View Full Version : Elk Migrations

Kanook Senior
04-28-2010, 03:57 PM
Questions for all you expert Elk Hunters out there?
When Elk Migrate to their winter ranges do they return back to their same summer ranges ?
Do the bulls travel together or by themselves ?
Does the Herd cow lead the cows and calves ?
Do the Elk head for the high country on their return ? ( as high as the snow will allow them ? )
These questions are for both Rocky Mt. and Island Roosevelt Elk.

Yours In Bugles


04-29-2010, 12:03 AM
Questions for all you expert Elk Hunters out there?
When Elk Migrate to their winter ranges do they return back to their same summer ranges ?
Do the bulls travel together or by themselves ?
Does the Herd cow lead the cows and calves ?
Do the Elk head for the high country on their return ? ( as high as the snow will allow them ? )
These questions are for both Rocky Mt. and Island Roosevelt Elk.

Yours In Bugles


I believe there is a high level of fidelity to summer ranges, but there are also exceptions, and summer ranges change as vegetation matures or changes. Bulls usually travel in small groups in the spring. Lead cows lead the cow herd migration which can be before or after calves are born. Cows will leave the main herd for a few days to have calves, calving areas are often intemediate between summer and winter ranges. Migrating herds don't follow the snow uphill, they follow the green-up as snow retreats. Don't take any of this as absolute fact, only as my personal observations.

04-29-2010, 12:16 AM
I agree with 6616.
I see the biggest roosevelt bulls in the most remote places often alone.
I see good sized bulls often in groups of 3-6.
Herd bulls are always the first ones headed up and the last to come back down (to rut) in my experience.

04-29-2010, 04:25 AM
#1 In most cases elk will return to the same area year after year.

#2 Bull elk will be together in pairs or more late after the rut has finished on into the late summer months.

As the rut starts in late Aug the bulls will part and become bachelors looking for cows to breed.

#3 Yes the herd cow is the boss and she is the one that will pick up danger and be the first to alert the rest of the herd she will be the first to exit in most cases..

#4 In winter months elk will feed below the snow line for food it is much easer for them to find food if there is no snow or very little on the ground they usually follow the residing snow line back up as it melts.

Elk will adventure back up into deeper snow to bed especially in the timber.

Bugle M In
04-29-2010, 11:58 PM
I know Cow Elk will certainly return to there same summer range area after winter.
If you are lucky, you may stumble upon a rutting / breeding area that is
used year after year, thus some hunters year after year success.
Some elk will range in the low lands in the summer while others return to the high country.
You can spend all summer in some areas and rarely spot an elk, suddenly in the fall...boom ....they are there!
A good snow level in the high country will certainly push them down lower especially at rut time, but they can be up real high afterwards.
Not so sure if Bulls return to the same areas after winter.
Certainly a real strong herd bull will return year after year to his same
breeding area as long as he is top dog.
But I feel that the smaller mature bulls move on to other areas...searching.
When they finally have success, is the spot probably where they return year after year.
Also seems like the biggest bulls, always have the best breeding area.
And yes, Hunter 47 is right, the lead cow runs the show.
Which one is she???....well she's the one that has that sixth sense and is
staring at you while all others are feeding and only look up as to swallow.
Just make sure you dont have your rifle in one hand, extended up in the air while you were making a stalk, and have to freeze, because she is looking right at you.
That rifle gets heavy after 3 minutes, and she hasn't even blinked, yet alone.... look away.
That's Her!!