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01-13-2010, 12:07 PM
i am frequent reader but have only put a few posts up.i just realized i never put any jokes on my first post a while ago.Here goes:

1. How do know if a coyote is from newfoundland?Because he has chewed off 3 of his legs and he is still in the trap!

2.Why did the blonde get so excited after completeing the jigsaw puzzle after 6 months?Because on the box it says 2-4 years.:)

Seriously,i am going out scouting for blacktails .i have a friend letting me hunt on their land on the sunshine coast and want to set a few tree stands or ground blinds,so any advise on their habits or tendencies who be appreciated.

01-13-2010, 01:17 PM
Set up a trail cam on the property first if you can and see what's around. It helps you determine if there are any bucks in the area and what time of day they frequent the spots. Blacktails are pretty elusive. I would compare them to the coues deer (the grey ghosts) in terms of elusiveness.

01-13-2010, 01:42 PM
yes ,you are sure right about them being spooky.i have seen tons of fresh sign especially in a semi open cedar forest with ferns.they dont seem to come out in the open much,i will be bowhunting this spot so my stand location is obviously critical.do they establish any type of pattern?

01-13-2010, 01:44 PM
oh yeah,anyone like my jokes?

01-13-2010, 02:29 PM
Jokes were good. I liked the Newfie one.

I can't really comment on patterns perse, however, I have noticed that they aren't as prone to making some of the "dumb" mistakes that a muley or whitetail will sometimes make like walking right out into a clearing. They definately will hang back more and lurk in the thick more so than their cousins.

01-14-2010, 01:04 AM
just start drinking lots

01-14-2010, 01:05 AM
just start drinking lots

works for us...:mrgreen:

01-14-2010, 01:08 AM
coastal blacktails are elusive, If theres a natural funnel try that. I find that the bucks return but they never use the same trail:twisted:

01-14-2010, 11:23 AM
I have pretty well asked the same question on my recent post Trail cam Blacktail. In my opinion there has been some great advice given. All I can say is that trail cams reveal more than you will ever see hunting that area.

01-14-2010, 12:52 PM
Coyote joke was sweet

01-14-2010, 12:56 PM
so any advise on their habits or tendencies who be appreciated

They have a bad habit of beeing invisible and hiding way too good.
They tend to walk down into drainages and simply vanish. They like the thick bush, so even if you do see them, you cant get a decent shot at 'em. you gotta like the outdoors alot to hunt blacktails cuz you wont see many till you spend alot of time out there.

01-14-2010, 02:11 PM
coastal blacktails are elusive, If there's a natural funnel try that. I find that the bucks return but they never use the same trail:twisted:
I've noticed out here they use some of the same trails just have to find the deer highway so to speak.It kind of spiderwebs you just have to put the k's on the boots to find the trails.Trail cams will be a great tool but don't rely totally on them they are a tool in the toolbox.I suggest if you find a trail walk it put the time in you'll have meat.good luck on your pre season scout.

01-14-2010, 04:16 PM
i have put lots mileage crosssing the good trails trying not to walk directly along them since i am bowhunting this particular property and have jumped a few small bucks but they stay comfortably out of bow range.these guys need to be ambushed ,i think i will invest in a couple of trail cams.does anyone recommend a brand and do thet have features like date and time?

01-14-2010, 07:21 PM
i have put lots mileage crosssing the good trails trying not to walk directly along them since i am bowhunting this particular property and have jumped a few small bucks but they stay comfortably out of bow range.these guys need to be ambushed ,i think i will invest in a couple of trail cams.does anyone recommend a brand and do thet have features like date and time?
Yep deliberate ambush just setup a long trail and wait.Know what you mean being out of bow range or when there is a few branches in the way.

humble hunter
01-14-2010, 08:02 PM
Why don't you truck some soil in and plant alfalfa in front of your stand! I am going to try that behind my house this year.

01-14-2010, 08:10 PM
They can be elusive but will also show up in the darndest places and steep country.I have seen them in just about all types of terrain.With the old growth slowly disapearing they have adjusted very well and love the thick bush. When your out hunting you just have to be ready for anything and anywhere.