View Full Version : Sask gopher shoot?

04-17-2010, 11:46 PM
a few friends and i want to travel and help out with gopher populations.

doesn anyone have any good contact info for someone in sask?

05-02-2010, 11:30 PM
I don't know any one person, but I've hunted WT deer in the SW four times - all around Swift Current.

The farmers have all been really friendly - they just ask you do (and don;t do) the normal things. That and stop by and visit for a few minutes on your way in and your way out. Also, some swear like I've never heard before, but plenty of others are deeply religious. I just watch my language until I figure out which.

You won't have any trouble getting permission - the farmers HATE gophers and love everything that kills them.

My dad just picked up a little .17 cal savage with a heavy barrel and he's heading out this June for a gopher massacre. I'll try to remember to come back and let you know what he finds.

Good Luck!


05-08-2010, 09:56 AM
any pasture manager or RM office in the southern areas. You would come all this way for dirt dogs. ?..expect to shoot 500-800 rnds / day Swift Current, area would be a start. 2 hour drive in any direction from there will get you on a few thousand. access and permission are excellent.

05-08-2010, 10:06 AM
I don't know any one person, but I've hunted WT deer in the SW four times - all around Swift Current.

The farmers have all been really friendly - they just ask you do (and don;t do) the normal things. That and stop by and visit for a few minutes on your way in and your way out. Also, some swear like I've never heard before, but plenty of others are deeply religious. I just watch my language until I figure out which.

You won't have any trouble getting permission - the farmers HATE gophers and love everything that kills them.

My dad just picked up a little .17 cal savage with a heavy barrel and he's heading out this June for a gopher massacre. I'll try to remember to come back and let you know what he finds.

Good Luck!

#$%%$@ %$^%$^ (*&&*& what do you mean about our language?? lol... Bring a bible and some dirty jokes and alittle special liquids for the ranchers, this should cover most ranchers out here:mrgreen: as for the .17 yozers expensive to shoot and we do have some nasty wind to shoot in. A brick of .22 is way more friendly on the pocket. expect to shoot 100yrds+ yes it can be done with a .22.. lie prone and have a spotter for your 1st couple shots , then you will your yardage memory. love to meet up and shoot for a day. If i can recommend ammo,, remington thunderbolts or cyclons . fast hard hitting and have had no issues in my 3 ruger 10/22's.. You will run into a few Badgers, you know what to do:wink:.. try to get a couple gohper calls,, Early's farm and garden or Peavey Mart .. a must.

05-08-2010, 10:31 AM
Just curious, but here's a dumb one. Has anybody ever tried these critters deep fried or ka-bobbed on the barby?

I've seen a show about Mongolians hunting marmots for supper.:)

05-08-2010, 10:45 AM
Try these sites for info:
http://www.saskatchewanoutdoors.com/ or

05-08-2010, 03:52 PM
Just curious, but here's a dumb one. Has anybody ever tried these critters deep fried or ka-bobbed on the barby?

I've seen a show about Mongolians hunting marmots for supper.:)

are you serious ?? they have fleas, and they eat each other.

06-08-2010, 04:13 PM
Do a search on Gunnutz as there is a annual gopher shoot and campout in Sask.Here its a real good time with a bunch of good guys.

07-06-2010, 08:49 PM
Just curious, but here's a dumb one. Has anybody ever tried these critters deep fried or ka-bobbed on the barby?

I've seen a show about Mongolians hunting marmots for supper.:)

Good heavens man!! The bloody things can be chock full of worms, as well as the above! I would rather starve to death than even contemplate eating a friggin' gopher!!!:eek::eek:

07-07-2010, 08:56 PM
My old man's 75 now and grew up in Sask. He said the Ukrainian Gypsies (yes they are real) used to eat them all the time when he was a kid.

Like the local dukster said a spotter and good .22 ammo out of a good rifle with a higher powered scope and heads are rolling. Killed a few thousand in my youth over the years of visiting family out there.

Lot of fun:-D!!!

08-07-2010, 11:21 PM
Just got back from a 3 week tour.
Killed thousands.

They have plenty to shoot. AB and Sask.
Pick a town and drive around till you see a bunch out in the pastures. Ask permission.

Have fun!!