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View Full Version : Lookin for blacks

04-13-2010, 04:45 PM
Hey everyone,

Name's Yotapup, AKA Brad. I'm new too these forums as well I'm a new hunter as of this year. Been wanting my hunting license and PAL since I was 16, now 10 years later I finally got it all.

But thats not what the title of this thread is :D

Anyways, my cousins and I (one who is experienced, other I took the courses with) went out last weekend up Chilliwack Lake Road and didn't find much at all. Lots of deer scat and a couple old piles of bear scat but that was it.

We're planning on going out again this coming weekend and were thinking of the general Harrison area but after reading some other threads around the forum I suggested going closer to the end of the month... but... he's a little too ancy to wait and get out any chance he gets.

Either way, was wondering from some more experience hunters about their opinions of the Chilliwack lake road area, Harrison and maybe the Coquihalla and #1hwy north of Hope would be.

Thanks in advance

PS: Yotapup comes from my dog Yota... in which he is named after my old 82 Toyota pickup

04-13-2010, 04:55 PM
welcome, but that wasn't very funny. Racial slurs in your topic aren't considered jokes. I don't think deer shit is refered to as scat, but I could be ass backwards.

04-13-2010, 04:58 PM
Well if your being serious, no racism was intended.

If your being sarcastic then good ruse on the newbie.

Either way, it being the beginning of the season I'd like to think people would know I'm talking about Black Bear

Thanks for making me feel welcomed.

04-13-2010, 05:07 PM
welcome, but that wasn't very funny. Racial slurs in your topic aren't considered jokes. I don't think deer shit is refered to as scat, but I could be ass backwards.

I believe you are completely ass backwards.

Welcome to the site, Im going for my first bear this spring as well. Probably going to wait another couple weeks and head up the Coquihala to any one of the thousands of cut blocks.

04-13-2010, 05:08 PM
welcome, but that wasn't very funny. Racial slurs in your topic aren't considered jokes. I don't think deer shit is refered to as scat, but I could be ass backwards.

Don't worry about what this guy has to say. It seems some people aren't very inviting during the off season.
Yes, everyone knows you're referring to black bears. I don't know the area, so can't help too much, but I'm sure some of the good folks on here will help you out. Welcome to the site.

04-13-2010, 05:14 PM
Welcome, Darksith is just saying, traditional rules on this site like to read a JOKE for your first post.

As to your question, Blackies are starting to pop up here and there, just keep looking as your doing and you will find one eventually!

04-13-2010, 05:18 PM
welcome, but that wasn't very funny. Racial slurs in your topic aren't considered jokes. I don't think deer shit is refered to as scat, but I could be ass backwards.

If this wasn't meant to be funny by you Darksith, your way off base here. This guy is a newbie with nothing meant racially and maybe deer don't scat, but, maybe you could have just told him that. If that is your way, please don't welcome anyone to the site. I don't think you have to worry about whether your ass backwards or not that is obvious, just worry about how big of an arsehole you are.

04-13-2010, 05:20 PM
Welcome to the site. Save your boots and your gas for the hills above the Coq. It may be a little early, but there are already spots that are greening up. The trick is to know or find them!!

South facing slopes mid to late afternoon/evening.
The one other piece of advice for a new hunter, don't shoot the first bear you see, it may not be as big as first thought!!! They shrink.

Good luck and don't come home without pictures, or else LOL

04-13-2010, 05:41 PM
Welcome Yoyapup--Good for you on getting your core and PAL--Now the fun will begin for you--If you are at all like me you will enjoy every minute in the bush, whether you find "blackie" or not-IMHO I saw no slurs in your post.--- As Nomad has stated they(black bear) are showing up all over the place. Just get out there, have fun and above all be safe.

04-13-2010, 05:46 PM
Good things come to those that wait..........about 2 weeks.

04-13-2010, 07:27 PM
blackies blackies blackies blackies blackies

That's all I've been thinking of hunting.....blackies blackies blackies

04-13-2010, 07:37 PM
This year started really early all because of the warm winter. Never look farther up right now. They're all down low like others said. But the signs are surprisingly little.

04-13-2010, 10:06 PM
The one other piece of advice for a new hunter, don't shoot the first bear you see, it may not be as big as first thought!!! They shrink.

