View Full Version : more morphine PLEASE!

digger dogger
04-23-2010, 07:45 AM
well i just got back from my first hunting accident, we were hunting black bear in reg 3. 3 small bears no kills, 1 brutal chase through the thickest s**t.
on the way to the truck i fell and dislocated my shoulder. never have i felt pain like that. i went into shock after the screaming stopped. i almost fell off a cliff while falling. when my hunting partner got to me i was almost panicing
and he talked me down, then helped me get out of the immediate danger(the cliff). then the almost 2 hr hike to the truck, another 2 hrs to ashcroft (closed hospital) i begged for some morphine at ashcroft, and after a few phone calls my angel came in with a syringe full of mophine. after the first syringe, my pain was still strong (can i have some more morphine please) so she gave me another 10cc's(in little doses) and went for a ambulance ride to kamloops. at 11:20pm they knocked me out to reset my shoulder. i dislocated my shoulder at around 5. 2 extra strenth tylenol dont cut it, for the 4 hrs of agony. thanx to the ladies in the ashcroft hospital(for the morphine), my local hunting partner (for staying calm, and keeping our heads staight), and my kamloops hunting partner (for bringing me back to camp at 2am,then having to work on 2 hrs sleep) all in all it really sucked and i didn't have fun.lol jst kidding it was fun till the accedent..
and no i didn't cry. (pretty close a couple times tho)

4 point
04-23-2010, 08:36 AM
Tough trip glad everything worked out. Now to get better so you can get out soon.

04-23-2010, 08:40 AM
All the pain is worth the story you will be able to tell for years about the time when...:wink:

04-23-2010, 08:41 AM
Ouch!!! I'm very lucky to never have experienced anything like that!!

04-23-2010, 08:54 AM
Hope it wasnt your shootin' shoulder?

Anyways take 'er easy and let that thing heal. Glad you got out of it ok.

04-23-2010, 08:56 AM
Chasing after bears in thick brush? 2 hour hike to truck? Man, black bear hunting need not be that tough!:-D

Get well soon!:mrgreen:

04-23-2010, 08:58 AM
Pfft what a wimp

04-23-2010, 09:04 AM
brutal injury, i feel your pain. When I did mine I had a 45 minute drive from the cottage to the hospital. I can't imagine a 2 hour hike and then a drive! pain you will never forget!

Just make sure you follow all of the physio instructions, if you don't take care of it right it will be an issue for the rest of your life.

04-23-2010, 09:09 AM
Sorry about the pain. Thats some pretty extreme bear hunting you guys do. Pretty good story though. I hope I don't have to go through that in my life. Heal up and get back at er

Ghost Stalker
04-23-2010, 09:11 AM
sounds like fun.. i broke my foot opening day of last season(first and second metatarsals). it happened at 10am and it was 2hrs after dark when we got to the closest road which was a road closure. slept for the night and woke up with a black and blue size 15 foot(possed to be 11). screwed my season up but ended up guiding for 3 elk hunts to make ends meet. was something i been wanting to try for a while. but i did end up killing 3 bucks.. nothing special 140" class wt with no brows so it only went in the high 120's a 130" mulie and a lil 4x4 wt. passed on a few goats last wk of season but made the most of it.. oh ya when i was all gibbeled up i met a new buddy here. wayne. shared a few beers and hopefully will get out with him in the futur.

04-23-2010, 09:12 AM
Holy Crap! That's a painful injury. Hope all is well and you're mending. Yeah, that goofy juice is wonderful stuff when you really need it.

04-23-2010, 10:10 AM
wow that sucks,taker easy and youll be back atter i know time gl

polaris rider
04-23-2010, 10:26 AM
heheheh...i know the pain...sometimes DRUGS are your friend


04-23-2010, 10:33 AM
I know your pain, well. Now that it has happened it will happen easy then the first time. I hope they showed you tricks on how to get it back in. Its not fun.

Big Lew
04-23-2010, 10:49 AM
I've had a lot of broken bones and related injuries over the years, but nothing as painful as your experience! Hope never to go through what you did! It's great and comforting to have pals there to help you when you need it the most....good for them! Hope you heal quickly, good luck.

