View Full Version : Underwater hunting - pics

05-01-2010, 02:34 PM
I started spearfishing (freediving w/ snorkel, mask & flippers) about 13 years ago on a trip through C. America. I got back into it a few years ago and it's an awesome way to get your hunting fix in the off season!! We need more spearo's in BC... Here's a recent trip:

The family had some plans near the coast, so I brought along the gear and decided to try to find my first ling. Drove all night on the red-eye express & awoke after a few hours of sleep to an awesome coast line shrouded in grey...sheets of rain & fog, but more importantly - the swells were still small & I had high hopes for visibility underwater!


I headed out to the rocks that I had scouted on G-Earth & ran into a retired commercial fishing captain on the trail. We bs’d for a while & he figured the storm would break after noon. I trusted him & decided to catch some zzz’s, in the meantime.

A few hours later, I awoke to the calm after the storm, just as that old sea dog predicted! After a steep climb down the rocks I slipped in... Although I’d never dove in ling habitat before, I grew up in the water, was a lifeguard & have been spearin’ for ~13 years. It was a cool new aqua coloured world w/ 20’ of vis!.. kelp, jellies, bait fish, seals & lions barking in the distance. I worked the rocks for a few hours, shot a few meals and got a feel for the habitat & the fishy spots within the kelp forest…


Near the end of my dive, I started to find the ling lying in ambush at the bases of the thick kelp & bumped a couple that quickly disappeared into the forest & endless caves in the rocks. Hunting them is similar to still hunting whitetails through the thick bush. I was psyched that I’d at least found one! :cool:


Back in town I hooked up w/ some spearos that I knew from another board. They were awesome guys & turned out to be even better spearos. We drank a few beers, told some lies and planned to head out in the morning on their boat to some islands… (continued)

05-01-2010, 02:40 PM
Nice action and cool pix, where were you diving?

05-01-2010, 02:55 PM
Now thats cool. Please post some more pics when you get the chance. I could see myself doing this one day?

05-01-2010, 03:28 PM
This is the coolest thread in a long time!!

05-01-2010, 04:16 PM
hey,,that fish has a divers knife in his head!!,,,and a spear through his gills i think he may be dead..lol
cool pics!!

05-01-2010, 04:21 PM
Awesome thread. Looks like a lot of fun!

05-01-2010, 04:41 PM
Really unique and distinctive. Its hunting to me not fishing lol. You just shot him with an underwater bow. Very cool. +1 for coolest thread in a while

05-01-2010, 05:25 PM
I can't wait to hear the rest. Great story.
It sounds like a blast.

05-01-2010, 09:02 PM
Cool pics. West coast of the Island? I used to spearfish too using scuba gear. Awesome fun. Once a big octopus grabbed my speargun which I had set down so I could take some pics. Quite the tug of war to get it back.

05-01-2010, 09:28 PM
Great pics!! I love underwater shots, another member here is a free diver had the greatest pics, but I think he got married or something........What was his name um Colon.

05-01-2010, 09:45 PM
ornery octopus




05-01-2010, 09:53 PM
Port Hardy area, Browning wall.


yamadirt 426
05-01-2010, 10:02 PM
great thread. Can't wait for more. Thanks

BiG Boar
05-01-2010, 10:12 PM
Best thread in a while!! Keep it rockin!

6 K
05-01-2010, 10:18 PM
Did a little spear fishing back in 97, Got a three foot ling on my first trip out. Dumb ars beginers luck. We looked into a crack in a wall and found em hideing in thar. We took two. Good luck.

05-01-2010, 10:40 PM
I have to agree with all the other comments.........great thread and great pics and story!!!!!

05-02-2010, 09:46 AM
Thanks boys! I'm amazed how much this board has grown over the years... I barely recognize any of you. That's awsome!

6k - Right on! Were you on scuba or freediving? Any pics of that monster? As you know on HBC it is only bullsh!t without pics... :wink:

Jonz - awesome pics!! I was used to the Caribbean, but the u/w colours are amazing on the coast here. I've never seen an octopus before - how deep? Was that a night dive w/ your buddy w/ lights in the background of the middle pic?

Spearfishing is a blast and is relatively inexpensive to get into... It IS underwater hunting and the eats are GOOD! I'll dig up the rest of the pics today.

05-02-2010, 10:11 AM
Here are a few from my underwater adventures.

Nice ling cod

When ya gotta go...

A few from Australia this past winter...



I wouldnt mind getting into spear fishing, I have some of my dads old gear. Nothing like a fresh tasty ling cod and fresh crab for dinner, although those little buggers are fast. The ling cod just sit there and you can sneak up and tickle their belly.

05-02-2010, 10:42 AM
The next morning the sky opened wide and it was a perfect day! The spearos took the tourist route around the islands for me & anchored in an awesome cove.


There were 900 lb (fish stealin') sea lions barking in the distance & fish right under the boat. The amount of life underwater amazed me... The cove held incredible underwater structure... a steep wall of rock full of little caves covered with kelp and weeds with a channel out to the open ocean in the middle and a gentle slope down into 60+ on the point. 40 feet is the deepest that I've shot a fish holding my breath, so far...




05-02-2010, 10:44 AM
Great thread! Awesome pictures, for Free diving!:mrgreen:
I enjoyed spear fishing there was something natural about it.
Is it legal in Canada, to spear fish with scuba?:(I know its not legal in many other countries.:-D
Thanks for a great thread.:-D

05-02-2010, 10:48 AM
Awesome pics Steep!! :cool:

Those black bass/rockfish are amongst my favourite eating fish. Love getting them when we're over on the WCVI.

05-02-2010, 10:59 AM
Paul lent me his old 70cm gun and what a difference over the 110cm... We spent a ~4 hours enjoying the day & filling our stingers. A couple newer spearos got some shots off, but never hit a fish. Mostly seabass, and I found a couple greenlings too.


I started focusing on lings... My research echoing in my head… holes, cracks, current… I dove to the bottom and slowly crept my way up the wall… On the point, in the current I started finding the ling wedged against the floor & hiding in the vertical cracks and kelp. Ling are mimetic, which means that they can change colour like a chameleon to suit their enviroment and are found from white to black... :cool: cool fish. After looking over a couple, I eventually found a legal one (~2 ft) and fed it some steel. Beginner's luck... but I'll take it! :mrgreen:



Bow Walker
05-02-2010, 11:22 AM
Those pics bring back some great memories for me! Awsome photos.

IMHO Geenlings are the tasty-est of the bunch. Delicate flavor and just my personal favorite to eat. Filets stuffed with fresh caught crabmeat and sauced with a light garlic/lemon drizzle are impossible to beat.

05-02-2010, 11:25 AM
That Looks Like Bags Of Fun!!

When You Free Dive Do You Use A Weight Belt To Decend???

Do You Hunt From The Surface And Dive When You See A Fish??

Awesome Thread!!

Id Love To Try It Some Day!!

Bow Walker
05-02-2010, 11:52 AM
I used to do a lot of scuba diving when I was younger (in my 20's thru to my 40's). Those are some of my happiest memories - being down there in the quiet and serenity of about 60 feet of salt water.

I've seen many once-in-a-lifetime things down there. It's almost impossible to describe them so that they are clear to others, but I'll never forget those sights - and sounds.

Shooting my first huge ling cod (30 pounder) off Snake Island in 90 to 95 feet of water.

Coming upon my first live Wolf eel in a hole-in-the-wall. :eek:

Hearing the Humpback whales signing/calling to one another off Maui while on a dive. :mrgreen:

Play-wrestling with an Octopus at 65 feet, off Sunset Cove, near Parksville. :-D

Looking back up from 85 feet deep, in the crystal-clear waters, to see a school of Coho swimming by at speed. They were about 50 feet above me. I was diving off Amelia Island, picking up abalone. :-D

These things will never go away.

We used to go on a dive, break for lunch, and then go back in free-diving (we just called it 'snorkeling' in those days) in about 45 to 60 feet of water. We were looking to fill the goodie-bags with scallops, abalone, fish, and/or crabs. Great times. Oh, btw - we saved the wobbly pops for when we got home. Ever tried to dive/snorkel with a belly full of beer? Not recommended!

05-02-2010, 12:03 PM
That Looks Like Bags Of Fun!!

When You Free Dive Do You Use A Weight Belt To Decend???

Do You Hunt From The Surface And Dive When You See A Fish??

Awesome Thread!! Id Love To Try It Some Day!!

Roebuck - Yes, you use a weight belt when freediving, because you want to be neutrally buoyant at the depth you are hunting. It is dependent on the thickness of your wetsuit & how salty the water is... My body is naturally neutral so with no wetsuit I don't need weight. At the BC coast I wore a 5/7mm wetsuit (which is full of tiny air bubble that compress as you go deeper). I wore 17 lbs on my weightbelt, which made me float at the surface, and neutral at ~20'.

You can hunt from the surface, but w/ only 20' of visibility, often you can't see the bottom where most of the fish are hiding. Often, you dive around until you find the fish, then get some line-ups on the shore, so that you can find the spot again (can be tough w/ currents). Then you dive down and hunt slowly along the rocks/reef... fish sense aggressive movement, and even eye contact, so the key is totally relaxed and slow movement... sometimes diving to the bottom, hanging on and waiting for the curious ones to come check you out... (stand hunting ;) )

Great thread! Awesome pictures, for Free diving!:mrgreen: I enjoyed spear fishing there was something natural about it.

Is it legal in Canada, to spear fish with scuba?:(I know its not legal in many other countries.:-D
Thanks for a great thread.:-D

Yes, it's legal to spear on scuba in BC. I don't personally.

I wouldnt mind getting into spear fishing, I have some of my dads old gear. Nothing like a fresh tasty ling cod and fresh crab for dinner, although those little buggers are fast. The ling cod just sit there and you can sneak up and tickle their belly.

Yeah, cod think they are invisible and when you are freediving on a short breath hold... they often are! Especially when you have to dive 30 feet, stick your head in a cave and wait for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. I guess on scuba, when you can stay down for an hour, it's not too difficult to find the ling... Either way, it's awesome being down there!

Great pics RJ! That Aussie vis is ~100'!! Reminds me of the Caribbean.

05-02-2010, 12:10 PM
Roebuck - Yes, you use a weight belt when freediving, because you want to be neutrally buoyant at the depth you are hunting. It is dependent on the thickness of your wetsuit & how salty the water is... My body is naturally neutral so with no wetsuit I don't need weight. At the BC coast I wore a 5/7mm wetsuit (which is full of tiny air bubble that compress as you go deeper). I wore 17 lbs on my weightbelt, which made me float at the surface, and neutral at ~20'.

You can hunt from the surface, but w/ only 20' of visibility, often you can't see the bottom where most of the fish are hiding. Often, you dive around until you find the fish, then get some line-ups on the shore, so that you can find the spot again (can be tough w/ currents). Then you dive down and hunt slowly along the rocks/reef... fish sense aggressive movement, and even eye contact, so the key is totally relaxed and slow movement... sometimes diving to the bottom, hanging on and waiting for the curious ones to come check you out... (stand hunting ;) )

Yes, it's legal to spear on scuba in BC. I've don't personally.