Good luck and don't come home without pictures, or else LOL

Thanks for that, though I'm going to keep my eye out for at least a decent sized one. Too small will be a bit disappointing for my first bear, but I am by all means in no state to be picky. My cousin on the other hand, I have a feeling he's going to try drop the first bear he sees haha.

And don't worry, I'll have pictures :D

Welcome Yoyapup--Good for you on getting your core and PAL--Now the fun will begin for you--If you are at all like me you will enjoy every minute in the bush, whether you find "blackie" or not...

Thanks a lot. My cousin and I actually challaneged the core and both passed it 71 out of 75. Impressed the hell out of the instructor.

Your right about trompin through the bush, I've been in the sticks my whole life and couldn't be any where else.

04-13-2010, 10:36 PM
Pic from the last trip, though we didn't get any blackies, we got a good picture lol


04-13-2010, 10:46 PM
The thing with size, is they all look big at first. The trick is to judge their noggin or the space between the gut and the ground. It they're big their ears will be more to the side of their heads, also if they don't show much light between the belly and the ground they tend to big larger too.For your first, try to find a bear that isn't panicky or running away. The ones that either don't know your there or dont GAF!! are the best learning tools.More time to judge size and shot placement, not to mention if they are sows with cubs or not.It will all come with time and practice. Good luck.

04-13-2010, 11:37 PM
Pic from the last trip, though we didn't get any blackies, we got a good picture lol


Its funny you show that picture. Where your gangs standing is where I seen my largest besr to date. In the slash below to the right on a hot sow! Was dirtbiking and not packin.:mad:

04-14-2010, 03:00 AM
I would wait for another 2 weeks before I would head out for bear by then they will all be out wondering around the slashes..

Head back up into any of these back roads you mentioner and you will find bears out in the slash glass the slashes when ever you can.

I myself have found the best time to find bears is 8am to 11am 5pm till dark ,good luck and welcome to this forum..

04-14-2010, 07:20 AM
I would wait the 2 weeks but I'll possibly be working that weekend in 2 weeks. Besides, the less you get out the more opportunities you miss. That and my cousin is impatient :D

Thats too bad you missed out T-Bone, maybe next time

04-14-2010, 07:46 AM
Hey everyone,

Name's Yotapup, AKA Brad. I'm new too these forums as well I'm a new hunter as of this year. Been wanting my hunting license and PAL since I was 16, now 10 years later I finally got it all.

But thats not what the title of this thread is :D

Anyways, my cousins and I (one who is experienced, other I took the courses with) went out last weekend up Chilliwack Lake Road and didn't find much at all. Lots of deer scat and a couple old piles of bear scat but that was it.

We're planning on going out again this coming weekend and were thinking of the general Harrison area but after reading some other threads around the forum I suggested going closer to the end of the month... but... he's a little too ancy to wait and get out any chance he gets.

Either way, was wondering from some more experience hunters about their opinions of the Chilliwack lake road area, Harrison and maybe the Coquihalla and #1hwy north of Hope would be.

Thanks in advance

PS: Yotapup comes from my dog Yota... in which he is named after my old 82 Toyota pickup
I'd say stick to those areas. if you know there's bears there from the past, they'll be there again. Could be anyday it turns on. Depends on where you are in Chwk Valley though. where i go, I won't be in there till the end of May or first part of June due to the snow level. If you're hunting down low, look for green you'll see one. Small boars should be out. Just a matter of time

.330 Dakota
04-14-2010, 07:52 AM
Welcome to the site, more importantly WELCOME TO HUNTING.
It is great to see new hunters to keep the sport alive.
I live many miles north of the area you refer to so...no clue.
However once you get hooked on bears...thats it.

04-14-2010, 08:07 AM
I agree with the others. wait till the last week of april or the first week of may. I always spend too much time hunting the weeks before the bears are really up. then when it's time to go out, I've already used up alot of my freebie hunting days with the wife.
I tend to do the same thing on the fraser with salmon fishing. I fish too much when the water is high and dirty, and when it drops and the fishing is good I'm screwed with time off from the family.
You'll find bears all over the area that pic was taken. In my exp. bears can be even more skiddish than deer. they'll take off before you even see 'em. I've found lots of bears by finding a good spot with sign and sitting down with my bino's and my lunch to watch. if you're in a good spot they'll start to "appear" in the cuts in front of you and you'll be sitting there going WTF where did he come from?
Good luck ,and welcome to the site.

