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View Full Version : Fishing for Sockeyes on a river near you

08-11-2010, 10:16 AM
The start of a week of Peter playing hookie from work and us going fishing, bringing along friends that don't have the opportunity to get out fishing. Packing a cooler with ice for them fish to stay fresh on and loading a picnic basket with good eats.

Yesterday we headed out fishing getting onto the water by 5 pm. We found a nice spot to anchor the boat near shore and start fishing.

Was really cool because there was 2 dads and their young sons right by us. I had a blast just watching those little guys catching their limit of sockeyes, completely securing their love of fishing and the outdoors. Lots of giggles and back and forth talking, very pleasant indeed.

Farther down from us was an elderly gentleman and his son fishing together. It is always nice to see the gernerations coming together. While the son was busy working on their boat (motor died on them), Herb (the dad) continued fishing.

All of a sudden out of nowhere comes this jet boat full throttle heading over to where we were all fishing and had complete disregard for anyone sending big waves that nearly toppled over dear Herb as well as causing a tangle of lines for the 2 dads and sons. This boat drops anchor and out jumps 2 guys approx mid 20's-30's. They hook into a double header within 2 minutes of being in the river and to my dismay I watch them reel these salmon in and drag them over the rocks and bash the brains out of the fish and walk away from them, leaving them on the rocks as they head back to the river. I was appalled at thier behavior especially when I then saw an elderly woman climbing out of their boat to come join them fishing and neither helped her out of the boat. Too bad there has to always be someone that has no respect for others but they did get there computance for their ignorant act of unkindness. As I mentioned Herb and his son's boat was not running so they asked us for a tow in when we finished fishing for the evening, and we totally obliged to help them. Peter even tried to get the motor fixed but it was the water pump that went. The other boat's battery died and no one near them was offering a tow or help (perhaps if they had not been so ignorant on their arrival and had been a little more appologetic, they would have received help). It amazed me that they had this expensive jet boat and even their kicker motor wouldn't run but karma is a biotch and they got bit hard by it.

Our evening of fishing didn't go away without fish. Peter landed 2 really nice sockeyes and our friend Gord hooked into one but lost it. He is a fly and float fisherman, so he learned a new way of fishing and was enjoying the challenge. I just sat back and enjoyed the view, talked to nice people, and cuddled with Remington (that little guy loves the boat).

Today is day 2 of our fishing week and a friend drove down from Keremeos to join us. He is here for today and tomorrow. I gave Peter some man time today and will head out fishing with them tomorrow.

I have a few pics and am in the process now of uploading them.

To all of you who are also enjoying this opening of sockeye, tight lines.

08-11-2010, 10:24 AM
One call to RAPP with the reg # of their boat would have made my afternoon.
Asshats like that don't belong on the river. More money than brains!

08-11-2010, 10:30 AM
One call to RAPP with the reg # of their boat would have made my afternoon.
Asshats like that don't belong on the river. More money than brains!

I took video so I could see the boat number as well as how they brought the fish smashin on the rocks. Someone did call the DFO.

08-11-2010, 10:35 AM
some pictures






08-11-2010, 10:38 AM
more pics - hehehehehehe
how can you resist that face

he loves being on the boat

moth caught his attention - must ook like a bird to him lol

yes, he can even admit, he loves Remington too

even dogs have to tinkle

08-11-2010, 10:42 AM
dads and sons (sorry for the blurryness - getting the hand of new camera)
there is a technique to this - so he says

he gave Peter a hand

pink sky at night is a sailors delight


08-11-2010, 10:44 AM
One of the reasons I hate fishing sockeye are the morons involved.....just plain ignorant.....and I am not discriminating...young, old and every color/creed/sex inbetween. There are a few gems out there and that makes it worth while. Glad you had fun......I'm sure that we all have stories like this as I have a few from yesterday but it isn't worth dwelling on as I can't fix stupid.....I just live for the face on my daughter and wife as they got their fish!

Swamp Rat
08-11-2010, 11:09 AM
Nice photos... thinking of taking the gf down for her first time. Coming from Kamloops. What boat launch would you reccommend for an early saturday morning launch? Aggasiz? Preparing self for likely gong show at the launch :???:

Camp Cook
08-11-2010, 01:20 PM
One call to RAPP with the reg # of their boat would have made my afternoon.
Asshats like that don't belong on the river. More money than brains!

Just curious other than their behaviours what did they do that was illegal or did I miss something?

Nice pics looks like you guys are having a great time...

My group has been able to get out every day since the opening so far 24 sockeye and 1 24lbs spring have come home with us but thats it for a couple days for me have to work tomorrow and pick my wife up at the airport Friday.

The best part of our trip yesterday was when we bumped into a group of 3 guys that were on the bar when we arrived they had just come from one of their best friends funeral they told me he was only 39 years old, they had made the decision to celebrate his life by going sockeye fishing for the first time, even though they had been working hard at it they had only caught 2 fish in about 3 hours of fishing.

When I heard their story and saw how there gear was setup I took it upon myself to help them out by showing them some of the little tricks I know and in just over 1/2 an hour they had their other 4 fish and were heading home.

Love it when things work out like that...

08-11-2010, 01:28 PM
makes you want to go over and knock a hole though the bottom of their boat with a pick,yah,I know you can't do it but I'd LIKE to .Truth is of course-if people THOUGHT that was what was going to happen they might be a bit more respectful....

08-11-2010, 02:15 PM
Good to hear you got ahold of a few fish. Don't worry about the morons, the river's full of them this time of year.

I took the kids out for their first time on the Fraser this morning. Sockeyes were being pulled in all around me but all I managed was one tiny guy that I threw back.
I was expecting to get more than a few so that each of the kids could try to reel one in.
My daughter kept telling me loudly, "let's go over there! They're catching all of the fish and we're not!" But, I wasn't in the mood to stand 5' away from the next fisherman, unfortunately that's what it takes to get the fish sometimes.
I'll be back out there tomorrow after work, hoping for tight lines again!

08-11-2010, 02:19 PM
How do they keep track of how many sockeye are taken during these sports fish openings?? I am not trying to stir up anything here, it's an honest question, just never been involved or around when it's happening and was wondering because of all the hub-bub over the sockeye numbers etc.

