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06-03-2010, 11:04 PM
PG66 sent this pic to me form the range, he was shooting 91 yards with his compound bow.

Better group than some guys get with 30-30's and open sights!:mrgreen:


Hope you can see the pic in the link!

06-03-2010, 11:17 PM
Sure hope he doesn't try that on a live animal.not a bad group though.

06-03-2010, 11:20 PM
Sure hope he doesn't try that on a live animal.not a bad group though.

to hell with that he is a killer.... try a yote first then move to a deer

06-04-2010, 06:00 AM
to hell with that he is a killer.... try a yote first then move to a deer


The Hermit
06-04-2010, 06:37 AM
to hell with that he is a killer.... try a yote first then move to a deer

LOL You are a "scallywag" shit disturber... no one with a whiff of ethics would do that and PG66 seems to me to be a pro!

Nice shooting PG66!!

06-04-2010, 06:39 AM
Sure hope he doesn't try that on a live
animal.not a bad group though.

Someone allways has to start with the ethical crapola.

Thats a good fita score. good shooting

.330 Dakota
06-04-2010, 06:56 AM
Sure hope he doesn't try that on a live animal.not a bad group though.

I have a buddy in Ontario that smoked a bull moose at 122 yards with a bow. He practices all year round and always at 100 yards. He who knows his weapons and his own limitations is the one to make such a shot.
To draw an LEH in Ont for moose you pretty much have to go to the bow season thing

06-04-2010, 07:09 AM
thats a pretty good group for 91 yards.if ya have a pin to go that far then its farely easy to stay that consistant with daily practice and good (no wind ) conditions.i used to have a 6 inch average at 100 yards when i lived on an orchard and had the room to shoot those longer distances.
as for attempting those long range shots at an animal ,not in my books way to long of flight time .even a feeding animal can take a step in the time it takes from release to impact.

06-04-2010, 07:49 AM
Someone allways has to start with the ethical crapola.

I agree, but you wanna know why?

Here's why...

I have a buddy in Ontario that smoked a bull moose at 122 yards with a bow. He practices all year round and always at 100 yards. He who knows his weapons and his own limitations is the one to make such a shot.
To draw an LEH in Ont for moose you pretty much have to go to the bow season thing

LEH doesn't justify 122 yard shots with a bow. That's about the same as shooting a moose with a 22 rimfire at 25 yards.

06-04-2010, 07:54 AM
Good group PG66! A buddy of mine can whack a pop can at 100 yards with his compound...try that next. :)

06-04-2010, 08:03 AM
Good group PG66! A buddy of mine can whack a pop can at 100 yards with his compound...try that next. :)

then a milk jug cap , you'll tighten that group up nicely :wink:

Bow Walker
06-04-2010, 10:02 AM
That's a very good group for 91 yards. Considering that the movement from just your heartbeat will throw your P.O.I. off a noticeable amount.

I've shot out to 100+ yards - and it ain't easy. Way too many variables to affect the arrow flight and P.O.I. Good for you ProGuide66!

.330 Dakota
06-04-2010, 10:07 AM
Everybody's got an opinion eh

06-04-2010, 11:07 AM
Was he Russell Crow's bow double in Robin Hood?

Target hung from a speed limit sign - shooting towards the road, across it or was it one of those in the wild speed limit signs?

06-04-2010, 11:09 AM
Was he Russell Crow's bow double in Robin Hood?

Target hung from a speed limit sign - shooting towards the road, across it or was it one of those in the wild speed limit signs?

There is no speed limit sign in the picture.

.330 Dakota
06-04-2010, 11:21 AM
There is no speed limit sign in the picture.

Carefull Gate, sounds like the morality cops are on ur tail

06-04-2010, 11:26 AM
I am an effing saint, far beyond reproach..I have no fear.


.330 Dakota
06-04-2010, 11:32 AM
I am an effing saint, far beyond reproach..I have no fear.


Thats good cause ur carrying the wrong 375 LOL

06-04-2010, 06:39 PM
Can't imagine why he bothers with those noisey rifles.:mrgreen:

Also can't imagine why he let Gilmore putz around with that giant black "potato sack" for so long!!

All the same, mighty fine shooting.