04-14-2010, 09:41 AM
Welcome to the site, more importantly WELCOME TO HUNTING.
It is great to see new hunters to keep the sport alive.
I live many miles north of the area you refer to so...no clue.
However once you get hooked on bears...thats it.

Thanks, I'm sure I'll be getting lots of everything. Really looking forward to the deer hunting this fall and will definitely be doing some "pest control" of the coyote population around the families farms as well. Heck, I may even snag my old mans side by side 12g and do some duck hunting. Lots of those around the families farms as well.

I agree with the others. wait till the last week of april or the first week of may. I always spend too much time hunting the weeks before the bears are really up. then when it's time to go out, I've already used up alot of my freebie hunting days with the wife.
I tend to do the same thing on the fraser with salmon fishing. I fish too much when the water is high and dirty, and when it drops and the fishing is good I'm screwed with time off from the family.
You'll find bears all over the area that pic was taken. In my exp. bears can be even more skiddish than deer. they'll take off before you even see 'em. I've found lots of bears by finding a good spot with sign and sitting down with my bino's and my lunch to watch. if you're in a good spot they'll start to "appear" in the cuts in front of you and you'll be sitting there going WTF where did he come from?
Good luck ,and welcome to the site.

I hear ya with time off issues, though I'm free from any spousal/family ties the only thing that takes away my free time is work... and I'm self employed :mrgreen:

I'd like to be able to go out and just sit and wait but I don't have the experience to do that yet and my cousins whom I'll be doing majority of my hunting with don't have the patience to do so.

04-14-2010, 10:28 AM
Went up chilliwack last weekend still a lot of snow seen some blacktails no bears.

04-14-2010, 10:36 AM
I didnt start hunting bears until I was 20, I didnt know how to judge them or when and where the best time and place to find them, but with a lot of time and fuel, I found my first bear. It was a small bore, it was june 18th and it still had a deacent hide considering how late it was. Since then I have learned how to judge them and have taken a few nice bears and passed up alot of little guys.

If you put in your time you will find a bear, dont be dissapointed if it is smaller than you want, it is all part of learning. Hunting bears where I live you need to have patience. I spend most of my time glassing slides, I dont see to many bears on the roads.

speaking of bears I am off to try and find a grizz, we found where one is hanging out, my friend and I were both drawn, so hopefully it is a big bear and we can get to it.

good luck.

04-14-2010, 11:20 AM
yeah I'm thinking I might go for a drive out too the hope area today and do some scouting/glassing. See if I can find some green patches and see what the snow situation looks like.

04-14-2010, 11:29 AM
Pic from the last trip, though we didn't get any blackies, we got a good picture lol

I know this spot oh so well. done many stalks from that very spot. Didnt realize snow was that high. No doubt in my mind they're out! I shot a bear pretty much where your standing year before last. nice chocolate. first thing in the am till around 11 and as soon as the sun's shadow is out of the slash before dark has always been good for me there.

04-14-2010, 11:37 AM
I thinik if you went to Coquihalla area it still is a little early. Sugest going in a couple of weeks. However if your looking to hunt bear where there is a good population i sudgest you try Whistler/Pemberton. They have lots of bears with different coulors from brown to blond
Hey everyone,

Name's Yotapup, AKA Brad. I'm new too these forums as well I'm a new hunter as of this year. Been wanting my hunting license and PAL since I was 16, now 10 years later I finally got it all.

But thats not what the title of this thread is :D

Anyways, my cousins and I (one who is experienced, other I took the courses with) went out last weekend up Chilliwack Lake Road and didn't find much at all. Lots of deer scat and a couple old piles of bear scat but that was it.

We're planning on going out again this coming weekend and were thinking of the general Harrison area but after reading some other threads around the forum I suggested going closer to the end of the month... but... he's a little too ancy to wait and get out any chance he gets.

Either way, was wondering from some more experience hunters about their opinions of the Chilliwack lake road area, Harrison and maybe the Coquihalla and #1hwy north of Hope would be.

