View Full Version : possible poachers

08-18-2010, 04:41 PM
There is a guy that i see from time to time through work, never really talked to him much until the other day. He asked if i hunt, well yes i do. He proceeds to tell me about a spot in 8-5 where his buddy has some property and nobody else has permission to hunt, and how they don't care about the time of year or the day of the week. they are going to (and apparently have been doing in the past) taking cow elk and anything else they feel like shooting. He gave me a fairly good description of the area as well. My dilemma is this, he obviously cares nothing about conservation or any general ethics, but do i phone a C.O. or not? I can't stand the fact that these people are doing this and bragging about it, but i feel like a rat??? Anyone else been faced with this before?

08-18-2010, 04:53 PM
call the co`s and they can watch/observe the *******s and if they are.. then they can crucify them.
there should be no nagging on your conscience as those who damage our hunting opportunity are narrow minded and arrogant.
they can all burn for all I care.

08-18-2010, 04:58 PM
Dougal said it perfectly. Hope these guys get it handed to them!

08-18-2010, 05:01 PM
You haven't called yet?

08-18-2010, 05:04 PM
If you know (speculation at this point) this is going on and don't call you are helping them.

08-18-2010, 05:07 PM
hang em high...what would eastwood do?....sons of b***hes are cutting in to what every guy on this site stands for

08-18-2010, 05:08 PM
Not only does he deserve to be busted but he's asking to be. Loose lips sink ships.

08-18-2010, 05:10 PM
This is not the first post of its kind--guy from work --breaks laws, no ethics etc. Is this trolling for comments or WTF? I want to read what YOU did about it--that's where the ethical part really begins. Pardon my skepticism.

08-18-2010, 05:15 PM
This is not the first post of its kind--guy from work --breaks laws, no ethics etc. Is this trolling for comments or WTF? I want to read what YOU did about it--that's where the ethical part really begins. Pardon my skepticism.
Gotta admit .... I was thinking the same thing ....

08-18-2010, 05:24 PM
Kick the guy in the bag real hard next time you see em, BAM!
Tell em that's for Jelness
Jelly .. I'd eye gouge em, then slap em in the side of the head, then elbow the dirk wad .. Like any good street fighter would do .. Try that! -- then tell em no more stories ..

08-18-2010, 05:33 PM
This is not the first post of its kind--guy from work --breaks laws, no ethics etc. Is this trolling for comments or WTF? I want to read what YOU did about it--that's where the ethical part really begins. Pardon my skepticism.
first off i didnt act on anything, starting a fight with my redi mix driver can make my life not so fun at work. was just a simple question as to wether anyone else has been in this spot before. Like i said i dont really know this guy and it is all speculation, but i get the idea from everyone.

08-18-2010, 05:34 PM
Gotta admit .... I was thinking the same thing ....
Yup,me too.

08-18-2010, 05:42 PM
OK,I can see where you are coming from.Lots of guys just talk out of their ass too though.Maybe he`s a B.S artist,god know I`v met a few of them:icon_frow
If you have proof them bust him,otherwise watch what you say.CO`s will probably need your testimony to help the case and hearsay isn`t the strongest evidence.

08-18-2010, 05:43 PM
first off i didnt act on anything, starting a fight with my redi mix driver can make my life not so fun at work. was just a simple question as to wether anyone else has been in this spot before. Like i said i dont really know this guy and it is all speculation, but i get the idea from everyone.

You said in your first post that this guy has openly stated that his friend has property which no one else is entitled to hunt on and that they don't care about the time of year or day of the week. You need people on this site to tell you that something should be done about that?

08-18-2010, 05:53 PM
This is not the first post of its kind--guy from work --breaks laws, no ethics etc. Is this trolling for comments or WTF? I want to read what YOU did about it--that's where the ethical part really begins. Pardon my skepticism.
BTW what do you mean by trolling for comments?

08-18-2010, 06:11 PM
I just got off the phone with RAPP and they will be keeping a closer eye on the area in question

08-18-2010, 06:17 PM
Ethics are easily preached but not easily practiced.
Ethically, you should confront the gentleman and state your impression of his statement and that it is illegal. Then state that if he confesses that your impression (poaching) did and does take place that you will be oblidged to report him. Then, wait for his reply. Ethically you would be released of any burdens and perhaps maintain your working relationship.

Just my 2 cents. The key to my suggestion is to not allow him to feel like you baited him into confessing (ie. do not let him talk on the subject again until you have let him know that you will be forced to report him and friends if he/they are indeed poaching (knowingly or not).

Good luck! again, easiest for me to say ;)

08-18-2010, 06:18 PM
woops. gave my 2 cents 2 late. Hope everything works out for you in the end.

Moose Guide
08-18-2010, 06:47 PM
There is a guy that i see from time to time through work, never really talked to him much until the other day. He asked if i hunt, well yes i do. He proceeds to tell me about a spot in 8-5 where his buddy has some property and nobody else has permission to hunt, and how they don't care about the time of year or the day of the week. they are going to (and apparently have been doing in the past) taking cow elk and anything else they feel like shooting. He gave me a fairly good description of the area as well. My dilemma is this, he obviously cares nothing about conservation or any general ethics, but do i phone a C.O. or not? I can't stand the fact that these people are doing this and bragging about it, but i feel like a rat??? Anyone else been faced with this before?

Ya!, I reported a friend for poaching a 6 point bull elk with a .22 mag!