04-23-2010, 11:43 AM
Pain is just fear leaving the body , now your tuff n stuff braver than ever and smarter now more clever your still in one piece which is great ...
Sorry to hear about that terrible accident tho...hunter
Jelvi$ .. Lord You Gave Me A Mountain .. Over the hills .. n took a spill ..
Quick recovery digger ..

digger dogger
04-23-2010, 11:51 AM
weatherby man, ya it's my shootin shoulder.

gate house, it was easier before dogs that's for sure.

burger 64, beat it!

bean shooter, a pain i will never forget.

to the rest of the guys, thanx for the encouraging words. and your related experiences..

jel, i aint scared of nothin no more. ill put a couple pics af the lil bears, and dogs in the gallery, in a few mins.

04-23-2010, 01:02 PM
Man that hike out would have sucked....ouch

chilcotin hillbilly
04-23-2010, 09:32 PM
The faster you put it in the easier it is. Now it has happened once it may happen again, learn how to set your shoulder so you can tell your buddy how. It pays big dividens to be prepared, The relief you feel when it goes back in is awesome.

04-23-2010, 09:53 PM
The faster you put it in the easier it is. Now it has happened once it may happen again, learn how to set your shoulder so you can tell your buddy how. It pays big dividens to be prepared, The relief you feel when it goes back in is awesome.

I agree the first couple times you put your shoulder out are the worst. You learn pretty quick its easier to bight the bullet & get her back in straight away.
:twisted: I have dislocated mine +- 10 times in the past 6 years,& it sucks every time.:cry:

04-23-2010, 10:01 PM
That really sucks for sure. I did mine when I was mountain biking on a kiddy hill. All alone and woke up 1hr later wondering where I was. Realized what I had done and rode to the nearest house and went to the hospital right away. No morphine for me though. Took 6 weeks to heal and 20yrs later I can still feel it.

Good luck with the recovery. Let the dam thing heal then go to physio....

04-23-2010, 10:09 PM
My stupid dog tripped me when I was packin` a big armload of firewood down the steep basement stairs this winter.Didn`t loose the wood but I landed on my shoulder and popped it out frontways.
I put my hand between my knees and pulled back and kinda twisred and released and it popped back .I nearly puked.
Still hurts.:(

04-23-2010, 10:17 PM
The Worst place I ever put her out was Swift Sure bank,Hali fishing!:cry: Thank God I managed to get it back in.:-D
Still managed to boat two Chickens.:-D

04-23-2010, 11:07 PM
Just do what Mel Gibson did in Lethal Weapon II, and slam your shoulder into a wall or other hard surface. Worked in the movies, so it's gotta be legit.

04-24-2010, 06:40 PM
could have happened to all of us one time or another......now ya have a very good reminder of that hunt....you'll be laughing about it in a short time

04-24-2010, 06:55 PM
I put my hand between my knees and pulled back and kinda twisred and released and it popped back .I nearly puked.
Still hurts.:(

I have had to do this playing hockey... it is horrible. I just had surgery on my shoulder and i can literally feel your pain.

get well soon.

Back pain and shoulder pain are debilitating!!!


Going Hot
04-25-2010, 06:23 AM
Yeah did that years ago in football; Demerol is a better choice for pain relief! Morphine just gets you really itchy when you get lots of it and I found the pain was still there! Heal up quick.

digger dogger
04-25-2010, 08:02 AM
much better today! i've been looking at youtube to see how to reset a shoulder..ouch! i hope this does'nt happen again. there is a vid on there called "how not to relocate a shoulder".. holy f'n crap this guy is nuts & drunk.. oooowwww.. glad i was uncontious.

04-25-2010, 08:56 AM
I dislocated mine when I was a kid so it was ok for me to cry. Different kind of pain for sure.

04-25-2010, 09:06 AM
A few years back we were getting ready for opening morning elk. 5AM came and as I was stirring everyone, one fella says, "I think I'll pass today." We were like WTF??? He says he's going to head into the hospital, cause he dislocated his arm in his sleep. First time.

Another time, a guy wakes up and says pretty much the same thing. They removed kidney stones in him on opening morning....

Tough to be men. Tough to be a warrior/hunter. But it makes great memories.

