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View Full Version : 2009 Alberta archery mulie

12-20-2009, 06:13 PM
Finally I've found a bit of time to post the story of my 2009 Alberta archery mulie buck.
First, a bit of history: I spent 2 years in Calgary, Sept '06- Sept '08, and while here, managed to find permission on some great private land in the Archery zone surrounding the city. I was fortunate enough to bag some great animals here, with archery tackle, including an '07 mulie buck and an '08 mulie buck (2 days before moving back to the Island). We moved back to my hometown of Duncan, but returned to Calgary in July of '09 for my wife to go back to school.
In Alberta, as soon as you have an address here, you are eligible to hunt, no waiting period required. Upon our return, myself and my stepson started scouting immediately. We scouted some great bucks, and once the archery season began, we hit it hard.
After dozens of close encounters, and several smaller bucks passed, late November was upon us, and aside from an early September mulie doe, no mulies had hit the dirt. On the afternoon of the 22nd, I got off work early, and rushed out to my spot. I was hunting a stand of trees that I had taken both my '07 and '08 bucks in. In fact, both of those bucks had expired within 10 feet of each other, and as I crept along the well-beaten trail, I spotted movement ahead, in this exact spot. I froze, and glassed what turned out to be the antlers and ear tips of a buck bedded on the trail. He was unaware of my presence, 29 yards away, so I decided to wait him out, and hope he offered a shot when he rose from his bed.
About twenty minutes into the wait, I heard movement behind me. I slowly turned my head, to see several beef cows being herded along the trail by one of the ranchhands, on horseback, with his dog in tow. I thought that for sure the jig was up, but as they veered off the trail 50 yards behind me, the buck stayed put, apparently pretty secure with his hiding spot. I couldn't believe that I hadn't been noticed! I continued to wait, and 10 minutes later, had a repeat of the previous scenario. Once again, I went unnoticed. I guess my camo really works!
My legs were aching from standing still the whole time, as standing was the only position that I could see the buck from. I was also worried that when he stood, I might not have a clear view of him, or a decent angle. Finally after 1 hour had passed, he began to twitch his ears and shake his head. I took this as a sign that we was about to stand, so I readied for the shot. Sure enough, he began to rise, and I came to full draw. Lucky for me, he was now broadside, in plain view, and still oblivious to me. I settled my pin and released, watching my arrow disappear right behind his shoulder. The 3-blade muzzy went through him like a hot knife through butter. He lurched ahead, then bucked and tore down through the trees. I listened for about 5 seconds, then heard a loud crash. Two does that had been out of my sight circled around below me, and watched me for about 5 minutes before leaving. With him not following, I knew he was down.
I followed the 60 yard blood trail, and found him down and out, in the exact spot where I had hit my '08 buck! Talk about a honey hole! While he was far from the biggest buck around, I was thrilled with him.
2007 mulie (first archery buck)http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/IMG_0039.jpg
2008 Mulie

2009 mulie


12-20-2009, 06:17 PM
nice improvement.... keep er going!!!!!!!

12-20-2009, 06:23 PM
Great job keep it up

12-20-2009, 07:39 PM
Wow! What a great spot. Nice deer.

12-31-2009, 08:23 AM
definately sounds like a honey hole.decent bucks and sheds(first pic.) to boot.
congrats on the nice bucks and great story.