View Full Version : Cassiar River??

07-14-2010, 11:13 PM
Curious if a guy can run up it any distance in a jet boat, or if it's too narrow/bony to do. The guys I know who've been up the Turnagain never went that far.

Reason I ask is I'm making some plans for next summer when I quit my job - thinking about hauling a camp, grub supply, & canoe up the Turnagain & getting dropped off. Spend the first part of the summer fishing, hiking/exploring, and come August I'll poke around in the hills for a critter :wink: When I'm ready to come out I'll load up the canoe and drift down to the Kechika & on out.

The Cassiar River's an area that interests me, so if anyone's got some info to share I'd be glad to hear it.


07-15-2010, 09:42 PM
Do you know if the Cassiar is up river or downriver from Turnagain Falls? If it is above the falls I am pretty dam sure there is no way around it in a boat. Some pretty serious falls. Great country though, a good place to muck around.

07-15-2010, 09:53 PM
I know it's right there, and seem to remember being told it's below the falls. Got a few contact #'s of guys who can give me the scoop.

07-18-2010, 06:36 AM
I believe the Cassiar river is just below the falls on the upper Turnagain. I wouldnt exactly call it a river more of a creek. Pretty cranky mountainous in that spot.