View Full Version : SHEEP HUNTING VIDEO 'FIX' for the fanatics..

04-10-2010, 09:23 AM
Here's some sheep footage...nothing overly exciting...
I'm putting this in its own thread so the sheep 'pissing contestants' have lots of space to argue after...:tongue:

Sadly ( and as usual) the guy missed 5 times after laying there at 260 yards for 1 1/2 hrs practice aiming ect for an 'easy shot' once his ram stood. It happened quick , didnt get the record button hit for the shooting...ram stood , boom , hit rock...ran left for 20 yrds..broadside , boom...ran 10 yards , stood..boom..ect ect...6th shot hit it...

His 3rd hunt for a stone in BC...




The next video has a funny 'ribbing' comment for the outfitter...( we all rib each other up there quite a bit..:-D)



note....I find hunting sheep easy compared to trying to find mature specimens of other BC species. I do however find guideing sheep DAMN HARD and FRUSTRATING due to the customer NEVER being in shape and most times missing...then you have to find em another one and TRY to get them to it before the thermals change....grrrrrrrr....

ok , sheep fanatics argue away............:razz::razz::lol:

04-10-2010, 09:30 AM
Cool Stuff!

04-10-2010, 09:37 AM
Argue? The only arguing to do is that sheep season isn't here...nice view, thanks for posting it. The country where Stone's live, is absolutely beautiful....the hunting, been said many times, is addictive.
Good on that fella, looks like he could barely walk....u could feel his knees starting to go....

04-10-2010, 09:46 AM
Pretty country, great way to spend your time! Thanks for posting.

04-10-2010, 10:36 AM
Now that makes a sheep hunter wish the summer would hurry up and get over!! I like real stuff. Real guys on real hunts. Thanks:-D

And don't be so hard on those old, out-of-shape [I'm one] hunters.
It takes the average Joe 'till he's 65 to save up enough to go on a guided hunt.

I personaly think that most US hunters are just like us average BC hunters except they don't have the oppurtunities. Guided is the only way for them to experience what we take for granted.

Maybe ProGuide could verify or counter that assumption.
It's your thread ProGuide and I'l happily remove this post if you want.

04-10-2010, 10:51 AM
No worries...no pissy wit me!..

I'm not hard on em , its my choice to guide em.One thing I find sad is the MAJORITY of the guys we get are usually members of a club looking for status and trying to win a peeing contest...its verrry rare for us to have a guy come up who is absolutely intimate with the species he is hunting...far too often they havent a clue about the animal or its habits and as well dont even bring a camera!!....I am just as or even more passionate about the country we live and hunt in than most...my videos show the country,its beauty,the excitement shared, and you wont hear me calling an antler a 'G-anything' or mention how ''wide' something might be or how long( usually).....the amount of guys who's first reaction upon killing a trophy is to wip out the tape measure before even taking a photo or even touching it is sad compared to the amount of hunters that just stare in awe and thank the 'great creator' for the experience of a lifetime......I guess after many many years of dragging people up the mountain a guy can start to bitch about some 'bitchable points'...hehe...:tongue::grin:...it can get old after making camp in 'heaven on earth' and all you have to listen to is how the guy wants to get his ass outta here asap with his 1/2 er 3/4 slam ect ect...only ONCE I had a sheep hunter who wanted to stay and ride each day from the beginning of his hunt to the end , he took pages of photos and creid on day 4 when he nailed his ram.
In the end its alll good.....

I love the mountains up there and am fortunate to have people pay me to be in em...:mrgreen:

04-10-2010, 11:13 AM
Cool vids and nice ram for the fellow!

04-10-2010, 12:11 PM
That's sad to hear PG66. At least you can take the good from it and overlook the the rest. Good on you for that.

If they're not in it for the thrill and love of the hunt, then I'm glad they at least have to pay a lot for their "hero' medals.
Must be kinda satisfying to bust some of their asses before they get to shoot.:mrgreen:

04-10-2010, 12:51 PM
Great video. That country is absolutely unreal.

04-10-2010, 02:04 PM
Great vids! Hard to believe you can travel all the way up to north bc from the states for a stone hunt and not know anything about stones. I hope I never have that much money, I'd think it would take the fun right out of things.

04-10-2010, 03:18 PM
One thing I find sad is the MAJORITY of the guys we get are usually members of a club looking for status and trying to win a peeing contest...its verrry rare for us to have a guy come up who is absolutely intimate with the species he is hunting...far too often they havent a clue about the animal or its habits and as well dont even bring a camera!!.......

Some, not all. I think it depends on which outfit you work for and what clients they attract. I know I don't want to work for any of the heli outfits.

04-10-2010, 03:37 PM
Awesome, the scenery is unreal. Did the hunter cry because of the sheep or his sore ass from riding for days:mrgreen:. I hope I can get into some country like that before I am to old and crippled.

04-10-2010, 03:43 PM
I know I don't want to work for any of the heli outfits.

Ah yes, but you've never had the pleasure of watching a thousand pounds of moose meat, horns, and cape flying away in a basket. It's a beautiful thing, I tell ya.

04-10-2010, 03:46 PM
Ah yes, but you've never had the pleasure of watching a thousand pounds of moose meat, horns, and cape flying away in a basket. It's a beautiful thing, I tell ya.

You definitely got me there!

04-10-2010, 08:05 PM
Great ram!

Thanks for sharing the vids.