06-04-2010, 07:59 PM
Well , didnt know Gate wuz gonna post the pic...thanks for the thumbs up comments though!!:-D
As far as 'ethics' preaching goes....N/A !!...I started hunting by bow when I was 12 and shot over a dozen deer before I killed anything with a gun...got lazy over the years and now decided to start sticking em with arrows again after recieveing a new XForce as a tip 2 yrs ago( the damned thing is a gun with a string,haha)
This fall I want to make a live follow 'book blacktail' video to follow and have decided to use the bow( with cam attached to it)..cause its fun and as well I havent shot a buck over 40 yrds in 6 years...so...
Now , as far as ehtics go...if a guy can stick an arrow where he wants at 100 yards GIVER !!!.....if a guy CANT and takes the shot?? maybe you can judge that guy.....
I AM a 'professional' hunter and see absolute NO reason for a guy to take a long shot with a bow OR a gun...as long as he has the skills to do it and has proven so....If I were to be hunting sheep for myself tomarrow say a 80 yrd shot and had a ram broadside with NO chance for me to get nearer , no wind...oh ya I'm shootin!!!( yes with a bow)...try and be the 'judge' all you want ( the ethics police that is)...falls on deff ears! I KNOW I'm going to kill it.....:mrgreen:
Now , there's LOTS and LOTS of guys that blow shots with various weapons at real close range AND long range.....do the ethics police shat on them for not having the skills to pull off close shots??...why not.??..its the only reason they miss....not the distance..its the skills.......
few years back had a guy who runs with the 'international celeb bow crowd' , got him a shot at a high 50's moose at 30 yrds..sliced its brisket...30 minutes later had him broadside on the same bull at 20 yrds...hit it in the right pan...2 hrs later had him at 7 yards in the timber on the same moose...MISSED IT CLEAN...lost moose......then I get another bow hunter who smokes a bull at 70 perfectly...whos' more likely to get shat on?? the 70yard archery kill?? or the guy who sprang arrows all over the map at a close shot??( who actually qualifies to judge in the first place??)...I'll bet the 70 yard kill guy catches more shat!!:tongue:


06-04-2010, 08:12 PM
Gonna crack a pacifico for this one.

Good shootin'.

06-04-2010, 08:27 PM
Nicely said. I'm not a proponent for long shots with any weapon. However I also believe we should seldom judge another. And we do, far to often. Ethics are those judgements we make of ourselves when there is no one else around. It's different for each. It gives us guidance.

06-04-2010, 08:51 PM
This fall I want to make a live follow 'book blacktail' video to follow and have decided to use the bow( with cam attached to it)

I've been pretty dissapointed in the videos shot with the cam attached to the bow. There must be a better way to self-vid.
I practice at home and then end up with about 10 seconds of the actual kill, then it's feet and ground and some bushes.:confused:
Need more presence of mind than I've got, I guess.

Looking forward to your's.

06-04-2010, 10:27 PM
No doubt you are going to come through with a most excellent video. Already looking forward to it. I am also confident that given the terrain that you hunt you will not be needing any of those long range pins.

My money says that we see a 150" bow killed blacktail on this site by next December!

06-04-2010, 10:49 PM
I strongly disagree on the long range shots. The animal has too much time to move out of the way. Personally I arrowed a feeding mule deer at 64 yards a few years back that was quartering a bit away from me. As I released, the deer had enough time while feeding to turn as the arrow was in the air, and I hit directly in the hind, flukely hitting his framortal artery. As it turned out, the deer only went twenty yards, but the point is it was feeding and moved that much. Could have been a bad situation. And that is at 64 yards. I also witnessed my brother arrow a nice bull moose, and put a second shot into him at 80 yards. We captured this on film, and the second arrow did not penetrate near enough, and it was a good shot, that hit a rib, but did not have enough kinetic energy to go through. A moose at 120 yards I feel is unethical, and is just plain asking for trouble. Archery is a close game. I think that the only way a guy should be shooting at those distances is for a follow up shot if needed. I think that those ranges are disrespecting the animal. I do think that it is good to practice out to those ranges, makes the 30-40 yard shots seem like chip shots.