04-25-2010, 12:20 PM
be more careful and you won't self inflict painful injuries

digger dogger
04-25-2010, 07:56 PM
ya, thanx laura, i'll get right on that!

04-25-2010, 10:36 PM
be more careful and you won't self inflict painful injuries

Thanks Mom!:wink:LOL

digger dogger
03-04-2013, 12:08 PM
A few years back we were getting ready for opening morning elk. 5AM came and as I was stirring everyone, one fella says, "I think I'll pass today." We were like WTF??? He says he's going to head into the hospital, cause he dislocated his arm in his sleep. First time.

Another time, a guy wakes up and says pretty much the same thing. They removed kidney stones in him on opening morning....

Tough to be men. Tough to be a warrior/hunter. But it makes great memories.

Well, I woke up this morning with a dislocated shoulder.(shitty way to wake up, I tell you what)
I dislocated it a few days ago, and it popped back in as I was on my way to the hospital.
I know for sure how to get it back in, I just hope it's not my new alarm clock...

BiG Boar
03-04-2013, 12:14 PM
That really sucks. I can't imagine that sort of pain. Just do your best to cope. ;)

new hunter
03-05-2013, 12:33 PM
Man I love morphine .
Every once in a while I will get a migraine that will put me in the ER . There is nothing like that relaxing tickle that travels up your neck and shoulder till you pass out .
I also have a script for percocept , I always carry a vial with me in the bush in case I get a migraine , or worse .
My knees are starting to lock on some down hills ( Aging sucks ) so I'm expecting to need to use them one day for a messed up knee.
But you still gotta live youre life , I'd rather die in the bush one day than spend the rest of my life in town.
Good luck with the shoulder , Ive been told if you dislocate once you'll do it again .
Maybe talk to your family docter , tell him you hunt and see if he wont toss you a scrip for a stronger pain killer .
Ive had luck with tramacet as well as percs , the only thing is they make you nausious , so If you get some get a non drowsy anti nauseant as well , and dose yourself a little at a time.
I take 1/4 perc at a time , usually 1/4 ti 1/2 a pill is plenty , itll kill the pain without totally messing up youre head .
Stay safe out there .

Mr. Dean
03-05-2013, 12:47 PM
Well, I woke up this morning with a dislocated shoulder.(shitty way to wake up, I tell you what)
I dislocated it a few days ago, and it popped back in as I was on my way to the hospital.
I know for sure how to get it back in, I just hope it's not my new alarm clock...

I dunno.......... Sounds like the wife has it in for ya.

Mr. Dean
03-05-2013, 01:02 PM
Man I love morphine .
Every once in a while I will get a migraine that will put me in the ER . There is nothing like that relaxing tickle that travels up your neck and shoulder till you pass out .
I also have a script for percocept , I always carry a vial with me in the bush in case I get a migraine , or worse .
My knees are starting to lock on some down hills ( Aging sucks ) so I'm expecting to need to use them one day for a messed up knee.
But you still gotta live youre life , I'd rather die in the bush one day than spend the rest of my life in town.
Good luck with the shoulder , Ive been told if you dislocate once you'll do it again .
Maybe talk to your family docter , tell him you hunt and see if he wont toss you a scrip for a stronger pain killer .
Ive had luck with tramacet as well as percs , the only thing is they make you nausious , so If you get some get a non drowsy anti nauseant as well , and dose yourself a little at a time.
I take 1/4 perc at a time , usually 1/4 ti 1/2 a pill is plenty , itll kill the pain without totally messing up youre head .
Stay safe out there .

Watch them 'cets...
If they start talking to you, DON'T listen.

My bod is pretty f'd up from a couple of misadventure's from the past 5 years and I now take FOREVER at doing what most take for granted. I found that the 'cets would get you through it alrighty but needed more and more just to exist after doing it.

If the body says no, I now listen and act accordingly ---------------> hence the "forever" part I mentioned earlier.
The migraines WERE a bitch and thank god they did work for them. Luckily I only get a couple a year now instead of 2 or 3 a week.

