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03-26-2006, 12:52 PM
I was doing some searching a while back for Topo Maps, as I was tired of getting the run-around from the Government Agent office trying to buy topo maps, and I came across this site - www.maptown.com (http://www.maptown.com) They have all the B.C. topo maps, just pick the area and find the maps you need. The maps are $11.95 Can. and can be ordered on-line. Very good site, definitly worth checking out.

03-26-2006, 04:16 PM
Thanks youngfellla that is exactly what I have been looking for.;)

03-26-2006, 04:53 PM
If you guys want to lay out a bit of money, you can get maps on CD that you load into your computer. I bought the set from Toutatech. http://www.toporider.com/
I got the whole province, there's over 700 maps of BC in the set, I print the map I need for the day or so on 8.5 x 14 paper and away I go. lots to play with.

Click on Digital maps then, QNV BC on the left side of the page!!

03-26-2006, 05:22 PM
I,ve got something similar called OziExporer and Spectrum Digital Maps. You can upload/download way points from the gps also. The maps are bought for areas though. I have the VI disk with about 96 maps.

03-26-2006, 07:51 PM
Here is a comparison of different topo maps just to confuse the issue.http://members.shaw.ca/davepatton/mapcompare.html

03-26-2006, 08:19 PM
If you guys want to lay out a bit of money, you can get maps on CD that you load into your computer. I bought the set from Toutatech. http://www.toporider.com/
I got the whole province, there's over 700 maps of BC in the set, I print the map I need for the day or so on 8.5 x 14 paper and away I go. lots to play with.

Click on Digital maps then, QNV BC on the left side of the page!!
I already looked at that, and yes it is very good but in my case it would cost me an absolute fortune to get all the maps from North America. Since I hunt all over the place.

South of the border it is not too bad since most DNR's will give you a map if you ask politely. They even will give harvest charts and deer population density charts from the area you wish to hunt and it wont cost you a penny. Now that I call a service for hunters.:biggrin:

03-26-2006, 08:21 PM
If you guys want to lay out a bit of money, you can get maps on CD that you load into your computer. I bought the set from Toutatech. http://www.toporider.com/
I got the whole province, there's over 700 maps of BC in the set, I print the map I need for the day or so on 8.5 x 14 paper and away I go. lots to play with.

Click on Digital maps then, QNV BC on the left side of the page!!
Are the maps the same as Canadian government topos? If so, then it's a pretty good deal.I had Softmap topoBC software but the disk disappeared a few months ago and I've been looking for new topo maps.

03-26-2006, 08:36 PM
i use fugowi and the bc topo maps. It's pretty good, and not too expensive. one thing that's nice about fugowi is it has software for Palm PC, so if you have one you can use it and a gps card to chart your favorite trails and paths, and see precisely where you are :) Then upload the tracks to your pc later and have your very own private roadmap of your favorite area, complete with pics and descriptions :)

03-27-2006, 10:21 PM
i buy my maps from maptown all the time... ive never had any problems, fast shipping.. the also have all that fancy software...
for me map town is the way to go

03-28-2006, 12:29 AM
Whats wrong with http://maps.gov.bc.ca/imf50/imf.jsp?site=lrdw_catalog_ext ?? I get great topo maps off of there for free, after I play around in the Layers menu long enough to turn on/off the stuff I want/don't. Once you get what you want, you can even get nicely printable PDF's of the map you're looking at to boot.

Anyway, just a thought for all of you who are cheapskates like me. :)

03-28-2006, 01:51 AM
Johnes50 they are scanned reproductions of the original Govenment topo's

03-28-2006, 09:25 AM
Whats wrong with http://maps.gov.bc.ca/imf50/imf.jsp?site=lrdw_catalog_ext ?? I get great topo maps off of there for free, after I play around in the Layers menu long enough to turn on/off the stuff I want/don't. Once you get what you want, you can even get nicely printable PDF's of the map you're looking at to boot.

Anyway, just a thought for all of you who are cheapskates like me. :)

Haven't seen that one before. It even showed me the little trails I use when hunting with the coordinates for my GPS. :cool: I'll have to play with it some more

03-28-2006, 10:45 AM
Don't rely to heavily on the Govt map system. I just checked out downtown Princeton and they don't have the roads maked in properly. eg: Vermillion isn't on there and several of the roads show as dead ends that aren't. Fred

03-28-2006, 04:08 PM
That's OK Fred, I've got topo's the I bought in the last few years that are older than many of HBC's members, but any ifo is good info.

Thanks BroJack, I'll have to play with that one also!!