Yeah, cod think they are invisible and when you are freediving on a short breath hold... they often are! Especially when you have to dive 30 feet, stick your head in a cave and wait for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. I guess on scuba, when you can stay down for an hour, it's not too difficult to find the ling... Either way, it's awesome being down there!

Great pics RJ! That Aussie vis is ~100'!! Reminds me of the Caribbean.






05-02-2010, 12:17 PM
I've seen many once-in-a-lifetime things down there. It's almost impossible to describe them so that they are clear to others, but I'll never forget those sights - and sounds.

We used to go on a dive, break for lunch, and then go back in free-diving (we just called it 'snorkeling' in those days) in about 45 to 60 feet of water.

Ever tried to dive/snorkel with a belly full of beer? Not recommended!

Right on Bow Walker... that sounds awesome!! It is another world down there. I'd love to see some of your pics...

Yes, diving is serious business there are dangers. Nowadays they advise against freediving within' 12 hours of scuba because the nitrogen bubbles from scuba still in your blood can cause the bends when rapidly compressed/recompressed freediving. In freediving, shallow water blackout (SWB) is a real danger (but that's another topic s if anyone gets really serious and starts freediving very deep)...

Yeah, beer and diving don't mix. Even going hard the night before takes it's toll. I 'yaked in my snorkel this year after a long night on a spearfishing trip to Mexico... but that's another story... :mrgreen:

05-02-2010, 12:31 PM
Great thread, awesome photos!!!!

05-02-2010, 12:38 PM
Ever use a pole spear? I have tried them for course fish in fresh water. Had a blast.

05-02-2010, 02:09 PM
Awesome pics keep them coming.

05-02-2010, 02:12 PM
Awesome pics, looks like you've been having a great time. Thanks for sharing.

05-02-2010, 03:35 PM
Really enjoying your story and photos.

Bow Walker
05-02-2010, 03:42 PM
Never had (nor had access to) an underwater camera back then Steep. All the pics are in my mind. Still pretty clear for being 35 years old though...the pics, that is.

Played 'hide-n-seek' with a harbour seal pup one time. It was just off that island that forms part of the entrance to Departure Bay. Damn, that was fun, even with the ferries passing so close you could swear they were right on top of you. Sounded that way when you were down there - though they were several hundred yards away.

05-02-2010, 06:04 PM
It was already after noon & I thanked the boys for the awesome day & headed back to the rocks from the day before. I planned to make the most of my only ling trip this year and I was on a mission! After some food & crankin' the heat in the truck, I waited for the hunting posse of sea lions to pass and headed back out. Armed with new ling knowledge, and some confidence, I was focused on finding a good ling.

I was the only one in the area except for a boat on the inside of the island in the distance. I made the long hike/swim to a spot that looked promising. I made periodic dives on the way over & still hunted my way through the kelp forest around tehe rocks. When I hit my destination, the structure looked very fishy. I spotted some smaller scarred up seabass, which is a sign of lings hunting... I immediately found the lings, but was being selective...

On one of my last dives, at ~30', I came around a 10’ bolder in the kelp and there, sitting on the bottom in the edge of the cave darkness, was a ling... MY ling. He was slightly below me, facing head on at ~8'... I waited for the weeds to shift and drilled him dead center in the back of the head... he didn't even twitch. Ohhhh yeaaaaaaaah... mission complete!! :cool:


I started to shiver on the long swim back, but my smile kept me warm… Even though my feet were numb and I had to crawl back to the car, I'm HOOKED on ling!!

05-02-2010, 06:54 PM
Cool pics! The octopus was around 50 ft deep. It was a day dive but not the brightest day so we had a light going in that pic. Seen plenty big octopus, often around that 50 or 60 ft depth. Just look for holes or crevices with crab shells around the entance. Grats on some good breath hold spearfishing, that takes a lot of extra skill, I always used scuba gear when I did that in the past.

05-02-2010, 07:05 PM
Friendly wolf eel.



05-02-2010, 07:23 PM
steepanddeep you pm box is full!

6 K
05-02-2010, 08:30 PM
6k - Right on! Were you on scuba or freediving? Any pics of that monster? As you know on HBC it is only bullsh!t without pics... :wink:

We were on scuba at the time close to 80 ft if memory serves me correctly.
No, no pics I didn't even own a camera back then, But I could e-mail you a few of the 28 and 27.5 lbs lings I got last summer if you like but they were caught on hook and line.

05-02-2010, 10:27 PM
holy shit how cool is this thread!!!!!........hard to tell the size of a ling while its in the water like that and not layin on the deck of a boat.
video would be almost TOO COOL as well , I'm too scared to dive down there , sentenced to catching the stuff to look at on the top!

05-02-2010, 10:50 PM
Nice pics steep, its a whole different world under the sea.

Proguide, I took this vid last summer at Porteau Cove, just a short clip of a Ling sitting on a car tire.


05-02-2010, 11:28 PM
Very cool pictures but way to far from the equator to entice me into the cold dark waters of BC.

05-03-2010, 08:45 AM
Nice pics steep, its a whole different world under the sea.

Proguide, I took this vid last summer at Porteau Cove, just a short clip of a Ling sitting on a car tire.


Porteau cove, neat place to dive, but a shitty swim out!

Bow Walker
05-03-2010, 09:41 AM
holy shit how cool is this thread!!!!!........hard to tell the size of a ling while its in the water like that and not layin on the deck of a boat.
video would be almost TOO COOL as well , I'm too scared to dive down there , sentenced to catching the stuff to look at on the top!
Nothing to be scared about down there. Just relax and enjoy the views. Sometimes it's like being in a grocery store. The rock fish, and cod are laying in among the rocks and slopes and kelp just like cordwood. It's a matter of picking out the one that you want for dinner. :wink:

05-03-2010, 09:54 AM
Ever use a pole spear? I have tried them for course fish in fresh water. Had a blast.

Killman - As I pm'd - yes I have a polespear. It is a pole with a spear point on 1 end & a rubber band attached to the other. To load it you loop the band btw. your thumb and forefinger and slide your hand up the pole and hold it on tension... point and slightly release your grip on the pole to shoot.... it's the equivalent of a recurve bow. You can order 1 for $50 and start shootin' carp in the local lakes... Ray Odor make the best polespears around and ships to Canada: http://www.spearfishing.cc/Pole%20Spears.htm

I actually started spearin' livin' on a beach in the Caribbean in my y'uth... seeing all those tastey lookin' critters snorkellin' made me hungry... so I went to the plumbing supply store, bought some 1/2" copper tube, a couple of PVC tee's and some surgical tubing. I basically made a slingshot/bow that shot the tube and wired a knife in as the tip. It fed me for a couple weeks until I bought a real gun... hooked since!

Here's a pic of my room w/ a view of the reef - 50 yards out:


05-03-2010, 10:09 AM
Great pics!! I love underwater shots, another member here is a free diver had the greatest pics, but I think he got married or something........What was his name um Colon.

Still here, 12mth sentence in Haiti, been quite busy.

Steep, keep the pics coming, going through serious spearfishing withdrawal here. Nice Immersion top, we're going to look like twins.... ;)

05-03-2010, 10:09 AM
Nothing to be scared about down there. Just relax and enjoy the views. Sometimes it's like being in a grocery store. The rock fish, and cod are laying in among the rocks and slopes and kelp just like cordwood. It's a matter of picking out the one that you want for dinner. :wink:

Yeah, it's not any worse than the woods. Just a few more movie monsters in teh back of your mind playin' games... ;)

Once you are competent, spearin' rockfish is like hunting for deer and becomes about the challenge of finding the big ones. Lings are a little harder to find... out of 2 boats with 8 spearos on that trip, in 2 days of diving in plentiful waters, only 2 of us shot lings...

Mine were not huge - the biggest ~30", but I was psyched, since I'd never even seen one before! They are UGLY alien-lookin' mofo's!! :biggrin:

05-03-2010, 10:11 AM
Still here, 12mth sentence in Haiti, been quite busy.

Steep, keep the pics coming, going through serious spearfishing withdrawal here. Nice Immersion top, we're going to look like twins.... ;)

Amphibious is the MAN underwater!

You actually inspired me to go find my first ling! Look forward to your bluewater pics from your spearin' trip Puerto Rico... :cool:

05-03-2010, 10:45 AM
Pretty sweet thread there Steep! Good change of scenery.

05-03-2010, 11:09 AM
bonus points for anyone who can ID the fish

it was 1.4M long and we needed the two spears to get it out of the water onto the rocks. picts are in australia

05-03-2010, 11:57 AM
bonus points for anyone who can ID the fish

it was 1.4M long and we needed the two spears to get it out of the water onto the rocks. picts are in australia

That Sir Fixit would be a wobbegong (sp?). Saw them while snorkeling in Auz 2 years ago.

05-03-2010, 11:57 AM
No problem! It's an UGLY fish. LOL

05-03-2010, 12:17 PM
what did it taste like?

05-03-2010, 12:22 PM
it was 1.4M long and we needed the two spears to get it out of the water onto the rocks. picts are in australia

That's an awesome catch w/ a polespear!! Speakin' of ugly mofo's... :eek: Congrats... hope it tasted better that it looked... :wink:

Have you been spearin' in BC???

05-03-2010, 12:36 PM
I want to try that off of Uceulet this summer. My wife thinks Im crazy. Glad to know Im not the only one!:mrgreen:

05-03-2010, 12:46 PM
I want to try that off of Uceulet this summer. My wife thinks Im crazy. Glad to know Im not the only one!:mrgreen:


Sorry couldnt resist.. Do you have a boat? If so there are a number of protected reefs there.. Four rocks, Back side or George Fraser island.
obviously be careful but there is alot of good water to swim around there,Just try to stay behind stuff so you dont get smashed

05-03-2010, 01:17 PM

Sorry couldnt resist.. Do you have a boat? If so there are a number of protected reefs there.. Four rocks, Back side or George Fraser island.
obviously be careful but there is alot of good water to swim around there,Just try to stay behind stuff so you dont get smashed

Better yet, the brother in law has the boat. Shouldn't be hard to talk him into it, we lost a ton of cannon balls on "Cannon Ball Island". Lots of fish as long as you can get the power downriggers going in time. It is a nice shelf that comes up dramaticaly to 20'. Hence the name "Cannon Ball Island".:wink:

05-03-2010, 01:28 PM
A guy I worked with up there used to dive a pinicle at wya pt for the same thing. He never bought a ball in his careear

05-03-2010, 06:03 PM
why'd you shoot that poor wobby? awwww :P

You actually inspired me to go find my first ling! Look forward to your bluewater pics from your spearin' trip Puerto Rico... :cool:

having some issues with the boss about getting away for a weekend. saw a 4' cuda the other day freediving on the north claw, only fish I've seen bigger then my hand here. got within polespear range, those big buggers have no fear. had a jetski and the skier it was towing go right over my head in 4' of water the same day. swear the dickhead was aiming for me. must... get... home...sooooooon.

