View Full Version : End of Duck season 2009

01-22-2010, 04:58 PM
I had decided to take the day off from work and get some deserved down time as the duck season was coming to an end.

The morning started off with the alarm going off at 5:30am and me finally crawling out of bed by 6:00am. Headed to the garage to try and un-burry the MomarshDP and gather up my mallard and pintail decoys. The whole time Marshall (dog) is making a racket in the back yard to the point where the wife opens the door and starts yelling at him. He gets a little excited when he knows we're heading out hunting. I load the truck up and get to Field Marshall's house for 7:00am.

Field Marshal and his two grand sons pile their stuff into their trucks and we head out. We get maybe a km from the house when Field Marshal pulls into a parking lot, he gets out of his truck and looks around in the back of his truck, he thought he forgot the shotgun shells but no he has them so we start off again. Then we pull into another parking lot and this time he realizes he's forgotten his coat so I sit and wait while he drives back home to get his coat. Marshall is just vibrating in the truck wondering why we've stopped and not hunting yet.

We brought the MomarshDP as last time Field Marshal had scouted the area there was a lot of water. When we got there today the tide had gone out so we had to drag the MomarshDP for about 50 yards or so before we had enough water to float and pull it along.

We pushed birds up as we made our way to where we wanted to set up. We quickly set the decoys out, put out the lucky duck and tucked the boat away. Field Marshall and his grand kids hid in some tall grass mixed with alders, and myself in my boat with the dog. ( you can just see my ball cap peering over the doors and a hint of brown of the dog laying directly behind me.) It was now somewhere around 8:00am and it was calm and quiet until the birds we pushed out started to come back in.


My plan for today was to shoot just drakes, it just wasn't meant to be. I had a pair of pintails circling the decoys, the drake was in the lead with a the hen following him about 3 feet behind flying right to left. I took a single poke at the drake at about 25 yards and the drake and the hen both fell from the sky:confused:. This was the first time I've hit two birds with the same shot and surprised at how far apart they where. Goes to show you never know how far off a stray pellet can be. Just a reminder for those who hunt birds over dogs.

We had teal, widgeon, pintail, and mallards visit the spread. None really looked like they were committing to the decoys and made for some hard shooting. I guess it's to be expected after being shot at for 4 months or so. We did managed to get our two man limit, but our shot to duck ratio today wasn't the best we've seen it ever with the 2 ducks with one shot in the mix.

The bag consisted of 4 widgeon, 8 mallards and 4 pintails. Not a bad mix of birds for the closing day. The pintail drake that fell with the hen was a mature bird but not quite as big as the one I got last week.


The only regrets we have from today was not going to this spot earlier. Here it was the last day of the season and probably one of the best shoots. Oh well, we left lots for breeding stock for next year.

Hope everyone's last day went well.

Here is another pic of the ultimate waterfowling retriever in it's natural environment.:mrgreen:

What a beautiful picture it turned out to be of him sitting in the MomarshDP.


01-22-2010, 05:24 PM
Nice pics marc, good ender!

01-22-2010, 05:28 PM
Great shoot Marc, must have been fun. I was suppost to go out today but got hurt last night at soccer and cant walk for a few weeks. Congrats again


01-22-2010, 06:00 PM
Good works guys! We had a slow morning, but didn't get skunked. Just did the home front thing. Ice on the dekes when we picked them up, brrr.

01-22-2010, 06:09 PM
Oh how the depression sets in.................................Fishing soon though!

field marshal
01-22-2010, 08:22 PM
As far as our season ending shoot today, I"ll take the blame for not scouting this little sweet spot sooner. As a side note does anyone else let their kids take a day off to go hunting or shooting???
My mother would never let me take a day off!!:cry:
My daughter wasn't exactly thrilled the boys played hookey, but what the hell. They will always remember stuff like this and it's better than hanging out on a street corner up to who knows what.:confused:
Cheers Field Marshal.

01-22-2010, 08:52 PM
Field Marshall,

Taking the kids out is WORTH IT!

My style of home schooling, fishing and hunting, mine have done both, any time they want they are welcome regardless of what mom says ....... well ok the long 10 day hunts up north are a little tough hahahah !

Congrats !


01-22-2010, 09:44 PM
That's a good way to finish the season. Very slow for us today. Only one duck today and this is how Roux spent most of the day.


We did have a flock of cackling geese fly over us, the first time that's ever happened.


Looking forward to spring goose and next year's ducks now.

01-22-2010, 10:51 PM
Good skill Marc and field Marshall!

What a good way to spend a day off and finish the season!

Marshall (dog) looks awesome in the second photo, he's really grown up recently.

Have a nice weekend.


01-23-2010, 12:29 AM
Wow, nice spot. Good day in my book, specially for a clear day. We didn't fare as well.

01-23-2010, 08:30 AM
As a side note does anyone else let their kids take a day off to go hunting or shooting???

Cheers Field Marshal.

Yup, when our guys were school age a windy rainy morning in the fall/winter was an optional "Life Skills Day". My friend let her son have one of those days last week when they went out with us.
We also took hunting trips during school time - family vacations.....just not to Disneyland or any of those commercial joint, more like gator hunting in Florida.:mrgreen:

01-23-2010, 01:02 PM
Looks like a great day guys! I hope you all had a great time... I had to do a math test friday and the teacher didn't have it ready for me to do it on thursday. :cry:

Can't wait till the goose season though! :-D

Longshot jr.

01-23-2010, 01:58 PM
Nice looking day Marc, didn't make it out for the closer. Can't wait for next year.

Field, It was a pretty common thing at my High School. First week of october, the schools attendance dropped almost 50%. I intend on taking my kids if they want to come(won't be for a few years:D) but I will teaches them things they won't learn in school.


Fred H
01-24-2010, 12:29 PM
Congrats for your last day!

I too had the kids off from school for such an important event as last day of the season.


field marshal
01-24-2010, 06:12 PM
Nice going Fred H;
I see you've got the youngsters all bundled up:-D
Very important to keep them warm!!
Good on you:tongue:
Cheers Field Marshal.

Fred H
01-24-2010, 06:20 PM
Thanks for the nice comments, my 7 old son is already a hard core partner but the blonde girl won't get up at 3 for bird shooting.


BTW I am new and posted an introduction on the Island forum!
