View Full Version : Grouse Wings Please!

05-30-2010, 07:35 PM
I have been amateurly attempting to train my Jack Russell for grouse and have been very happy(suprised) with the results so far. He's even had a couple of sloppy points haha. Anyways I am looking for some grouse wings to throw on my dummies, If anyone has any.

Im in the Comox Valley but Im moving to Ontario this friday and would like to have some to take on the trip.

On a side note has anybody used the Remington Grouse scent? Do you find your dogs respond to real birds the same way? Thats what I have been using and my dog has responded well to it...for a JRT anyways


05-31-2010, 06:05 PM
I've used pheasant scent when I trained a friends dog in Illinois. It worked well. Sorry I've no grouse wings, I leave them in the bush.