Is there some way for the DFO to track the numbers of fish being taken??

08-11-2010, 02:25 PM
How do they keep track of how many sockeye are taken during these sports fish openings?? I am not trying to stir up anything here, it's an honest question, just never been involved or around when it's happening and was wondering because of all the hub-bub over the sockeye numbers etc.

Is there some way for the DFO to track the numbers of fish being taken??
aerial and ground "counts" I believe.

08-11-2010, 03:14 PM
When they string nets across the Fraser that pretty much vacuums up the available fish. Believe me they don't fool around, that is why some people say to wait a couple of days till a new run of fish move through the river. If DFO, were smart aside from aerial counts, they would have a crew targeting commercial and native fishing groups to get an accurate assessment of how many fish have been taken since the the sockeye opening was announced. In the grand scheme of things. I would think recreational fishermen do not make much of a dent in the total fish taken.

08-11-2010, 04:07 PM
dont let remington go for a swim there will be a happy spring in that river.

08-11-2010, 04:17 PM
As a commercial fisherman the DFO does have an accurate count of what is caught. First I must call in for permission to start fishing and recieve a number for my log book. After fishing I must call for permission to stop fishing and get another number to enter in my logbook as well as hail my total catch to the DFO. The DFO does have total catch numbers from the commercial fleet, natives and sport fisherman don't have as strict rules for reporting of catch numbers I believe.

08-11-2010, 04:38 PM
Just curious other than their behaviours what did they do that was illegal or did I miss something?

CC your likely right, they didn't do anything illegal, but to catch, whack and walk is WRONG. Maybe a tune up from the boys in charge would set them straight??

With all this talk of "stewardship" on both sides of the argument, it just looks wrong that us "Sport fisherman" would do such a thing. One blurp of this in the media and we would all be villains. As we are every time a "poacher" is reported about.

Anyhow, sorry for the hijack NHE!!

Camp Cook
08-11-2010, 04:58 PM
Considering that almost every sockeye if not every sockeye that is caught by sport fishermen/women is flossed where do we draw the line on poor behaviour.

Just think every bar rig fishermen out there are probably thinking the same kind of thoughts about us.

08-11-2010, 05:12 PM
I do not know how anybody else , but all the people I know and saw got male sockeye..

Camp Cook
08-11-2010, 05:29 PM
We were basically 50/50...

08-11-2010, 05:36 PM
I am not trying to stir up anything here, YOU,STIR THE POT:confused:

08-11-2010, 06:35 PM
Nice pics Ali, looks like a good day out. If you and Peter are on the same bar tomorrow afternoon I will stop buy and say hi. I have place on the water up around the corner where I spend weekends:wink:

08-11-2010, 06:40 PM
Nice pics Ali, looks like a good day out. If you and Peter are on the same bar tomorrow afternoon I will stop buy and say hi. I have place on the water up around the corner where I spend weekends:wink:

There aren't any fish left out there.....

08-11-2010, 06:43 PM
The start of a week of Peter playing hookie from work and us going fishing, bringing along friends that don't have the opportunity to get out fishing. Packing a cooler with ice for them fish to stay fresh on and loading a picnic basket with good eats.

Yesterday we headed out fishing getting onto the water by 5 pm. We found a nice spot to anchor the boat near shore and start fishing.

Was really cool because there was 2 dads and their young sons right by us. I had a blast just watching those little guys catching their limit of sockeyes, completely securing their love of fishing and the outdoors. Lots of giggles and back and forth talking, very pleasant indeed.

Farther down from us was an elderly gentleman and his son fishing together. It is always nice to see the gernerations coming together. While the son was busy working on their boat (motor died on them), Herb (the dad) continued fishing.

All of a sudden out of nowhere comes this jet boat full throttle heading over to where we were all fishing and had complete disregard for anyone sending big waves that nearly toppled over dear Herb as well as causing a tangle of lines for the 2 dads and sons. This boat drops anchor and out jumps 2 guys approx mid 20's-30's. They hook into a double header within 2 minutes of being in the river and to my dismay I watch them reel these salmon in and drag them over the rocks and bash the brains out of the fish and walk away from them, leaving them on the rocks as they head back to the river. I was appalled at thier behavior especially when I then saw an elderly woman climbing out of their boat to come join them fishing and neither helped her out of the boat. Too bad there has to always be someone that has no respect for others but they did get there computance for their ignorant act of unkindness. As I mentioned Herb and his son's boat was not running so they asked us for a tow in when we finished fishing for the evening, and we totally obliged to help them. Peter even tried to get the motor fixed but it was the water pump that went. The other boat's battery died and no one near them was offering a tow or help (perhaps if they had not been so ignorant on their arrival and had been a little more appologetic, they would have received help). It amazed me that they had this expensive jet boat and even their kicker motor wouldn't run but karma is a biotch and they got bit hard by it.

Our evening of fishing didn't go away without fish. Peter landed 2 really nice sockeyes and our friend Gord hooked into one but lost it. He is a fly and float fisherman, so he learned a new way of fishing and was enjoying the challenge. I just sat back and enjoyed the view, talked to nice people, and cuddled with Remington (that little guy loves the boat).

Today is day 2 of our fishing week and a friend drove down from Keremeos to join us. He is here for today and tomorrow. I gave Peter some man time today and will head out fishing with them tomorrow.

I have a few pics and am in the process now of uploading them.

To all of you who are also enjoying this opening of sockeye, tight lines.

Sounds like a fun day on the river except for a little ignorance. That kind of action happens everywhere and gets worse as time goes. Other than washing you out, they didn't do anything else wrong. Dragging a fish up the beach as long as it is kept is perfectly normal. We do it all the time.