05-03-2010, 06:15 PM
Ordered my pole spear tonight! Now I will have to go somewhere that the water warms up for my holidays.

05-03-2010, 08:11 PM
having some issues with the boss about getting away for a weekend. saw a 4' cuda the other day freediving on the north claw, only fish I've seen bigger then my hand here. must... get... home...sooooooon.

I remember those gnarly 'cuda teeth comin' into focus a couple of feet from my face in some murky water in Honduras... :eek: A 4 footer is BIG!

Man, don't hurry back too fast... you're in bluewater paradise over there... make your way over to see Roberto Reyes & I'm sure you won't regret it... wanna trade???

Ordered my pole spear tonight! Now I will have to go somewhere that the water warms up for my holidays.
Right on Shane! Look forward to the report...

05-03-2010, 09:56 PM
Pole spear ?? Is that what use to be called a Hawaiian Sling ?

05-03-2010, 11:08 PM
Pole spear ?? Is that what use to be called a Hawaiian Sling ?

They are almost teh same thing, except the pole spear has the rubber attached to the back of the shaft, but a 'sling is a free shaft.

Mine were not huge - the biggest ~30", but I was psyched, since I'd never even seen one before! They are UGLY alien-lookin' mofo's!! :biggrin:

Here's a stringer w/ a couple ling & black bass out of the water...

Bow Walker
05-04-2010, 10:06 AM
The Pole Spear that I used (back in the day when I could get 'er done) was a 6-footer originally tipped with the single head that had a pivoting 'barb' to keep the fish on the head.

Problem with that type of head was - on a pass-thru shot the darned fish just went wild and wriggly and crazy. Very hard to control.

So I switched to what was called a Paralyser tip or head. It was a head that had what looked like three 10" long spikes, sharpened at the points. The idea was that when the tip struck and entered the fish, the tri-tip spikes were naturally spread apart. It was impossible to get a pass-thru as the tri-tip spikes came together at the spear head, where they attached to the spear.

Never lost a fish after switching to this type of spear tip. The speared fish always just lay there and quivered - didn't do the 'funky chicken' or anything. Easy to kill and then stuff into the goodie bag and then carry on to the next victim.

The surgical rubber tubing that was used as the sling generated a whole lot of momentum and hitting power - although the range was always "up-close-and-personal". Amazingly accurate as well.

Damn, I miss those days!

05-04-2010, 11:51 AM
I used a pole spear while diving in the Caribbean where I grew up. We used to come home with all sorts of fish, but the best was Grouper and Lobster.
A few years ago my brother in law nailed the largest Grouper I've seen while I watched, it was all he could do to keep it under control and dragged him all over the place, it was one of the funniest things I've witnessed. We would snorkel beside the boat in about ~90 feet of water and wait until one swam by, then switch to our regulators and dive bomb it from above. It works for us, but you need great visibility.
I dove here in BC a number of times, but the crappy visibility and lack of colours at depth turned me off.

05-04-2010, 07:22 PM
There are many areas of BC with plenty of colour at depth. Lots of good vis in some areas too.


05-04-2010, 07:35 PM
There are many areas of BC with plenty of colour at depth. Lots of good vis in some areas too.

Is that Okanogan Lake?:mrgreen:

I ordered the paralyser tip for my pole spear as well. I think they work better for smaller fish. Plus you have 3 chances:-D


05-04-2010, 07:43 PM
So I switched to what was called a Paralyser tip or head. It was a head that had what looked like three 10" long spikes, sharpened at the points. The idea was that when the tip struck and entered the fish, the tri-tip spikes were naturally spread apart. It was impossible to get a pass-thru as the tri-tip spikes came together at the spear head, where they attached to the spear....Damn, I miss those days!

How did the paralyzer work in teh rocks. I figured it would stone more fish, but thought it would break easily in the rocks??? Sounds like you've spent a lot of time out there... hope this thread helps get you back out there... :cool:

uber' - I mostly dove in the Caribbean too, but I was impressed with the amount of life and vis' on the Pacific coast... I expected less. The thrill of the hunt was awesome... it might be a matter of perspective... :wink:

05-04-2010, 10:34 PM
There are many areas of BC with plenty of colour at depth. Lots of good vis in some areas too. Yes, you're right, but you need a light (and a bright one at that) in order to see the colour, at least I did. Without one, it's gray and bland, at least past 30' where I dove.

uber' - I mostly dove in the Caribbean too, but I was impressed with the amount of life and vis' on the Pacific coast... I expected less. The thrill of the hunt was awesome... it might be a matter of perspective... :wink:When I dove here in BC the visibility wasn't too bad, but it was not great either and sometimes it was lousy, but I realize that's part of the game. Poking around on a nice drop off or a kelp bed was fun and there sure is a lot of tasty seafood to be had.
When I was young, we lived <5 min from the water and my best friend's family owned a dive shop. They got me certified when I turned 10 and took me along on many dives. Now, I have family that have a beach house in the Caribbean, so I get my dive time when I visit.
I suppose if I lived near the ocean I'd go again because I sure enjoy diving and the fresh seafood. I'm not bothered by the cold, but a drysuit would serve me well.:wink:

Thanks for posting this hunting underwater thread. Good stuff.:smile:

05-21-2010, 03:49 PM
that looks like alot of fun!!!

05-21-2010, 03:56 PM
Has anyone ever spearfished for carp? I mean underwater... not quite as crazy as bow fishing flying carp, but still good fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwMSy7xK218

Carp are a designated INVASIVE SPECIES in most of N. America and threaten native waterfowl, aquatic plants and fish. I might get out for a swim this weekend I'll do my part for aquatic convervation... and wack a few carp.... :biggrin::

Common and grass carp can do severe damage to wetlands and other aquatic habitats by destroying large quantities of plant life, which is detrimental to some native fish populations and other animals that depend on aquatic vegetation for food, cover and spawning and nursery habitat. Since both types of carp can only digest about half of the plant material they eat, the rest is expelled into the water. This process can enrich the nutrient levels of water leading to algae blooms, reduced water clarity and decreased oxygen levels. Carp may also carry several parasites and diseases known to be transmissible or potentially transmissible to native fishes.

Carp have all the characteristics that make them a successful invader. They tolerate a wide variety of environmental conditions and habitats, they eat a wide range of food and they have a very high reproductive rate. Carp grow to a very large size very quickly and become aggressive contenders for resources.

"Ducks Unlimited is concerned about the potential negative impact to waterfowl and wetlands, ...carp can eat their weight in vegetation daily, which over time can have a devastating effect on waterfowl food resources in the Great Lakes." http://www.ducks.org/news/2108/DucksUnlimitedurgesp.html

Bow Walker
05-21-2010, 05:18 PM
[quote=steepNdeep;672652]How did the paralyzer work in teh rocks. I figured it would stone more fish, but thought it would break easily in the rocks??? Sounds like you've spent a lot of time out there... hope this thread helps get you back out there... :cool:

The pic that kilman has posted is the one that I used to use. Great tip. Perfect for 'open water' and it didn't bend or dull when shooting in among the rocks and reefs. At least no more so than any other tip. Plus - they're easy to re-sharpen.

The Hermit
05-21-2010, 05:56 PM
This thread makes me want to get back out there too. I did a fair bit of SCUBA diving around Vancouver Island back in the day.

A memory that I'll never forget... One day off Benntick Island (across from Race Rocks) my buddy and I were spearing lots of greenling and had full goodie bags. I kept having to clear as my ears were going nuts with a high pitch squeal like when you are equalizing at depth.... funny thing was I noticed that my buddy was doing the same thing when it dawned on both of us simultaneously that the squealing was accompanied by staccato clicks and that indeed a pod of orcas were swimming all around us!

Dave is a funny funny guy, he rolled over on his back and dumped his BCD sinking slowly to the bottom while holding his puny little phenumatic speargun tightly in both hands in a defensive posture! I nearly spit my reg! I went to the surface and there not forty feet from me was a spy hopping killer looking right at me! My other buddy who was tending my boat was screaming that they were all around us... he counted 8 whales.
I still dive when on vacation in the tropics ... love it!

05-21-2010, 08:13 PM
Thanks Bow', that's good to know. I'll get a 3-prong next time...

Dave is a funny funny guy, he rolled over on his back and dumped his BCD sinking slowly to the bottom while holding his puny little phenumatic speargun tightly in both hands in a defensive posture! I nearly spit my reg! ... they were all around us... he counted 8 whales.

lol! I carry a 30-06 PPD (Personal Protection Device: http://www.spearfishing.cc/Personal%20Protectin%20Device.htm ) that slips on the end of my spear, but would have felt slightly undergunned in that situation... :eek: if they were lookin' for a meal, I guess you could always shoot your buddy to make their choice a little easier... :biggrin:

Whoa, that sounds awesome!! Did you chum in your suit? They are a like a huge grizz that could swallow you whole... Were they a transient or local pod?

Reminds me of this pic, but they're even bigger:

05-21-2010, 09:27 PM
I whacked more than a few ling in the late '70's and '80's. A 35 pounder will get the blood flowing for sure!

Have fun!

05-22-2010, 10:15 AM
NICE Blktail!! Where did you spear - WVA? Any pics?

Carp are a designated INVASIVE SPECIES in most of N. America and threaten native waterfowl, aquatic plants and fish. Ducks Unlimited needs your help!

CARP SPEARIN' CONTEST - The Okanagan & Kootenay Lakes are FULL of carp & I'm sure most warmer lakes are... Any spearo's out there up for a fun contest for the summer??? They have tournaments in the States all of the time and have big sponsors, prizes & cash.

If anyone wants to try spearin' out, with your mask, snorkel & fins you can get started for only $50 for a polespear! PM me with any ?'s. Ray Odor make some of the best polespears around and ships to Canada: http://www.spearfishing.cc/Pole%20Spears.htm

Here's my biggest carp from last year...about the size of a kid on the dock (ie: ~25 lbs):


Here is the RMSA Calendar for 2010:

05-25-2010, 02:32 PM
That's an awesome catch w/ a polespear!! Speakin' of ugly mofo's... :eek: Congrats... hope it tasted better that it looked... :wink:

Have you been spearin' in BC???

it was an adrenalin pumped catch, he fought like mad, but in the end, he was destined to be fish and chips
really nice dense flakey white meat.

05-25-2010, 02:33 PM
anyone know of any golden spots around hawaii?

05-28-2010, 11:39 AM
This shit looks fun as hell...but the pic with the shark behind the kayak would be me with my luck.
Now this may be the dumbass question of the week..but , any of you divers ever try shooting a compound under water???...would it work good enough???....just think of the 3d shoots you could organise!!:-D

05-28-2010, 11:59 AM
Now this may be the dumbass question of the week..but , any of you divers ever try shooting a compound under water???...would it work good enough???....just think of the 3d shoots you could organise!!:-D

Hmmmmmmm cross bow with a leupold!
I Think the water resistance against the bendy flat part of the bow would be slowed down alot more than you think. Due to the presseur down there.