The Hermit
03-05-2013, 03:14 PM
It was 1977 skiing in Whistler, high speed tuck on my 215's, a little prejump and lofted off the crest, "oh shit moguls", complete yard sale, apparently tumbled unconscious to a stop against a tree... all I remember was the excruciating pain of popping the left shoulder first then the right one, yep dislocated both wings, then on the next landing they both "popped" back in. I still can't rotate them freely and wake up every day stiff and I'm not talking about the good kind of stiff! (well sometimes ;-) )

new hunter
03-05-2013, 03:19 PM
Guy at my gym went to rehab for a percocet addiction .
I'll admit that for a while I would reach for the cets before my non narcotics rescue meds.
I learned that my non narcs actually work alot better if I combine them with regular tylenol and now its been more than a month since I needed to take one .
I dont take percs to go further when I'm uncomfortable , its more like if I need to drag myself out of the bush with my messed up knee immobilises me .
The last time it locked up on me it killed , and I had to hobble my way out of some steep hills and bluffs .
The pain gets in youre head and convinces you to make bad decisions , like take a shortcut that could have made things much worse.
Numbing the pain should hopefully prevent me from making any desperate stupid moves .
I read that you get migraines , I'm going to pm you the list of meds I use , maybe they'll help if they get worse.

Weatherby Fan
03-05-2013, 03:31 PM
That really sucks. I can't imagine that sort of pain. Just do your best to cope. ;)

I heard you tripped him as it was a really big record book bear you guys were chasing..........

I also heard same thing happened on your sheep hunt :wink:

Come on Big Boar give us the whole story.

Digger you better pick a new huntin partner !

03-05-2013, 04:16 PM
Watch them 'cets...
If they start talking to you, DON'T listen.

My bod is pretty f'd up from a couple of misadventure's from the past 5 years and I now take FOREVER at doing what most take for granted. I found that the 'cets would get you through it alrighty but needed more and more just to exist after doing it.

If the body says no, I now listen and act accordingly ---------------> hence the "forever" part I mentioned earlier.
The migraines WERE a bitch and thank god they did work for them. Luckily I only get a couple a year now instead of 2 or 3 a week.

what changed to make your migraines change for the better....i get one a month maybe every other and obviously they are one of the worst things to expirence. that being said my wife has the real problem 2 or 3 a week is the norm. she has a neuroligist appt on the 18th. the first one she went too couldnt help her. needless to say 20 headache days a month is difficult on a marriage.

03-05-2013, 05:26 PM
what changed to make your migraines change for the better....i get one a month maybe every other and obviously they are one of the worst things to expirence. that being said my wife has the real problem 2 or 3 a week is the norm. she has a neuroligist appt on the 18th. the first one she went too couldnt help her. needless to say 20 headache days a month is difficult on a marriage.
Ouch I feel for you!

Mr. Dean
03-05-2013, 08:01 PM
what changed to make your migraines change for the better.

I really can't answer that, only give ya what I believe has happened.... I really think it was because *of* the meds.

Lemme explain.

My neck is phacked - several vertebrae are chipped and the tendons that hold it all together are stretched out.
I also have the same problems in my upper/mid back AND the knees are also whacked up.

The migraines stemmed up from the neck trauma, from me trying to do _________ (fill in blank) - I'd mask that pain with T3 and heavy doses of ibuprofen to the point of that not working any longer, then I'd pop a perc.... Then when the dope wore off, the head would EXPLODE! Vision loss and projectile chunk blowing ensued; not pretty.

And if I didn't get another perc in me BEFORE the vision screwed up, nothing would help.
If I did get 'er in time then it was an hour in bed, tears running out my eyes, in a blacked out room, and then I could function again but barely.

If I had a tasking day or two ahead of me, perc was my best friend.
And it wasn't long before they started talking to me... And that scared me.

Now,,,,,, if T3 and massive doses of ibuprofen don't manage the neck issue, I quit what I'm doing, listen to the body and go soak in a hot tub.
The last one was over New Years and before that, last Sept. (knock on wood).

And if I get criticized for not "keeping up", screw the ones who are doing the whining.