08-11-2010, 08:47 PM
Anyhow, sorry for the hijack NHE!!
no worries - I learn lots of new things when I get hijacked

Nice pics Ali, looks like a good day out. If you and Peter are on the same bar tomorrow afternoon I will stop buy and say hi. I have place on the water up around the corner where I spend weekends:wink:
we are gonna be on the river tomorrow, most of the day - its my turn hehehehehe

Sounds like a fun day on the river except for a little ignorance. That kind of action happens everywhere and gets worse as time goes. Other than washing you out, they didn't do anything else wrong. Dragging a fish up the beach as long as it is kept is perfectly normal. We do it all the time.
I know, I spoke to Peter about this, what bothered me was the way they came in and almost toppling an elderly man over with their waves and then to see them drag the fish over the rocks, hammer them and leave them to get back and fish more (they had a boat right there to put the fish into the cooler) but they just left the fish - that didn't seem right to me but oh well I'll get over it :)

we still had a blast on the water and it was fun watching my friend Gord learning a new way to fish.

08-11-2010, 08:51 PM
well day 2 brought home another fish for the freezer and a very good day of fun for the guys.

Our friend from keremeos got skunked today, seems he spent more time untangling his birds nests. But tomorrow is another day.

Peter videotaped a gentleman fighting a nice fish and he got the salmon right up to his feet and poof he lost it, that has gotta suck but alas I am sure we have all had something like that happen to us.

At least they came home to a nice meal all ready to serve when they walked through the door.

If your out there tomorrow, I'll be the one waving to all the boats as they rush by unless I have a fish on

tight lines everyone

08-11-2010, 10:07 PM
All of a sudden out of nowhere comes this jet boat full throttle heading over to where we were all fishing and had complete disregard for anyone sending big waves that nearly toppled over dear Herb as well as causing a tangle of lines for the 2 dads and sons. This boat drops anchor and out jumps 2 guys approx mid 20's-30's. They hook into a double header within 2 minutes of being in the river and to my dismay I watch them reel these salmon in and drag them over the rocks and bash the brains out of the fish and walk away from them, leaving them on the rocks as they head back to the river. I was appalled at thier behavior

[quote=Steeleco;723120]One call to RAPP with the reg # of their boat would have made my afternoon.
Asshats like that don't belong on the river. More money than brains!

CC your likely right, they didn't do anything illegal, but to catch, whack and walk is WRONG. Maybe a tune up from the boys in charge would set them straight??

With all this talk of "stewardship" on both sides of the argument, it just looks wrong that us "Sport fisherman" would do such a thing. One blurp of this in the media and we would all be villains. As we are every time a "poacher" is reported about.

Anyhow, sorry for the hijack NHE!!

Im sorry, but what did these guys do wrong???? Waves from a jet boat last about 5 seconds....whats the big deal???? How could waves cause a line tangle????
Drag a salmon on shore, and smash it with a rock, and continue fishing, is what every single bar fisherman Ive ever seen does! What the heck is the problem here, am I missing something???? :confused:

08-12-2010, 07:09 AM
Im sorry, but what did these guys do wrong???? Waves from a jet boat last about 5 seconds....whats the big deal???? How could waves cause a line tangle????
Drag a salmon on shore, and smash it with a rock, and continue fishing, is what every single bar fisherman Ive ever seen does! What the heck is the problem here, am I missing something???? :confused:

^^ I agree ^^ They should of slowed down a bit. But at least everyone got some fish :-D
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08-12-2010, 07:27 AM
YOU,STIR THE POT:confused:

That was a disclaimer to discourage some well known pot stirrers from turning this thread into another anti-native fishing hate rant. My question is genuine..

It seems that when these sports fishing openings happen they turn into family affairs..with 2 salmon for dad, 2 for mom, 2 for each kid, and maybe bring granddad and mom along also for another 4 per day. The 2 fish a day limits suddenly turn into 10 fish per party????

SO I was just wondering if there was some way for the DFO to know the numbers of Sockeye being taken by sports fishermen?? I did find out from this thread how the commercial guys do it, so another day not wasted.:-D

08-12-2010, 07:34 AM
That was a disclaimer to discourage some well known pot stirrers from turning this thread into another anti-native fishing hate rant. My question is genuine..

It seems that when these sports fishing openings happen they turn into family affairs..with 2 salmon for dad, 2 for mom, 2 for each kid, and maybe bring granddad and mom along also for another 4 per day. The 2 fish a day limits suddenly turn into 10 fish per party????

SO I was just wondering if there was some way for the DFO to know the numbers of Sockeye being taken by sports fishermen?? I did find out from this thread how the commercial guys do it, so another day not wasted.:-D

Every time I'm out there we get buzzed by a helicopter or plane some times a couple of times. I bieleve the do a count of fisherman and probably have average % of fish per caught or something like that
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08-12-2010, 07:53 AM
Im sorry, but what did these guys do wrong???? Waves from a jet boat last about 5 seconds....whats the big deal???? How could waves cause a line tangle????
Drag a salmon on shore, and smash it with a rock, and continue fishing, is what every single bar fisherman Ive ever seen does! What the heck is the problem here, am I missing something???? :confused:[/quote]

Its called respecting the other people on the river .If you pull out of a marina you dont go out full throttle the same thing when you pull onto a bar. The waves last a few seconds but they can do damage to other boats and people can get hurt.If you dont understand this concept then I feel sorry for you.

08-12-2010, 08:02 AM
Their actions were inappropriate however not illegal, the DFO will not do anything as they are having fun with "other" interactions out there.

As for the fish bonking, most people smack the fish on the head, if they were crushing them well to each their own, again not illegal. There are lots of guys on that river like that, thats why alot just stay away as it's just not worth the aggravation.

IMO you just had two guys being disrespectfull.

08-12-2010, 09:20 AM
Doesn't sound to me like they did anything illegal, disrespectful?...yes, but not illegal.
Not sure DFO will do much, but who knows.

Oh, I love these stories, it reminds me why I haven't fished for sockeye in 3 years.

08-12-2010, 12:37 PM
Oh, I love these stories, it reminds me why I haven't fished for sockeye in 3 years.

Because it hasn't been open for three years. :mrgreen:

08-12-2010, 01:09 PM
there were people everywhere yesterday in one section by herrling iwe anchored about 40ft from shore and not one but two boat zoomed up between us (and others) and the shore in order to get to a spot.

we left and went further up river and found a nicer spot about a km below the gill nets and fishe for less then an hour . never flossed before so i tried it with about a rods length leader but it is a bit odd fishing that way. some guys are double that .

08-12-2010, 09:55 PM
Lots of horror stories, but mines not.

