View Full Version : Bear Down

04-28-2010, 04:56 PM
Enjoy the season.

04-28-2010, 05:10 PM
Nice face!

digger dogger
04-28-2010, 05:13 PM
looks like a happy hunter. :-)

04-28-2010, 05:15 PM
Ya,,,but hes got no nose!!! Anyways a great lookin bruin there, wish we could see its length and size better though.

04-28-2010, 06:02 PM
Nice Pics. Thanks for sharing.:roll:

04-28-2010, 06:08 PM
Nice face!

dido...another 'wanted criminal' posts a pic of a kill....:lol::lol::roll:

04-28-2010, 06:11 PM
what's the deal with the shytbox pics and impressive numerals?..need better pics to appreciate the numbers

04-28-2010, 06:19 PM
Don't be so shy.

04-28-2010, 06:26 PM
Nice Pics. Thanks for sharing.:roll:


04-28-2010, 07:24 PM
600lb spring bear eh?? You better get some more pictures up soon!

04-28-2010, 07:31 PM
In that first pic, it looks like the size of my buddy's Lab. It only weighs 100pounds and is 3.75 feet nose to tail

04-28-2010, 07:36 PM
Either my eyes are going or your camera is out of focus! It would be great to see a few other pics. Either way, as you say "Bear Down", Congrats.

04-28-2010, 07:37 PM
I'll say it, b.s.
Nice meat bear.

Slime green cat
04-28-2010, 07:43 PM
No story, no location and a blurry pic with a guys face blanked out .:neutral:
Jeez, thanks for sharing ..... you may as well just posted a random google image of a black bear .

Congrats to the shooter I guess :confused:

04-28-2010, 07:53 PM
Congrats on the bear....and getting him on the kitchen floor to take the pics.

A killer
04-28-2010, 08:04 PM
No members vouching yet!!!!!!!!!

04-28-2010, 08:22 PM
I'll say it, b.s.
Nice meat bear.

Really cause from the pic I was thinking it's at least 9' 7" :wink:


325 wsm
04-28-2010, 08:29 PM
Even with shitty pic's it's a big bear. Big pad's....crease down the forehead....small ears. Everybody seems to use a little different technique measuring but still a big bear....congrats. Let us know the skull size.

Bobby Jr
04-28-2010, 08:43 PM
yeah man!

looks like you didn't have to go far to get it! I wish they'd stroll in to my house...when i'm ready.

04-28-2010, 09:09 PM
What I've observed over the years on internet hunting sites is if big numbers and shitty pics are posted, they rarely pan out to be true. I'd say just given the nature of this thread, the real pics will never be posted and all those that doubt the orginal poster will forever be considered A$$holes. ;)

04-28-2010, 09:34 PM
And you guys wonder why a lot of hunters dont post on this site.

Talked with the poster tonight as he is a good friend of mine and he called me after they got this bear. We have hunted bears together for years on the coast. He was with me on several occasions for big bears. The 2 biggest were a 7ft er and a 7ft 5 bear. both over 500lbs. If he says this was 7 ft 9 I for one believe him. It took over 3hrs to get this bear out and was dark so no good pics. The best they could come up with was some crappy pics off a cell phone but at least they tried. I would like to see how the skull scores and the beast is going to be a full rug. Maybe then we can get a good pic of the bear. Look at the last photo...check out those arms......not a small guy in the least. Thats a big noggin

04-28-2010, 09:42 PM
Your all a bunch of hero's.. Thanks for the back up Elkhound, I think I have had enough of these internet critiques who think they know everything, and will forever be the first to point a finger at someone else besides themselves.. In case you have not noticed, Elkhound, Moose spotter and my self have all kept up a streak of killing big spring bears every year. Just because you don't have the luxury of finding these animals, in this caliber.. Does NOT mean you have any right to call me a liar.

Enough Said...

04-28-2010, 09:44 PM
People who post $hitty cell pics with no detail and then expect everyone to believe them should just refrain from posting at all. If threads like this discourage others from doing the same thing, I'd say that is a GOOD thing. ;)

If you haven't noticed I find and kill animals of that caliber every year as well. I'm still not naive enough to think people won't call me out if I were to post up some extremely $hitty pics with no detail other than 'Believe Me'.