Thanks in advance

PS: Yotapup comes from my dog Yota... in which he is named after my old 82 Toyota pickup

04-14-2010, 01:16 PM
welcome, but that wasn't very funny. Racial slurs in your topic aren't considered jokes. I don't think deer shit is refered to as scat, but I could be ass backwards.

scat = feces. Deer are not exempt. :)

04-14-2010, 04:56 PM
haha, OMG! Of course I was joking, and was simply looking for a joke for his first post. You guys got your nickers in a knot a wee bit I think. This is a hunting forum and a casual place to chat and exchange info, not a white supremacist site, I go other places for that...(another joke, relax!). If you have to tip toe around on this forum then you might as well just throw your computer out next trash day.

04-14-2010, 06:27 PM
No worries Darksith, I can be a sarcastic smart ass with a truckers mouth worse then most. Being as this is one of the more mature forums I've ever joined (or so I thought) so I thought I'd come peacefully and really wasn't expecting a first post ruse.

I bombed up #1 today and had a look, looks a bit more promising then the chilliwack area with less fresh slashes. Higher up though the green was barely coming through. Trees were hardly even budding. I did on the other hand see a nice Black Tail right at the foot of the FSR, so there is life in the area... I only wish they were in season right now...

Grabbed a pic with my blackberry of the black tail, sorry for the bad quality

Surrey Boy
04-14-2010, 06:31 PM
Nice pic. They'll be in season when they're fat and antlered. Nothing's going anywhere now. (Except every cougar and wolf that you didn't shoot is now killing deer which could've been in your freezer)

04-14-2010, 07:24 PM
yeah I'm thinking I might go for a drive out too the hope area today and do some scouting/glassing. See if I can find some green patches and see what the snow situation looks like.

Be mindful that anything south and west of Falls lake is easy access to off road recreationists. With all that activity your chances are somewhat reduced. Sowaqua just north of Hope maybe your best bet for a peaceful wander. I know there's some brutes in there, even a Griz now and again!!

04-14-2010, 07:36 PM
Way to go darksith I'm with you completely on this one. There was NO doubt where you were going with this one. I find that on this site They jump to the worste first. It always easier to believe the bad than the good.

Oh WELCOME yodapup this is a great site and a lot can be gleened form the experienced guys on here. Hope to see in the bush some day and GOOD luck on your first I would say Darkie but that would go over like a fart in church so I'll just say BLACKIE..

04-14-2010, 09:34 PM
Be mindful that anything south and west of Falls lake is easy access to off road recreationists. With all that activity your chances are somewhat reduced. Sowaqua just north of Hope maybe your best bet for a peaceful wander. I know there's some brutes in there, even a Griz now and again!!

Yeah, with my line of work I'm tempted to get take some time out of the work week to get out when there's less traffic in the hills, though on my scouting trip I did see 2 quads (father and son) who were nice enough to give me a good route around for my little car.

04-14-2010, 09:45 PM
Be mindful that anything south and west of Falls lake is easy access to off road recreationists. With all that activity your chances are somewhat reduced.

well no grizz, but I did find tracks from this morning, they were 6.5" wide.

I ride my dirt bike all over the Elk Valley and see lots of bears, last year my 6 yr old son and I rode within 15yds of a grizz sow with 2 cubs - needless to say we didnt stick around too long.

04-15-2010, 04:46 PM
I cut 90 percent of my tags up chilliwack lake road , I know where there at :mrgreen:

Surrey Boy
04-15-2010, 06:12 PM
I cut 90 percent of my tags up chilliwack lake road , I know where there at :mrgreen:

Did you build a blind up the first right (heading east) after Borden Creek? That was well built.

04-16-2010, 12:11 AM
I cut 90 percent of my tags up chilliwack lake road , I know where there at :mrgreen:

I think my more experienced cousin has had some good luck up that way, just a bit later in the season. I think we're going to try up around the 2-18 area this weekend. I did a little road trip out there and figure if we stay in the lower valley's we might find something. Originally thought about harrison east or west, but by reading a lot of other threads I'm guessing it's not quite there yet, maybe a couple more weeks. I think the traffic should be considerably less.

Would love to head up the squamish area, but I think I'll plan that for a later date when I can crash at my sisters for a day or 2.