View Full Version : headin for the flatland

08-01-2010, 11:09 PM
i just read the sask. regs for this season and come 2011 us out of province folk will have to enter a limited entry system for whitetail, just in case anybody was wondering.

08-02-2010, 12:08 AM
I am surprised more provinces have not already done this. But you think sask would want the tourism and the money brought in. Not like they have lack of deer.

08-02-2010, 01:09 AM
From what i have heard from my Bro who lives in Sask and some others ,the locals have been quite discontent about the amount of Non res guys showing up for that week of hunting. Dont quote me but maybe this has something to do with the change.
I also hear about the BC res guys who come out to pheasant hunt and have landed year to year permission when the locals cant get on their land.
That BC salmon seems to sweeten the deal from what i have heard.
Any news on whether the limited entry draw will have to now be hunter hosted / permit to accompany type of thing rather than being able to hunt unguided in Sask ?

08-02-2010, 08:29 AM
i dont beleive that it has to be a host system but i am not 100% sure on that, i have hunted sask. for a lot of years and i agree that something should be done in regards to conservation,everybody seems to think that the deer are just endless out there but in the cwd zones where the cull has happened and the enormous wolf population not to mention the harsh winters those deer numbers aren't gonna last forever.