06-05-2010, 01:20 AM
I think that practice will build confidence in a shot. Kenetic engery equations aside, proabably all shots within 100 yards from a compound bow should kill a DEER given the right shot place ment. right?

I don't use pins, don't think i ever will on any bow. I'm limited to 40 yards flat. will start including steep up/down angles to my practice this year. 100 yard shots are possible IMO. just need practice + confidence + sights, to be sure.

06-05-2010, 05:58 AM
Hell,if you have an arm like Randy Johnson you can kill a deer with a rock.Or at least a pigeon.

06-05-2010, 07:00 AM
well said pg66 ...Ethics are ones own affair. I am a hunter first and a bowhunter second i will take any shoot i feel i can make and sleep well know matter the result. why this thread ever become an ethics discussion just shows how narrow minded some bowhunters are .

06-05-2010, 08:42 AM
I think that practice will build confidence in a shot. Kenetic engery equations aside, proabably all shots within 100 yards from a compound bow should kill a DEER given the right shot place ment. right?

I don't use pins, don't think i ever will on any bow. I'm limited to 40 yards flat. will start including steep up/down angles to my practice this year. 100 yard shots are possible IMO. just need practice + confidence + sights, to be sure.
This is my first time with pins to. Due to being right handed/left eye dominant and having no choice but to start with a right handed bow when I was a kid, I stayed bare bow/ finger tab for years.....was never into the equipment pee contest or speed.
After recieving this bow , it blew my socks off how modern equipment has evolved....that 'thing' makes it soo damned easy!...front sight , rear sight ,one of the fastest bows available and has trigger???...main reason I was shooting to 90 was because it was making me laugh!!..haha...couldnt believe how easy it was with this latest gadget.....woulda went to 100 but our archery range doesnt go that far.....
As far as the up coming deer hunt goes , I'm guessing I wont shoot even to 40.....BUT..staying practiced up at all ranges makes for some more options while hunting!!!

I shot a bull moose yrs back on a lick in toad river with my bow...67 paces , arrow was 8 paces on the other side of him ,( bear razor heads,love em still) piled up in 100 yard dash...( video to boot)...now I'm not planning on any 100 plus yard kills with an arrow( although it would be verrry cool,hehe)..but I challenge anyone to offer up their chest at 200 yards and catch a broadhead!!!!...I'm guessing yer gonna die!!..hehe....wonder how far the armour was getting pierced by longbows back in the knight in shinning armour days??:twisted:..i'm betting over 100 .
Deer season is just too far away......:cry:....( saw a CRANKER yesterday in velvet though:-D)

06-05-2010, 08:58 AM
Pretty certain this in the Target archery forum ... the ones that are bitchin about ethics ... STFU ... Target shooting by defination is long distance ... Hunting is triing to get as close as possible .... 2 totally differant entities ...

PG66 ... AWesome shooting man ... when you decide to punch paper or take up up Feild ... you will a force to be reconded with

at the Porcupine hills shoot in Alberta ... we had a game called Battle clout on staurday nite ... 2 stakes 200 yards apart, broadheads, scoring was done via rope 6 points for inner ring 5 for next ect... the rings were 3 feet radius ... was a fun game ... 6 ends of 6 arrows ... best I ever scored a a 35 end ..... that was the last 2 ends once I t took me 4 ends to figure the distance out

Bow Walker
06-05-2010, 09:50 AM
Hell,if you have an arm like Randy Johnson you can kill a deer with a rock.Or at least a pigeon.
:confused: Why would anyone throw a pegeon at a deer?

Ethics are personal. They matter only to the person exercising them at any given decision making moment.

Opinions, on the other hand, are like A-holes - everyone's got their own and they're all different.

06-05-2010, 06:00 PM
Pretty certain this in the Target archery forum ... the ones that are bitchin about ethics ... STFU ... Target shooting by defination is long distance ...

Sorry to burst your archery bubble but your wrong , 'target archery' is about proficiency ( accuracy and speed ) nothing to do with long distance at all, nothing.

The ones bitchin about ethics are certainly entitled to their opinion, not that I agree or disagree, last time I checked this was a discussion forum, opinions are welcome as was your "STFU" remark which I found quite hilarious, but thats just my opinion...........

