View Full Version : Goat help in 3-32 F Goldbridge Area

06-21-2010, 05:27 PM
Hi all,

I got a goat tag in the MU 3-32 area F and I really want to fill it. I know the area but I've never hunted goats and don't know where to look. If someone knows the area and can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated aaand I promise a lengthy and picture filled report when I get it in September :)

Thank you


06-26-2010, 09:02 PM
Hey congrats on the Draw.

You are up in the Spruce lake wilderness area in believe. It has a lot of good access and hiking trails from tyax resort area. I am in 3-32 E for goat, and have found a lot of info on the area and access but not a ton on possible hunting locations(A glassing i will go). I was talking with my taxidermist and he cautioned me about early season goats because of lack of winter fur, "later the better" he said if you want to mount your goat. Good luck, camp smart and watch out for grizzly!