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03-15-2010, 01:38 PM
:-D How did you get started hunting? That imprinting stuff seems to have worked ! Guess whose baby picture this is?:confused:
Hint.... This picture was taken in Nov. of 1972.

03-15-2010, 01:40 PM
My old man, Joshledeoux. Now I'm hooked. I suppose we'll have to write up a prenup for our hunting buddies.

Moose Guide
03-15-2010, 04:39 PM
my dad died when I was 3, and my older brothers were too busy partying to take me, but from the day I was born all I wanted to do was hunt!!!
Started at 14 and hunted alone mostly(still would hunt alone but my boys like to go with)

03-15-2010, 04:54 PM
No pic.

Used to hunt prarie chickens in Sask as a boy with my dad and grandpa.
Went through all my 20's without even touching a rifle.
Had a hankering for some Grouse meat in my 30's and hence began the long process of CORE, PAL etc..
Took my first Deer (myself) at the ripe old age of 38.
I remember thinking to myself as I was examining my first deer kill. "I sure hope the internet articles were accurate on how to gut a deer". Turns out I did an OK job except I cut the tendons off the back knees so the butcher could not hang it properly.

03-15-2010, 05:00 PM
Oops! The picture didn't get sent with the question( notice how that's the picture's fault...or at least the computer). I did send it under the title Imprinting... maybe on the Mainland B.C. site.... I'm pretty handy with this tec. stuff. Any Key?

03-15-2010, 09:06 PM
Always wanted to but parents were'nt the hunting type. Dad died when I was 40 and I decided to dive in before I followed with a regret. Started with waterfowling two seasons ago. Nobody I knew hunted and nobody who hunted seemed to want to take a nobody so I joined this site, read everything and went out. Dropped a Mallard drake with the first shot two seasons ago and my first moose last year with my first three shots. Last season a buddy wanted to go too and so now we're a crew.

03-15-2010, 09:13 PM
I can answer that without any picture ;)

Kid Hunter
03-16-2010, 04:36 PM
I have a couple friends who hunt and that kinda helped me want to hunt and since I was probably about 12 I've been looking up everything I could about hunting and then finally about a year and a half ago I took my CORE and convinced my dad to take up hunting again (he hadn't since he had kids...22 years ago) so he got his PAL and already had his hunter # and we went for the first time last fall. Didn't get anything but it's the start to a long life of hunting I hope. I'm 16 now by the way.

03-16-2010, 04:44 PM
My dad hunted but he stopped after his dad passed away and my uncle hunted.I got tired of listening to there stories and decided it was time to do something about it.I couldn`t get any of my brothers to commit so i did core and pal on my own and never looked back.Alot of family members weren`t crazy about me hunting alone.Soon after i found HBC met some good people got lots of advice and found some new hunting partners.

03-16-2010, 04:52 PM
My grandfather gave me a .22 when I was 7. It was my dads first rifle when he was just 12....still have it and my dad just turned 69 last week. Ever since.....I've been addicted!

03-16-2010, 10:40 PM
2 years ago I was working 16 hour days and never saw my friends. I was sick of it, they were sick of it and the below story is how it happened.

One day Jessonml said to me, "if you are going to come hunting with us this year you gotta get your PAL and CORE done." This was a Wednesday evening.

He gave me the core book, both me and him studied it that night and the next. he went over firearms and then he called the Goldsacks and told them I was challenging the test. That Saturday I went in and wrote my Core, RPAL and PAL and got 100% on both PAL's and 98% on the CORE.

Bought my first Ruger 10/22 5 days later under his PAL and then bought a Browning A-bolt II in 300wsm about 1 week later. Bought a shotgun about 4 weeks after that, the day that my PAL came in the mail :D


03-16-2010, 11:11 PM
my dad took me to the rifle range and hunting once when I was 12, and heard stories about the moose he got in Ft. Nelson when I was 2, Uncle and cousins hunted, and many stories later, so a couple years ago I decided it was my turn, dad gave me his old rifles 303 Brit and 22 Cooey

03-17-2010, 05:46 AM
I started myself hunting ,me and a friend would target wild pigeons with a pellet gun..

03-17-2010, 09:01 AM
My father taught himself to hunt and has taken many great animals over the years. He has taught me everything I know. We have made plenty of great memories together. Ones I'll never forget.

Wild Images
03-17-2010, 10:19 AM
The missing pic wouldn't be a little RATTLER would it ?