.....that was some awesome shooting at 91 yards for sure........

06-05-2010, 06:32 PM
we both are wrong ... and right ... Accuracy at distance ...speed has nothing to do with anything ... it dont matter how long it takes the arrow to get to target ... as long as it gets there

and my Bubble is perfectly intact and on the 90 meter range in the morning training for the next outdoor FITA shoot

I find people talking that they shot moose at 100 plus yards funny ... as a fun shoot at a local 3d saturday night we did distance at a moose ... now there was 5 or 6 guys yakkin and bragging all day .. how they took a moose with the bows they had in their hand at over 100 yards .... one shot -thru the engine block .....so the buy in was a buck ... and we started at 30 yards and maxed out at 120 everyone who actually hit the moose went on to the next distance ...(bear in mind that it was lasered and announced at each distance the organizer chose) .... None of those 5 or 6 guys were left standing after 100 yards ..I think they were all gone at 80 and below actually ...(there was Myself, a well known target shooter in the old farts div. and another guy who was using his sons bow left) ..at 120 we could go back no further so we went closest to the X was the winner

06-05-2010, 07:31 PM
we both are wrong ... and right ... Accuracy at distance ...speed has nothing to do with anything ... it dont matter how long it takes the arrow to get to target ... as long as it gets there

and my Bubble is perfectly intact and on the 90 meter range in the morning training for the next outdoor FITA shoot

I find people talking that they shot moose at 100 plus yards funny ... as a fun shoot at a local 3d saturday night we did distance at a moose ... now there was 5 or 6 guys yakkin and bragging all day .. how they took a moose with the bows they had in their hand at over 100 yards .... one shot -thru the engine block .....so the buy in was a buck ... and we started at 30 yards and maxed out at 120 everyone who actually hit the moose went on to the next distance ...(bear in mind that it was lasered and announced at each distance the organizer chose) .... None of those 5 or 6 guys were left standing after 100 yards ..I think they were all gone at 80 and below actually ...(there was Myself, a well known target shooter in the old farts div. and another guy who was using his sons bow left) ..at 120 we could go back no further so we went closest to the X was the winner
Sounds like a hoot to me!!...you should video that,would be cool to watch!..played witht eh cam today with the bow , kinda cool to watch the arrows on the TV coming at the target....( I shall be ready for Nov!!)

06-05-2010, 07:59 PM
I want to video you nailing a deer at 80 yards with your bow. I will "shoo" the deer away if it is too close.:wink:

06-05-2010, 10:07 PM
I want to video you nailing a deer at 80 yards with your bow. I will "shoo" the deer away if it is too close.:wink:
ok , but I guess that means when I get you your moose this year you have to shoot it at 800 yards on video!!:mrgreen:

06-05-2010, 10:15 PM
ok , but I guess that means when I get you your moose this year you have to shoot it at 800 yards on video!!:mrgreen:

I'm not as cool as you or bartell...But 500 yards is okay.:wink:

06-05-2010, 10:19 PM
Sounds like a hoot to me!!...you should video that,would be cool to watch!..played witht eh cam today with the bow , kinda cool to watch the arrows on the TV coming at the target....( I shall be ready for Nov!!)

I love that sort of thing ... now bear in mind that myself and the guy in the "old fart div" had target bows with movable sights etc and a good idea of pin gap and what our stuff will do over distance .... both of us were inking marks as we went past 50 (3d max) ... Buddy with his sons bow had a 3 pin sight set at 20-30-40 ... he was out at 110 or so But in my opinion he was the better shooter of the 3 of us simply because he didnt have the "tools" but he had the "skill" and "knowledge" to make it work at that distance

06-08-2010, 12:56 PM
If I ever decide to get back into archery and bow hunting, I'll get one of the same bows. Be cool to nail a buck or a bear at 80 yards with an arrow.


06-08-2010, 01:16 PM
If I ever decide to get back into archery and bow hunting, I'll get one of the same bows. Be cool to nail a buck or a bear at 80 yards with an arrow.

Leave no pot unstirred!

06-08-2010, 01:55 PM
Leave no pot unstirred!

It is funny that the usual 'ethic-ticians' haven't crawled out of the woodwork because the guy doing the shooting has actually shot and guided a few critters and puts them on the web. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

JT said it best.

