View Full Version : Wolves in the 'hood.

01-17-2010, 07:38 PM
So I talked to a farmer neighbor yesterday, he's had some trouble with wolves on his beef recently, and last year the local fawn survival rate is very minimal. I see 7-10 dry does, to 1 with fawns. (last year was the same).

I go for a hike up my backyard and see wolf tracks often. Almost no Coyotes, and occasional Fox. I've got a trail cam set up and a couple pieces of Christmas turkey carcass out to see if I can get them to take bait.

Is there snares that won't catch Foxes, or some way of putting them high enough a Fox won't get in them? Is there a way of calling Wolves, will they respond to calls, or lures like Coyotes do?


01-17-2010, 07:40 PM
Yup................. last time I was up in 5-2b we saw more wolf tracks than deer tracks.