Kinda like when i was a kid we used to throw the garden hose in our pool thinking you could go to the bottom and breathe through the hose.....you cant

madrona sh
05-28-2010, 12:09 PM
Hawaii hot spot= Big Island- South Point. Go down the ladders on the sea cliff and tie a rope to yourself and then tie it to the bottom of the ladder.( Strong currents and they will take you away from the point to open ocean and you do not want to be there) Best snorkeling spot I know of.Spear away.

calvin L
05-28-2010, 01:08 PM
Steep did you find the water changed the reading on your range finder :mrgreen:

05-30-2010, 10:42 AM
Now this may be the dumbass question of the week..but , any of you divers ever try shooting a compound under water???...would it work good enough???....just think of the 3d shoots you could organise!!

Haha... bear season must be over! Anyone jonsin' to hunt should check it out underwater... you can hunt all summer!

Decided to go for a swim and hunt some carp. Weather didn't look too promising leavin' the hood, but spearin' is always better that the yard work...


Pulled up to that lake and storms were still cruisin' through but the sky opened wide to greet me! Swam ~400 hundred yards over to some reeds that I like. Vis was ok at ~15' and there were lots of whitefish, perch & bass in the usual haunts... after ~45 min. I found the carp...

Here are a couple pics of fish not on the spearo menu. Cool how they'll hang out once they realize that you're not aggressive... I'll be back w/ the boys & rods...

Schoolie Bass - ~1 - 3 lbs

Nice 20+ inch bass (~6 lbs)...

The rangefinder was workin' underwater Cal'... Wacked a few breeders... biggest was ~20 lbs...

I took them down to my pit and piled them in front of a trail cam... my boys are psyched to see what critters in the hood are hungry enough for stinkbait...


05-30-2010, 08:01 PM
awesome thread, keep the stories and pics coming boys....

05-30-2010, 08:21 PM
Nice! You must me using a dry suit, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

05-30-2010, 08:29 PM
Killman - Use a light polespear on one of those and it would be an instant disposable pretzel.... I'll try my Ray Odor next time. I only use a 5mm open cell wetsuit and I'm toasty! Except one recent dive I forgot my gloves and couldn't move my hands after ~2 hours... good trainin' for late season whiteys in Alberta... :D

Carp fryin' facts:
Cyprinus carpio (common carp) is the MOST popular farmed fish in the world:
- Carp is a traditional part of a Christmas Eve dinner in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Poland.
- As a foodfish, they were brought to the United States in 1831 and they were distributed widely throughout the country by the US government for food.
- The annual tonnage of common carp produced, not to mention the other cyprinids, exceeds the weight of all other fish (such as trout and salmon) produced by aquaculture world wide.

Here's a vid' of a diner in Nebraska that does serious business specializing in fried carp! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bFCbifraN0

I surprised ~10 people last summer and fried a back fillet up (in cognito) and everyone loved it. However, small is good - as the big ones live 40-50 years & depending on the lake can pick up some toxins in that time...

05-30-2010, 09:38 PM
Where abouts in Aus were ya with the picture of all the sharks from below? I just got back from there and got to see lots of White Pointers near Adelaide!

05-30-2010, 10:24 PM
The sharks were from a dive trip to Osprey Reef, which is way out past the Great Barrier Reef about halfway to PNG. 4000' walls. It was nuts :-D

05-30-2010, 10:32 PM
Ah ya so that's North of Cairns and Port Douglas then. The picture looks amazing!

05-31-2010, 07:08 AM
you have to stop posting pics Steep, making me homesick :(

just ordered a reel for the RA120, going to be some LONG range carp poking when I get home ;)

Bow Walker
05-31-2010, 09:06 AM
That Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives is one of (if not the) my favorite shows on the Food Network. I always get hungry watching his shows. Well, except for the Pickled Carp part - blek!

06-12-2010, 12:42 AM
Here's a cool vid I came across that made me think of this thread. Enjoy!


06-28-2010, 04:34 PM
NW-Redneck - That is an incredible vid! I saw it on a spearo site when it came out. You could hunt some awesome fish with that breath-hold...

I escaped for the weekend to hunt some pike out east where the spear fishing laws are more liberal... (ie: ALL other provinces) What ever happened to the 'Wild West'... :confused:

Pike are a blast to hunt! The method is slowly still-hunting the drop-offs near weed beds in 10-20' of water. They are often lying in amush, camoflauged in the weeds or hunting along the drop-offs.

Weather was awesome... good food, beer and I shot a handful of fish... great weekend! I've got a buddy that guides out there. Here's one off his boat from last year...

Pike are top-level predators in aquatic food chains, and they reproduce quickly. In populations of trout, salmon and other fish have not had time to adapt defenses against pike’s predatory tactics. Here, the northern pike is an invasive species capable of causing tremendous amounts of ecological and economic damage. http://www.wildlifenews.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlife_news.view_article&articles_id=305&issue_id=52

07-03-2010, 05:47 PM
Anyone ever get a big Chinook with a spear

Bow Walker
07-03-2010, 08:03 PM
Before you get too carried away with thoughts like that - It's illegal to spear fish that are considered to be "game fish", of which salmon is a game fish.

07-04-2010, 10:38 AM
In Alaska, & some other states, it is legal to spear salmon, but not in BC. I've got a spearin' magazine with an article in it... Have you ever speared before steelhead' ?

07-05-2010, 01:18 PM
When I was 12, I spent a summer in Bella Coola. Made friends with some local boys and we made spears and went out spearing salmon in the rivers. It was fun until fisheries showed up and we had our asses chewed out. Lesson learned!! I ended up moving out to Vancouver island when I was 14 and again, made my own spear but instead of salmon, I was nailing sole off the beach in qualicum. Oh how I miss those days.

07-05-2010, 01:53 PM
I was excited to see that spearfishing does, in fact, exist up here in BC. I started diving a few years ago, and had hoped to extend my hunting grounds below sea level. However, after inquiring in a few of the dive shops, I was told that nobody spearfished around here, and that it probably wasn't even legal.

Now I just need to figure out what new hunting toys I need to start.

07-05-2010, 03:13 PM
Thx for sharing photos. I used to do a ton of scuba and we used to find the lings really like to hang out between 90 - 120ft. We would really push the limits for depth as we were young, stupid and invicible - wouldn't advise it. Deepest was 145ft. We used to do bounce dives keeping bottom time to minimums to avoid mandatory decomp. stops on way up. Would go down wack a biggun, then come up a ways and dispatch etc. Once you get down below 120ft it starts to get pretty dark and we'd use lights beyond that. We only ever had wetsuits, and used to get pretty cold by end of a winter dive. Our trick was to head by a 7-11 and drink a super big gulp on the way out. When you're freezin cold towards the end of the dive was a great way to warm up. Used to do night dives too - if you really want a rush try shutting of your light on the surface and then dump your bc and sink to the bottom in total darkness. Even though you know it is supposed to be say 60ft it would feel like you were gonna drop into some trench. To this day one of the weirdest sensations b/c the affect of the water around you and that was the blackest black I have ever seen. You'd hit bottom and turn the light on in a panic to see what the heck you might of landed on/in. Like I said, I'm older and wiser now, but at the time we sure had lots of fun. If you had that much fun free diving, you should give it a go with tanks. Take a course and be safe though - don't do the dumb ass stuff we did. That nitrogen narcosis is a bugger and sneaks up on you. Just like being baked down there and you can loose your senses pretty easy. Once only way I could tell which way was up was by pumping air into my BC so I would float up. If I didn't think of that I'd still be down there feeding the crabs.

07-05-2010, 03:23 PM
If you had that much fun free diving, you should give it a go with tanks. .

why would I want to go backwards? ;) Freediving is the natural progression for those who what to loose the "cheat-bottle" and actually work for their fish ;) (1500hrs+ on SCUBA before I reformed)

Steep, home 3rd week August, Carpocalypse Planned for then. you down?

for those that think that deep hunting is only for the scuba boys:

rockfish taken in 85' sans-tanks

and just'cause i'm homesick:

07-05-2010, 03:31 PM

Now I just need to figure out what new hunting toys I need to start.

i\m down in van quite a bit, or, if you come up to Kelowna for a weekend before the carp run away, we can get you sorted and show you what it's all about.

07-05-2010, 03:35 PM
Holy Crap that is a long way's down. I was having trouble getting to 15 ft. What are some tips to improve you depth and length of dive? I usually just play with fins,mask and snorkel and a pole spear.

07-05-2010, 03:44 PM
why would I want to go backwards? ;) Freediving is the natural progression for those who what to loose the "cheat-bottle" and actually work for their fish ;) (1500hrs+ on SCUBA before I reformed)
To each his own. It wasn't about the free spirited warm and fuzzy feelin for me! :wink: It I wanted that I'd go to hawaii and swim with the dolphins:mrgreen: For me diving was all about maximum killage and the hunt which is what I thought this was all about. Plus it would have been tough for me to free dive down to 110-120ft and that is where all the big boyz live!!

07-05-2010, 05:15 PM
For me diving was all about maximum killage and the hunt which is what I thought this was all about. Plus it would have been tough for me to free dive down to 110-120ft and that is where all the big boyz live!!

i''ve killed fish that deep without gas. it just takes practice, skill and commitment. but then again I'm after the spirit of the hunt, not just "killage" ;) (you would be very proud of me for staying so polite when scuba spearfishing is involved. maybe I'm changing? )

Holy Crap that is a long way's down. I was having trouble getting to 15 ft. What are some tips to improve you depth and length of dive? I usually just play with fins,mask and snorkel and a pole spear.

Relaxation and Practice. been freedive spearfishing for over 15yrs, and i've seen my max depth yo-yo over those years for many reasons. just go slow and enjoy the process. 15' is a great start. i'd wager a good summer and a few tips from experienced divers and you'd triple that. most of this sport is mental anyways. Kirk & Mandy run an excellent freedive training program through PFI, they have classes all over the world, but they are based out of Vancouver.... there is some excellent freediving around PG, and if you have a weekend, hop down to the cache creek/savona area.

now the disclaimer: Depth is not something to push. you have to be very intune with your own body and listen to what it's telling you. competitive types that have any susceptibility to bragging or peer pressure are wise to stay FAR away from breath-hold diving. it's one of the most dangerous sports in the world. the list of dead divers every year supports that. pushing your limits without support and training will bite you in the ass. I spent 3 days in ICU when I last got stupid, should have died, hard lesson learned. read up on Shallow Water Blackout.

07-05-2010, 07:21 PM
i''ve killed fish that deep without gas. it just takes practice, skill and commitment. but then again I'm after the spirit of the hunt, not just "killage" ;) (you would be very proud of me for staying so polite when scuba spearfishing is involved. maybe I'm changing? )

disclaimer: Depth is not something to push. you have to be very intune with your own body and listen to what it's telling you. competitive types that have any susceptibility to bragging or peer pressure are wise to stay FAR away from breath-hold diving. it's one of the most dangerous sports in the world. the list of dead divers every year supports that. pushing your limits without support and training will bite you in the ass. I spent 3 days in ICU when I last got stupid, should have died, hard lesson learned. read up on Shallow Water Blackout.

