View Full Version : Kids And hunting

05-05-2010, 07:25 AM
id like everyones opinion on kids and hunting when is to young and is there such a thing as 2 young i know if your kids dont grow up around hunting it may not be ethical to whack bambi in front of them but that is a lifestyle choice we as hunters choose to live is there a to young ?

05-05-2010, 07:30 AM
i loved hunting with my dad it's my best memories as a kid . My boy is 8 and he loves to go hunting , not so much early in the morning yet lol.

05-05-2010, 07:35 AM
i nvr hunted as a kid just got into it when i met the luv of my life her dad took me hunting to see if i was man enough to date his daughter i think i got my core that year and pal the following now i am addicted and want my 3 boys to follow in the hunting life

05-05-2010, 07:37 AM
I think I started hunting around 9-10 with my father,
my son started at 6 with me and enjoys it as much
if not more than me now. He just turned 10 & we got
him a rifle for his birthday but he was playing football
& broke his wrist so no bear season for him..

When I introduced my kids to hunting they were both
young I didn't force anything on them my daughter
didn't show an interest but my son did. I would let them
see the animals that I had shot hanging in the shop, didn't
really faze either of them, it just something I've always done.

When I first took my son out I remember spotting a deer
and I told him prior to shooting, once I shoot that deer
its not coming back to life so what do you think?? His
reply was SHOOT!! LOL the rest is history the little maniac
can't get enough of hunting & fishing..

Stone Sheep Steve
05-05-2010, 07:39 AM
id like everyones opinion on kids and hunting when is to young and is there such a thing as 2 young i know if your kids dont grow up around hunting it may not be ethical to whack bambi in front of them but that is a lifestyle choice we as hunters choose to live is there a to young ?

Don't necessarily have to start with "Bambi".....think smaller.....like "Thumper(s)"!:mrgreen:
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/Lagomorph_Triple_Header_004.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=15128&ppuser=1509)

05-05-2010, 07:45 AM
There is no such thing as too young to go hunting.
take your kid for a drive in their car seat.
The only thing you need to watch is their ears when you shoot.
When they get old enough to go walking with you dont over work them take them walking on a skid road or something easy, expect to do alot of road hunting. Bring a fishing rod and stop at a lake to mix it up for them.
bring the .22 and some targets to keep them entertained.

There is no such thing as too young to go with you but there is such thing as too late

05-05-2010, 07:49 AM
Get them out as soon as possible. The sooner they learn the real facts of life and death, the less likely they are to be influenced by the artificial view provided to us by people like Disney.
The earliest memories I have are hunting grouse with my father when I was around 6. I carried my lever action pop gun and felt that I was actually part of the hunt.
My daughter tagged along in a backpack shortly after she was born. She was shooting a .22 by the time she was six and when she was ten shot her first grouse with her grandfather. The circle was complete.
Both my children were exposed to hunting and fishing at a very early age. They were not scarred and did not turn into bloodthirsty killers. They both enjoy the outdoors and have a great respect for the animals they hunt.
I can hardly wait to introduce my grandson to hunting and fishing. I already have a .22 lined up for him to start with.
Don't ever think it's too early to get the kids out. They love it and it helps build a strong family.

05-05-2010, 07:54 AM
nice i cannot wait to enjoy these times out in the wild with my kids my oldest son is 10 but he doesnt live with me and he wants to hunt so badly but his mom wont let me take him i feel bad because he has 2 brothers 2 years and 8 months old that will get to go hunting b4 him it doesnt help my 10 year old moms is a vegetarian but her dad hunted when he was alive and i just inherited his rifle for my oldest son so he is even getting more pumped to be 12

05-05-2010, 07:56 AM
Let them be big enough to tell you they want to come. Be patient, it will happen all too soon.

05-05-2010, 08:01 AM
Let them be big enough to tell you they want to come. Be patient, it will happen all too soon.

