View Full Version : New family member

06-01-2010, 10:23 PM
Well tonite Susan and I travelled to maze lake kennels to pick our new family member. They had all of the female puppies out iwth different colored collars and we were free to pick whichever one we wanted from the 5 females there..

Last nite I had written down all the "tricks and tips " my DAD had taught me years ago...DAD was exellent with dogs..

The lady who ran the kennels had met us a few times and had mentally picked out a pup for us..

We went through Dads check list of do's and what differnt results ment..we spent over a hour..rolling puppies over clapping hands and putting all 5 gals to their tests..in the end Susan and I discussed the reults and one was the clear winner ..we both chose the same pup!

And when we informed the lady who ran the kennel she was impressed with our "method " while she has been there every day from the birth till today and knew eaach puppy well...and she had chosen THE SAME PUP FOR US..

Also by the pups actions, reactions and puppy body language she also picked us...so it is settled who our new purebred black female lab EBONY is.

She stays for one more week for shots tattoo and micro chip..and now others get their pick of the remaining 4 females..

In the meantime my new friend Justin has agreed to help Eboney and Susan and I out and is sending up a new memory foam bed, a new ramp for puppy/ dogs to get into back of truck without breaking a back when the pup grows..also a new blanket to cover the rear leather seats..that will be here in next couple days ..so our preperations are almost done..

Photos when we pick Ebony up...Susans mascara..was bit smudged en route home..she was completely taken with Ebony and the bonding was complete and overwhelming...



06-01-2010, 10:28 PM
untill she eats all your possesions.dropped my 10mth lab off at someday kennels for his training kinda miss the little terror.

06-01-2010, 10:31 PM
congrats:-D have fun

06-01-2010, 10:34 PM
lol not puppies problems..anxiety chewing..

all our furniture is in perfect condition never any chewing, no land mines in back yard..puppy with in 72 hours is trained where to pee and make a liberal..er take a dump..
no chewing no barkies no bites no jumping...no porfessional trainer caan do as good a job as I and Susan can...all our dogs..AKA family members have been exellent..been around dogs my whole life last 2 months the longest in the past 30 years. w/o dogs..we know what we are doing and are extremely successful at each training aspect..never a worrry done it many times before...

ny7one that has visited our homes have always been surprised at how well behaved and temperment of our pets...no magic..time and effort..



06-05-2010, 04:13 PM
Hey Steve you should have taken the little white terror to train for me!! She would have kept you company while you searched for the next perfect puppy.

So where are the photos? Almost a week now.

06-06-2010, 07:36 PM
no photos till this coming Saturday...


06-06-2010, 08:19 PM
Lol I'm geussing you don't have kids. Don't get me wrong I love my dog, but wow. That's next level.

06-06-2010, 08:24 PM
lol..no we were never fortunate to have had children..so we spoil our Hair children..AKA LABS..



06-09-2010, 08:54 PM
so only a couple more sleeps and the new black lab puppy coems to stay...Ebony..Saturday morning...both a little anxious and excited..:mrgreen:

06-12-2010, 07:38 PM
We picked up Ebony today photos soon..

06-12-2010, 07:56 PM
Make sure you show her a picture or two of your son :wink: so she doesn't try to eat me when I show up at the trailer :mrgreen:.

Say hi to Susan for me.

06-12-2010, 08:29 PM
Looking forward to the pics!!

06-12-2010, 08:44 PM
Reese our purebred chocolate lab still hasnt chewed anything yet and he is 7 months old. "Knock on wood"
He is such a good puppy. Have fun with your new friend.

06-12-2010, 10:52 PM
Thanks folks..first day and already trained to use the 'washroom" a small patch of sand around the side of the house..not 1 landmine on the lawn, and kennel crated..shes's upstairs asleep in her kennel..responds well to commands, and is very affectionate..a perfect day...a good start..

Yes Joe..photos in the am...was a busy busy day..pretty gutsy taking on a pup at my extreme advanced age...and mental deficiencies...lol


Big Lew
06-13-2010, 08:20 AM
I've had several labs and enjoyed them all. For me, they are the perfect dog. The first one was a successful trial/hunter/companion and we travelled all over B.C. by foot, snowshoes, truck, canoe, and horseback. Sure was a sad time when he couldn't keep up anymore. Hope your new friend gives you anywhere as much enjoyment/companionship as my first lab.

06-13-2010, 04:03 PM
Introducing to all our friends for the very first time..EBONY..



06-13-2010, 05:08 PM
Beautiful little girl! Nice looking dog too Steve :-D

06-13-2010, 05:27 PM
I expected that from my friends from 'down under":wink:..

Hope all is well Joe..


06-13-2010, 06:08 PM
What a cutie, may she share your lives for a good long time and you hers!

Hide the boots :wink:

yukon john
06-13-2010, 06:10 PM
Looks like a sweetheart steven, congratulations!

Big Lew
06-13-2010, 06:48 PM
Good pick! There's some character in that face, intelligence as well.

06-13-2010, 09:12 PM
At last we get to see the new edition to the Rupp family. I still need to book her for the 2011 Pheasant season !! So sign us up as first pick to take her hunting...Of course she will have some experience with Ruffies by then.
Do you have any bird Wings for her to play with ? I used wings to train with and some pheasant capes wrapped around bumpers for Grinch to retrieve the first few years.

Congratulations Steve & Susan.

06-13-2010, 10:21 PM
hmmm thanks ALL....she is cute and more than a bit headstrong..but smart..will tell her I AM THE ALPHA MALE..and I have my wife Susans permission to say so..:mrgreen:..a real cutey fer sure..

