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04-12-2006, 05:08 PM
Well I just finished showing Kishman where to set up his camp. He arrives in Christina lake around noon. Well was he pumped, he went for a little drive while waiting to hook up with me and spotted a small flock of Turkeys. Two nice Toms and some Jakes with a few hens. They were strutting all over. He is off for his afternoon scout and I will fill you all in on his discoveries....and yes if you were wondering the Turkeys are fully into the mate...calling all over the place....can't wait till saturday

derek p
04-12-2006, 05:30 PM
that is awesome, I toyed with the idea of a bear hunt or turkey hunt and bears won. I was reading how much kishman was looking forward to this hunt. Almost the best news after a day of work. Good on you, Palmer..
Best of luck on the weekend.:-)

04-12-2006, 06:02 PM
Kishman and I exchanged many PM's about turkey hunting and tactics. I have rarely seen a person so enthusiastic about a new hunting opportunity and working so hard to learn as much as he could about this animals.
He has all the makings of a good turkey hunter and I turly hope that he will get himself a big trophy tom. I could not think of anyone more deserving than him.

Good luck Kishman and keep the points I gave you in mind. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

Go get them.:mrgreen:

derek p
04-12-2006, 06:08 PM
Yes, I noticed all the posts between the two of you, Huntwriter, and by no means did I mean to forget your invaluable wisdom..I actually saved (cut and paste) alot of the conversation for future reference.

04-12-2006, 06:50 PM
Yes, I noticed all the posts between the two of you, Huntwriter, and by no means did I mean to forget your invaluable wisdom..I actually saved (cut and paste) alot of the conversation for future reference.

Now you have me all blushing.:oops: :mrgreen:

04-12-2006, 07:37 PM
How much turkeys do you get with 1 tag?

04-12-2006, 08:23 PM
How much turkeys do you get with 1 tag?

Same as other game, 1 tag per turkey. But I am not sure what the bag limit is. I think it varies from 1 to 2 in different regions. I am not going hunting this spring and so never bothered to read the regs.

04-12-2006, 08:25 PM
Do you have to buy a tag for turkey? And like after u get one, cut your tag?

04-12-2006, 08:32 PM
No tag for Turkey...its like grouse just on your hunting lic.
Kishman reports getting plenty of answers to his box call and plans to report in tomorrow...

04-12-2006, 08:38 PM
No tag for Turkey...its like grouse just on your hunting lic.
Kishman reports getting plenty of answers to his box call and plans to report in tomorrow...
Well if you dont need a tag, dontcha think people are gunna kill more then 1 a season?

04-12-2006, 08:46 PM
People will poach...weather they have to buy a tag or not....

04-12-2006, 10:02 PM
Yeah. We all know the bag limit - we all know how many turkeys we've shot.

Deer and such are a little different, but i don't think they're worried about the turkey population at the moment anyway all that much.

04-13-2006, 08:30 PM
Foxer - the only worry about the population is that it will grow, and become more of management headache.

04-13-2006, 09:08 PM
Yeah, I agree and although I am quite enthusiastic about Turkeys, I would have preferred a different introduction situation. I am inclined to think that they may compete for food with indigenous, gallinaceous birds, especially Ruffed Grouse and that is not good, IMO.

We simply do not have the biological groundwork done in B.C. for introduction of species from other areas; this may work out well, or, it might also severely impact our Grouse. I wish we would elect a government of people with some serious ecological background and genuine concern for angling-hunting.....well, I would like to win 6/49, too.

04-13-2006, 09:17 PM
I wish we would elect a government of people with some serious ecological background and genuine concern for angling-hunting.....well, I would like to win 6/49, too.

Fine - if you win the 6/49 you have to promise to fix our gov't too :)

04-13-2006, 09:29 PM
Yeah, I agree and although I am quite enthusiastic about Turkeys, I would have preferred a different introduction situation. I am inclined to think that they may compete for food with indigenous, gallinaceous birds, especially Ruffed Grouse and that is not good, IMO.

We simply do not have the biological groundwork done in B.C. for introduction of species from other areas; this may work out well, or, it might also severely impact our Grouse. I wish we would elect a government of people with some serious ecological background and genuine concern for angling-hunting.....well, I would like to win 6/49, too.
Throughout the turkeys range there has never been any evidence found that the turkey seriously competes with other animals, such as grouse.

Seriously, when ever there is a new species somewhere, we hear a lot of opinions as to what might could happen and they are always of the negative kind. Are hunters worried they have less opportunity at other game? It's the same if there are some largemouth bass found in a lake all the fishers cry out about it. Don't worry so much it gives you wrinkels in the face. Let's have fun a go hunting instead.

The turkey has been in BC for quit sometime now and it came up here by itself. Should they have gotten first a passport before crossing the border or ask for permission to enter B.C.?
Recently the existing population has been strengthened by adding captured birds from elsewhere. It's all good and the "cautious" folks will see in a few years that B.C. can carry very well a healthy turkey population. Besides it gives hunters a new exiting oppotunity to hunt more game and that is always good.

