned both using barneys packs curious as to what model etc and how the performed and if any pros or cons.

Yes indeed. Congrats on a fine hunt. I am also curious about the Barney Sport Chalet Pack.

Both models are the Hunter.

I have been using the Barney for quite a few years now for sheep hunts and won't trade it for anything. Once you have loads over 100 lbs with a sheep, the Barney is what you want. Its virtually bomb proof and will get the job done.

There have been a lot of hunters who have bought the Barney after seeing mine first hand and many of them are members on here, which include Deaddog and his friends.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 08:16 PM
I knew I should have been on that trip. You boys needed someone to properly handle the communications department. :wink:

Ya, right! If you had been there we surely would have been woken up in the middle of the night by someone stuffing pillow cases over our heads and would have left us dangling from trees(if there was any around):mrgreen:.


08-22-2010, 08:22 PM
Are you questioning my diplomacy?

Stone Sheep Steve
08-22-2010, 08:28 PM
Are you questioning my diplomacy?

Diplomacy doesn't work with these people. They don't understand "resident priority". :?
It's called "bite your tongue":wink:


08-22-2010, 09:02 PM
My next purchase will be a Barney backpack. Only thing I would pack in an Eberlestock is lunch and a change of clothes. It is awful with a heavy load.

Brother and I bought the Barneys freighter frame with Hunter packs a few years ago. I find it hard to believe there is a pack more comfortable under heavy loads, period. I can easly fit my gear for 17 day pack trip in the Barneys. There are some other nice packs out there that are comfy when around 70-80 lbs, but slap 120+lbs loads for couple days :-|. Barneys is very tough material and tons of straps and pockets to keep things tight.

I have packed out deer with my eberlestock and I would rather pack 130lbs in my Barneys then 90lbs in the eberlestock. Partner used a MR kodiak this year, not sure if it wasn't set up right for him or what. I doubt that pack will be going on another sheep hunt with him though, as it sure was painfull for him and that was only 1 ram.

08-22-2010, 09:22 PM
Just wanted to thank you guys for taking the time to intimately share your experience with us! Truly a memorable and unforgettable trip. It's stories like these that have prompted me to try stones next year for the first time. Can't thank you enough!

08-22-2010, 09:24 PM
Diplomacy doesn't work with these people. They don't understand "resident priority". :?
It's called "bite your tongue":wink:


Bite your tongue?? Hummm, maybe take the Swede with you next time, I am sure he would like to bite the tongue of that girl in the picture.....

08-22-2010, 10:14 PM
I Quite enjoyed this read gentlemen. Congrats on a good trip and a fine Ram.

08-22-2010, 10:30 PM
Its gonna take me a week to catch up and read this whole thread!
Congrads again on an awesome ram!
For a guy that was afraid to post a pic on the web not so long ago...you've come a long ways!

08-23-2010, 08:53 AM

Great read and an amazing adventure....you will never forget a trip like that. An awsome ram too:-D


Tenacious Billy
08-23-2010, 10:25 AM
Nice read and an even nicer ram! Congrats!

08-23-2010, 04:40 PM
I just got back from a moose hunt so I am a bit behind on this one.
Great thread guys and a terrific ram . A thread like this makes counting the days even harder. Again congratulations to both of you on achieving a very tough goal

08-23-2010, 08:17 PM
awesome read guys! congrats on the ram, only a matter of time (and time off) before i get up there and take my turn!

08-24-2010, 08:06 AM
Can you see them?? They sure blend in well.


Alright, where are they? Lotsa stones, but no Stone's sheep....

08-24-2010, 08:07 AM
Doh!....found the one in high center after posting above...still looking for second one...

Stone Sheep Steve
08-24-2010, 08:58 AM
Doh!....found the one in high center after posting above...still looking for second one...

I'm thinking that there is only one ram in that pic?


08-24-2010, 11:53 AM
WOW. This was one of the best reads ever. I couldn't stop reading. I read every word. You guys are very dedicated & have earned your just reward. that is one heavy, mature ram. Congratulations on harvesting a beautiful ram.
Thanx for posting your story & pictures.

08-24-2010, 12:40 PM
Congratulations on the ram guys, that was a hell of a story.

08-24-2010, 01:12 PM
Very well done, guys! Great story, photos and an awesome ram. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

olharley guy
08-24-2010, 07:50 PM
Howdy, been there-done that a few times-even the outfitter part but definetely not as pleasant as your encounter but I was the winner in the end. Ha!
Great write up-great pictures, I hope all the up and coming sheep hunters read this a few times and take this to heart and realize that this sport is not a walk in the park 99% of the time.
You guys worked extremely hard for this big ram-when you thought you were finished you kept going and finished the job right.
Congratulations to your success and all the other people who fulfill there dream this year whether it is a nice legal ram or a booner. Later

08-25-2010, 09:43 AM
awesome hunt guys.

08-25-2010, 10:00 AM
#1 is......the brown horn sticks out like a sore thumbhttp://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg203/efdkelly/20100814_1662.jpg

09-25-2010, 10:09 AM
Just read this, great account, thanks for sharing.

09-25-2010, 12:43 PM
this thread made my day. thanks guys, your story keeps me busting my ass so I can one day enjoy the same kind of adventures.

09-25-2010, 05:15 PM
Crappy pic but she looks decent, should have offered to have a 3 way with her, now that would have been EPIC.
I just had to log in to throw down an LOL. Good call :D

09-26-2010, 07:34 AM
Very good detailed account of a true backpack sheep hunt, nice job. Nice to see both residents and guides getting along, as it should be. Both groups are doing what they love to do with plenty of room for everyone. It's popular to bash the evil outfitters and guides but their camps, firewood, gear and trails seem to come in handy sometimes.

.330 Dakota
09-26-2010, 08:50 AM
Any idea what your pack weighed going IN, and coming OUT with the sheep? Looks like you are in excellent shape.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-26-2010, 09:11 AM
Any idea what your pack weighed going IN, and coming OUT with the sheep? Looks like you are in excellent shape.

I think my pack started just over 70 lbs. I weighed it before I left home
(68 lbs) but added a few more items when we got got BCram's house(tent poles, water zapper, first aid kit and a little more food).

Loaded coming out I would "guess" the packs were in the 100 lb range. ~ 25 kms coming out.


.330 Dakota
09-26-2010, 09:15 AM
I think my pack started just over 70 lbs. I weighed it before I left home
(68 lbs) but added a few more items when we got got BCram's house(tent poles, water zapper, first aid kit and a little more food).

Loaded coming out I would "guess" the packs were in the 100 lb range. ~ 25 kms coming out.


I figured it must be in that range by looking at it, conrats on being in that kind of shape, and also on the nice ram, thanks for sharing the story and the pix, it was great

09-26-2010, 10:34 AM
I think my pack started just over 70 lbs. I weighed it before I left home
(68 lbs) but added a few more items when we got got BCram's house(tent poles, water zapper, first aid kit and a little more food).

Loaded coming out I would "guess" the packs were in the 100 lb range. ~ 25 kms coming out.


It isn't 25 kms from there, you're starting to sound like a hunter. :mrgreen:

Stone Sheep Steve
09-26-2010, 11:17 AM
It isn't 25 kms from there, you're starting to sound like a hunter. :mrgreen:

Sorry, 15 kms "straight line" but we don't measure "as the crow flies" .....and we sure the hell didn't travel in a straight line:wink:. Last time I checked we weren't crows and couldn't fly:mrgreen:.

You go cut a 15km "straight-line" path and I'll gladly call it 15kms. Deal??:-D