Bryson is 2 years old and he wants to come everytime i put on camou he knows im going to look for animals in the forest or mountains or in the river boat with his grandpa his mom tells me he is not big enough either so im considering setting an age limit for them say 5 years old to start shooting .22 and maybe buy them a bb or pellet at 3 or 4 depending my children are big and strong as im 6 feet 260 lbs

Big Lew
05-05-2010, 08:05 AM
I would think that in to-day's enviornment, where most youngsters don't have any previous introduction to large animals being killed or butchered, caution should be taken after the animal is down to avoid causing excessive trama. I've seen even mature persons visibly shaken and upset by the bambi effect. I brought my 5 yr. old boy and 4 yr. old girl along hunting, and every year afterwards, until school interferred. I started with shooting grouse and ducks, and then on to deer. This approach worked very well, they loved to play with the dead birds as we drove around. The first couple of deer I shot, I had them stand back until I had made sure everything was in order, (bambi effect), and then had them help me with gutting and skinning the animal. Although my daughter never went on to be a hunter, my son did, and both always jumped at the chance to come along if they could.

05-05-2010, 08:14 AM
Better starting them sooner than later.

05-05-2010, 08:17 AM
my son is 2 i started takin him huntiin with me when he was 10 months old. my step daughters are 10 and 7. the 10 year old is interested in hunting and she tells me every day she wants to shoot a deer or moose. she has been hunting with me for a the last few years. last year she was with us when my cousin shot his first deer and she helped us gut and pack it out she is hooked. my 7 year old step daughter doesnt seem like she wants to hunt some times she said she does but i know that she doesnt really mean it. but she does like goin to the range and shoot so maybe one she will come around.

05-05-2010, 08:18 AM
My Daughter will be 6 years old this year.We got permission from the big Boss to go hunting together this year,I can't wait.:-D:-D

Benelli FanBoy
05-05-2010, 08:23 AM
Get them out as soon as possible. The sooner they learn the real facts of life and death, the less likely they are to be influenced by the artificial view provided to us by people like Disney...

You got it perfect swamper!

The best way is to be away hunting when the kids are very young, so they always wonder "where Dad is" and want to be with Dad

When they get a little older, let them tag along, they will always want to hold the rifle or shotgun and shoot it, you don't let them shoot it too much and they retrieve the small game for you (this is where they learn about life and death).

Then comes(when they are around 7 years old) the step where you get them their first .22 or .410 shotgun and have them shoot grouse on their own.

If the kids see that the father is super passionate about hunting, it is inevitable that they they will have a passion for hunting as well.(unless the Disney effect comes into play)

05-05-2010, 08:27 AM
thnx guys please keep this thread going with pictures of your kidshunting and good threads like this ill let the big boss read it and maybe ill get permission to take the boy for a road hunt and afternoon fishing trip very soon :)

05-05-2010, 08:57 AM
My girls are 3 & 5, we have been taking them out with us since they could walk. They both love the outdoors, (hunting & fishing) My oldest goes grouse hunting with her dad, she loves to go get the birds that dad shoots. They were both with me last fall when I got my deer. They were in there like a pair of dirty shirts, helping me hold the deer while I skinned and gutted it. I think one of the most important things to teach is respect-for the animals and the land.

05-05-2010, 09:30 AM
I've been taking my kids hunting with me for 2 years now and they're 5 and 7 right now. It's something that we all look forward to every fall and I'd rather go hunting with them before I go hunting with anybody else. They're the best company I could ask for. I haven't tagged an animal with them yet, partly because they're too loud and I also don't take it too seriously when they're with me, it's all about having fun at this age.
I bring along a pellet gun for them to shoot and I let them sit on my lap and steer when we hit the loging roads. They love to put the song "Drive" by Tim McGraw on repeat and sing it the whole time. I get pretty sick of it, but it's either that, or Hannah Montana.
My wife still hasn't come hunting with me, she says she wants to, but she keeps making excuses when the time comes up. She didn't want the kids to come hunting at first, but I eventually got my way. Now, there's no turning back. Take your kids with you, you won't regret it!!