Ethics are those judgements we make of ourselves when there is no one else around. It's different for each. It gives us guidance.

06-09-2010, 02:29 AM
One thing. Proguide66, how do you get the status of a "proffessional hunter" like you have previously referred to yourself as. I would one day like to be called "professional hunter" too but it seems like lots of times when I hit the field I cant help but make tons of mistakes. Please provide us with the skills to be a "proffessional hunter" like you!

06-09-2010, 11:51 AM
One thing. Proguide66, how do you get the status of a "proffessional hunter" like you have previously referred to yourself as. I would one day like to be called "professional hunter" too but it seems like lots of times when I hit the field I cant help but make tons of mistakes. Please provide us with the skills to be a "proffessional hunter" like you!

Get a job as a hunting guide. Once you are being paid to do something, it is your "profession"


06-09-2010, 12:17 PM
:-D Hey Pro66 , Great group . What is the weight and speed of your arrows ? The angle of entry for 91yds indicates impressive velocity . Perhapes the camera angle is involved ?

Bow Walker
06-09-2010, 12:38 PM
Get a job as a hunting guide. Once you are being paid to do something, it is your "profession"


But first spend more time in the bush perfecting the required skills. :-|

06-09-2010, 11:27 PM
One thing. Proguide66, how do you get the status of a "proffessional hunter" like you have previously referred to yourself as. I would one day like to be called "professional hunter" too but it seems like lots of times when I hit the field I cant help but make tons of mistakes. Please provide us with the skills to be a "proffessional hunter" like you!

First off , i'll never claim to be an expert of anything on here or enter any kind of 'pissing contest' with anyone about anything on here...as far as the term 'professional' goes...I have been getting paid $ to help people with bows and guns kill shit in BC and the Yukon for years( including 15 frikkin hrs a day at the moment)...kinda makes me a 'professional hunter'...nothing to do with making mistakes.:wink:.( and I havent grown any taller nore has my pecker got any bigger)..but gives me a SHIT LOAD of experience to share and pass on.

As far as asking for "skills to be a professional hunter" goes , umm , guess you gotta get good at it somehow and ask someone to pay you to do it , good luck.:mrgreen:

06-09-2010, 11:31 PM
:-D Hey Pro66 , Great group . What is the weight and speed of your arrows ? The angle of entry for 91yds indicates impressive velocity . Perhapes the camera angle is involved ?
Dont know the speed , but its a new Xforce at 70lbs with 300 arrows...does look good in the sack dont they:mrgreen:.

make a quick note....I never made this thread...just emailed the pic to my freind who was watching me thump the bag at 91 a few days earlier...:mrgreen:

06-10-2010, 12:31 AM
proguide66 I have no doubts that your a guide and make money guiding and probably have a lot of knowledge in the field. I really just found it comical that you refer to yourself as a "proffessional hunter". I have read all of Chuck ADAMS books and not once does he refer to himself as a "proffessional hunter". If sawmill working was my proffession would that make me a proffessional lumber piler? I think not. I think your title you have given yourself is self proclaimed and I just had to laugh a little. I will leave it at that. Great shooting though. I did not mean to offend you, and I appologize if I did.

06-10-2010, 07:32 AM
But first spend more time in the bush perfecting the required skills. :-|

everyones gotta start somewhere. assist guides? pretty hard to learn the required skills of dealing with prema donna clients other than doing it!:wink:
who says you need to be perfect?

06-10-2010, 07:37 AM
proguide66 I have no doubts that your a guide and make money guiding and probably have a lot of knowledge in the field. I really just found it comical that you refer to yourself as a "proffessional hunter". I have read all of Chuck ADAMS books and not once does he refer to himself as a "proffessional hunter". If sawmill working was my proffession would that make me a proffessional lumber piler? I think not. I think your title you have given yourself is self proclaimed and I just had to laugh a little. I will leave it at that. Great shooting though. I did not mean to offend you, and I appologize if I did.

no..... chuck saves that for television and public appearances......:mrgreen:.
and as far as being a proffesional lumber piler is concerned. if that is what you do, and you do it well. then ur a pro.

