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View Full Version : grizzly tag

Shop Lord
04-13-2006, 07:53 PM
I've got a grizzly tag for 7-45 (east of pink mountain). Does anyone have any suggestions? People have told me to hunt the rivers, I've tagged 2 grizzlies already-one in central bc and one on the coast with gatehouse but have never hunted near pink mountian.

04-13-2006, 09:18 PM
There are alot of bears in that area but they are hard to hunt because it is ao thick and mostly flat. There aren't alot of places that you can glass from. My Grandfather used to have a trap line in there years ago and when we used to go in there we used to see them alot. We saw most of them back in along Laprise Creek. If you go I would suggest that you hike the newer pipelines and siesmic lines. The rivers are hard to hunt because they aren't usaully big enough for any boats unless you have a canoe.
Good Luck and Good hunting.

Shop Lord
04-14-2006, 08:49 AM
thanks for the info- Im going up in may and dont really have any time restrictions so we should be able to fill the tag

04-14-2006, 09:43 PM
A buddy of mine got drawn in unit 7-44 and he is going to try to get one with his bow. We have talked to alot of the ranchers and the oilfield operators that live and work in the area. They are going to let us know if they see any. The one rancher said that for the last two years a big boar was hanging around on the ridge behind his house. Hopfully he comes back. In the meantime I will be practicing with the back up rifle and Jarett will be working over his 3D bear target.

Shop Lord
04-15-2006, 08:13 AM
Hows the weather up there? I've heard that May 7 is to early to hunt up there(to much snow on the logging roads) We're excited to go and want to leave as soon as possible. My buddy has a tag for Williston Lake so were going there first for 10-12 days then over to pink. My other friend has a tag for 7-58 right across the highway from mine so we'll see them up there around the 18th. maybe?

04-15-2006, 06:56 PM
The weather has been pretty warm and with the less than average snow fall most of it is gone. I know a fellow that traps on the West side of Williston and I will probably be talking to him on tues or wed. I will let you know what the conditions are like. Send me a PM before you come up and I will give you my phone # incase you need a hand with somthing.