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View Full Version : Training guns

02-19-2006, 04:12 PM
I'm trying to figure out if I should be using 12 gauge popper shells (blanks) or a starters pistol for training.

What do you guys use? Where can I get 12 guage blanks from and how much? And, where can I find a good starters pistol?

Thanks in advance


02-19-2006, 07:22 PM
lap give me a pm

02-20-2006, 09:23 AM
I've never used a training gun. I got my dog used the shotgun by taking him in the truck to the trap range starting off by parking away and then every other day taking him closer. Start with the window up then next day closer with the window unrolled, then standing (on leash) away from the firing line until eventually one day standing right behind the firing line. He has gotten very used to the shotguns and seeing them with a person and associating it with the sound. Now I take him out with my son to a mountain lake with a nice point and my son throws dummies and I fire cheap trap loads (not at the dummy) and pratice retrieving that way. He is totally comfortable around the gun and the sound and this has worked out good for us. My 2 bits good luck.

02-24-2006, 07:05 PM
I started with a cap gun around the house getting closer and closer over time. now i use the starter while training in the bush. didnt take much fer him to progress to the 22. I thinkg pretty soon i gonna move up to the 12 guage from a distance at first. closer and closer. I think the main thing is to do it gradually and make it fun fer the dog. Thats what i've read and seems to be workin so far. the popper loads i've been lookin fer though and nobody seems to have them. If anybody knows where to get them let me know. otherwise think i'll do just that, git me some cheap trap loads and make do.

03-19-2006, 10:36 PM
Craig, you can pick up a ruko starter pistol from russels for $49.99 in 22. i have one and i use 22 black powder blanks. you will have to use ear plugs they are loud. about $7.00 for 50. i was looking fo poppers but cant find any.