But anyway that is not what I care about right now, besides we have discussed that on another tread. This here is about "Kishman finding a turkey".

We have learned yesterday that Kishman has found a flock of turkeys with at least tow large toms. What I am interested in is to hear some news if he has had any luck in the field today. It is raining all day a little and that usually is the best weather to get into gobblers.

Hello, huntwriter calling palmer, please copy. Has Kishman knocked a tom in the noggin yet, copy please.

04-14-2006, 08:52 AM
I find your crudely sarcastic attitude toward to legitimate concerns raised by a number of British Columbians toward OUR environment both unacceptable and obnoxious. You seem to think that you are entitled to make foolish comments about serious matters without pausing to remember that you are a foreigner here and NOT a wildlife biologist, forester or even an experienced resident outdoorsman.

I have seen this from you here before and I would caution you to stop your offensive drivel about "environmentalists", I am one and I am also a member of a founding family of B.C. You don't know jacksquat about biology, you are a meatcutter. Boxhitch and I, among others, are concerned about a situation in OUR province and have every right to be, so, if you don't like it, go back to where you came from.

You constantly complain about Canada and laud Switzerland as being such a wonderful place, it seems to me that, when my relatives, among almost 20% of the entire population of Canada was fighting to save the world from the Nazis, you Swiss hid from the battle and hoarded treasures stolen from the vistims of fascism in YOUR nation. So, stop with the smartass remarks and be respectful of we who have given you the privilege of entering OUR country!!!

04-14-2006, 09:15 AM
Whoaaaa... Settle down there Koot. Seems like Huntwriter is just giving us his opinion on the turkey situation (and a POSITIVE one at that), there is no need to open your yap and disrespect him and and his country like that. Un-called for. You say Huntwriter constantly complains, but from what I've seen every time you post you are whining about something and display a typical negative attitude. I can't stand negative people.:mad:

On a POSITIVE note, good luck kishman, hope you smoke a big Tom.8)

04-14-2006, 09:29 AM
Perhaps if you actually knew anything about Canadian history and World War II, you would realize that my comments are based on actual historical fact; however, that is not the real issue. You would disagree with my conservationist, nationalist, nativist position, of course, given your occupational interests.

As to ...disrespect..., HW has, throughout, the two threads concerning Turkeys, continually used sarcastic rejoinders to honest queries about the effects of non-indigenous introduction of alien species; I have simply replied in kind to demonstrate that his approach is offensive and can be used against him by others. Hopefully, he will see that his posts could be a little less sarcastic.

As to whining and negativity on my part, perhaps you could give me examples.....maybe my stance against non-resident aliens and Guide-Outfitters being allowed to dominate B.C. sheep hunting, for example? Maybe guys like me should just shutup and let the G/Os do as they please with OUR wildlife, eh?

04-14-2006, 09:34 AM
I find your crudely sarcastic attitude toward to legitimate concerns raised by a number of British Columbians toward OUR environment both unacceptable and obnoxious. You seem to think that you are entitled to make foolish comments about serious matters without pausing to remember that you are a foreigner here and NOT a wildlife biologist, forester or even an experienced resident outdoorsman.

I have seen this from you here before and I would caution you to stop your offensive drivel about "environmentalists", I am one and I am also a member of a founding family of B.C. You don't know jacksquat about biology, you are a meatcutter. Boxhitch and I, among others, are concerned about a situation in OUR province and have every right to be, so, if you don't like it, go back to where you came from.

You constantly complain about Canada and laud Switzerland as being such a wonderful place, it seems to me that, when my relatives, among almost 20% of the entire population of Canada was fighting to save the world from the Nazis, you Swiss hid from the battle and hoarded treasures stolen from the vistims of fascism in YOUR nation. So, stop with the smartass remarks and be respectful of we who have given you the privilege of entering OUR country!!!
What Broomstick said. Besides that topic about turkeys and the possible negative impacts has been covered here on several other treads. This tread was made for Kishman so why hijack it with such concerns. It reminds me a bit of crossbows, such discussions usualy hijacked too by the ones who worri about everything or simply being negative.

04-14-2006, 09:46 AM
I accept your opinion although I don't agree. I have made the point that I wanted to make and that is all I have to say about it. Conservation and Canadian nationalism/nativism are my major concerns in life and I will advance these without fear or favour as I think fit.

I agree with Boxhitches concerns, based on living in the exact area where the Turkeys migrated into B.C. and working in forest management at that time. As I remember my biology courses at Selkirk College and Simon Fraser, the introduction of an alien species into a given ecosystem can and oftimes has had destructive effects on the indigenous fauna of that area. I understand that this is all BH is saying and it is a valid and important point which warrants respectful comment rather than sarcasm.