I parked my truck, walked about 20 minutes until I found a spot near some rip rap far from the crowds. I chucked my line in and caught two sockeye in about a 1/2hour. Never saw anyone near me except some people in boats. You don't need a gravel bar, just a gravel bottom and some current to catch snag sockeye.

08-12-2010, 11:03 PM

All of a sudden out of nowhere comes this jet boat full throttle heading over to where we were all fishing and had complete disregard for anyone sending big waves that nearly toppled over dear Herb as well as causing a tangle of lines for the 2 dads and sons. This boat drops anchor and out jumps 2 guys approx mid 20's-30's. They hook into a double header within 2 minutes of being in the river and to my dismay I watch them reel these salmon in and drag them over the rocks and bash the brains out of the fish and walk away from them, leaving them on the rocks as they head back to the river. I was appalled at thier behavior

Im sorry, but what did these guys do wrong???? Waves from a jet boat last about 5 seconds....whats the big deal???? How could waves cause a line tangle????
Drag a salmon on shore, and smash it with a rock, and continue fishing, is what every single bar fisherman Ive ever seen does! What the heck is the problem here, am I missing something???? :confused:

For one thing I dont recall I said they did anything illegal - I said I was appalled at their behavior. They drove full throttle - most people would slow their boat down when pulling close to shore and near people standing in the water fishing, swimming, launching a boat etc especially with small children and elderly. - Coming in close like they did caused bigger waves and caused lines to get tangled as dads were reeling in and sons were just trying to stay standing - I saw the elderly man named Herb stumble and almost lose his footing because of the waves this boat created (not everyone wears fishing boots or waiders in the water so thier footing is not always so stable)

as for them dragging the fish to the rocks - yes I see it happen all the time, but I also see most people check their catch for foul hooking and make sure the species is what they are permitted to fish before dragging it to the rocks (which is why we use a net as much s possible.) I guess perhaps the way they hammered the brains out of the fish to be sure they were good and dead then leaving them there to go back in and fish some more was just my own senstitivity and respect I have for the fish I am catching. I mean if leaving dead salmon baking in the sun with all their inerds still inside them is fine to you then that's your opinion but to me it was disgusting and I am allowed my opinion. As I said I was glad that their behavior got hit with karma and that their boat got stranded

I felt good about my evening on the river and enjoyed meeting some very nice fishermen and giving help to Herb and his son, to get their boat back to the launch safely.

08-12-2010, 11:13 PM
well today was day 3 for us and taking our buddy Ray out for his second day of his visit with us. Now he did get skunked yesterday but today he was the star of the show. He found his niche in the water and was hooking fish, now he didnt always get them in. Peter was the skunk today without even a nibble. I was very happy to have my run at one but being very limited in movement, I lost it just before the net could be grabbed but hey thats fishing - I loved the fight as after fishing sturgeon for the last little while, feeling the run a salmon can give ya was exhiliarting. It was nice to send Ray home with fish in his cooler.

Witnessing another bonehead on the water as well but I chalked them up to ignorance and improper education in boating and fishing and lack of having a mentor in how to behave in freindly waters during a fisheries open.

Nothing would ruin the time I was having. I loved the fact that I was seeing grandpa and son teaching grandson the ways of fishing and seeing the joy on the oldtimers who were camping out on the bar we chose to fish today try their dangest for the springs out there and then one getting into a sockeye and loving every single moment. What a way to spend your retirement I say.

I have more pics to share and will post them tomorrow.

Hope y'all are enjoying your times as well.

Camp Cook
08-13-2010, 08:27 AM
I also had a ton of fun again yesterday didn't get out until after 5pm though but once again everyone that fishes out of our boat limited out in only an hour tops.

Our groups fish count for 4 days is now 2 springs 22 - 24lbs & appr 30lbs springs (and yes both those springs are on my license :mrgreen:) and 38 sockeye not counting the ones that we helped others catch when we had our limits.

Its amazing to me the load of gear that some folks are putting on their lines to catch these little sockeye and I have to share a super good humour encounter with a guy just down stream from me yesterday he would cast his rig so far up river that it would land right where I was casting into and I was over 50 yards up river from him I called out who's casting so far upstream he looked up at me and screamed with an majorly animated overhead stiff armed swing "I'm casting 11 o'clock" don't know whose watch or clock he was using but he was casting more like 9:30pm. :mrgreen:

He was hooking into fish his problem was when he hooked into one he became so filled with intense drama he would tense up get his rod up way over his head and do some kind of a high speed stiff legged duck shuffle/walk kicking his feet into the rocks on the bar as he would head down the bar after the fish of the 5 or so I saw him hook into I only saw him land one of them. :mrgreen:

I still can't figure out why he walked more than 10' down stream after any of the fish I couldn't see any reason for it...

I'm seeing how peoples personality styles are so different were I am having a major good humour time laughing at the antics of others there are those that want to police and bitch about their behaviours heres my suggestion let it go have fun and let them see that your laughing at them and you will have a far more enjoyable time...

08-13-2010, 08:31 AM
here are some more pics hope you enjoy

funny how no one ever takes the camera out when I am fishing grrrrrrrrrrrrrr but I was there






08-13-2010, 08:35 AM




08-13-2010, 08:38 AM
as you can see Remington is getting quite accustom to being on the boat and exploring

okay maybe he just tuckers out a little easily - after all when you are so tiny the boat must seem like a cruise ship to us lol




08-13-2010, 08:39 AM



08-13-2010, 09:40 AM
Great pics! Looks like you had a great time !

08-13-2010, 03:30 PM
Great pics. I love that sockeye fishing.
Is that the average size? They seem a bit smaller than the ones I catch on the skeena.

^^ I agree ^^ They should of slowed down a bit. But at least everyone got some fish :-D

Sorry to break it to ya, but the slower you go.....The larger wake you throw!
unless your drifting downstream.

Camp Cook
08-13-2010, 03:47 PM
No definitely not average that is one of the smaller ones I've seen...

Most likely a doe...

08-13-2010, 04:29 PM
no this one was smaller than usual and yes it was a doe - but so pretty a colour and going to be so tasty eating

Camp Cook
08-13-2010, 04:58 PM
I have to agree that is probably the best eating size we get here...