I used to go down to shoot fish and then eat them - the bigger the better! Underwater spearing was about getting a big ling, bragging rights between buddies and good eats:-D Dead was dead - the ling cod never seemed to object to how I did it and it doesn't matter to me whether you are polite or not regarding what I do.

My initial post was for SteepNDeep who started the thread and seemed to realy enjoy the kill which I based on the photo of the rock cod with knife thru brain. In your disclaimer above you say that competitive types that have any susceptibility to bragging should stay far away from breath-hold diving and yet in your first line, aren't you bragging when you state that you've killed fish as deep as I did, without gas. Sounds like bragging to me :wink:.

07-06-2010, 06:31 AM
we'll just have to agree to disagree ;) (insert virtual handshake and hug for Mod's)

Killman: PM inbound.

07-06-2010, 07:55 AM
Hey Amphibious, where do you spear around kelowna? I've been here all my life and have yet to see anyone doing so.

07-06-2010, 08:55 AM
we'll just have to agree to disagree ;) (insert virtual handshake and hug for Mod's)

Sounds good to me! :)

07-06-2010, 09:36 AM
Hey Amphibious, where do you spear around kelowna? I've been here all my life and have yet to see anyone doing so.

quite a but in the winfield area. carr's landing, etc. did a little around Green Bay on the westside. it's tough in the lake, way to many drunken douchebags on jetski's and wakeboats to worry about.

can be productive if you know where to look:

(two good days in OK Center/Carr's Landing)



07-06-2010, 10:32 AM
wow! great thread! makes me want to start scuba big time.

07-06-2010, 10:53 AM
wow! great thread! makes me want to start scuba big time.

I freedive in Port McNeil a few times a year. you have some of the greatest diving on the planet in your backyard. most of my coastal spearfishing is done in that area, although it's getting much harder with all the closures.

07-06-2010, 01:27 PM
What do you do with them all? Just garbage them?

07-06-2010, 01:53 PM
know a guy with pigs....

they're an invasive species, so don't really feel bad about making them eagle/coyote food either.

now if they would just put Bass back on the spearable list....

07-06-2010, 08:33 PM
To each his own. It wasn't about the free spirited warm and fuzzy feelin for me! It I wanted that I'd go to hawaii and swim with the dolphins. For me diving was all about maximum killage and the hunt which is what I thought this was all about. Plus it would have been tough for me to free dive down to 110-120ft and that is where all the big boyz live!!

Right on '49... cool that you're psyched about divin'! As for scuba... thanks, but no tanks. :wink: Whatever works for ya though... giv'er!

If it was just about the killin' I'd set up a corn feeder in the front 40 and shoot a fat sweet buck off the deck...:mrgreen: I'm into the hunt more than anything... I dove for ~6 hours (out of eight) in a day chasin' pike last weekend... can't do that blowin' bubbles.

As for all the big boys livin' at 100'+ here's a hawg that my buddy shot at ~25'... at 35lbs, I haven't seen many bigger, except in Alaska...

Got any pics? :cool:

07-06-2010, 08:54 PM
Steep, home 3rd week August, Carpocalypse Planned for then. you down?

for those that think that deep hunting is only for the scuba boys: rockfish taken in 85' sans-tanks

Nice Rocky, there Colin! Good to hear that you'll be back in civilization for a bit... Have you made it out at all over there? We should definitely hook up for a dive... let me know a week or so before you come. I'm at the lake next week and I'll try to tie up carpzilla to break in your new gun. :wink:

Here's an article that explains shallow water blackout (SWB): http://www.cyber-diver.com/shallow_water_blackout.html

SWB is serious sh!t...many freedivers (spearfisherman) die every year - I know of 3 in the last year from another message board!! Amphib' is right... if anyone is really interested, here's a training video on SWB that shows one in the introduction Pushing your limits freediving should not be done without training. http://vimeo.com/2060317

07-07-2010, 04:40 AM
been out about a dozen times, haven't seen one shooter yet. they gill-net he hell out of the coastal reefs here. I did wack 5 lionfish the other day though, but I don't really count them.

no new gun, but I do have a cam mount now for the Rob Allens, eager to get some carp slaying in HD recorded. I'll have the lady friend and her little one staying with me for late aug/early sept, could be a good time for a BBQ at Christina Lk.

jonesing bad for some spear time! haven't harvested anything since March!

07-07-2010, 04:54 AM
25lb ling in 40' of water. buddy took this on one of our Port McNeil trips last year.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs261.ash1/18869_104173919608092_100000464525888_108664_79998 44_n.jpg

07-07-2010, 07:25 PM
no new gun, but I do have a cam mount now for the Rob Allens, eager to get some carp slaying in HD recorded. !

Right on - what kind of cam did you get??? I'm hopin that GOpro comes out w/ and u/w lens...
Any vid yet?

07-08-2010, 03:52 AM
Panasonic Lumix ZS3 and the OEM case. shoots in 720. lots of vid sample on scubaboard, and after their reviews i decided to grab it. it's a lot bigger then the gopro, but I have been using it for a lot of UW stills so far and very impressed with the color and crispness for a $600 setup.

no vid yet, don't have the power on this netbook to render it into anything.

07-09-2010, 06:08 PM
Have you ever speared before steelhead?
Nope thought it looked cool tho and would like to try it someday

07-18-2010, 11:27 AM
The fam' was out at the lake for a week... I went for a dive every day - awesome warm, clear water & sun... made the cold ones go down even better!

My lil' bro even jumped in with the fins a few times and tried the gun for the first time... had a blast!

Bass were a blast - I caught (& released) ~15 fish with my bro and the kids on H&L. I found a school of football sized bass diving, but when I came back with the rod, I couldn't entice them to bite... guess that's why they're big... Here's a mugshot of one:

I got a bit of spearin' in... For a challenge, I wanted to test out my skills with the polespear. I had never shot it in fresh water, so was curious to see it perform... Killman, the Ray Odor spear is a cannon and most fish ended up half way down the spear! :wink:


I didn't see many of the big Common Carp, but saw some different species - Mountain Sucker & Tench (or Doctor fish which is a species of Carp) are in the pic above. I ran into carpzilla and his brother, but couldn't close the gap with teh polespear. They will both go over 20lbs but I'm leavin' them for Colin... :cool:

07-18-2010, 06:50 PM
this shit is sooo cool looking , I still think you should try shooting a bow under water,:mrgreen:

07-18-2010, 06:55 PM
Good to hear the spear works good. What tip where you using? I am thinking I should get to use mine in the next couple weeks. I will try to get some pics.

07-19-2010, 09:07 AM
this shit is sooo cool looking , I still think you should try shooting a bow under water,:mrgreen:

I'll try the bow u/w if you try the speargun on your next bear! lol

Good to hear the spear works good. What tip where you using? I am thinking I should get to use mine in the next couple weeks. I will try to get some pics.

I used the normal flopper - I think it would be better for teh big carp, but just ordered a paralyser... look forward to your pics.

Grasshopper... the key with the polespear is to be the weed... they will come to you. :wink:

08-02-2010, 04:29 PM
Haven't been out spearin' lately, but with the warm weather, the big hatches have started and I broke out the fly rod for the summer rainbows... been out 4 times this year and it's been slow with only a couple of trout per night.

My 7 year old got a 24 incher on the fly last week and I got my best 'bow of the year last night at ~26 inches... I let most of them go over 20 inches and keep the odd one for the pan. :tongue:

Here's a few pics:



Bass can be a blast too... we use a topwater frog lure and they just hammer it, sometimes getting airborne on the strike! Here's a largemouth and smallmouth bass:

08-02-2010, 07:45 PM
Those are some nice fish. I managed to get out in the Shuswap river with my spear, You right is does shoot well. I managed to bag a couple. I do need practice:mrgreen: with the aiming and holding my breathe.

08-03-2010, 12:27 PM
Those are some nice fish. I managed to get out in the Shuswap river with my spear, You right is does shoot well. I managed to bag a couple. I do need practice:mrgreen: with the aiming and holding my breathe.

Good work... polespearing ain't easy. How did the paralyser work?

08-03-2010, 01:26 PM
Good work... polespearing ain't easy. How did the paralyser work?

Pretty good, I hit and lost a couple small ones. The bigger ones worked great.

09-15-2010, 04:51 PM
Boom! Head Shot!

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs310.ash2/59013_10150253056840051_614545050_14761516_6358598 _n.jpg

a still from the up-coming video. carp destruction in HD. so. much. yes. :D

09-27-2010, 04:22 AM
as promised:


edited by Wally for accuracy, the misses and the hits!

09-27-2010, 06:36 AM
Hehe great vid!

Bow Walker
09-27-2010, 07:25 AM
Really enjoyed the footage. Looks like you guys had a great time.

09-27-2010, 07:30 AM
thanks guys, I have to have a chat with Mr. Wally, seems he ommitted a bunch of kills for misses.... his idea of a joke I'm sure. have to remember to give him only the "good" footage next time, not all the raw stuff :p

kinda sad I only got out once this year for carp, but they'll get hurt next year, big time :P

09-27-2010, 07:33 AM
Man that looks like fun, thanks for posting

09-27-2010, 09:15 AM
Awesome Vid.

09-27-2010, 10:44 AM
Right on Colin - awesome vid! I didn't even bring my gear that weekend, but camped on teh lake w/ my kid. We slept in expedition hammocks.

Great pic' clarity.... my camera is gettin' tired and I'm debating about the next purchase. How do you mount it - gun or head? Any pics of the mount? How much is the housing?

09-27-2010, 11:18 AM
the camera is a Panasonic DMC-ZS3 and OEM housing. picked them both up for about $600 last year on Ebay. the fuzzy parts of the video are my buddy's GoPro.

I use one of TinMan's mounts, secured just behind the sticker on my RA's. mid mounting the cam lets you load much easier. there is a lots of great video he didn't include, when I have the cam mounted farther back, but it was a major pain to load the bands. I didn't have a reel on it for those vids either and found I was missing constantly. cool thing about shooting in HD, I was able to slow the vid down enough to see that my shooting line was hanging up on the reel bracket and tossing the shaft all wonky :)

I should be out with the guns this weekend, will try to take some pics of the mount. it really is the cat's ass.

09-27-2010, 12:29 PM
as promised:


edited for accuracy, the misses and the hits!

wow that kicked A$$

09-27-2010, 01:38 PM
Wicked Video!.... Another sport I'd love to do...... Its going on the bucket list for sure! Great video, great sport, unlimited potential....

09-27-2010, 02:31 PM
Glad you guys like the vid :) That's a lot of editing time right there.

Right on Colin - awesome vid! I didn't even bring my gear that weekend, but camped on teh lake w/ my kid. We slept in expedition hammocks.

Great pic' clarity.... my camera is gettin' tired and I'm debating about the next purchase. How do you mount it - gun or head? Any pics of the mount? How much is the housing?
Hey Man, Colin is in Haiti for a while yet but if you want to do some diving in the Okanagan, I'm around. I would love to head out to the Kootenay's eventually too.

Yeah, my footage is the blurry gopro footage. The housing has a curved lens so the focus is buggered. Should be getting a new housing this winter so the footage for next year will be 100x better. I made my own camera mount from Al and it works pretty damn good.