03-05-2013, 08:16 PM
I broke a tooth on the second day of a 12 day hunt 110kms from nearest civilization. Bothered me greatly all night and on the third day before I headed after my goat, my hunting partner pulls out 2 pill containers and says "If you have some pain, take this one, if you have a lot of pain take the other one." I only recognised that the 'some pain' pills were T3s and the 'other' one was hard to pronounce, so I took 2 T3s and went up and shot my goat. The pain subsided, but I had to eat on one side of my mouth for the rest of the trip. I should add that, my hunting partner suffers from cronic pain that comes and goes, so the pills were perscription. I kept some T3s from various incidents of mine and now I always take some with me, just in case :).

new hunter
03-05-2013, 09:32 PM
I really can't answer that, only give ya what I believe has happened.... I really think it was because *of* the meds.

Lemme explain.

My neck is phacked - several vertebrae are chipped and the tendons that hold it all together are stretched out.
I also have the same problems in my upper/mid back AND the knees are also whacked up.

The migraines stemmed up from the neck trauma, from me trying to do _________ (fill in blank) - I'd mask that pain with T3 and heavy doses of ibuprofen to the point of that not working any longer, then I'd pop a perc.... Then when the dope wore off, the head would EXPLODE! Vision loss and projectile chunk blowing ensued; not pretty.

And if I didn't get another perc in me BEFORE the vision screwed up, nothing would help.
If I did get 'er in time then it was an hour in bed, tears running out my eyes, in a blacked out room, and then I could function again but barely.

If I had a tasking day or two ahead of me, perc was my best friend.
And it wasn't long before they started talking to me... And that scared me.

Now,,,,,, if T3 and massive doses of ibuprofen don't manage the neck issue, I quit what I'm doing, listen to the body and go soak in a hot tub.
The last one was over New Years and before that, last Sept. (knock on wood).

And if I get criticized for not "keeping up", screw the ones who are doing the whining.

Funny , even though I had the indicaters that I'd get migraines as a kid , they didnt start until I had a head injury at the age of 11 , which resulted in scar tissue on one side of my neck.
Even today I cant bend my neck as far to the right as I can to the left , evidence of the scar tissue I never got rid of .
As for not keeping up , I have to know a guy pretty well before I make any plans to work in the bush or hunt with them , I'm always a bit worried about getting a splitter and either cancelling last minute or becoming a liability , and I will not be that guy .
But your damn right , if they dont get it f-ck em.

03-05-2013, 10:00 PM
I really can't answer that, only give ya what I believe has happened.... I really think it was because *of* the meds.

Lemme explain.

My neck is phacked - several vertebrae are chipped and the tendons that hold it all together are stretched out.
I also have the same problems in my upper/mid back AND the knees are also whacked up.

The migraines stemmed up from the neck trauma, from me trying to do _________ (fill in blank) - I'd mask that pain with T3 and heavy doses of ibuprofen to the point of that not working any longer, then I'd pop a perc.... Then when the dope wore off, the head would EXPLODE! Vision loss and projectile chunk blowing ensued; not pretty.

And if I didn't get another perc in me BEFORE the vision screwed up, nothing would help.
If I did get 'er in time then it was an hour in bed, tears running out my eyes, in a blacked out room, and then I could function again but barely.

If I had a tasking day or two ahead of me, perc was my best friend.
And it wasn't long before they started talking to me... And that scared me.

Now,,,,,, if T3 and massive doses of ibuprofen don't manage the neck issue, I quit what I'm doing, listen to the body and go soak in a hot tub.
The last one was over New Years and before that, last Sept. (knock on wood).

And if I get criticized for not "keeping up", screw the ones who are doing the whining.

I get headaches occaisionally but I can't imagine dealing with that. Hope you can find a way to make them disappear.

new hunter
03-05-2013, 10:12 PM
I am totally ready to get blasted for this one , but while we are on the subject of extreme pain , pain killers and self medicating under extreme circumstance I'll throw this out .
Mr.Dean said that if he didnt get his second perc in time he was screwed .
I had found the same thing , and then one day I was watching an episode of "Intervention " on perc addiction .
Turns out that when junkies need to get high really fast they smoke percs , if the want it really strong they will do a rail of it .
Lets just say that I woke up at 3 am one day with a migraine that I was way to late to dose .
Puking with the lights out and the ER not open for 5 more hours.
Butane torch , copper pipe with a sink screen and 3/4 of a perc , and my headache was gone before I had finished the bowl.
I asked an ER doc about the practice , he said it aint good for you , but it is a fast delivery system.
I am a little emberassed to admit that I have resorted to this a few times , but if it helps someone out of a bad jam I'll take a little public emberassment .
And no , its not a habit , and no I dont smoke any other little white rocks , like I said , its just out there if it helps .