what makes a pro football player a pro? a hockey player a pro?:confused:

06-10-2010, 07:40 AM
proguide66 I have no doubts that your a guide and make money guiding and probably have a lot of knowledge in the field. I really just found it comical that you refer to yourself as a "proffessional hunter". I have read all of Chuck ADAMS books and not once does he refer to himself as a "proffessional hunter". If sawmill working was my proffession would that make me a proffessional lumber piler? I think not. I think your title you have given yourself is self proclaimed and I just had to laugh a little. I will leave it at that. Great shooting though. I did not mean to offend you, and I appologize if I did.
No offence taken..but am curious of your deffinition of a 'professional'??.....using your example would mean if Gatehouse told us he was a 'profesional cok' we would laugh??....er...Hitch told us he was a 'professional firefighter' we would laugh??...dont get it??...what is chuck Adams 'profession'??..I think youm 'may' be missing the meaning of the term 'professional' here......so to ward off anyone laughing at me in the future , what the heck is my 'profession' ??:confused:........If saw mill working was what you did , you would be called a professional wood cutter?..if you piled wood , you would be called a profesional wood piler??...not???
hehe...out the door I go for another long day of chasing black rats.:mrgreen:

06-10-2010, 12:39 PM
interesting thread, a guy shoots an awesome group at long range, his buddy posts a picture of it, then he gets slammed from the get go. no where in the original 40 word post does it say he was going to shoot game at long range. every bowhunter should target practice at long range, helps give confidence at the close shots on game.

06-10-2010, 12:51 PM
...a guy shoots an awesome group at long range, his buddy posts a picture of it, then he gets slammed from the get go. no where in the original 40 word post does it say he was going to shoot game at long range...

What did you expect, 20 pages of atta-boys? :mrgreen: Long live the Saints.

06-10-2010, 01:10 PM
mntbowhunter, I am surprised you've never heard the term professional Hunter before. It's a widely used term.

Here is a link to the South Africa PH's organization, it is but one of many such organizations.


06-10-2010, 01:31 PM
What did you expect, 20 pages of atta-boys? :mrgreen: Long live the Saints.

so true, my mistake. haha

06-10-2010, 03:06 PM
I do appologize for my post. Its just if someone asked me what I would do I would say I am a ________. Not I am a proffessional ___________. If I was a guide I would say "I am a guide" not I am a proffessional hunter. I must admitt that I really hate it when people slam other people on here. We are all hunters and we should really be sticking up for eachother. I definitely dont want to be one of those guys, and I again appologize. However I do feel that ethics are important and there is no reason why we as hunters should not discuss this. After the original thread someone claimed they know someone that shot a moose at 120 yards with a bow and further posts were started from there. I too practise at long ranges because long range practise make you a better shot at close range. I must agree that shooting at a moose at 120 yard with a bow is somewhat unethical. However this is my opinion, not the gospil, and anyone else should feel free to place their opinions as well. Once again, just my opinion and I appologize if I offended anyone.

06-10-2010, 07:39 PM
However I do feel that ethics are important and there is no reason why we as hunters should not discuss this. After the original thread someone claimed they know someone that shot a moose at 120 yards with a bow and further posts were started from there. I too practise at long ranges because long range practise make you a better shot at close range. I must agree that shooting at a moose at 120 yard with a bow is somewhat unethical.

This thread, as most do, has taken a tangent. Nothing new there.

As I said earlier, good shooting PG.

But a few points. I was going to call BS earlier on the 122 yard moose that buddy "SMOKED" but didn't. If buddy shot at a moose at 122 yards, he's an idiot. It's not just somewhat un-ehtical, it's an act of stupidy. Enough on that.

And Chuck Adams or Jack O'conner were are/were not professional hunters. They are/were professional writers that got paid to write about hunting.

ProGuide is not professional hunter, he is a professional guide. He gets paid to guide hunters to animals. His name says it all.

Gatehouse is a professional chef, 'cause that's what he gets paid to do. He makes food for people.

The PH in Africa is mostly now a mis-nomer. In the old days there were professional hunters. They got paid to kill game. Elephants for ivory and rogues, predators and meat for the markets. A PH has become, in modern times in Africa, what we would call a guide.