09-27-2010, 04:37 PM
Great editing Wally!! They make an underwater lens for that GoPro... I think it's ~$100: http://www.eyeofmine.com/gopro/underwater/index.html

As for divin'... thanks, but that will have to wait 'til spring. I'm sure a couple guys will head out for lings in ~May (as per the origin of this thread) if you're up for it...

I've got bulls and bucks to chase 'til the snow flies... :smile:

09-27-2010, 07:48 PM
If anyone is interested in buying some spearguns I have a couple extra that I bought and only used once or twice email me at ganskepm@telus.net for details.

09-28-2010, 03:09 AM
Great editing Wally!! They make an underwater lens for that GoPro... I think it's ~$100: http://www.eyeofmine.com/gopro/underwater/index.html

As for divin'... thanks, but that will have to wait 'til spring. I'm sure a couple guys will head out for lings in ~May (as per the origin of this thread) if you're up for it...

I've got bulls and bucks to chase 'til the snow flies... :smile:
Thanks man :) Yeah, I've seen the eyeofmine housing and the other one but GoPro is coming out with their own housing fix this winter and it'll probably be half the price and have replaceable lenses.

Sounds good. I have deer of my own to chase. I'd definitely be up for lings but how deep do you have to dive for um??

10-10-2010, 05:06 PM
some shots from this weekend's Lionfish Rodeo. lots of nice porkers taken, but they were all really deep, 65'+

here's one for the scuba boys ;)

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs451.ash2/72458_10150271302200051_614545050_15157763_1916326 _n.jpg

big porker from way down

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs416.ash2/69426_10150271302450051_614545050_15157768_7324221 _n.jpg

shot a double in a cave

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs392.ash2/67080_10150271302680051_614545050_15157771_1928625 _n.jpg

10-10-2010, 05:11 PM
thumped another. posing for the hero shot :wink:

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs026.snc4/33648_10150271302880051_614545050_15157774_5547924 _n.jpg

that's gonna leave a mark...

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs443.ash2/71602_10150271303145051_614545050_15157782_7314021 _n.jpg

10-10-2010, 09:38 PM
Good work thinnin' those menacing things out! How many were shot in the tourney? Did you eat any? I saw a vid on how to clip the spines and prepare 'em... apparently awesome meat.

How did the new cannon work on them? Did you need that reach...they're pretty wary and fast too! :wink:

Wally - The lings can be pretty shallow - starting at ~20 ft.

10-10-2010, 10:00 PM
The less lionfish the better. Very cool pics. Reminds me I haven't been in the water for a few months... Water should be clearing up pretty soon :-D

10-11-2010, 04:39 AM
D, wasn't really a tourney, just me. took 7 eaters and destroyed 3 little ones. killed over 70 since I've been here.

I was hunting a dropoff for Spanish Macks and Wahoo, so was packing the the 120. way to much gun for Lionfish, I usually take them with a polespear and 3-prong tip. I clip the spines with EMT shears. the meat is excellent. these went to the Haitian Gaurds I work with, as I really didn't have the means to refridgerate them on site and my food was being provided on the weekend (was at a jobsite). Free protine makes them very happy ;)

I'm having a helluva problem with the 120, the line is tangling on the upper band, renders the reel useless. happening on my 100 rigged identical too. need to sort it out as I had to pass on a few shots this weekend, didn't need a spanish mack ripping the gun out of my hands when the line snagged....

10-12-2010, 07:00 PM
Right on, Colin! Good to hear that you're gettin' out chasin' pelagics... I thought they'd be decent over there. I've never used a reel, but a float might be safer for deep water anyways... that would solve your problem. I just use an inflatable boat fender.

Nice hero shot of your dive watch! :wink:

10-14-2010, 09:28 AM
if I re-up for another tour I'll bring back my proper bluewater kit, it's all sleeping in my basement. Reels are very handy for fish under 40lb, and can take much bigger fish if you're careful and place your shots. I really prefer reels for deep diving too, much less drag then a line and float.

here's another "hero" shot for you...

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs417.ash2/69503_10150271852635051_614545050_15170966_1607074 _n.jpg

10-14-2010, 09:35 AM
Wow....nice work Amphib!

That kind of stamina was very evident in the "operation moose shed" thread of a few years back. Still in my mind one of the funniest threads that was on this site. :mrgreen:

10-14-2010, 12:19 PM
Operation TriPalm. such fond memories!


10-14-2010, 12:39 PM
Operation TriPalm. such fond memories!


Ha ha.......that'd be the one! I tried finding it in the archives as the whole thread was way too funny at the determination and perseverance in the "operation". From the first sighting....to the recovery. I think it's too far back since the server had switched over and I couldn't find it.

10-14-2010, 12:49 PM
Nice pics and it is fun to spearfish, I've done it free diving aas well as with air, but should this not really be in the fishing forum?

02-15-2011, 09:24 AM
Needed a break from skiing... here's my blog from a spearin' forum.

I’ve been dreamin’ about a trip to Costa Rica for about half a year... About a decade and a half ago, I spent six months living la pura vida… travelling from Mexico to Costa Rica following the waves, the fish and snapper of the vertical variety. I speared so much on the way down, that by the time I got to Costa Rica, I could not eat another bite of fish & only surfed. This trip was to explore what I missed under the water… A couple pics from the first trip:


KAYAK DIVE #1 - I had scouted out some rocks on G-Earth and planned to rent a car, bring my inflatable kayak & see what I could find. The first day it took a while to get sorted out, & I never got started until after 1pm, but I wanted to get wet & dial in the new gun. Of course the wind was howlin’ by then - I drove as close as I could get & fought my way ~a mile through the 20mph headwind. Steep rocks on the shore never left me much choice of a port & I didn’t trust a rock anchor in the wind. I found a little cove, tied off to a tree & swam ~500 yards to the point.


It felt awesome to be in the water again!!! I hugged shore on the way over in ~20’ of water… a big shy turtle, an eel, rays and the usual colourful suspects greeted me. Well my scouting looked good, as I finally made it to the spot & the current was rippin’ through this 40m wide little underwater canyon. One thing that I’ve learned is that current = fish.

As the sun started to drop, I could barely see through the schools of baitfish in the shadows along this 30’ wall. I would hug the shore swimming to the head of the canyon & drop in for a drift through that lasted a couple of drops and then work my way through a huge boulder garden. I missed many fish getting the feel of the new gun, but by the end it was I was starting to like it. The sealife was incredible I saw decent grouper, permit, pargo, sierra, perrico, ulua, & jacks… many species for the first time! I shot a big blue perrico & cohito for dinner & made the long paddle back, exhausted.


Well, they say adventure begins when things go wrong... It was getting dark as I got back to shore 5 hours later & I was a bit worried about my car parked alone at the end of the road, as CR beaches can be dangerous at night. A young tico ran up to me as I got to shore & was yappin’ like Speedy Gonzales, saying something about my car & he wanted me to come with him. Something was up, so I showed him my dive knife & headed to the SUV, as he ran off. Once I had my light & machete I relaxed as he came running back. To my surprise, he brought me my hat & said that he had stopped a thief that had broken into my SUV & he had chased him down the beach where he dropped my hat & sunglasses. I thanked him & gave him all of the beer that I had. I couldn’t see with the kayak in the car & I backed the SUV into a tree & creased the plastic bumper… oh well, I guess there is a price for everything… welcome back to the adventure! :cowboy: :toast:

to be continued...

02-15-2011, 09:26 AM
Jacob - ya, too bad we missed each other... next time. Did you get your kayak goin' yet?

The only problem with vacations is the size of the pile of work waiting for you when you return... I'll try & get the rest up today...

BOAT DIVE #1 – I'd heard about an excellent panga captain named Galo that loved to spear big fish. I hooked up with him & we planned for a half day offshore... The hot Costa Rican dry season (Dec – Mar) is better for amberjacks & roosters, while the rainy season is better for wahoo & dorado, with pargo & grouper year round. We got a late start at 9:30 & the wind was blowin’ hard by the time we got to the first pinnacle. Galo has shot cuberas over 100lbs and this was one of his favourite spots for them. Waves were crashing over the sharp rocks & it was a bit intimidating jumpin’ in with the potential to get sucked in.

This was it... after months of planning & dreaming about this moment. A big ray came up to greet us & I slipped in with big expectations. Vis was a good 30’ & there were baitfish everywhere ~50 yards from the pinnacle – perfect for pelagics. First drop I saw something big with yellow pectoral fins down deep below the bait but it took off at the sight of me. Currents were strong right next to the rocks, but were fine a ways off. I sniped a schoolie grunt & threw it in with Galo for laughs. Some big permit cruised by & I saw a nice cabrilla at ~60’ but didn’t get a shot off. I scoured the pinnacle for over an hour before we moved on.


Next we hit an island also good for cuberas. I shot a few tasty pargo & a permit to eat up to ~10 lb, but the big guys weren’t home. Galo got in with me, but he didn’t see any cubera either. Our last spot was a rocky plateau ~50’+ deep, good for grouper, rooster & amberjack. Galo seemed excited & I was too until I hit the water to find 10’ vis. I was tired & I don’t like diving dirty, unfamiliar water, with no structure visible from the surface. I made a couple of drops & it was dark to the bottom.


On my third drop a big silver submarine materialized from the murk below me. I kicked towards it as I extended my gun and squeezed off a solid shot, just behind the bull’s eye. It rolled over momentarily & I saw the comb of a big rooster & a solid holding shot before it sounded hard. I let it run a bit, keeping the pressure on as I made my way towards the boat. It was hurt & I gained on it after a few minutes. The moment of truth… would my new crimps hold the big fish??? A couple more short runs & I was at the shooting line… & finally got ahold of the shaft & sealed the deal. Galo had a big grin as I heaved it up to the boat. Psyched to have my first magnum of the trip under my belt, I reloaded & headed back out… maybe the dirty water ain’t so bad…I got a glimpse of another big submarine, but it disappeared into the murk and I couldn’t find it again.


I took a slab for dinner and the rest went to a family that was psyched to get it. The meat was very dark purple - in mojo de ajo it was alright, but a bit tough & dry, compared to norm.

Steve - I later learned the secret local recipe - sliced in thin strips & grilled on the bar-b' with seasoning & salt like a steak... it comes out like a tender beef jerky & with cervesas frias on the beach at sunset... perfection!

02-15-2011, 09:30 AM
KAYAK DIVE #2 – Up at 6:45 to beat the wind this time and parked in a secure spot, which meant a 2 mile paddle out. It was cool paddling in the glassy morning waters. Another bluebird day… the sea was vibrant schools of small yellowfin boiling & jumping on the surface, rays gettin’ air. In less than an hour I was at the point & the tide was low, so there was some sand in small coves to beach on.


After tying & gearing up I was heading into water and something stuck me on the instep of my foot through my bootie. It got me pretty good as it was bleeding and a numbing pain was radiating to my toes and up my leg. I figured it was an urchin, but I didn’t want any reaction to force me to abort so I pulled out the first aid kit and used the tweezers, snakebite syringe to suck out the toxin & some alcohol. It didn’t seem to be swelling after ~15 min. so I headed out off the rocks this time.