Iron Glove
03-17-2010, 02:29 PM
My late father-in-law gave me 3 firearms that he had in the attic when we built our place in Tulameen. The gun bug bit pretty hard and i was accumulating guns at a rapid rate and I asked the wife if she objected at all. She replied "No, but I wish you'd at least use the damn guns to put something in the freezer".
Off I went, did the CORE.
Was al ready to head off hunting in the morning with my Tulameen buddy the next morning but I tried to remove my finger with a small hatchet so that was the end of my first hunting season, not a shot even fired.
The next year buddy takes me out into the Tulameen hills and on the way back I bagged a small deer.
Now I'm hooked.

03-17-2010, 04:27 PM
I was very fortunate to have a very dedicated father who loved to take me and my younger brother hunting almost every weekend from the time I was 10 years old or so. Everything I have learned I owe to my Dad.

Thank you so much Dad! I hope to do the same with my children.

03-17-2010, 04:31 PM
I was very fortunate to have a very dedicated father who loved to take me and my younger brother hunting almost every weekend from the time I was 10 years old or so. Everything I have learned I owe to my Dad.

Thank you so much Dad! I hope to do the same with my children.


03-17-2010, 07:34 PM
Started getting involved in hunting when I was six. It stared when my dad would take me every thanksgiving to go grouse hunting with him and my uncle. After that I started going with my grampa duck hunting. Thats when I got hooked and then at 10 I took my core and passed.

03-17-2010, 09:01 PM
I have been around hunting all my life. I can remember my dad and uncles coming home with moose and deer in the back of the truck. I got a 177 pellet gun when I was 10, cost dad a lot of christmas lights. When I was around 13 I got a 22lr for christmas, and put quite a few grouse in the freezer. Started hunting seriously for big game in 1990 with my great uncle.
In 1993 I got my own rifle, FAC, and CORE. The rest is history. Bagged my first moose around 1995, a calf and was not sure what the hell to do with it. There has been no looking back since!! Lots of moose and deer since, but only one elk, and my buddy shot it, so I still need my first bull elk. Maybe this year will be the first one??!! My son is 13 this year and I sure hope he will get his first big game critter, we will giver hard and see if we can continue the tradition!! Moosin

03-17-2010, 10:38 PM
BINGO !!! Wild Images. That is the Baby Rattler... Early studies in Konrad Lorenz's IMPRINTING Experiments. I'll see if I can find a few more pics that might encourage members to get their kids started in the same way.
Here is his first Black Bear. He made a beautiful shot on this old Boar.


03-17-2010, 11:43 PM
Ahh, beauty pic. Wish my dad took me hunting like that. I had to learn from all the guys on here. Thanks to all of you for being my big brother, or father figure and showing me the cyber-ropes of hunting. :)

03-18-2010, 08:13 PM
Great picture Dad! Brings back a lot of fond memories...

03-18-2010, 08:16 PM
BINGO !!! Wild Images. That is the Baby Rattler... Early studies in Konrad Lorenz's IMPRINTING Experiments. I'll see if I can find a few more pics that might encourage members to get their kids started in the same way.
Here is his first Black Bear. He made a beautiful shot on this old Boar.


Love the war paint rattler:wink:

03-18-2010, 08:21 PM
My uncle and dad. I got my first new rifle (177 pellet) when I was 8. Started on squirrels and such with my uncles 22 when I was about 10-11. Was that really 35 years ago????? Doesnt seem like it.

03-28-2010, 12:03 PM
I starte hunting by tagging along with my dad and grandfather when I was about 8 or 9 yrs old. One day when I was about 11, I got my first bb gun and learned to use it safely. When I was 12 I was tagging along with my dad and grandfather and a lone pintail was heading directly toward us at about 30 yds. All of a sudden when the thing was just coming into range my grandfather handed me his shotgun and told me to shoot it. I did and from that day on have lived to hunt and shoot.
Today, many years later, I have the priviledge of hunting with my two sons, bringing us almost full circle. My grandkids are getting to an age where they will be able to join us pretty soon, and I look forward to those times where I can complete the circle.
I work with kids, a lot of whom have no dad to help them out with lifes' problems and challenges and often, during the pre-season take them out with me on my pre-season scout trips, and trips to the range where they
get a chance to learn about ethics and conservation, and the other things that go toward developing an ethical hunter. Wouldn't change my work for the world.

03-28-2010, 06:25 PM
I grew up in the suburbs of Montreal next to the airport. Big family,dad was a golfer,not the hunting type. All i ever wanted to do as a kid was fish and hunt. Luckily the St Lawrence river was there for fishing and the fields surrounding the airport held plenty of big game,well big game for a kid.Cottontail rabbit,pheasant and lots of hungarian partridge. Boy scouts was great for us kids,lots of camping trips.Hitchhiked out west to see the country and the rest is history.

03-28-2010, 06:35 PM
My dad is an Anti......