08-18-2010, 06:52 PM
I would have no problem turning the ******* in. In fact last year I was in a similar situation. I was with my hunting buddy hunting and we came upon a old friend of his and from the conversation he had I new what he was up to. I called and the CO's raided his house they found 4 moose in his freezer and only one was legal. I felt good and never lost sleep about it. Hunt the right way or don't hunt at all.

08-18-2010, 08:47 PM
If this guy went out into the parking lot at work, smashed your window, and stole the stereo out of your truck, would you call the cops on him? He's stealing your wildlife from you - it's really no different. Don't feel any anguish for reporting a thief.

Good on ya for calling RAPP. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

08-18-2010, 08:59 PM
atta boy buckwild76...if everyone on this site stood up and took charge when we hear about this s**t these f*ggin guys will get what they deserve...they might as well be choppin off rhino horns as far as im concerned...

08-18-2010, 09:44 PM
i am not really a confrontational person, so it was a really different situation for me but i figured if i didn't do something some of you guys would be out with lanterns and pitchforks trying to find me. Thanks for the rainbow of advice everyone.

08-18-2010, 10:29 PM
Sounds like this guy is pretty DUMB bragging about such an offence? or he is just trying to fit in and be cool, not realizing he's a dumb s@#t. Anyway I'm sure the CO's that read these furums get a good laugh (and good leads) on dumb asses who steal from the rest of us. Hope they nail the b@##%^&^d!!

08-19-2010, 11:00 PM
If he or his friend is a status Indian than as far as I know they can hunt/poach where and when they want.Dont get me wrong im not saying it's right.

08-20-2010, 10:28 AM
he sure as hell doesn't look like an indian, but that doesn't mean anything i suppose.

08-20-2010, 09:15 PM
If he or his friend is a status Indian than as far as I know they can hunt/poach where and when they want.Dont get me wrong im not saying it's right.

How in the hell do you hunt/poach??? Is that some new fandangle type of outdoor pursuit??

I was told by a pita that he buys leh on bull moose and grizzly bear each season to try and save one of their lives....I promptly told him he is wasting his money because I shoot every grizzly bear I see, the only good bear is a dead bear. He probably called RAPP on me and made them waste a lot of resources following me around?? :mrgreen:

08-21-2010, 07:05 AM
most lawbreakers get caught because they don't keep their mouth shut,or an ex wife or girlfriend turns them in.I wouldn;t confront them though, just act interested and get as much information as possible to pass along

Bow Walker
08-21-2010, 07:55 AM
I just got off the phone with RAPP and they will be keeping a closer eye on the area in question
http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/sHa_thumb2.gif IMO, you did the right thing here. Don't give it another thought or waste time worrying about your relationship with this guy. Carry on as before.

IF this guy IS breaking the law then the CO's will probably get him and/or his buddies. I'd be willing to bet that the CO's were watching before your call.

Take comfort in the fact that there could be one (or more) less poachers out there spoiling every other hunter's experiences.

http://www.forumsextreme.com/images/sHa_workout.gif Good for you.

08-21-2010, 11:58 AM
There are 3 probable areas that meet your description of the location. I'll be hanging around the general area doing some scouting over the next little while and if I hear or see anything unusual will definately talk to the local CO.

08-21-2010, 01:11 PM
I know what you mean about the snitch thing.
Same story happened to a friend of mine. 10 years ago his work mate approaches him to buy a stolen ATV. He says it was tempting but declined. I told him I'd have reported the SOB. Then buddy says to me,.."well maybe you would, but I'm not a snitch".

I told him. "OK..if someone approaches me to buy a boat they just stole from your yard. And I reported it and you got your boat back, would you still think I'm a snitch?" He retreated and said "well since you put it that way".

Same thing happened when Grouse River got robbed. I told him and his wife to keep an eye out for high end optics. ie: $2,500 binocs for sale for $50 bucks etc. His wife says,.."screw that,..I'd buy them"

So I laid into her. After my speech she said she was only joking and trying to get me worked up. (ya right I thought)

Report poachers. Pretty straight forward.

08-21-2010, 01:28 PM
Believe it or not most poaching is done by Blue collar worker types according to a study I read in a magazine report ...
Jel .. look up blue collar workers ..

08-21-2010, 09:10 PM
a C.O. has given me a follow up call, but we have been playing phone tag for a day or so. I think he just wants some more info on the situation.

08-21-2010, 09:13 PM
Believe it or not most poaching is done by Blue collar worker types according to a study I read in a magazine report ...
Jel .. look up blue collar workers ..

Because they are the only guys that actually have laws to follow.:wink:

08-21-2010, 09:26 PM
The report says they come out when others go in, they hunt on wintering grounds after deep snow pushes the animals down on high flat plateaus while at night using head lights and shoot them, then come back with out rifles in a couple days ... or shoot them when rut crazed and dazed ..
Blue collar poachers according to the mag I read, that was a few years back when the report was done, but hey, it was a professional one.
Believe it .................................................. ................... or Not?
JP Moregun .. they go in, when we go out ..

08-22-2010, 04:02 AM
Don't hesitate at all if it was me I would call the CO and tell him about this person and what he said.

08-22-2010, 01:36 PM
There are under cover officers don't forget that infiltrate hunting circles and listen and watch within the community. They fit in very well and you and I would think of them as just another hunter enjoying the conversation.
Jel. That's why they are under cover they have a job to do .. covert one .. con cealed.