No phil I have chinese pheasant capes///and some GREAT Alberta pheasant caps but no grouse capes or wings....



06-14-2010, 05:42 PM
Very nice looking pup!! Congrats I think my next life I want to be your dog!!

06-14-2010, 11:24 PM
cdn-Redneck...aint THAT the truth, this little bundle just won the genetic lottery....sheeesh Susan had custom fur removers, plastic paw plungers to clean her paws, apet ramp to access the back box of the truck, and the biggest softest doggy bed you have ever seen..in tartan with Ebonys name in big letters in Gold thread,,,, with REAL MEMORY foam..AND a charcoal filter pad..in case shee TOOTS...sheesh....totally chain linked back yard , 2 kennels...most children dont get treated as well..lol


06-21-2010, 03:50 PM
Beautiful pup!!!!

07-17-2010, 02:14 PM
Here is Ebony today @ 12 weeks of age, sorry for the blue tinge..set the camera wrong..:confused:




07-17-2010, 03:59 PM
Pooch is coming along nice Steve. The Pink stuff in the backround is that its blankie! LOL

07-17-2010, 05:03 PM
naw....thats Susan..so that would be MY blankie...:mrgreen:


07-17-2010, 05:11 PM
naw....thats Susan..so that would be MY blankie...:mrgreen:


Well u won't have any trouble finding her when she's got it on!:mrgreen:

07-18-2010, 10:08 AM
Congrats on the new family member. I can see the family resemblance....takes after your side of the family eh Steven:tongue:

07-18-2010, 10:17 AM
Nice looking Dog Steve, they're a lot of fun. You may find yourself straying from big game once you get your head wrapped around hunting birds with the dog. It's so much fun and addictive.

07-18-2010, 12:48 PM
hhhmmmmm all my dogs in the past have been pretty discouraged with my shooting abilities or lack of them...with a shotgun...


07-18-2010, 05:04 PM
very nice looking pup, looks like a black version of my 4 and a half month old lab!

12-07-2010, 11:11 AM

We lost our last lab Morgan to face cancer last year, and got Ebony some months after....:mrgreen:
After coming home from Alberta 24 hours ago we have found that "familliar":evil: GROWTH ON OUR 7 MONTH OLD PUPPIES FACE...looks like the same growth that turned out to be cancer in Morgan

To say we are devestated is a understatement...Susan has Ebony booked in @ the vets.....didnt sleep a bit last nite..have even put a hold on a upcoming cougar hunt to try and comfort Susan..when in reality I am probably more of a basket case than Susan...

Had dogs since I was 5 years old... non ever had these problems..and two in a row back to back???WTF???

Sorry for the rant..just feel like SHIT..


12-07-2010, 11:16 AM
That's really strange. Sorry to hear Steven. Lost my elkhound to cancer as well almost 2 years ago. But 2 with the same problem. Like I said weird. Same breeder? Or maybe there is something around your house or play areas they are getting into. Just throwing ideas around here. Again. Sorry to hear

12-07-2010, 11:17 AM
Very sorry to hear that Steven, I'm hoping the vet appointment goes well and it turn out much better then you are fearing. Our last 2 family dogs were lost to cancer as well, so I feel your pain. Keep us up to date when you can.

12-07-2010, 11:25 AM
Elkhound..I thought of those but differnt breeders and differnt blood lines..

It was very fast growing in Morgan and seems to be exceptionally fast in Ebony..

Ebony has literally never been out of either Susans or my sight ever..sounds strange but true..the first 5 1/2 months I was off work so was with her daily..lol ALL DAY..

Really strange to be sure.....

The play area is all grass, with her "run" has screened sand..whole back yard is fenced with 6' high chain link..absolutley no way for her to get into anything...


12-07-2010, 11:32 AM
Sending good thoughts for you guys and your little girl with the vet appt.

When angus was a pup he scared the hell out of me when he got a tumor on his neck, under his chin. Looked like a raspberry. Turned out to be a histiocytoma (sp?), which is typically a benign tumour that is commonly found in the head and neck areas of young labs.

It went away in less than a month.


12-07-2010, 11:39 AM
Im hoping for you Steven, that you find out it is nothing. Chase has some fat deposits, ther are small but can grow big. Maybe it is one of thoes. They are easily removed.

We are with you.

12-07-2010, 12:18 PM
oh my!! just read your post after looking at the cute photos. i'm sick to my stomach, i have a 6 month old lab as well...can't imagine what you are going through.

best wishes and prayers.


12-07-2010, 12:55 PM
thats horrible, hopefully all will be alright and its just a bump. Or hopefully all can be fixed up easily. keep us posted! Best wishes!

12-10-2010, 01:52 PM
We got the results back from the vet and the news is extremely good it is a combination of a bacterial infection and something else, they did a biopsy and it is not cancer… Thank goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!

I appreciate all the well wishes and the concern regarding our family member and the treatment for this condition with Ebony is underway.

Thank you


12-10-2010, 02:18 PM
Good stuff. That's fantastic news!

12-10-2010, 02:23 PM
whew!!!!!, glad to hear its all good steven.ya had me a little worried.

The Hermit
12-10-2010, 03:11 PM
Excellent glad to hear it

12-10-2010, 06:57 PM
Good stuff, happy to hear.

12-10-2010, 07:40 PM
Good luck with your new arrival. Enjoy.:-D

12-10-2010, 09:00 PM
:-D Hey srupp . Great to hear the good news . Your dedecation and love for Ebony brings back so many wonderful memories of Mack my Choc Lab .

12-13-2010, 10:27 AM
Great!!!! Fewff