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View Full Version : Information on Alberta or Wyoming Antelope

07-19-2010, 10:08 PM
My dad and i keep tossing around the idea of going for a antelope hunt one of these days. I was wondering if anyone could give me any information on either alberta or wyoming antelope hunting and how i would go about entering LEH systems etc. We would prefer a non-guided hunt on either private or public land. Any information would be awsome as im not even sure where to start. Thanks


07-19-2010, 10:20 PM
better off to go stateside as you can get a self guided hunt over the counter If I recall right ...

In AB I beleive you need a guide or hunter host

07-19-2010, 10:23 PM
Alberta is a draw and you have to apply with a Alberta resident who is willing to take you hunting. You are looking at least a 5 year wait to get drawn.

Wyoming is also a draw and you can get drawn most every year if you know where to apply. The units that are easy to draw also have alot of Private land that may or may not allow access. Or charge a tresspass fee.

You should also look at Montana. You have to draw there too, about a 1 in 4 odds of getting drawn. I got drawn my first time applying. Lots of private land but they have a program that the GOV pays landowners to provide access free of charge. Tons of antelope like wyoming.

Give me a PM if you want more info on Montana.


07-21-2010, 04:51 PM
I agree with BHB. Check out Montana. It is also closer than Wyoming.
It was a lot of fun when we did it back in 90 or 91.