08-13-2010, 05:24 PM
Sorry to break it to ya, but the slower you go.....The larger wake you throw!
unless your drifting downstream.

Don't tell me tell, tell the person saying they were going to fast

and nice pics looks like a good day

08-13-2010, 06:21 PM
is there way way you can get them to strike a lure ? flossing seems almost accidental hooking of them.
saw plenty taken today but not one had a hook in its mouth??

is this normal.

Camp Cook
08-13-2010, 08:29 PM
They are known to very occasionally take a spin & glo, a friend of mine that mostly bar fishes has several a year bite his gear but it isn't very common.

Flossing is basically the only method that non net fisheries are successful using.

08-15-2010, 04:38 PM
Got up extra early this morning with a couple of freinds and went out to the river to fish for a few hours before having to head to Sportplex for hockey camp with Braydon. We brought in 4 beautiful sockeyes and lost 3 so not a bad morning before 9 am.

Was cool to fish another part of the river. Pics will eventually come.

08-15-2010, 05:28 PM
is there way way you can get them to strike a lure ? flossing seems almost accidental hooking of them.
saw plenty taken today but not one had a hook in its mouth??

is this normal.

I have, in the distant past, caught a lot of them on a mepps spinners and spin-n-glows on the Skeena in the Terrace area...

08-15-2010, 06:59 PM
Good to see some fish getting picked up...... To the guys stiring the pot.... Your allowed 2 fish! if someone is abusing that with their kids friends ect.... oh well. Boat edicate? how many times did you get cut off getting out their on the highway? Look at the big picture? and be thankfull you have an opening at all and you get to bring a couple fish home for the BBQ. Have fun and don't complain or just might get shut down again then we can just argue about how it used to be back in the day when......................!:twisted:

08-15-2010, 07:00 PM
I have, in the distant past, caught a lot of them on a mepps spinners and spin-n-glows on the Skeena in the Terrace area...

Done them in creek mouths with fly gear in slow water too.... they will bite under the right circumstances.

08-15-2010, 07:38 PM
Pictures from early this morning with friends - I think we are crazy lol






08-15-2010, 07:40 PM





08-15-2010, 08:31 PM
is there way way you can get them to strike a lure ? flossing seems almost accidental hooking of them.
saw plenty taken today but not one had a hook in its mouth??

is this normal.

They will hit bar rigs once in a while but flossing is by far the most productive technique. There are some things a person can do to decrease foul hooks: first is shorter leader, 12' to 15' is plenty. This prevents the leader from wrapping around the fish and the hook ending up somewhere other than the mouth (usually the pectoral fin). Second is a heavier weight, which can give you a more controlled bounce, so you can feel the take (so to speak) better. Once the line is in its mouth, the momentum of the heavier weight continues down river, putting the hook in the mouth; a lighter weight, on the other hand, can stop in the current, leaving the leader to twist around the fish.

These are just a few things that I've found work for me. Good luck!

08-15-2010, 08:55 PM
i m so so so stoked i get to go tomorrow. never been salmon fishin before so this will be an experience

08-16-2010, 08:43 AM
i m so so so stoked i get to go tomorrow. never been salmon fishin before so this will be an experience

I am very excited for you Darcy, I know how much you have wanted to give this fishery a try, gonna convert you into a complete fishing nut yet. Be sure to keep me posted on your day.

Tight Lines

08-17-2010, 06:04 PM
was a good 6 hours on the river with only two fish bein landed between 4 of us. i myself never landed any but did lose 5 or 6 of them. was good times and i m pretty sure i m hooked on this salmon fishin thing.

08-17-2010, 06:06 PM
Peter went back out today after work with his brother and his hunting buddy - I stayed home like the good little wifey (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

He said we may go tomorrow :)

Camp Cook
08-17-2010, 07:54 PM
We were out again for about 4 hours today we all caught our limits but it took twice as long as last week to pull it off.

After we finished there were once again a few guys that were not having any luck so I started helping them out even retying their leader set ups right away they started scoring fish.

When we stopped helping out everyone on the bar had caught their limits.

Think I should look into becoming a guide... :mrgreen:

I cooked up some of todays catch/fillet for dinner fried it in melted butter with Montreal Steak spice sprinkled in cooked it on the inside meat side until it was cooked about 1/8 of an inch into the meat then flipped it onto the skin side and covered with a lid I pulled the skin off when it was cooked enough for the skin to just about fall off then fried it until it was slightly crispy on both side...

It was awesome absolutely awesome... :-D

Swamp Rat
08-17-2010, 08:21 PM
Where abouts will you be this Saturday?? :-D I could use a few pointers. Took me the better part of the day to catch my limit.

We were out again for about 4 hours today we all caught our limits but it took twice as long as last week to pull it off.

After we finished there were once again a few guys that were not having any luck so I started helping them out even retying their leader set ups right away they started scoring fish.

When we stopped helping out everyone on the bar had caught their limits.

Think I should look into becoming a guide... :mrgreen:

I cooked up some of todays catch/fillet for dinner fried it in melted butter with Montreal Steak spice sprinkled in cooked it on the inside meat side until it was cooked about 1/8 of an inch into the meat then flipped it onto the skin side and covered with a lid I pulled the skin off when it was cooked enough for the skin to just about fall off then fried it until it was slightly crispy on both side...

It was awesome absolutely awesome... :-D

Camp Cook
08-17-2010, 08:56 PM
Would like to help but can't on Saturdays go to church that day I'm a Seventh Day Adventist... :D

Might be out Friday and or Sunday though...

08-17-2010, 09:45 PM
We were out today on the tidal portion of the Fraser. More having fun in the boat than fishing. We watched on fellow catch and release an nice 6' Sturgeon. First dino my kids have ever seen. They were stoked!!

Is anybody else seeing the scores of dead fish floating down the river??
I have my theory as to why, but that's another thread!!

08-17-2010, 10:08 PM
We were out today on the tidal portion of the Fraser. More having fun in the boat than fishing. We watched on fellow catch and release an nice 6' Sturgeon. First dino my kids have ever seen. They were stoked!!

Is anybody else seeing the scores of dead fish floating down the river??
I have my theory as to why, but that's another thread!!