04-28-2010, 09:52 PM
Last pic gives an indication of the size of it's noggin. Guy holding it is a pretty husky lad.

That ain't a small bear.

Would like to have seen some field pics

04-28-2010, 10:02 PM
There's no doubt it's a big bear. But a 600lb bear?? I doubt it. In fact, I don't think there is such a thing as a 600lb spring black bear. I've seen alot of big spring bears on the ground, 400-450lbs is about as big as they get, maybe 500lb but thats is pushing it big time. Anyway congrats on your nice bear.
Show us some field pics!

madrona sh
04-28-2010, 10:14 PM
Great bear, That one will make one heck of a rug.

04-28-2010, 10:20 PM
Dana your a fawking joke, get of your high horse pal.

As for everyone else, I hope this site gets really boring when people finally come to the realization that if you don't post details, have 16 people backing up your story, and everything else I have been critiqued on you will be blatantly called a liar by a bunch of people that share the same interests as I.. I have enough of listnening to all your stroking your egos now.

04-28-2010, 10:25 PM
Nice bear man!!!! Congrats big time. I hope I drop a hog like that this year.

04-28-2010, 10:26 PM
With pics like that you should expect it, thick skin is crucial.
You shot the bear for yourself right ? Who cares what people say.
Green score that skull yet ?

04-28-2010, 10:31 PM
That's a big ole bear..

04-28-2010, 10:37 PM
Good story, thanks for posting. Must have been quite an adventure.

04-28-2010, 10:48 PM
Iron-head, give it a break. I'm with Dana and blacktailstalker on this one. You post these shit pictures and throw up a number like 600lbs. I'll admit that looks like a great bear by the head. just a shame you don't know how to take a picture that really displays how impressive this animal really is. What did you expect guys to say?

04-28-2010, 10:54 PM
My first post nice bear bad pic considering the camera on cell phones im amazed it turned out that goodthnx for posting ive been reading for months nvr posted lol soon i will have a profile pic ect.... nice meeting everyone im a avid hunter in region 7 a and b and am very interested in everyone story:)

ps if you wanna joke you must pm me as all jokes are not for everyone :D

04-28-2010, 11:38 PM
well at least your all smiles over the bear,, might need to see a doc, you seam to be a bit yellow,,, good bear too.

Mr. Dean
04-28-2010, 11:46 PM
Here's what I see in the pics;

- The toe takes up the lenght to the 1st knuckle of the index finger.
- The head *looks* like it may be a bit dished out, because of the shadow.
- The neck takes up the the better portion of the forearm of the person, so that's somewhere pushin' around 2' thick.
- Buttons, for ears.

I'd say it's a pretty impressive Bear.... Let me shoot it! (once its been rugger or mounted). :wink:

What are you gonna do w/ him?

04-29-2010, 05:42 AM
Looks like a good bear in my books. Congrats.

04-29-2010, 06:14 AM
head looks big . congrads but 600 lbs hmm that being said i have shot 3 bears over 500 there out there one was only 5 ft 6 at 500 ish .

chilcotin hillbilly
04-29-2010, 06:28 AM
600lb spring bear eh?? You better get some more pictures up soon!

What he said x2:roll:

04-29-2010, 06:30 AM
Ironhead congrats on the bear. I for one dont really give a rats left testi about the weight of the bear or it's length, the fact is that you put in your time and you did the work that resulted in something to be proud about. I hope you and your family enjoy the bounty you have received. I would imagine a 600lb bear would do some damage to your freezer space.

When I pin my Blackie this weekend Ill make sure me and partner are standing on the scale, maybe it will make 600 lbs too.

04-29-2010, 06:46 AM
Looking at the photo's it's real hard to tell how big the bear is, I think what I'd do here is take the hide and head outside, spread it out on a tarp and take some decent pics, maybe run a measuring tape on it and snap a few pics of that also. Let the truth set you free!

bushpig slayer
04-29-2010, 06:59 AM
all i have to say is hmmmmmmm?

digger dogger
04-29-2010, 07:25 AM
extremly large lenth, with a big mountain spring grizz, weight, and bunk pics, with absolutaly no story, you kinda asked for it.. even if your buddy has liver problems.. better pics, with a story would have gotten a better responce, and less carving.. (SCORE THAT SKULL) :-)

04-29-2010, 07:29 AM
going by the last pic, he sure looks like he has a big pumpkin head. as for the other pics, hard to tell, either way it looks pretty large,
who gives a rats ass what others say about the bad quality of pictures.
if i was a bear hunter i would have put an arrow in him!