So, in Africa, ProGuide would be a PH and Gatehouse would be black.

06-10-2010, 07:46 PM
So, in Africa, ProGuide would be a PH and Gatehouse would be black.

:lol: Awsome.

06-10-2010, 08:03 PM
Professional Hunter or Hunting guide? It's the same thing, really. Professional Hunter is not a term just used in Africa, nor is it a term used just for those who engage in culling operations or market hunting. Anyone being paid to go hunting could be called a "professional Hunter"

One of Canadas oldest outfitting families (Fred Webb and Son) bills themselves as "Professional Hunters"


He actually has a chapter in one of his books about the term, where he discusses it's usage and compares it to another profession sometimes described as the oldest.:wink:

While in BC we are more familiar with the term "guide" either term makes sense if you think about it.:wink:

06-10-2010, 08:15 PM
While in BC we are more familiar with the term "guide" either term makes sense if you think about it.:wink:[/quote]


When I was a toddler, my mom used to "pay" me to crap in the potty. Funny to think, I was a "Pro" at such an early age.:-D

06-10-2010, 11:25 PM
How come Gilmore is a farmer but we call him a 'professional alcoholic' ???

06-11-2010, 12:29 AM
:-D Hey Pro66 , Great group . What is the weight and speed of your arrows ? The angle of entry for 91yds indicates impressive velocity . Perhapes the camera angle is involved ?
i just checked out the photo again, the 4X4 post in the background is more or less square...the bag is leaning with the bottom on the dirt..so the arrows are actually on a good angle..( in case someone wants to shoot out that far and expect em to look straight in..they actually arent)..:mrgreen:

anyone know where theres a large bear that needs to be assasinated??

06-11-2010, 01:59 AM
When I was a toddler, my mom used to "pay" me to crap in the potty. Funny to think, I was a "Pro" at such an early age.:-D

Some people never get to that level of proficiency.

06-11-2010, 09:35 AM
:-D Hey Pro66 , Thanks that sounds reasonable ....

06-11-2010, 04:04 PM
ProGuide is not professional hunter, he is a professional guide. He gets paid to guide hunters to animals. His name says it all.

Gatehouse is a professional chef, 'cause that's what he gets paid to do. He makes food for people.

The PH in Africa is mostly now a mis-nomer. In the old days there were professional hunters. They got paid to kill game. Elephants for ivory and rogues, predators and meat for the markets. A PH has become, in modern times in Africa, what we would call a guide.

So, in Africa, ProGuide would be a PH and Gatehouse would be black.[/quote]


06-11-2010, 04:54 PM
using your example would mean if Gatehouse told us he was a 'profesional cok' we would laugh??

Laugh? Why would I laugh? Id pat him on the back and say hes one lucky guy! :p

All kidding aside why do you care what proguide calls himself? You shouldnt give a rats ass if he referred to himself as "King Pubah of All Things Hunting" Plus he has a job that most of us on here would kill for so why bash the title he gave himself, and just because he doesn't pull the trigger doesn't mean he isnt hunting.

06-11-2010, 05:26 PM
Laugh? Why would I laugh? Id pat him on the back and say hes one lucky guy! :p

All kidding aside why do you care what proguide calls himself? You shouldnt give a rats ass if he referred to himself as "King Pubah of All Things Hunting" Plus he has a job that most of us on here would kill for so why bash the title he gave himself, and just because he doesn't pull the trigger doesn't mean he isnt hunting.

Sorry that name is already taken by me!

Bow Walker
06-13-2010, 11:19 AM
Pretty much done here? I'm just about a second or two from moving this thread out into Open Chat. Probably do it tomorrow.

06-13-2010, 12:30 PM
Why does the sign in the back say 60 then?:rolleyes:

03-09-2011, 07:32 PM
Proguide, don't change a thing your doing. I myself enjoy what you share with us on this site. You have always been very respectful even though some people haven't returned the same respect.

I would have no problem recommending you to people who want or need to be guided. Your videos and pictures are awesome.

My Grandfather (Gido for those Yukranians) was a guide, trapper and hunter for a living his whole life so i respect what you do because it is very hard work at times.