I was bar fishing on the opener last week! I counted about 10 float by that day! I was trying to snag them, as I couldnt catch any live ones :(

08-17-2010, 10:13 PM
yup, especially around staked gillnets.

Camp Cook
08-17-2010, 11:34 PM
Here are some hints for those having a bit of a hard time...

The salmon we are targeting are swimming in appr 6' - 8' of water you can/may have to cast into deeper or shallower water but you want the final 1/3 of your drift (the kill zone) to come thru this depth.

To be consistently successful you have to read the water when the fish numbers are high it really doesn't matter where you beach or anchor everyone has a great chance to catch their fish because they are everywhere but to consistently out fish the people around you especially when the action is a bit slower you want to find the spot in the river where the fish school up before moving on up river.

You want to look for a slow piece of water this may only be 1/2 mph difference in the flow the salmon will come in for a break school up then swing back into the main flow you want your line to consistently be passing thru this spot.

This is so important but most people miss it, look for the bottom or the top of a back eddy a back eddy can be caused by a 5' - 10' change in the beach of the bar or the curve of the bar.

I fish one spot where the shore/bar line jumps in 10' - 12' I anchor or stand right in line with this line or maybe up to 20' - 30' up the water slows down slightly so the fish school up then when they are ready to swim out around the line and into my cast.

When the fishing is slow we will hook into fish in this spot and limit out while others have hardly hit a fish, last year before the sockeye run had entered the river I took my neighbor & his son they had never hooked a spring in there lives, there were appr 20 boats lined up on the bar no one caught a fish we brought 3 springs home and lost a 4th.

If I'm fishing the bottom end I'm casting where my line comes thru were I feel by observing the main flow coming past the back eddy if I'm at the top end I'm casting where the fish are swimming out back into the main flow that is 6' - 8' deep.

Hooks are super important I cannot over emphasize how important it is to keep them sharp if they cannot easily scratch you thumb nail they are not sharp enough and it doesn't really matter what kind of corky you are using or if you put it in front of or behind the hook as long as it is big enough to keep your hook off the bottom.

I prefer a tear/water drop shaped corky with the narrow end facing the main line and a leader from 8' to 20' works just depends on where you are and if you can cast a leader that is that long.

I alway start with 18 feet and due to only having a #10 swivel that I hook my weight to on the main line side and the leader to the other end my weight does hit the line so I have to retie every 20 - 30 casts and I replace my hook as soon as it is not prickly sharp so it is down to 9' fairly fast, I use 20lbs test leader just in case I hook into a spring lost to many over the years using lighter leader.

Do not use mono line on your reel even 20lbs test stretches so much that you cannot feel a fish on your line so you miss a chance to hit it before it can spit the line out I use 50lbs braided line any smaller binds into the line on the reel causing problems with your cast or could make it so you lose your fish when the fish is running and your reel stops spinning.

If your fishing from a boat do not anchor your boat to deep if your fishing off of/beside a bar I like to anchor in about 3' and I want to be able to step out on the shore side into knee deep water you anchor deeper like most people sure you'll catch fish but never as many because you are casting past the fish.

I did anchor in 20' several times this year but this was a very special spot where we were casting into 4 feet of water and drifting down into 6' - 8'...

Don't waste your time casting to far up river that is wasted drift time that does nothing other than risking snagging the guys line that is fishing above you and reel your line back in as soon as your drift slows down.

Here is another little trick if yo find you are loosing the bounce due to the water going to fast for the weight you are using let some line out I may do 4' - 5' of line at a time this will get your weight back down as well as lengthen your drift increasing the odds of hooking into a fish.

At the end of a drift most flossers jerk their rod to set the hook just in case a fish is on the line and you will be surprised how many times you actually will hook into a fish if you do it right here is the trick don't jerk the rod up river or straight up swing it to the down river side this will pull the line into/thru a fishes mouth rather than jerking it out.

OK thats enough for now if you have any questions ask and I'll try to answer them for you.


Camp Cook
08-17-2010, 11:37 PM
We were out today on the tidal portion of the Fraser. More having fun in the boat than fishing. We watched on fellow catch and release an nice 6' Sturgeon. First dino my kids have ever seen. They were stoked!!

Is anybody else seeing the scores of dead fish floating down the river??
I have my theory as to why, but that's another thread!!

Best sturgeon bait at this time of year is sockeye heart and especially the gills cut the gills out without cutting into them hook them onto your sturgeon hook up cut them a little and the blood will slowly drain out any sturgeon down stream will smell it and come up to investigate... :wink:

08-18-2010, 08:06 AM
Thanks for all the pointers Camp Cook. I was out last night and got skunked. I lost 2 at the beach, one was my fault for being too rough and the other one just got away.
The most frustrating thing was that the guy beside me pulled in 5 fish and lost a couple. I was obviously doing something wrong.
On one of his last casts of the night he hooked into an absolute monster spring. This thing was easily 40lbs, they were guessing 50 lbs. He handled it perfectly and I helped him beach after a 20 minute fight on his 20lb braided line. I pulled my camera out to take a picture of the biggest salmon I've seen in person only to hear sand grinding and it wouldn't turn on for me. A buddy of mine took a pic of the fish with his kids at the car so I'll post pics when I get em.

08-18-2010, 08:37 AM
The boys were out to dark last night, Peter came home with his limit and his bud and brother each came home with one.

He had a funny story: As they were fishing, standing in the river they see a gentleman floating in the river. My brother in law asks the guy if he is alright as the assumption was he fell and the current took him. He yells back "yes, I am okay." Curiosity gets the guys so they ask what the heck he is doing and the guy yells back that he is fishing. He holds up a net saying he figures he can net a fish as he floats with the current. Peter asks the guy if he is drunk and slirring his words he says, No but it was very obvious this guy was quite far into his cups. Shakng there heads the guy floats on by. Crazy people.

Was hoping to go fishing today but hockey has taken over, Braydon has an exhibition game to play. So hopefully friday will be my day.

08-18-2010, 09:11 AM
Is anybody else seeing the scores of dead fish floating down the river??
I have my theory as to why, but that's another thread!!

Ya, I counted 30 at work the other day. It has a lot to do with the warmer water temperatures, once the water temps get close to 20 degrees the mortality rate goes up.