digger dogger
05-05-2010, 09:51 AM
let the kids know as early as they can understand, that the animals that you's are hunting is for food.. i have a friend that has a son that has befriended the deer around his house.(he just started hunting) i told him to tell his 4 yr old son that they were gonna eat the deer. he said it took a min but he understood fine.. to take the deers life it would make him stronger, and a heathy food source.. he also said god put the animals on earth for them and other animals to live longer off the meat the animal has offered them..
i shot a deer infront of my son's at age 3 and 6. my 6 yr old is a hunting freak(14 yrs now) my 3 yr old(11 now) likes it but doesn't have the drive to look around the next corner as often as big brudda (11 yr old has only shot grouse..) (14yr old shot his 1st buck at 10 yrs and it really kicked in his hunting desire) i've got lots of pics of the kids on hunting trips but after 2-3 yrs i still CANNOT put pics with a thread.. if they can open they're eyes, takem hunting!! have fun, good luck. D.D (my youngest wants to shoot a bear outta a tree soooo bad it's painful for him).. i tell him it's gonna happen one day.. his big bro has shot 3 deer, a bear and a calf moose. i've been layed up so it'll take a little longer to get him his bear..

Benelli FanBoy
05-05-2010, 09:54 AM
let the kids know as early as they can understand, that the animals that you's are hunting is for food.. i have a friend that has a son that has befriended the deer around his house.(he just started hunting) i told him to tell his 4 yr old son that they were gonna eat the deer. he said it took a min but he understood fine.. to take the deers life it would make him stronger, and a heathy food source.. he also said god put the animals on earth for them and other animals to live longer off the meat the animal has offered them..

I enjoyed this bit very much, reminded me of what my father said to me.

05-05-2010, 10:07 AM
When I was a kid, we lived on a farm and not amidst skyscrapers and freeways. I was hunting for the kitchen table with my own Cooey .410 when I was ten. Dad would bring home the ammo and ration it out. I had to account for each shell with a grouse, rabbit, duck etc.
I've never been in trouble with the law as a result of doing this, nor was my Dad ever criticized by anyone as far as I know. Others we knew did similarly with their sons. Due to where and how we lived, we didn't get involved in the popular sports routinely, as city kids would. To us boys, hunting and fishing was considered "chores" like hauling, tending stock, making wood.
However, I might add, that hunting and fishing topped our list of chores that needed doing. I agree wholeheartedly with the majority here, that one can never start his kids too early. Teach'em good habits and discipline is my thought. They will never hate you for it as long as they live.

05-05-2010, 10:16 AM
Take them along for a roadhunt and let them shoot some grouse. See how they react and teach as you go along. I started when I was 11 with my dad, but that was because it didnt interest me till I was older. Some of my best memories are of pounding the bush through rain, wind and snow to only get skunked. Its the time spent that is valuable not the actual kill.
Best of luck,

05-05-2010, 11:01 AM
My kids been hunting before he was even born.... I had his Mom (3 monts pregnent) on top of a mountain in a snow storm the last day of the deer season.
He was also with us when his Mom got her first Deer. He's not even 2 and I took him for a short Bear hunt with a buddy of mine the other day. Educate them on the ways of the world and they should understand that meat isn't grown in a styrofoam tray at safeway! Real food walks, flys and swims free and is harvested to help us survive. Our family doesnt' even eat beef if we can avoid it and my son already is familiar that some animals do go for a ride in the back of the truck. If you make it a good experience it just becomes the way it's done and they don't know any different.

"Kids that hunt,fish and trapp don't mug little old ladies"
best bumper sticker I've ever seen!

05-05-2010, 02:03 PM
BC laws state that, in order to hunt, a person must be 10 years of age and hold a valid junior hunting license. This applies to grouse.

I introduced my oldest daughter to fishing at 2 years of age and started taking her on hunting trips when she was 8. When she was 9, I shot a deer with her and she got to assist with the whole process - from ranging the distance to gutting it, putting it in the truck and skinning it. Last year, she turned 10 and she shot her own deer - a healthy two point mulie. For this season, I bought her a .270 that she can consider her own.