03-05-2013, 10:38 PM
For those of us who suffer migraines sometimes theres nothing you would not do or try to get rid of it. When I have one its never dark enough or quiet enough and the drugs don`t come fast enough. Ive only ever had one on a moose trip and it was hell.

03-05-2013, 10:48 PM
Digger Dogger: Sooner or later we all have a close call and/or get hurt out there...Badge of Honour! Glad you made it out okay and I hope the shoulder recovers.

what changed to make your migraines change for the better....i get one a month maybe every other and obviously they are one of the worst things to expirence. that being said my wife has the real problem 2 or 3 a week is the norm. she has a neuroligist appt on the 18th. the first one she went too couldnt help her. needless to say 20 headache days a month is difficult on a marriage.

Has she been diagnosed for cluster headaches? They are rare, and rarer still in women, however cluster sufferers sometimes assume they are having migraines. The treatment is totally different, but they are treatable. Hopefully the neuro resolves her pain.

new hunter
03-05-2013, 11:08 PM
Ive heard that cluster headaches can be treated with tanked oxygen , apparently it helps shrink the blood vessels .
I have also heard that Botox can help to prevent migraines , but at $500 a dose I havent had the oppurtunity to try .
I've got to say , I had no idea so many of us suffered .

Bugle M In
03-06-2013, 06:22 PM
Feel your pain brother.
Toen bicep tendon...seperated shoulder ,,,both same side...2 operations
and still F@#%@D....
Always carry Oxy in back pack....never know.
And no...I don't care when they expired....they don't get tossed!!!!!

03-06-2013, 07:18 PM
just got home from my third surgery to repair torn tendon and nerves in middle finger on left hand . 3 more months off work , sh-t i just lost all the weight i gained durring my last 3 month recovery period. the freezing has worn off and i need a frickin hug. :cry:

03-06-2013, 07:52 PM
Yikes... I tore the tendon and fractured my left pointer finger last month too.. just waiting to see the finger specialist to see what's next. Hopefully it doesn't involve 3 surgeries.. :-|

best of luck in your recovery!

new hunter
03-06-2013, 09:52 PM
my wife keeps her oxy scrip for me j.i.c.
I asked my pharmacist how long they last , it was something like 3 years , so I wouldnt worry about them expiring .
I've found my local ER is pretty understanding , they even gave me a vial of dialodin (5x stronger than morphine ) just in case .
It never hurts to ask , mind you I have a pre-existing condition .

03-06-2013, 10:09 PM
what changed to make your migraines change for the better....i get one a month maybe every other and obviously they are one of the worst things to expirence. that being said my wife has the real problem 2 or 3 a week is the norm. she has a neuroligist appt on the 18th. the first one she went too couldnt help her. needless to say 20 headache days a month is difficult on a marriage.

where do you live......I went to school in southern Alberta and the winter Chinooks had me with a migraine(bad one) one or two a week....the weather can really be a factor. I couldn't live in southern Alberta.

Mr. Dean
03-07-2013, 01:23 AM

How ya doin?

digger dogger
03-07-2013, 07:45 AM
I'm doing pretty good Mr D, i'm off the t3's, and on to (cough, cough) something new! ;-) just kidding.(sort of)
Seriously tho, it's not as bad as the first time.

It's pretty harsh, that some of you fellas get the head aches you get. I don't get head aches often,(usually dehydration) but some of the pain you guys are describing sounds just awful..
Thanx for checkin in Sir...

03-07-2013, 11:01 AM
A bud of mine was working in a train yard (cargoon) and fell off a boxcar and dislocated his shoulder. Lucky he had a radio with him as all he had time to say was "HELP." He then passed out from the pain. All movement came to a halt until the search party found him. He was lucky to be shure. Said he has never felt so much pain...
You take your chances when hunting out in the middle of nowhere ... good reason to let someone know where you are going.

For years I thought that “Gladly the cross I’d bear” was about a cross-eyed bear named Gladly.

