View Full Version : Winter sturgeon fishing

12-21-2009, 05:35 PM
Have a guest from out of town coming over New Years, I would like to go out fishing sturgeon with him what are the chances of catching a sturgeon around Mission this time of the year. I have only tried it a couple of times and had some sucess in prime time. I know winter isn't the best time.

12-21-2009, 06:09 PM
down in the mission area it shouldn't be a problem....the water is colder so they are much slower and the takes don't have much in the way of enthusiasum. Dew worms and roe....NPM if you go and catch a few first....I have had 12 to the boat in a couple hours on a good day...most were smaller...2' to 5' range

12-22-2009, 07:46 PM
Thanks that is what I was hoping to hear. a five footer would be good enough. I know of a few spots I have seen boats anchored before. We will stay in the non-tidal areas from Hatzic to the Vedder. I can't remember the time difference for the tides, out going is the better I believe.

12-22-2009, 09:09 PM
just remember when fishing above the mission bridge you will need a sturgeon tag.