A couple things to consider: as Steelco said, when they really want to go, they will ask and when they want to call it a day and head home, listen to their wishes. The goal is that they love hunting as much as you do and you will have an activity that you can enjoy together for a lifetime. Keeping them out there when they are not interested is the quickest way to lose them altogether.

bushpig slayer
05-05-2010, 02:56 PM
my son started out in mom's belly and has gone with me ever since he could suck on a bottle.he's five now and everything to him has to do with hunting. he wants camo everything even the curtains in his room are camo.never to young it's a way of life.i guarantee he has more respect for animals than most adults.plus loves the meat.

05-05-2010, 04:02 PM
Personally, I don't think you can start your kids too young. My dad had me out there with him from the moment I was born. I used to ride along on the quad with him and got to a shoot a fair few grouse. I cherish those memories like no other. He bought me a 50cc minibike when I was old enough and would let me follow behind him while he was on the quad. I remember so many days when we would go out ripping around seeing tons of wildlife and getting to shoot the .410 at grouse and plinking cans with the .22. I can't thank him enough for getting me started as early as he did. Hunting is the greatest sport in the world and I only hope that when I have kids that they will love it as much as I do.

05-05-2010, 05:59 PM
the sooner the better

bear buster
05-05-2010, 06:02 PM
My kids are, 1,4,6, and they were in on elk, deer and bear kills last year and nemerous others the years before. The combined age of my hunting buddies 90% of the time is 11. We even take grandma with us in case daddy misses or has to go after what ever we are chasing that day. My 2 oldest are my grouse retrievers, they love every minute of it. I would not push it on them to go, or be unhappy if they choose to stay home. The way I see it is if they are out there with us learning and enjoying aton of new things picking up on real life skills, compared to seeing half the crap on t.v. or in the school playground they may just be better off and more happy. As for age if they are to young, hell no, get them out there, take them every chance you get, I do and its 100% better with the rug rats.

05-05-2010, 06:04 PM
Im 11, and I already have gotten a buck, 7 ducks, 19 geese in the past 2 years. I recomend at leased 8 years old before hunting, but before that get a target and a 22. (I recomend a Ruger) and teach then from there.

Moose Guide
05-05-2010, 06:32 PM
I have four children and have always taken them with hunting, (in the mini van) , we live on a small farm and although they name the livestock(calf named stew, pigs named ham, sausage and porkchop) they have always known that we hunt and butcher to eat, so far my boys have taken grouse, turkey and deer! I feel very blessed and it just gets better!!! If I knew how I would post pictures!

Bear Chaser
05-05-2010, 10:46 PM
Both of my kids have been coming hunting since they were in the womb. My wife was just pregnant with our first when she got her first deer. The next deer seaseon found my wife packing our three month old daughter in her carseat into the attic of an old barn we used for a deer stand. The year after my wife was pregnant with our son when she shot her third deer. The kids have been coming hunting every year since and both understood from an early age that we kill the deer they would see out at the farm.
When my daughter shot her first deer at the age of ten she proudly proclaimed that the stinky heavily rutting muley buck she had just shot was the best meat she had ever eaten. We didn't argue.
Take your kids hunting. It's the best thing you can do for them.

05-05-2010, 11:02 PM
My favorite time of the year is hunting season. I really dont know what I would do without hunting.

05-06-2010, 06:52 PM
My son was only a few months old when he was in on his first deer kill. I've brought both my kids along since they were just infants. They both are hunting age now and share the same passion for it as their ol' man.




05-06-2010, 06:56 PM




05-06-2010, 07:03 PM




05-06-2010, 07:08 PM
I went hunting with my dad and grandfather from the age of about 5 yrs on, and those are the fondest memories of my childhood. I learned a lot about ethics and respect for wildlife and the environment in those years and believe I've successfully passed them on to my sons and one of my grandsons.
Take yourkids with you when you get a chance. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions and have some of the hunts ruined by constant chattering, but the important thing is, enjoy the quality time spent passing on some awsome values to your children.