Also alot that I have checked look as though they have been seal bitten. The seals really do a number on the fish in the nets as the FN are drift netting. The seals just sit and wait and pick the net clean before they can pull the net in.

Camp Cook
08-18-2010, 10:12 AM
No that can't be it has to be the evil flossers...

08-18-2010, 09:46 PM
got my 2 fish in just over an hour today after work , yeee-haw , going again friday after work , assuming its still open , any ideas when they are thinking about shutting her down ???

08-18-2010, 10:56 PM
i heard yesterday that its lookin good for a lil while yet

08-19-2010, 07:59 AM
got my 2 fish in just over an hour today after work , yeee-haw , going again friday after work , assuming its still open , any ideas when they are thinking about shutting her down ???

It will probably stay open till Sept. They are experiencing higher than forecast amounts of fish still in the ocean.

08-19-2010, 11:14 AM
I spoke with a conservation officer a few days ago. Good thing I had my boater card cause he asked for it... I did ask him if he had heard how long it would be open. He told me that there are lots of fish and the plan was to keep it open until they start seeing coho in the test nets. He said they still have several conservation concerns for coho stocks..


got my 2 fish in just over an hour today after work , yeee-haw , going again friday after work , assuming its still open , any ideas when they are thinking about shutting her down ???

08-19-2010, 11:24 AM
both brother in laws are off today to fish - wierd seeing the boat drive away attached to someone elses truck lol

and poor Peter stuck holding the fort at work lol

Camp Cook
08-19-2010, 01:19 PM
Heard there was a commercial opening today hope there wasn't but if it did it is going to be a bit harder to limit out again.

08-19-2010, 01:27 PM
Yup, hear that commercial is open today as well. That'll slow things down for the weekend.
I'm going up past Laidlaw to try and get the limit for me and my kids in an hour.
Let's hope for sunny skies and tight lines!!

Also, are you guys and gals using corkys or wool, or both?

08-19-2010, 01:46 PM
Commercial opening was yesterday on the lower river, I am heading up Harrison in an hour. We will fish their or at Minto's we should be able to pick some fish up before it slows down.

08-19-2010, 09:54 PM
You can use corkies or wook or a combo. The key is to match the amount of weight you use to the current and to have your hook at the right level in the water column. I don't usually bother with wool. If one corkie isn't working, I will try two. Once a combination starts working, stick with it. If people around you are catching fish and you aren't, then change it up. 30lb fireline and 25 pound maxima leader and 4/0 gammies has always been a great combo for me. When you hook into a spring, you will be happy you have a strong leader.

08-20-2010, 08:55 AM
Got out with the kids last night and had an amazing time. We pulled in 5 sockeye!
I used a wool colour combo (not that the colour has much to do with it) and a 4oz weight to slow things down a bit. I have a 50lb braided main and a 20lb mono leader.
There's a lot of em out there!

08-20-2010, 09:16 AM
Took my son out yesterday and it was great. We got our sox ...

and then this happened:

which (about 20 minutes later) resulted in this:

His first spring ever! In case you can't tell he's a pretty happy camper! :) I'll be posting the full trip report on the blog (http://flyguys.net/blog/) later today.

Camp Cook
08-21-2010, 12:53 PM
Awesome way to go young man... :mrgreen:

I took my 3 year 5 month old son and 11 month old dog out yesterday afternoon it was fairly slow we didn't hook one for the first hour we were there, 15 minutes later we scored our second but it was majorly slow no one else on the bar were getting any.

08-23-2010, 01:42 PM
I headed out again yesterday. We got our limit in less than 2 hours.
There's lots of em out there! I threw back 2 that had hook mouths and humps on the backs.

It shure can get amusing out there with all the newbies on the shore.

08-23-2010, 02:05 PM
Any thoughts on why bottom bouncing doesn't seem to work in the tidal portion of the river. We found a nice spot, plenty of current, good bounce and fish in the area. But not even a bump?? Could it just be timing??

Still getting skunked and having the only people on "our" beach the same ones that got out of my boat, is almost as much fun as catching fish with the hoard!!

08-23-2010, 03:20 PM
Steelco, I've never tried bottom bouncing in the lower fraser. You would think it would work provided there's a gravel bottom and not just silt. You might try a bigger corkie so that you can cover more levels in the water column.

Alternatively, call Berry's Bait and Tackle. Apparently, guys are catching limits (4) in the lower river casting and retrieving with a spoon, short leader and small pink hootchie.

Camp Cook
08-23-2010, 03:45 PM
I just heard that there has been a tidal and non-tidal commercial opening for sockeye.

I was on the river again this morning 3 of us brought 5 home took a long time to get those 5 not going out again until Wednesday.

08-23-2010, 03:49 PM
It was a slow day for us too. Got a small spring got couple sock's on but couldn't finish.
MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY (http://www.ford-wiki.com/wiki/Ford_Motor_Credit_Company)

08-23-2010, 04:01 PM
Yea, I heard that there was a commercial opening too, that'll slow things down a little.
How far up river did you guys go? I head way up the valley near hope to escape the crowds. It's worth the extra drive.
I'm going to skip the river tomorrow and head back up there on Friday.

Tidal fishing eh? It would shure be nice to catch some soc's from the shore in Langley. I haven't seen anybody have any success yet though.

08-23-2010, 04:15 PM
Tidal fishing eh? It would shure be nice to catch some soc's from the shore in Langley. I haven't seen anybody have any success yet though.

That's because nobody else is out there!! We saw 3 boats fishing for Sturgeon and 2 native gill net boats. They had a few in the net, but not lots?

The beach we found is hard and the bouncing betties give you positive feed back from the ripples in the sand below the water line. As far as we can cast, it's still only 8' to 12' deep with only one snag that steals our gear!!

Just have to figure the fish out?

08-23-2010, 04:17 PM
how bad is the crowds at hope? was thinkin bout goin down there one day if i can and see what i can do

08-23-2010, 05:33 PM
3kills, crowds aren't as bad as they were at the start of the opening. I went down Saturday and launched my boat at Agassiz. I left Kelowna at 7 and didn't get to the river 'till a little after 10. Lots of guys were leaving with their limits so the bars were actually quite open. Although fishing was slower due to commercial openings, we all managed to catch our limit of Sockeye. It's always been a good strategy to hit the river mid-day, between "shifts". Good luck if you make it down.