03-07-2013, 11:20 AM
I injured my neck at work 5 weeks ago and have been off since.The Doc says I have nerve entrappment in my C 7 vertabrae that causes HUGE pain all down my neck,through the shoulder and right to my wrist.I sleep badly for a couple hours a night,have been going to physio 3 times a week for acupuncture(which I think is horseshit witch doctor crap and makes me hurt worse)and my boss is PISSED with me.I`v had 3 sets of X-rays and a C-scan,nothing broken.

They won`t let me work all drugged up and even when I am at home and do minor stuff like trying to shovel snow the pain is crazy and worse the next day.I don`t know what to do.I`m thinking a chiropracter?Is that a good idea?I gotta do something or I`ll lose my job and the respect of people I admire because they are thinking I`m a goldbricker.

Johnny G1
03-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Sawmill, You can't go wrong seein a chiro as I was in the same position a few yrs ago and chiro helped, they are not just bone crusher's as some people think, it ain't gonna be an overnite fix I can tell you that.

03-07-2013, 12:11 PM
x2 on the chiro. My wife had terrible back pains, doctor told her it might be a slipped disk or something and probably needed surgery, but she went to a chiro 5 times and she's right as rain now. She even ran a half marathon, no pain!

new hunter
03-07-2013, 12:13 PM
My wifes back was buggered for 13years .
I kept suggesting a chiro , and she kept dragging her heals .
I finally got her to go in for a consult .
Two allignments later and her back is perfectly fine . And her back was seriously messed , I could feel at least two points were her spine was out , her docter had even suggested months of yoga , then physio.
No yoga , no physio , her back was realligned in the first visit .
The second visit was to make sure the back muscles had not pushed the spine out again , and that was amonth ago .

03-07-2013, 12:52 PM
Hey Dave - take it easy on that shoulder - you need it for the weekend! :)

The Hermit
03-07-2013, 08:11 PM
If anyone needs a world class chiropractor I can highly recommend Dr Michael Murray here in Victoria. He has served as the chiro for the Olympic for many years... we all call him Dr Pain but I'll tell you what man he is frickin MAGIC INCARNATE!

Mr. Dean
03-08-2013, 12:35 AM
I injured my neck at work 5 weeks ago and have been off since.The Doc says I have nerve entrappment in my C 7 vertabrae that causes HUGE pain all down my neck,through the shoulder and right to my wrist.I sleep badly for a couple hours a night,have been going to physio 3 times a week for acupuncture(which I think is horseshit witch doctor crap and makes me hurt worse)and my boss is PISSED with me.I`v had 3 sets of X-rays and a C-scan,nothing broken.

They won`t let me work all drugged up and even when I am at home and do minor stuff like trying to shovel snow the pain is crazy and worse the next day.I don`t know what to do.I`m thinking a chiropracter?Is that a good idea?I gotta do something or I`ll lose my job and the respect of people I admire because they are thinking I`m a goldbricker.

Tell everyone to GTH and WAIT for the sawbones to approve you going back.

It really is that simple.

03-08-2013, 10:29 AM
I can only imagine how much pain a person goes through when they've dislocated thier shoulder. I've done a few first-aid duties for judo championships and dislocated shoulders are quite common in that sport. I can only say...I'm glad I'm not in thier shoes....they're in alot of pain.

Migraines.....I hate them like poison. I used to get them alot....especially when I was sleep deprived and stressed out when the triplets were younger.
When the girls when to school full time....I still got them quite abit.....then I found out I was allergic to chocolate.

I've never been to ER with my migraines....but when I do get them....I'll take any form of painkillers to knock them into the next century.

03-08-2013, 01:32 PM
Dislocated my arm 13 times, guaranteed worst pain I have had to endure. Thank goodness my surgery was a success.

03-09-2013, 11:34 AM
Well I made an appointment for a Chiro and she gave me 3 pages of questions to fill out,90% of which are MY OWN buisiness.
Emotional distress,childhood stress,School,family,marital abuse,deppression stress.
How many kids I have,there names,if grown where do they live..........
Testiculer problems,impotence,sex life,eyesight,hearing,do I shit right................
Almost sounds like she is screening me for a sperm donation.And,no,she ain`t hot.
For F@ck sakes,my neck hurts from a fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I`ll be contacting a different chiro Monday.