05-06-2010, 07:09 PM




.330 Dakota
05-06-2010, 07:10 PM
My kids have been hunting with me since the age of 4.
They love it, and take great care to respect the aniimals and the habitat.
Its nice to watch them in their hunting endeavors

05-06-2010, 08:01 PM
Lots of good advice on here for anyone considering this.

I was blessed with a patient father that was an avid fisherman and hunter. I loved to tag along with him and from the time I am able to remember was on fishing outings. As I became able to walk in the various types of terrain he was hunting in I begged to tag along on hunts, the first ones were for grouse up and down the various gullies in the area and I think I was either 4 or 5 years old.

As I grew I went on harder and harder trails and into areas that he hunted for mulies and when I was 8 or 9 I was allowed to carry the .410 to take grouse on our hunts. I saw many animals harvested and participated in gutting, retrieving the organ meats and dragging them out with all that went with it. I harvested my first deer, (a spike buck on the side of a logging road) when I was 9 and have hunted ever since.

My belief is children are never too young to learn about hunting and they will not be traumatized whatsoever from the kill if they see you hunting in an ethical and caring way.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do, I hope your children have as much opportunity to learn about the nature of hunting as their active brains can soke up.

05-06-2010, 08:06 PM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/miketannerbull2009.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=16665&size=big&cat=&ppuser=480)

Our LEH Bull we took this past thanksgiving.

A LEH bull we shot in 2005.

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/menbug.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=18251&size=big&cat=&ppuser=480)

Our elk hunting trip this past fall 2009. Notice no elk?? Anyways it was a great 10 days before he went back to school. Just my son, Noahdawg, Brett, and myself.

Some of the adventures over the years. I took my boy out with me since he was 4 years old. He wants to get his core and hunt for a big game critter this year. Don't push your kids they will get around to the hunting thing. Moosin

Benelli FanBoy
05-06-2010, 08:12 PM
...I begged to tag along on hunts...

I used to always beg to tag along, I think thats one of the main reasons I love hunting sooo much.

Jim Prawn
05-06-2010, 09:45 PM
Started mine out real young, scouting at age one. Even got a nice blacktail on video with my oldest when he was one and managed to rifle it down on the second weekend of the season. Took him on his first hunt when he was 5 and tagged a respectable deuce right at dark - thought that might be an issue but he was a real trooper and helped me drag it out to the truck in the dark for almost an hour without a fuss. Hes 8 now and been plinkin with .22s and pellet guns for a couple years. Little brother is 5 but doesnt have the same patience and nerve as big bro yet. Gonna need the extra tags soon just to keep the little buggers fed!

05-06-2010, 10:08 PM
I think it does alot more damage not taking the kids outdoors. Now is a good time to practice lots at the range ( with kids ) make the first kill that they see a good one. Shot placement on a stationary deer at a respectable range will cut down on the amount of unpleasantries a young one may face.

05-07-2010, 08:07 AM
I would agree with most , If the kids seem interested why not take them? Dont matter what age they are. If they enjoy it weather it be actually hunting or just being out with Dad or Mom. I never got to do the hunting shooting thing till 11 or 12 but god I wish it would have been earlier!

05-07-2010, 11:40 AM

05-07-2010, 12:38 PM
that second to last one is Great on so many levels Neck shot!
stellar view, cute kid, ready to gut with the knife hangin and the rifle is like 2" shorter than him.
Way to go

05-07-2010, 01:50 PM
id like everyones opinion on kids and hunting when is to young and is there such a thing as 2 young i know if your kids dont grow up around hunting it may not be ethical to whack bambi in front of them but that is a lifestyle choice we as hunters choose to live is there a to young ?

I think exposing them to the reality of the activity at an early age is fine. It doesn't come as a shock later on then that this is how the animal gets to the barbeque. I think that kids that grow up with the whole experience tend to keep the tradition alive but the exact age at which to start that exposure is and individual thing that is particular to each child. Some can handle it without it phasing them. I think those are the ones that are exposed at an earlier age.

