View Full Version : could use some help for elk in 4-26 zone x

07-05-2010, 11:00 AM
hey guys
trying to get a bit of info for my elk hunt in october.
it is the zone x of 4-26.
i posted this question awhile ago and never got a response and i was thinking that maybe other hunters have a problem with a guy putting in for a LEH in a zone that he doesn't know well. i get that. thing is is that i have never hunted elk before. i have always scouted areas prehunt before but i just don't have the cash to take time off of work. I have only been hunting for 5 years but i can assure you that i am an ethical hunter that understands fair chase and I always leave an area as clean or cleaner than when i got there.
i am not really looking for any honey holes but i would sure appreciate a starting point. i am concerned that with the altitude restrictions that i could spend the whole hunt scouting roads that are mostly private land below the 1100m. also a recomendation on good meat cutter in the area (just in case) would be appreciated.
I will be wall tenting and have a quad with tub trailer. i am more of a drive to the zone and get out and track kind of hunter.

i would really appreciate any advise that any hunter would like to share. so far all i have to work with is the backraod mapbooks, google earth and the maps from the synopsis plus a very limited amount of info from previous hunting bc posts.

thanks in advance and pm's are great if you prefer.


07-05-2010, 08:00 PM

have i been blacklisted???

BiG Boar
07-05-2010, 08:05 PM
Yep. Sorry. No one likes you. :-D

07-05-2010, 08:12 PM
i thought the internet allowed me to pretend to be cool.
it is like highschool all over again.

i think i will clean my shotgun


07-06-2010, 03:30 AM
The only advice I have for you is to keep doing what you are doing ,A pick a spot and hunt it if nothing there I would have a plan B to go to ,if nothing in B then try your plan C ,I have not hunted this area or I would help you out ,good luck..

07-06-2010, 05:12 AM
try the powerline above canel flats,limited access however if ya watch the left side as your going in along fir mtn you will see them thier.the 1100 meter point is very close to the first small platau alng the mtn .the elk in thier are pretty savy and you goning to have to put on some miles on your feet as you can only drive as far as the main road takes you.the btm of the mtn is on average 1 km from the road so spotting them on thier way back to thier beds, then doing a stalk is the usual way to getter done up there.there is always the option of going up in the dark and trying to intercept them as they move back up the hill.
the best success we had up thier was with a team of us ,one watching through a spotting scope while 2 went up and surrounded the bedded herd ,then when both guys were in position they were cued to enter by the one at the spotting scope via radios.both guys got shots with thier bows and success came in the form of a 15 yard shot completely penetrating a tasty spike bull..

07-06-2010, 08:22 AM
great advise bruce thanks! and thanks to the 2 guys that sent pm's. i definately have soething to work with. i like to have at least a couple spots for the first morning and evenings and then scout middays and maybe try to find the beds.
i do appreciate the help. i am heading to the okanagan for work on saturday so if anyone that knows the area wants to let a hunter buy them a beer out there hit me back.


07-06-2010, 08:37 AM
:mrgreen:take a bearproof tent!!!!!! lol

07-06-2010, 11:28 AM
ya i know. will take whatever precautions i can. kitchen will be set up away from camp, coolers in tree etc. plus i like my pistol grip face shredder at my cots side.

07-06-2010, 02:37 PM
well I we didn't get any draws there in over 10 cards, so you're on your own

07-06-2010, 06:05 PM
ya i understand dark...i got lucky. i will rub it in a bit by telling you that my hunting partner also hit the same draw on the same day. would have kept that quiet but you seemed to want to get involved in the conversation. hopefully there will be two less in there for next year's draw.
but hey... how do you know that we havn't been putting in for 10 years?