The currents were mellower in the canyon, so I headed out past it to the point where I originally wanted to hit. As I got closer to the tip the current increased and the bottom dropped right off the chart. It’s a little scary diving solo after 4 hard days of paddling, diving & surfing – being conservative is the key. The water was dirty, with ~15’ of vis’, but I felt comfortable working my way down from the rocks on the surface to ~40’.

It was everything that I had hoped for & more… hunting for big cuberas on the rocks with the chance of winning the pelagic lottery while you were recovering on the surface! I found the perfect spot right off the point - a huge underwater boulder that was undercut on the sunny side down to ~30’ on the bottom of it where it dropped off into the abyss. I would breathe up and dive down clinging in the current and sneak a peek over the edge into the crack filled with small reef & baitfish. On one lap a lone sierra ventured too close & I strung it up after he did frenzied loops around and over my head tieing me in one big knot. Another, I was just starting a drop on the boulder I came nose to nose with a big toro & I rolled him. Another I circled the boulder from the other side and as I peeked into the shadow at the bottom a big cubera exploded into the abyss before my eyes could adjust. After 3 hours in the water, I felt I’d just scratched the surface, but the winds were picking up & I had a long paddle back. I could have hunted there all day, every day and been happy...


I took sampler fillets off each fish & ate like a king. The rest I gave to the families that run the hotel that I was staying at. They appreciated it and ended up giving me 4 nights free for all of the fish when I checked out... bonus!


02-15-2011, 09:31 AM
I had planned to head to Nosara to meet up with Ryan, but I didn’t want to leave the paradise that I’d found... next trip. I wanted to dive the bluewater again with Galo and we agreed to meet at 7am & beat the wind this time. We were greeted with a glassy surface alive with jumping yellowfin schoolies & flying rays. The baitfish were boiling at the first pinnacle and with a big grin, Galo said AMBERJACK!! First drop outside the boiling baitball & two big toros appeared heading into the frenzy. I line up the bigger and ssszzzzuck – rolled him. I was only ~20’ from the boat! I worked the area and ran into a huge school of amberjack about the size of the toro, but wanted something bigger so I just swam with them for a bit until they disappeared.

A couple hours later I was in the spot that I shot the big rooster and was making a drop on a grouper that I had spotted when a solo amberjack appeared below. I closed the gap and pulled the trigger, expecting to get worked by this big brute but he just rolled over too! This new gun is a laser – gonna have to call him "ROLL’EM".


Back at the beach by just after noon… cold cervesas waiting in the shade & we decided to have a big beach barbeque.


Some local Ticos came up and wanted the toro - they cooked it up with that jerky recipe – with cold beer, it was perfection! We filleted up the amberjack for ~10 people & partied on the beach into the night – it doesn't get much better!! Pura vida.



02-15-2011, 01:51 PM
Very cool......http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

02-15-2011, 06:20 PM
Just started Scuba lessons. Third one tonight. Was looking at these wondering where I could apply this close to home

02-15-2011, 06:50 PM
Awesome man Costa Rica looks like a blast.

02-15-2011, 08:22 PM
cool story..do you need hunting or fishing license for that?

02-16-2011, 09:15 AM
Thanks boys. Yeah it's an awesome way to get your hunting fix in the off-season!

Hunting around a baitball was (on a small scale & in murkier water) like this awesome vid:

Just started Scuba lessons. Third one tonight. Was looking at these wondering where I could apply this close to home

Right on Caveman! Where is home?

02-16-2011, 09:22 AM
Awesome, SnD! Thanks for sharing that, and congrats on a great hunting trip!

That youtube vid was cool too. Thanks. :)

02-16-2011, 09:47 AM
Awesome, SnD! Thanks for sharing that, and congrats on a great hunting trip!

That youtube vid was cool too. Thanks. :)

Thx! Give Johnny H. sh!t for me. He was planning to come and bailed at the last minute. At least he didn't miss anything... :wink:

02-16-2011, 09:53 AM
Thx! Give Johnny H. sh!t for me. He was planning to come and bailed at the last minute. At least he didn't miss anything... :wink:

SERIOUSLY!! That dog never mentioned anything about being invited! <snip> Too bad, I think he would have enjoyed the hell out of a trip like that, and been good company to boot. I'll make sure to give him sh!t. :mrgreen:

Ever gonna make it out to visit the shack? Let me know if you're coming this way. http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

02-16-2011, 10:06 AM
Awesome pics Dean!!! Looks and sounds like a great trip....that Rooster was a dandy!! :cool:

How's the snow up at Red?

02-16-2011, 07:01 PM
Thanks. Snow has been good but thin lately. Need a big dump! Where do you ski - Cypress, Baker or Whistler?

02-16-2011, 07:05 PM
Give Johnny H. sh!t for me.

Well, I tried to give him sh!t, but it turns out he had a pretty good excuse. Bummer. I know he would have much rather been spear fishin!

02-16-2011, 07:17 PM
holy shit that was awesome!...what the hell are we doing 'up here' ?????

02-16-2011, 08:11 PM
Steep'n'Deep- Thanks for the awesome pic of your ling. That is a great picture of a nasty set of chompers. To those of us that have never done this type of thing it's really amazing to see what is so close to us. Great stuff. Love the pics.

02-17-2011, 11:24 AM
Thanks. Snow has been good but thin lately. Need a big dump! Where do you ski - Cypress, Baker or Whistler?

Have a place up at Whistler. Snow was great thru Xmas and early January but hasn't been really great until this dump that started last week and has carried through this week. I am sure it's gonna be packed up there this weekend.

02-17-2011, 05:51 PM
where can you get a spear gun like that?

02-18-2011, 04:06 PM
where can you get a spear gun like that?

They are tough to find in Canada. I order mine through the States. For local hunting you only need an 80 - 90 cm one band gun.

This place has good prices and service: http://www.leisurepro.com/Cat/Context_965/Spearguns/967.html

05-17-2011, 11:03 PM
ANNUAL LING TRIP - I was psyched to finally get on the road for a trip to the north coast after reading about so many great trips on SB. Weather didn't look too promising on the way out - we were headed past the lights...

But in the morning the sky had broken up, water was flat & we were stoked! Conditions were good - a toasty 48' & 10-20' vis. Hooked up with Joel (who grew up in the area) & we hunted a spot that we'd both hunted before - starting at low tide. He's a ling master & said it was a good time as the ling would be out on their perches facing into the current hunting the incoming & by swimming with the current they'd see us coming & wouldn't spook as much. It didn't work that way for me, but he called it right & had 2 nice ling strung up in ~15 min. before I'd even pulled the trigger. (He's ~6'5 for reference.)


It had been a year since I was in ling habitat & the rust showed. I spooked 4 or 5 right in front of my face before I saw one sitting. I brought my new Gopro and got a wack of footage but it will take me a while to sort out the editing. Here's a screenshot of a spooked ling (the blur just right of my tip :rolleyes:

05-17-2011, 11:03 PM
While my wife chilled on the beach...

We dove for a couple hours until the shivering got to be too much... I eventually got in the groove & got on the ling.

I missed a hog of a ling that I followed into a cave & just missed him in the darkness... but I did skewer a couple others - one guy with a bigger beer gut than me...

Once the feeling returned to our hands, Joel gave an impressive Ginsu demo... thanks buddy! :toast:

After a feast, sleep came easy. Hit the water again at 6:30am, filled the stringer again & hit the road home... I love them northern lings! :)

05-18-2011, 06:00 AM
Wow thats a fat ling. Fun stuff. How many mm is your wetsuit and how much weight do you use btw?

05-18-2011, 08:58 AM
Wow thats a fat ling. Fun stuff. How many mm is your wetsuit and how much weight do you use btw?

I use a 5mm, but recommend a 7mm OPEN cell wetsuit. I use ~16 lbs.

05-18-2011, 09:18 AM
Thats so awesome dude !!!
always wanted to be a spear fisherman think im more suited for the tropics though

thanks for sharing your adventure with us , good stuff.

Bow Walker
05-18-2011, 09:54 AM
Great pics and an even greater score on the lings. Nothing like fresh ling cod - panfried, deep fried, baked, bbq'd over an open beach fire for lunch, anyway you do it they're great.

Thanks for posting.

05-18-2011, 03:40 PM
Thanks guys. I prefer the tropics, but it's all relative if you have the proper gear... It's cool to be comfortable in adverse conditions. The amount of life in the Pacific Northwest makes it worth it. I wish that I hadn't waited so long...

Here's Beergut's last supper... a good sized greenling - didn't look too appetizing though.

05-22-2011, 02:10 PM
Just found the website as Im going for my core on june 4. I've never met another spearo in the BC area personally. I do a lot of hunting in Sechelt both in the bay and on the outside for halibut. I use a Mako custom 55 shorty for rock game and two hand spears for pelagics. Great thread, thanks for posting.

10-23-2017, 11:11 PM
Ha, I just ran into this thread on a search. We're definitely lovin' the seafood since we moved back to the coast...

Here's a lil' dragon that that I found on the west coast. Thats a ~3lb snapper in it's mouth.:



10-24-2017, 07:40 AM
Great photos steepNdeep , in the early 60`s as Dive Officer in 3 Fd Sqn RCE based in Chilliwack , the dive unit would be treated to a Lingy dive on the Tawassen (sp) ferry break water .

10-24-2017, 08:03 AM
that's a lunker!
I really wish I got into this when I lived in Ukee...... always planned it never did it

10-25-2017, 06:42 AM
Are we aloud to spear fish? Looking at the fishing regs because I wanted to go bow fishing but am
unaloud, except carp I believe I certain areas. Bow fishing is great fun, not saying I’ve been, and fills the daily quota quick I’d think.

10-25-2017, 07:14 AM
Something I always wanted to do as well, working with n Madagascar, I wish I had taken the course

walks with deer
10-25-2017, 09:27 PM
dream of mine too do thanks for sharing..

in my early 20 i had a freind in van who used to spear whales...

he normally found them lurking in the corner of the rockcey on granville...not sure who was the predator...he always let them go after a good spearing..

10-25-2017, 10:01 PM
Nice work bud. The coast does have benefits.

10-26-2017, 04:40 AM
Nice thread from the past. I just took up spearfishing this summer after moving to the island. I don't have any trophy shots cause I still suck at it, but man is it ever enjoyable to get out there.

Where on the coast are you steep? I'm always looking for people to go with... And I have a boat!

10-27-2017, 03:57 PM
Spearfished all the time when I was living in New Zealand. Unfortunately have not had a good opportunity to get back into it since moving back to Canada. This thread gets me all excited again.

Seems we have a lot of species closures here compared to Washington State. Suss out Neah Bay area every time I'm down for a surf trip...think there are some good shore based spots around there in the early summer.

11-03-2017, 09:57 AM
Thanks boys! That's my once in a lifetime ling ~42" long - equivalent to a ~230" buck. Most are 24-30" & awesome white flakey flesh. Had some amazing times creepin' through the weeds. Reminds me of still hunting whiteys in the thick bush. My buddy Mark from Montanta who is a flyfishing guide ~Missoula was with me. He had been out spot prawning with some clients on his way to meet me & we had a King Neptune feast on the beach.