Just a little off track here but I also think that people with small children that want to expose their kids to this should do this on their own family time/trip and not bring kids along on what I would term a "guys" or at least "adults only" type of trip. I took my kids with me but not if it was going to be with someone else. Kids are great and especially when they are yours and well behaved but when they're not either of those they can become a real pain in the ass on a trip with the noise and getting into everything. Especially now that I am a little older, I don't go out to the woods to hear kids fight. I go to get some peace and to enjoy the solitude, unless otherwise stipulated.

05-07-2010, 02:55 PM
that second to last one is Great on so many levels Neck shot!
stellar view, cute kid, ready to gut with the knife hangin and the rifle is like 2" shorter than him.
Way to go
Thanks 835. That was taken the first year I took him hunting. He was 7 and we were sitting on a bluff scanning the area when I said "take my rifle and stand over there". I have that pic blown up in my office and it makes me smile everytime. We all need to make sure this sport has a future.

05-07-2010, 02:56 PM
Did ya get anything?

Iguess that 2pt

01-14-2011, 08:49 AM
My girls are 3 & 5, we have been taking them out with us since they could walk. They both love the outdoors, (hunting & fishing) My oldest goes grouse hunting with her dad, she loves to go get the birds that dad shoots. They were both with me last fall when I got my deer. They were in there like a pair of dirty shirts, helping me hold the deer while I skinned and gutted it. I think one of the most important things to teach is respect-for the animals and the land.

Holy Crap!!!! Your kids are that old!!Thats crazy!!! Where has the time gone!!

01-14-2011, 09:12 AM
I took my two daughters out once on a deer hunt and when i found a legal deer to shot i decided not to thinking i might scare them, but a few years down the road they were talking to me and asked why i didn't shot it cause at the time i said i couldn't get a could shot off, and they told me that they wish i would have, been kicking myself since. If i had to do it over again i would spend more time talking to them before going out. They were 7 & 9 at the time.

meat eater
01-14-2011, 09:29 AM
I've had my boy shootin since he was 3 he needed a little help then but now he's 6 and has his own .22 and 4/10 and he loves huntin an fishin!! never 2 young!!

Rock Doctor
01-14-2011, 09:37 AM
My kids have been hunting with me since before they could walk, and they are 7,6, and 3yrs old now. All 3 of them insisted on being entered in the "Squirel Skinning Contest" last winter.

01-14-2011, 11:37 AM
All of my favorite memories of my father are hunting ones. From fetching ducks and geese when i was 4-5 years old. Then shooting my first grouse with the all so mighty .22 lol. Its never to young to start as long as you've down your part and teach them good ethics and safty they'll always have the great memories as they grow up.


01-14-2011, 03:16 PM
I don't think it matters what age they are. I didn't get into hunting til my early teen years, (was more of a fisher girl!) but I wasn't raised as a wimp, I knew where my meat on the plate came from. So I was never squeamish when it came to blood and guts. As for now, I have no kids, but I plan to get them out very early on. (My fiance doesn't hunt really!) My nieces car seat was tied down to the quad seat as soon as she could hold her head up, and she is now 3 and has seen many dead animals. She was excited when I called her and said tell Grandma to bring the tractor! And she took pics with me and my muley.

01-14-2011, 03:20 PM
Oh and we are starting her off with an air soft gun! I also think they need to be taught veryyy early on about safety, I have a 6, 11, and 13 year old nephews that like to shoot but I would rather not go with them!

01-14-2011, 05:27 PM
I'm 17 now and have been around hunting since I was 8. I always loved going out and it really helped me get hooked on hunting. It has also brought me very close to my dad and grandpa and now I am passing that down to my brother. Once thing is make sure they have fun and always pack extra of everything. It is nice to have everything because if they complain it will not be fun for the both of you. Lastly make sure you instill safety and ethics from the very beginning.

Dad and son
01-14-2011, 10:10 PM
I took my kids with me before they could legally hunt to enjoy the experience with me and help them understand why they need to practice at the range
I had my 2 boys start with a pellet gun, graduate to a .22 and then shoot reduced recoil rifle shells at the range. They both became excellent marksmen after shooting hundreds of rifle rounds. It made a huge difference when it came time for them to shoot their first game animal. As well the gradual introduction to shooting did not scare them away from rifles with noise and recoil gradually increasing.

