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View Full Version : deer help?

08-03-2010, 05:46 PM
hi everyone me and my dad were up a forestry road today
we saw a herd of 9 does
my question is what kind of deer they are no pics but
they were all small and grayish not orange colour like the whitetails
ive seen the day before they all had a tail like a whitetail but it was black and fluffy we were up hwy 33

08-03-2010, 05:51 PM
Sounds like those Jackalopes that were introduced in the area three years ago.
Jel .. how long was the tail?

08-03-2010, 05:55 PM
Could just be the summer coat. But did they have a big white butt with the tip of the tail black. They still could be whitetails.

08-03-2010, 06:06 PM
the tails were about a foot long
the coats were different then all the other whites on the road?

08-03-2010, 07:47 PM
Yep, jackalopes for sure.

08-03-2010, 08:08 PM
maybe a stag

08-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Apparently the wallaby ( small kangeroo) that escaped from the city wildlife park was seen breeding a local deer in the hill above town a few years back and that my friend is the sad result of mixing our deer with an imported animal ..
JP .. Wallamule or jackalope

08-03-2010, 09:25 PM
by the legnth of the tail i would assume white tails.
i got a 50/50 chance of being right. Since all we have are white tails and mule deer..... not counting sub species.

Whit tail yup.