08-23-2010, 07:14 PM
It had been a few years since I was out for sockeye with my cousin who takes me out and shows me the ropes. Always get a kick out of the whole whack of guys who yell "FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!" Sometimes you hear it 3-4 times in 10 seconds. pretty funny stuff I have to say. Its like a war party or something.

08-23-2010, 10:33 PM
Commercial opening on the lower river this afternoon 1-7 still a good number of fish in the nets........

08-23-2010, 10:39 PM
was easy for the last 2 days, limited out in 20 mins both days. lots of fish being caught

upper river above rosedale is where its at!

08-23-2010, 10:45 PM
was easy for the last 2 days, limited out in 20 mins both days. lots of fish being caught

upper river above rosedale is where its at!

You fishing spagatti bar with nasty?

08-23-2010, 11:03 PM
we went out last monday just down river from spagetti bar and had shit luck. i wanna get out again but dont if i will. hopefully will get out to at least hope off the shore

08-23-2010, 11:09 PM
You fishing spagatti bar with nasty?

no for the last couple days ive been fishing above spagetti about 10 mins by boat, look out for a loud ass outlaw boat that is polished with the side windows missing ;) thats me

08-24-2010, 09:07 AM
yesterday at st elmo rd was nuts , in half anhour we had our 4 fish between my wife and i , within the hour we had helped an oldtimer get into his limit and caught and released another 6 fish , and caught into a giant spring that took my whole rig with him back to the depths. great day{ hour } on the flow.

Camp Cook
08-24-2010, 12:25 PM
Friends are out on the river today they are all scoring fish even my buddy that couldn't catch anything yesterday has finally put it together and landed his 2...

08-24-2010, 03:19 PM
Is it any wonder that people are catching socks left and right. DFO has revised the total run estimate to 25 million fish, the largest return of Sockeye to the Fraser River since 1913!!

08-24-2010, 03:37 PM
Is it any wonder that people are catching socks left and right. DFO has revised the total run estimate to 25 million fish, the largest return of Sockeye to the Fraser River since 1913!!

That explains a lot. I've never been able to go out on the fraser and catch my limit in an hour almost every day I go. Other days it takes 2 hours. :mrgreen:LOL

Today I would have been done in 15 min if I didn't have some gear trouble:icon_frow:-D
FERRARI MODULO SPECIFICATIONS (http://www.ferrari-wiki.com/wiki/Ferrari_Modulo)

08-24-2010, 08:18 PM
A little off topic and a rumor until it hits the news, but my son just called, they fish Island 22 quite a bit, he said as far as he could tell some more guys ended up in the water just a while ago and one guy didn't make it. We seen a near drowning when we went down a few weeks ago, some one filmed it and it's posted on Fishing With Rod, It's called Near Drowning, it shows just how fast it can happen!

Camp Cook
08-26-2010, 12:11 AM
Happened last night my Dad was across and upstream from it him and my Mom had just pulled in and set up when off in the distance he could hear someone screaming for help but he couldn't tell from where the yelling was coming from.

Two guys were fishing off the rocks on the south side of the river near Ritchie Brothers Auctions from what I heard it sounds like one of the guys slipped and fell in he either hit his head on a rock or couldn't swim and ended up drowning.

My Dad and I went by there tonight there was a search boat racing up then down the river looking for the guy's body oh man I feel so sorry for the guys family and freind.

Now back on subject...

I heard this afternoon that there is a 36 hour long commercial fishery happening right now so expect the run to slow down a bit for a few days.

Tonight I had a terrible time it was totally weird I couldn't hit a fish even though everyone around me was scoring my Dad had only one when it was time to go so as I walked back to the boat and as I was waiting for him to come up river to me I cast my line then put my rod down to get a drink of juice when I picked the rod back up I had a sockeye on... :mrgreen:

After landing it and popping it into the cooler that has ice blocks in it I made my next cast and nailed another sockeye this was after 2 hours of absolutely nothing happening then my Dad landed his second maybe 2 minutes after I landed my last one.

Finished vacuum packing the fish @ 11pm came in and watched the last hour of the 1953 movie classic Shane... oh man what a way to end a day...

08-26-2010, 07:00 AM
I will be out trying my luck this afternoon, up quite a bit higher from where you were fishing CC...... should still have fish pushing through since the 32 opening started at noon yesterday......

08-26-2010, 07:11 AM
Happened last night my Dad was across and upstream from it him and my Mom had just pulled in and set up when off in the distance he could hear someone screaming for help but he couldn't tell from where the yelling was coming from.

Two guys were fishing off the rocks on the south side of the river near Ritchie Brothers Auctions from what I heard it sounds like one of the guys slipped and fell in he either hit his head on a rock or couldn't swim and ended up drowning.

My Dad and I went by there tonight there was a search boat racing up then down the river looking for the guy's body oh man I feel so sorry for the guys family and freind.

Now back on subject...

I heard this afternoon that there is a 36 hour long commercial fishery happening right now so expect the run to slow down a bit for a few days.

Tonight I had a terrible time it was totally weird I couldn't hit a fish even though everyone around me was scoring my Dad had only one when it was time to go so as I walked back to the boat and as I was waiting for him to come up river to me I cast my line then put my rod down to get a drink of juice when I picked the rod back up I had a sockeye on... :mrgreen:

After landing it and popping it into the cooler that has ice blocks in it I made my next cast and nailed another sockeye this was after 2 hours of absolutely nothing happening then my Dad landed his second maybe 2 minutes after I landed my last one.

Finished vacuum packing the fish @ 11pm came in and watched the last hour of the 1953 movie classic Shane... oh man what a way to end a day...
The guy thats missing is my wife's cousin.This is not a happy household at the moment,he was one hell of a good guy. Gunner

08-26-2010, 08:11 AM
Sorry to hear that Gunner, that's terrible news. It's amazing how fast it can happen.
A guy I know pulled a fisherman out of the Fraser on Tuesday. Be careful out there guys!!