For killing an animal I had them take the final "kill shot" on animals I had killed when they both turned 10. When we approached the animal and I knew it was dead they both had an opportunity to do a final head shot to "kill" the animal from about 15 feet away ( on seperate animals). I got the idea watching wildlife shows on TV where the mother carnivore "half kills" the prey and lets the pups finish off the animal.

this along with grouse hunting helped them accustomize themselves to killing something having never lived on a farm.

hunting is a great opportunity for me to bond with my son away from video games and text messaging. I also have the opportunity to instill principles of life into all hunting experiences, from respect for others, helping others, respect for animals and the outdoors, equipment and engine care etc etc, There is no better way to teach a son or daughter about life than to take him/her hunting with you.

01-15-2011, 01:16 AM
wow, its great to hear everybody's childhood memories.I was walking with my dad while he hunted from my first memories I started with a pellet gun when i was 6, and was hunting along side with my dad with a .22 when i was 8. I was so proud of my .22 Cooey. To this day (i am almost 30 now) i still own that Cooey, and have added a few rifles over the years. Can't wait till my son is old enough to shoot, he is almost 2 now, i will start him with the bb gun when he is 3 if he is ready. Its good to start them early, and hopefully they stay interested. It reminds me of the best bumper sticker i have ever seen. I was 16 years old and was working part time for a gunsmith on weekends and holidays. It read "little kids who are hunting and fishing, are not out robbing old ladies" So true!!!

deer nut
01-15-2011, 01:33 AM
My daughter was 4 years old last year and was with me when I shot a spike buck road hunting. Mama was traumatised; my daughter was just intrigued. This year she was super happy when I came home with meat for the freezer! Hope to get her out in the ground blind next fall!

01-15-2011, 01:54 AM
I shot my third deer with my family when my boys were 1 and 2 1/2 at the time, the youngest slept through the whole thing. They don't know to react in anyway at that age they just accept in and think it's cool cause dad does it. Since then they've gone on short trips, mostly opportunistic stuff where camping is the main focus.

01-15-2011, 02:07 PM
My first son was 5 when he started shooting and going with me on local hunts. My second son was 3 when he was going with me on local hunts and has seen 2 bears harvested in front of him and on the last one he was 5 and asked me if he could shoot the bear, soon your turn will come I told him and he is fine with that as long as I keep taking him out with me.
They adapt easier and learn at a pace they can handle when they are younger, as they get older with out early exsperience they get more impatient and excitable.

01-15-2011, 07:10 PM
My daughter is 9 and she loves coming out with me. She has seen me shoot a deer and in fact she played around with the insides asking what was what. She was there when we saw a cougar covering up it's kill and eventually shooting it. I take her with me just to shoot the 22 which she enjoys alot. We also do lots of trout fishing which she out fishes dad. I also used to take my neighbours kids when they were younger, one has kept it up now for 8 years now. he has taken several deer and his first time putting in for elk, got a draw..

01-15-2011, 08:45 PM
My son was about 4 months old when he was in on his first deer kill. I've been taking both my kids out since they were born.

01-15-2011, 08:59 PM
Its never too early to introduce your family to hunting. my daughter started her education at 2.

Bear Chaser
01-16-2011, 09:30 AM
Its never too early to introduce your family to hunting. my daughter started her education at 2.

Great photos.
Nice shop.:mrgreen:

01-16-2011, 07:15 PM
Heres a couple pictures of kids in the north peace rod and gun with there prize winning bucks in the everyone welcome biggest buck contest. whitetail was shot by a 14 year old girl ( green scored 172 and change) muley shot by a 12 year old boy( I believe it was 185 typical if I recall could be wrong)

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/whitetail_Medium_.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=22330&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=13763)

http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/mule_deer_Medium_.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=22331&size=big&cat=recent&limit=recent)