As to being worried, any responsible outdoorsperson should be in today's Canada, it's far better than the apathy frequently discussed on HBC.

04-14-2006, 09:50 AM
Koot, I know my History as well as anyone, my grandfather fought in WWI and my father fought in WWII. We don't need to go there. And as far as your stance on the Guide/Outfitters in B.C., we've been there before as well, no need to bring it up. Like Huntwriter said this thread is about a guy hunting turkeys.

Maybe guys like me should just shutup

Great idea. That wouldn't bother me at all.

04-15-2006, 12:03 PM
Sooo?? Any word from Kishman yet, if he got his turkey or what??

04-15-2006, 01:26 PM
Sooo?? Any word from Kishman yet, if he got his turkey or what??

Yes I have been thinking the same thing. I thought someone would keep us updated here a bit.

Goobbble, Goobbbble. Kawhboooommm! :mrgreen:

04-15-2006, 03:46 PM
Just to put this thread back on track...Myself and kishman did get on a few Gobblers this morning and got one real nice tom within range...but he went left and we were waiting for him to go right...It was real exciting and I am sure Kishman will fill you in when he gets to a comp.

cheers Palmer

04-15-2006, 05:54 PM
Damn!! I wish I could have went with him!!! Sounds pretty exciting to me!!! Good luck!

04-15-2006, 06:37 PM
It often happens, you think they come from over here and then they come from somewhere completely different. :)

That's turkey hunting for you. Keep at it.

04-17-2006, 03:11 PM
Just to put this thread back on track...Myself and kishman did get on a few Gobblers this morning and got one real nice tom within range...but he went left and we were waiting for him to go right...It was real exciting and I am sure Kishman will fill you in when he gets to a comp.

cheers Palmer

Soooo, anything yet Palmer??

04-17-2006, 03:20 PM
Yep, gone awful quiet here. I am rally looking forward to hear something about that hunt.

04-19-2006, 05:28 PM
Well it's with a slightly heavy heart I must report that I didn't get the Tom I was after.That isn't to say I didn't have fun, my first Turkey hunt was an absolute blast! The biggest thing that seemed to work against us was the weather. I got up there on the 12th and the day was warm and the Turkeys were calling like crazy. On my very first scouting trip I was driving along and all of a sudden there they were, a small flock in a field to my right, I got so excited I nearly hit the ditch! After that it was all down-hill as far as the weather goes, as the opener approched it got colder and wetter with each day. On opening day it was wet and freezing, the snowline plunged and the birds seemed to loose thier enthusiasm, I however; did not. It's at this point in the tale I have to put out BIG thanks to Palmer, he did exactly as he promised and put me onto a bird. It was only a moments hesitation, but it cost me a nice Tom. I also got to meet his wonderfull family over bacon and eggs that he made for us all and was made to feel right at home. You've got a real nice life up there buddy you should be proud. Anyway the next two days day of the hunt was colder than the first day and that, combined with some pretty brazen hunters and the birds stopped calling alltogether. So I did what every dedicated hunter does, went and sat in my uncles jacuzzi up in Kelowna:grin: . I went back down to Christina Lake on the 18th intending to hunt for 2 or 3 more days and thats when I called my tennants and got the bad news. I did get to hunt all day on the 18th but things were pretty quiet, I spotted 2 hens but no Toms (or Jakes for that matter). But it's not all bad. I've got some time off in early May to go fishing, whats a little detour!! See you in a few weeks Palmer!!!!:-D

Thanks again to all of you who've helped me on this site, Huntwriter, cowboy-up, lapadat, you guys are what being a sportsman (in my mind) is all about.


04-19-2006, 06:03 PM
I'll post some of the pics I took as soon as I get them back, >>35mm:frown: I know, I know, I'm an analog man living in a digital world......

04-19-2006, 07:47 PM
Hey Kishman, I am glad you're back in one pice and all. Don't worry about being an analog man. I am one too for the good photgraphy and so is my wife, a photo-pro. We do use digital too but only where quality does not matter to much or for small prints.

Gee. I was sitting here and told myself. "Now the weather turned bad and I never told Kishman how to hunt gobblers in bad weather when they sut up and stay put."

I am glad you had a good time, at least you got your first experience under your belt and made a new buddy that is as much worth as getting a big gobbler.

Looking forward to see the pictures.

04-19-2006, 08:49 PM
Hey Kishman. Im glad u still had a blast, too bad I wasnt able to come with ya, but next time ok!! At least ya got to see some turks out there, better then the rest of us! Haha...At least ya had a blast, thats the main thing!! :D

04-19-2006, 09:10 PM
where i was, it was dismal for 2 days and the turks were quiet. then it snowed an inch and was clear in the morn and the tom was gobbling!! so i shot him!

04-19-2006, 10:36 PM
Nice one Mark, I'm hoping for better luck when I go up in May.