04-29-2010, 07:30 AM
If I EVER came home to a critter of any size on my kitchen floor......there would be hell to pay!!!! Bachelors, beers, and bears......make for a booooring thread ....Id post some pics of the bloodshed that would follow :D

04-29-2010, 07:31 AM
and ps...nice bear

04-29-2010, 07:54 AM
Looking at the photo's it's real hard to tell how big the bear is, I think what I'd do here is take the hide and head outside, spread it out on a tarp and take some decent pics, maybe run a measuring tape on it and snap a few pics of that also. Let the truth set you free!

NO! He'll really get poured on then :lol:
I've seen guys claiming they've shot 9'+ cats but truly an absolute toad cat is 7'8" on the carcass.
We shot a 7'4" bear last year on the carcass and when measured skinned out on the lawn it was almost 9' :oops:
Skins stretch right out even when you're not trying to stretch them!
Nose to tail is game rolled over on its back and measured, everything laying the way it would be walking around.

04-29-2010, 08:05 AM
Id say hes a big bear,
But Iron Head.......go to the doc. Man yer lookin a little yellow!

04-29-2010, 08:12 AM
I dont think the actual 'size' of the bear and shitty pics is the real issue here.
Iron , here's some FREINDLY advice. When you offer yourself up to the public for potential 'praise' or even a possible 'attack' , its all about your 'delivery' tp the public of your story.The way you 'delivered' your kill to the public was just asking for a shitty response. " no story for you all" , blackened out face on the photo , " thats it" = guarranteed negative response.
I'm SURE there is a bunch of passionate bear hunters on here that LOVE to share and read fellow bear hunters stories. I am the same with blacktail deer...I love to see and read and as well post up what I got for my fellow enthusiast deer hunters.
Maybe next time address your fellow hunters on here in a freindly a PUMPED way about your kill and you will get the same in return. I think your initial post and pic may have been taken in a ' sand in your face' kinda way from a handfull of avid goers on here.
Looks like a good bear to me , would have loved to see field pics and heard an adrenalin filled story to go with it...too bad the experience may have been rained on a bit on HBC ( but I think it was kinda self inflicted):-|

04-29-2010, 08:20 AM
NO! He'll really get poured on then :lol:
I've seen guys claiming they've shot 9'+ cats but truly an absolute toad cat is 7'8" on the carcass.
We shot a 7'4" bear last year on the carcass and when measured skinned out on the lawn it was almost 9' :oops:
Skins stretch right out even when you're not trying to stretch them!
Nose to tail is game rolled over on its back and measured, everything laying the way it would be walking around.

And here lies the problem.

Some guys measure while animal is on the back.
some guys measure while animal is on stomach ( which adds a few inches)
some guys measure skinned out and stretch as much as possible while others leave the skin loose
there are threads on here where experts cant agree on how to square properly.

And of course....if its any other way but our own. The other guy is wrong :wink:

Thats why bears and cats are measured by skull size. its a standard

And even this I see flawed if you are a trophy hunter. I have seen skulls bigger from a 5.5ft bear than I have taken from a 7ft bear. Some bears just have big noggins.

then you have people arguing well you cant compare that island blackie to our interior blackie...they are a different species....thats why vanc island bears have their own catagory now.

It will never end. I have talked with so many members on this site that have so many incredible trophies and stories. One guy I know his taxidermy stuff would not fit in my whole house. He spends about 60grand every 2 years on hunts. They dont post.....why? Cause they did once and received similar treatment......or they see threads like this and they dont want the hassle.

Us hunters, we are our own worse enemy. We continue to fight among ourselves and as a group will never move forward.

That being said....weight is hard to judge thats why we need scales. Even size.....we all know ground shrinkage all too well. Have watched bears for hours and still not exactly sure if I wanted to take it or not.

All I know is this young man and I would bear hunt all spring and usually see around 300 bears a spring. Not hard to do when you have a play area as your backyard and get out 6x per week all spring. Some days it was 20-30 bears a day.