There are some cool spearing opportunities in the US. Pike are creeping into BC now & they have been caught in the Columbia River, etc... Here's his client with the world record pike at the time:


Great photos steepNdeep , in the early 60`s as Dive Officer in 3 Fd Sqn RCE based in Chilliwack , the dive unit would be treated to a Lingy dive on the Tawassen (sp) ferry break water .

Awesome, the labyrinth of caves in big breakwaters are endless & make for awesome ling hunting...

that's a lunker!
I really wish I got into this when I lived in Ukee...... always planned it never did it

Never too late... I brought my gear along a couple years ago on a salmon trip. Those islands south of Uky are awesome!

Are we aloud to spear fish? Looking at the fishing regs because I wanted to go bow fishing but am
unaloud, except carp I believe I certain areas. Bow fishing is great fun, not saying I’ve been, and fills the daily quota quick I’d think.

Yep. Freshwater is limited to non-native, invasive species like carp & pike. They are a blast to hunt & help with lake conservation - like shooting wolves. ;

Carp were actually imported into N. America as a food source to help out early settlers. They are actually good eating! I once did a taste test at Christina Lake with the mob using bass, halibut & carp. Nobody could tell which was which & some preferred the carp (even my mother-in-law who was scoffing at them LOL). In Eastern Europe they are the traditional meal at Christmas, instead of turkey - believe it or not!

Carp proliferated too well & are now found in most of the warmer lakes (ie: Okanagan). They root through the mud on the bottom & eat underwater grubs, worms, etc., but this stirs up the silt in the lake increasing turbidity & destroys spawning habitat for native species like trout, bass, etc. There is no limit on carp & they also make good fertilizer for gardens. In the states they have carp tournaments to help clean up lakes & they take a truckload of the fish to homeless shelters, who love the fresh fish...


Something I always wanted to do as well, working with n Madagascar, I wish I had taken the course

Madagascar is amazing for spearfishing! I had a buddy in S. Africa & was planning a trip down there a few years ago, but it didn't work out.

We just snorkel & hold our breath (NO SCUBA tanks) when we spearfish. You don't need to take a course to get started. I started on a trip ~20 years ago with an underwater slingshot that I made with surgical tubing, a copper pipe & my old knife wired into the pipe... Spearguns are everywhere now, tho'. Get out there man! You won't regret it...

BUT, when you start to push it - diving deep with long breath holds, it gets dangerous, you can blackout & many people drown each year. If you're serious about spearfishing, you should take a course like this: http://www.performancefreediving.com/locations/vancouver-bc-canada/

FREEDIVE BLACKOUTS KILLS - MUST WATCH quick educational video on it: https://youtu.be/PBnEIMTrgFk?t=11

11-03-2017, 10:24 AM
Nice thread from the past. I just took up spearfishing this summer after moving to the island. I don't have any trophy shots cause I still suck at it, but man is it ever enjoyable to get out there.
Where on the coast are you steep? I'm always looking for people to go with... And I have a boat!

Right on Ryan! Yeah, it's so cool to actually see what's under there. Makes fishing so much easier once you see & understand the structure, fish behaviour, etc.
I'm in the lower mainland, but make trips to the island most years. Where are you?

Spearfished all the time when I was living in New Zealand. Unfortunately have not had a good opportunity to get back into it since moving back to Canada. This thread gets me all excited again.
Seems we have a lot of species closures here compared to Washington State. Suss out Neah Bay area every time I'm down for a surf trip...think there are some good shore based spots around there in the early summer.

Yeah, the whole US coast is amazing diving & spearing - Washington, Oregon & Cali'. They also have much more liberal reg's that we do. Definitely bring your gear next trip!

New Zealand is one of my favourite spots in the world to dive & spear! Spent a couple of months touring around spearing there. Awesome people!! Where abouts were you? Any pics???

11-03-2017, 11:02 AM
Lived in Wellington for 4 years, then moved up north to Hamilton. Dove Wellington area a lot, but when living up north dove the Coromandel a ton. Wife lived in Auckland and had family up north so dove up the north coast a bit too.

I have a couple pics of some Kingfish I speared. The underwater pic is a 25kg fish. Dragged me around in blue water for a bit! Kingfish are an addiction. I have a good buddy who is a flyfishing guide for them out of Tauranga. Hope these images upload ok...

http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o529/Macnbro/IMG_4262_zpsrwso0lif.jpg (http://s1146.photobucket.com/user/Macnbro/media/IMG_4262_zpsrwso0lif.jpg.html)

http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o529/Macnbro/IMG_4260_zps4ww71fku.jpg (http://s1146.photobucket.com/user/Macnbro/media/IMG_4260_zps4ww71fku.jpg.html)

11-03-2017, 11:03 AM
That second fish is a little smaller...22-23kg I think it went.

11-03-2017, 11:16 AM
that first pic is really cool...... sharks? lol

11-03-2017, 11:17 AM
I like the dog in your avtar pic too lol

11-03-2017, 12:39 PM
After the pic was taken and I got out of the water having drifted a distance from the boat in 35m deep water my mate proceeded to tell me how a 600lb Mako swam right underneath them at that same spot the previous week. He figured if he told me I wouldn’t get in the water for the picture. Lol.

The dog (Axel) was born in the central north island New Zealand and came to Canada with us as a 6 month old. Has been trained by a fella in the states who breeds and trains “pointing labs”. He is an upland bird hunting beast!

11-04-2017, 04:25 PM
Lived in Wellington for 4 years, then moved up north to Hamilton. Dove Wellington area a lot, but when living up north dove the Coromandel a ton. Wife lived in Auckland and had family up north so dove up the north coast a bit too.

I have a couple pics of some Kingfish I speared. The underwater pic is a 25kg fish. Dragged me around in blue water for a bit! Kingfish are an addiction. I have a good buddy who is a flyfishing guide for them out of Tauranga. Hope these images upload ok...

Awesome - beauty fish!!! Kingies are a blast to hunt & their "hamachi" sushi melts in your mouth. We spent most of our time around there. I recognize that steep pinnacle in the background. Shot my first kingy & grabbed my first lobby ~there. Those packs of bronzies are like rowdy wolves, eh?!?

We spotted some bait boiling on the surface, which meant predators are chasing them below. Geared up, dove in & towed around on a line behind the boat to find the huge school of kalawai baitfish - a favorite food of kingfish. Then we would drift & dive down through the school still hunting for kingies lurking around the school. I finally found one & rolled it with a spine shot. My partner (who hates sharks) was chased out of the water by a big mako, just after this pic. There are a makos that frequent that pinnacle:


The skies got dark as the tail end of a hurricane approached...


One of my favorite spots! Speared fish all the way to the outside of those far islands. Paradise... )


11-08-2017, 01:09 PM
Speaking of predators, I've been lucky to have had the opportunity swam with many species of sharks over the years.



Usually cool, but once there is blood in the water, they go ballistic! Here is a pesky whitetip that was like a coyote on crack that we had to jab away with our spears to keep him from stealing our fish.


I met the big bronze whaler wolf pack 50 miles out on the great barrier reef, when I speared a big fish and they appeared out of the murk, vaporized my fish, took my spear & looked at me for seconds. My partners & the boat were ~50m away. There is no running away or climbing a tree underwater... I was scared with no spear. After a couple of close calls, they eventually disappeared back into the murk.


Got my spear back! The old-school locals have powerheads for just such an occasion (ie: 30-06 cartridge sealed in a tube that slips over the end of your spear & fires upon impact).


11-08-2017, 01:28 PM
you only Free dive spear fishing?

11-08-2017, 01:54 PM
Yep - just a snorkel & mask. Although I was a lifeguard/instructor, I never got SCUBA certified. I always planned to, but I was usually too broke when I was traveling... It is legal to spearfish on SCUBA in Canada, but it is illegal in most places.

There quite a few guys around Victoria that spear. Let me know if you're interested & I can put you in touch.

11-08-2017, 03:13 PM
id love to but right now I have a 4 year old im teaching to do stuff! she is taking all of my time. we caught her first trout this spring,,, a nice 16" Brown.
I don't know if I mentioned it anywhere here but I grew up on ocean front property here in Vic. Saxe Point Park... as a kid we used to spear fish right off our shoreline. I used the same spear gun my dad did at my age in the same house... We still have the gun too lol... it was handy though because we could drop our gear in the pool house and there was a shower right there...

one day i'll get back at it.... maybe when my kid passes a few more levels of swimming lessons, she is only a "sea otter" right now lol....
there it is,,,,, that's my way in! lol

11-09-2017, 01:43 PM
Yup that’s the spot all right. Lots of critters in the ocean there. Coromandel is just gold eh.

12-26-2017, 01:37 PM
id love to but right now I have a 4 year old im teaching to do stuff! she is taking all of my time. we caught her first trout this spring,,, a nice 16" Brown.

That's great - nothing better than adventures with your kids! I slowed down hunting, etc. to focus on & spend time with mine. It goes fast - enjoy it!

Yup that’s the spot all right. Lots of critters in the ocean there. Coromandel is just gold eh.

Oh yeah - New Zealand is one of my favourite spots in the world. You're lucky! The people are also amazing - so friendly. I met Andy through a spearo forum & he invited me up to stay with him & spear. He was such a generous host & loved sharing his back yard with me. We hunted some deep offshore pinnacles for yellowtail. The currents bring nutrients from the deep up through the rocks & baitfish congregate here. Diving down these steep underwater cliffs, we eventually found 2 big kingies hunting below the bait:


He took me out to some of his favourite spots - snooping for snapper. It's cool hunting, similar to stalking whitetail in the thick. You crawl along weedy underwater cliffs & still hunt down into the canyons. You can also bait them by smashing kina (urchins) with a rock & returning in ~15 minutes to see who smelt it... It was spawning season & most of the snapper were out in the deep gravel beds. When I got back to the boat & told him that I only saw a couple of young snapper, he didn't say much. After I grilled him a bit, he casually opened the cooler & the fish of a lifetime was in it... 28 lb snapper.

We stopped in an idyllic sheltered bay for a pic. He told me that his dad was an offshore fisherman & in the summer, he often dropped him & his brother off in this spot. They would set up camp in the little grove & spend the days snorkelling, fishing from shore & cooking their catch on the campfire, waiting for him to return. One of their greatest adventures they hooked a big shark from shore. They battled it for hours, eventually landed it & were so proud to show him...


My first scallop dive in the shallow (~30 ft) sand flats. You dive down & eventually learn to spot their filter holes & faint outlines in the sand. We worked hard for an hour+ and eventually limited out, exhausted. He sent me home with a feast:


Awesome end to a great day with cold beer & freshly speared hamachi (yellowtail) sushi on his deck:


His son is talking about touring Canada & I hope I get to return the favour & show him the mountains in our back yard... 8)

12-26-2017, 01:44 PM
wow wow wow. What a cool trip.

12-26-2017, 02:44 PM
awesome! thanks for sharing!