View Full Version : Kamloops Deer

07-26-2010, 12:45 PM
Hello All;
After years of swamp donkey hunting i think it is time to try deer hunting. Other than the QCI and coastal blacktails I have very little deer hunting experience. My nephew just moved to Kamloops and bought a house.
So my question is if I stay with him, how far does one have to drive to deer hunt. I was thinking of going 1st week of Nov. for a few days.
Without giving away your "hotspots" can anyone point us in the right direction. i.e. F.S.Road this or that,drive this far etc.
I figure we should be able to get the hang of it rather quickly but knowing a general area/road may help a little. My nephew is going to check with guys he works with and knows for a little help and is going for rides and scouting(or so he says) but being young and dumb I figure he may need some help and I thought I would ask the "old and wise" here on HBC.
Also what can a guy expect. I see mulies,whitetails and moose spike bulls are open. Thanks for any help in advance. Stew

4 point
07-26-2010, 01:15 PM
Well there are mullies if you go in any direction from town. Whites are in pockets in many places now in the immediate area. As for spike foks I have been looking for one for many a year. Moose are around here in several spots in numerous directions. Late November mullies & moose starting to head down to winter range which depends on weather to some extent. Good luck this fall.

07-27-2010, 07:19 PM
Hmm. Not a lot of "helpers" here on HBC. LOL. Guess it will have to be "learn as we go".
Thanks for the reply 4 point, moose are not my main concern as i could stay closer to home for them.Just noticed they were open and a guy could "bump" into one. Looking forward to deer hunting,seeing new areas and spending time hunting with the nephew for the first time in 10 years and if we manage to get a deer that would be a bonus.

07-27-2010, 07:44 PM
Just hit any FSR that 'gets back there' and you'll be into bucks, your method of hunting will determine on how soon you harvest something. Unless you're holding out for a gagger, its highly unlikely you will leave empty handed.

07-27-2010, 09:24 PM
ya as BlacktailStalker mentioned, just pick an area and go. Deer are in everywhich way within a couple hours of Kamloops. Shouldn't be too hard to find a buck.

Swamp Rat
07-27-2010, 09:46 PM
Give Jamieson FSR a go.. once you get past km 14 or so there is lots of country to explore.

Good luck

07-27-2010, 10:18 PM
Criss Cr, Sawmill Rd, O'Connor Lake, Goose Lake, Greenstone Mtn, all within 3/4 of an hour from downtown. They all have good healthy populations of deer

07-28-2010, 12:11 PM
Thanks to all replys. Sound like me and my nephew should have some fun which is the main thing and sounds like we stand a chance of putting some meat in the freezer. Stew

4 point
07-29-2010, 08:50 AM
Get out early in the mornings and between 1st light and say 9:00am if your glassing block edges, quiet and not winding yourself you should have no problem finding a buck.

I was out scouting recently with a hunting partner and we saw 16 bucks + a lesser amount of does in one early 3 hour period, two very nice bucks with one exeptional all in our usual areas we hunt each fall. Pre scouting trips are a big help.