So here is my summary.

Iron Head.....nice bear, take better pics with a decent camera (not for members sake but for your own personal memories), share the full story with us, and I gave you an infraction for an earlier post. Keep posts civil.


04-29-2010, 08:23 AM
I've hunted with the original poster Iron-Head too for a number of years and he's had the opportunity to observe and field judge many many bears and take some too, as well as participate in numerous other hunts. If he says it's a big bear, it's a big bear.

There's a question on HBC pet peeves lower down. I was going to stay out of it or just say that I find it quite easy to be snarky and bitchy over the Internet so I have to bite my trigger finger and remind myself to just shut up. Either that or remind myself to only say something that I would not hesitate to tell a group of people or to a guy's face if it is a single issue.

So, having bit my tongue, bit my finger, and given it some thought, I'm going to comment on pet peeves after all.

It's anonymous Internet bitching and other judgmental behaviour.

A really good hunting pal who haunts this site sometimes told me once he joined the site to discuss hunting, not to get into arguments or discuss politics. Consequently he only posts about nuts and bolts hunting items. I've learned a lot from him.

04-29-2010, 08:40 AM
Nice bruin IH, now if that boy came off of one of the roads Elkhound showed me a few springs back, I'm going to have to poke him in the eye, I got skunked :wink::wink:

04-29-2010, 08:51 AM
NICE Bear Iron-head!!!

People only post stuff like they have been because they are jelous. You are younger then thier kids and out hunt most of the!!!

Beaut bear and take thier BS as a compliment to a great accomplishment.



04-29-2010, 09:14 AM
Looks like a big bear, congrats to you Iron Head.

As far as others smashing and crashing you for not having good pic's, too bad for them. We would all love to have perfect pic's but some time it's not in the cards.

Some guys on here are obviously jealous, and many of us don't meet up to there expert or professional standards for pic's or story telling. Thats where sites like this take a real dump, then there are others that just love to see them selves and toot their own horn ....... blowhards, they know who they are.

Congrats again on what looks like a dandy bear.


04-29-2010, 03:19 PM

Where are the pics?

Post them back up please, I need to see a big bear :)

04-29-2010, 03:31 PM
Nice move Iron head!
I mean really it is :)
there is my happy face showing that i would have done the same

04-29-2010, 04:18 PM
Nice bear, does not look like a cub at all. 600lbs is a big bear, how much do you weight?

04-29-2010, 06:39 PM
Looks like Iron Head got what he wanted. A guy doesn't go to all that work to post up $hitty pics that are doctored with the face blurred out for no reason. It was exactly as I said wasn't it? The doubters are the A$$holes and the poster is forever a crucified hero. That's the way it goes. Seen it time and time again on hunting boards. It always makes for a good laugh. Thanks for making the board more exicting Iron Head. You are the forever hero and I am the forever A$$hole, just the way it is supposed to be. ;) BTW, I always love the jealousy comments. They really make me laugh. For those that believe that, have you seen my pics? Are you new here. Heck, my 13 year old kid killed a 7 footer last year that I couldn't personally budge. Heaviest bear I've ever had anything to do with. Skinned and quarted on the spot and backpacked him out. No freakin clue how much he weighed.

04-29-2010, 06:51 PM
I don't tell very many people what I'm up to.

Even when I drop a moose I don't tell my friends BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS WANT SOME MEAT !!!!!

04-29-2010, 07:13 PM
I dont think the actual 'size' of the bear and shitty pics is the real issue here.
Iron , here's some FREINDLY advice. When you offer yourself up to the public for potential 'praise' or even a possible 'attack' , its all about your 'delivery' tp the public of your story.The way you 'delivered' your kill to the public was just asking for a shitty response. " no story for you all" , blackened out face on the photo , " thats it" = guarranteed negative response.
I'm SURE there is a bunch of passionate bear hunters on here that LOVE to share and read fellow bear hunters stories. I am the same with blacktail deer...I love to see and read and as well post up what I got for my fellow enthusiast deer hunters.
Maybe next time address your fellow hunters on here in a freindly a PUMPED way about your kill and you will get the same in return. I think your initial post and pic may have been taken in a ' sand in your face' kinda way from a handfull of avid goers on here.
Looks like a good bear to me , would have loved to see field pics and heard an adrenalin filled story to go with it...too bad the experience may have been rained on a bit on HBC ( but I think it was kinda self inflicted):-|

I agree completely.
Every sucessful hunt has a story and the way you delivered yours or lack of set people off right away, and you left yourself open to the comments you got.I have no reason to doubt that you shot a big bear,as a matter of fact i have hunted with elkhound and heard the stories of the big bears over there so i had more reason to believe that you did in fact shoot a awesome bear so congrats.

