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View Full Version : switching gun owners

03-17-2006, 12:00 AM
need some info on switching ownership of a gun ,both have pal.Do we have to be together in same location,to phone.Are they open on Sat. an Sun.

03-17-2006, 12:05 AM
just did this go on to canadian firearms center and http://www.cfc-cafc.gc.ca/info_for-renseignement/factsheets/sell_e.asp

03-17-2006, 09:45 AM
Call 1800-731-4000

Press 1, 4, 1

Tell operator you want to transfer ownership of firearm. If the buyer and seller are both in the same room, the entire process can be completed right there on the phone immediately. If you are in different locations the seller needs to call first to initiate, then the buyer calls up afterwards and completes the process. They will give you a transfer authorization number (TAN) which will be your registration until they mail you out your paper registration.

03-17-2006, 10:16 AM
Gun registry: No reason to prop it up (http://www.lufa.ca/news/news_item.asp?NewsID=5875) - Friday, March 17, 2006
Conservative MPs were hawks who picked apart Canada's rifle and shotgun registry and demanded its abolition while languishing in the opposition benches but have morphed into doves now that they find themselves in power. (full story (http://www.lufa.ca/news/news_item.asp?NewsID=5875))

03-17-2006, 11:09 AM
I wouldn't worry about that article ruger.

Harper has put together a group to find the best way to end the registry. The stone cold fact is he CANNOT force a 'win' vote in parliment in a minority gov't, so he's likely going to have to 'back door' kill it.

Lufa's getting excited because the cpc is a) backing away from the idea of passing a new law on it, and b) is keeping their mouth shut at the moment about exactly what they're going to do.

But the fact is they will LOSE a vote - the opposition hates us. ALL of them.

And the other fact is the opposition will be less able to react to what he does if it comes out of the blue. If he says his intentions now, they'll have time to try to counter.

Expect that the AG's report will come out sometime in may. It will blast the registry, as we already knew it would. THEN - the cpc will make it's move, and it will be very hard for the opposition to say anything about it.

If we want a brand new set of laws - we need a conservative majority gov't. And lets face it - bc dropped the ball a bit during the last election, we sent back fewer blue seats than we have in about a century.

So - we have to suck it up, work with harper to do as much damage as we can to the registry given the conditions (which by the way is quite a LOT of damage - basically we can effectively kill it, we just can't bury the corpse), and bloody well work hard next time to give Harper a majority gov't.