Keep on sharing

03-09-2011, 10:46 PM
Why does the sign in the back say 60 then?:rolleyes:

Because the target stand is at 60 yards form the regular shooting line. PG66 backed up 31 yards from there. No need to put tinfoil on the head.:wink:

BiG Boar
03-10-2011, 08:29 AM
I can't see the picture anymore.

03-10-2011, 09:10 AM
Thanks for the positive Jonas!

Found the pic,http://i443.photobucket.com/albums/qq155/proguide66/91yardarcherygroup.jpg

Our range goes to 60 , but if you back up across the road at our range and go to the farthest edgs of the dirt drop off can only get 91.Could get over a 100 at home but might skip one into my horses haha..buggers seem to HAVE to go sniff the target butt when I set up out there for longies.Might have to practice on bears at over 100 at gilmores field:twisted::lol:

Mountain Man
03-10-2011, 01:41 PM
Pro / Professional: an athlete who plays for pay
in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc.

Its not really that difficult to shoot groups like that at those distances, no thats not me saying i can sit there a do that every day of the week.

I shoot at 120 yards away all the time and group much the same. Give yourself a pin for that distance and you will surprise yourself.

Im talking about spending a couple days a week practising at these distances and the equipment will allow you to do this.

My personal opinion about a hunting shot is 60 yards at big game, Dangerous game I dont shoot past 40. I compete in archery all over the country side and into the US. And have killed a many of big game with a bow. I will shoot a griz in May with my bow and it will be under 40 yards !

03-10-2011, 02:22 PM
Pro / Professional: an athlete who plays for pay
in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc.

Its not really that difficult to shoot groups like that at those distances, no thats not me saying i can sit there a do that every day of the week.

I shoot at 120 yards away all the time and group much the same. Give yourself a pin for that distance and you will surprise yourself.

Im talking about spending a couple days a week practising at these distances and the equipment will allow you to do this.

My personal opinion about a hunting shot is 60 yards at big game, Dangerous game I dont shoot past 40. I compete in archery all over the country side and into the US. And have killed a many of big game with a bow. I will shoot a griz in May with my bow and it will be under 40 yards !

Its pretty wild how the late style equipment makes it really easier than the older stuff. I always had older compounds due to using fingers and shooting bare bow. Recieving the new bow as a gift andd shooting it I was amazed at how smooth and flat shooting , its fun sending those arrows out far.
Make sure you video that grizz hunt! I guided a guy named 'Warren Strickland' ( google him and check out his trophies) he has a few grizzlies and polar bear under his archery 'belt'
. Hearing his stories of arrowing them sounded VERY exciting!!!

Mountain Man
03-10-2011, 05:33 PM
Its pretty wild how the late style equipment makes it really easier than the older stuff. I always had older compounds due to using fingers and shooting bare bow. Recieving the new bow as a gift andd shooting it I was amazed at how smooth and flat shooting , its fun sending those arrows out far.
Make sure you video that grizz hunt! I guided a guy named 'Warren Strickland' ( google him and check out his trophies) he has a few grizzlies and polar bear under his archery 'belt'
. Hearing his stories of arrowing them sounded VERY exciting!!!

Im much the same as yourself, I video every hunt and have hours of kills from the last few years of guiding. I have a camera man coming with me on this hunt. I will edit something and maybe put er on the tube !

I just cant deal with the negativity when you up load the footage on forums. I do like watching the footage you have posted as I like watching any footage through the guides eye.

Its bold but you are a Professional Hunter, I dont know you but guides spend more time in the mountains in one season then most do in five years. If you want to call yourself a pro its fine in my books.

03-11-2011, 05:50 PM
Im much the same as yourself, I video every hunt and have hours of kills from the last few years of guiding. I have a camera man coming with me on this hunt. I will edit something and maybe put er on the tube !

I just cant deal with the negativity when you up load the footage on forums. I do like watching the footage you have posted as I like watching any footage through the guides eye.

Its bold but you are a Professional Hunter, I dont know you but guides spend more time in the mountains in one season then most do in five years. If you want to call yourself a pro its fine in my books.
ahh piss on the 'negative' ones , soon as they squeel a bit , just yell a bit ouder and they go back to hiding!:mrgreen:
Good luck , cant wait to see!