04-29-2010, 07:17 PM
Wow, your my hero, your 13 year old is my hero. wow midgets rule. wow. I wish I was you, wow. goof.

04-29-2010, 07:22 PM
i am new to this forum still although i read it all the time i just decided to start posting I think it is a beauty Bear as in PG they dont get as big as on the coast but we got some giants of our own out here aswell be going out this weekend after a 6 footer that i spotted maybe 400-450 could grow another 2 years but around here i doubt it seems everyone luvs pepperoni like me lol :)

04-29-2010, 07:24 PM
Wow, your my hero, your 13 year old is my hero. wow midgets rule. wow. I wish I was you, wow. goof.
Lol, I agree. Some of these HBC "superstars" make me laugh.

A killer
04-29-2010, 07:41 PM
Proguide66 has hit the nail on the head!!!! Well said.

04-29-2010, 08:23 PM
Here's a fact for you guys.
Not taking sides or callin anybody anything just the facts.
I am good friends with a long time (Van Isle) Bear guides son who himself guided many hunters for his dad.
He told me that the heaviest of all the large bears they took that he can remember went 345 lbs in the Spring. This is from a impressive number of guided bears killed!
He figured the avg for the other large spring bears they got was 320ish.
As I'm sure everyone here knows Blackies will balloon up in weight dramatically when they are preparing for winter say by Sept-Oct..
In the spring they are just outa hibernation and have not had much if anytime to bulk up.

Now I have personally seen a picture of a Black bear that went 530 lbs from up near Courtenay taken in September (fall bear).
That one was a Hog that was botherin a Slaughterhouse and the local CO killed it and weighed it on their scale where the picture was then taken.
So lets just say that its possible that a spring bear would maybe go 400 lbs but this would be the real exception not the rule.
That bear might be more apt to be the heavier weight if it was from the mainland also.
Thing is a big Blackie does look damn big and yeah they are impressive.
But go easy on the weight claims unless you have them on a real weight scale and a few witnesses around. LOL

04-29-2010, 09:08 PM
Wow, your my hero, your 13 year old is my hero. wow midgets rule. wow. I wish I was you, wow. goof.

Now that, is a funny post :-D .

04-29-2010, 09:17 PM
Wow, your my hero, your 13 year old is my hero. wow midgets rule. wow. I wish I was you, wow. goof.

Is that all ya got? Come on now, my own family dishes it out harder than that. In order to survive, midgets have to develop tuff skin.:mrgreen:

04-29-2010, 09:30 PM
Is that all ya got? Come on now, my own family dishes it out harder than that. In order to survive, midgets have to develop tuff skin.

Your family sounds mean.

Certainly correct about the skin density on midgets. I have a boss who is a registered midget. You should see the shit and abuse he takes.:?

04-29-2010, 09:42 PM
Here's a fact for you guys.
Not taking sides or callin anybody anything just the facts.
I am good friends with a long time (Van Isle) Bear guides son who himself guided many hunters for his dad.
He told me that the heaviest of all the large bears they took that he can remember went 345 lbs in the Spring. This is from a impressive number of guided bears killed!
He figured the avg for the other large spring bears they got was 320ish.
As I'm sure everyone here knows Blackies will balloon up in weight dramatically when they are preparing for winter say by Sept-Oct..
In the spring they are just outa hibernation and have not had much if anytime to bulk up.

Now I have personally seen a picture of a Black bear that went 530 lbs from up near Courtenay taken in September (fall bear).
That one was a Hog that was botherin a Slaughterhouse and the local CO killed it and weighed it on their scale where the picture was then taken.
So lets just say that its possible that a spring bear would maybe go 400 lbs but this would be the real exception not the rule.
That bear might be more apt to be the heavier weight if it was from the mainland also.
Thing is a big Blackie does look damn big and yeah they are impressive.
But go easy on the weight claims unless you have them on a real weight scale and a few witnesses around. LOL

It's nice to see someone else on here with a realistic view of spring bear weights. It bugs me how bear weights get grossly over-estimated.

04-29-2010, 10:01 PM
When I guided bears I was amazed how many clients wanted to know the weight. My answer was always the same, "How the hell would I know? Do you see a scale close by?" IMO, dragging a bear out is just plain ass dumb. Way too much work that ain't needed. All the bears I've dealt with are skinned and quartered on site. No way of knowing the weight then. And really WTF cares.

04-29-2010, 10:06 PM
Nice Bear IH!!! Just wish the pics were better!!

PS: Dana is my hero......he kills big things!!!


04-29-2010, 10:13 PM
Your family sounds mean.

Certainly correct about the skin density on midgets. I have a boss who is a registered midget. You should see the shit and abuse he takes.:?

My family ain't mean, they just have a good sense of humor. As do my work partners and hunting partners. They all can dish it out and take it all in good fun. Too bad HBC wasn't more like real life. ;)

04-29-2010, 10:16 PM
Here's a fact for you guys.
Not taking sides or callin anybody anything just the facts.
I am good friends with a long time (Van Isle) Bear guides son who himself guided many hunters for his dad.
He told me that the heaviest of all the large bears they took that he can remember went 345 lbs in the Spring. This is from a impressive number of guided bears killed!
He figured the avg for the other large spring bears they got was 320ish.
As I'm sure everyone here knows Blackies will balloon up in weight dramatically when they are preparing for winter say by Sept-Oct..
In the spring they are just outa hibernation and have not had much if anytime to bulk up.

Now I have personally seen a picture of a Black bear that went 530 lbs from up near Courtenay taken in September (fall bear).
That one was a Hog that was botherin a Slaughterhouse and the local CO killed it and weighed it on their scale where the picture was then taken.
So lets just say that its possible that a spring bear would maybe go 400 lbs but this would be the real exception not the rule.
That bear might be more apt to be the heavier weight if it was from the mainland also.
Thing is a big Blackie does look damn big and yeah they are impressive.
But go easy on the weight claims unless you have them on a real weight scale and a few witnesses around. LOL

My taxidermist put a scale in the shop just to prove to guys the actual weights of animals. He said tons of guys would phone and say they shot a 500 pound bear, 400 pound deer or 250 pound cat etc etc. Even when they got to the shop they would go on and one about how much the thing weighs. Well the scale would come out and guess what, they where never even close. When i asked about the scale in the shop he said he weighed a cougar that morning that the guys said was easily over 200 pounds, on the scale it went 130.

Weights are one of the hardest things to guess. No doubt it was a big bear but it was no where near 600 pounds.


04-29-2010, 10:33 PM
for what its worth IronHead and i have used my big game scale on many occasions. on 2 occasions it burried the needle at 440lbs cause thats as high as it goes. and that was 2 different spring bears. While i agree many hunters really have no clue about weight some of us have weighed the big boys as well as many average size ones too. But people will believe what they want.............no worries. But if i ever get another monster I will make sure I pack a scale, 3 witnesses, cameras and video equipment. :roll:...............upon saying this i have not seen the bear but \i would doubt 600lbs too, but 500.....been there, and weighed.

Mr. Dean
04-29-2010, 11:14 PM
Call it 850#'s, I really don't care. What I do care about/like seeing, is a hunter that's full of piss-n-vinegar because of a successful hunt.

It's worth sharing.
It's worth talking about.
That's what it's all about.



04-30-2010, 07:32 AM
I cant believe this is still goin on!
Well actually i can. Maybe we should start a new thread about bear judging?.......
Dana rocks!

04-30-2010, 07:53 AM
Your family sounds mean.

Certainly correct about the skin density on midgets. I have a boss who is a registered midget. You should see the shit and abuse he takes.:?
We have to register our midgets now???? shit!..how much$ ?....I'm gonna keep mine in the basement ' sweet' secretly for a nother few years.:twisted:...damned registry..first guns now our midgets.:roll: