View Full Version : Rookie Mistakes

12-13-2009, 03:17 PM
im sure we have all made a few, what have you done while hunting that you wouldnt do again?

12-13-2009, 03:24 PM
Too many to list:mrgreen: but impatience has cost me a few big bucks!

12-13-2009, 03:28 PM
Best one so Far was leaving $300 worth of arrows and broadheads somewhere like the bumper and never seeing them again. Got to my site after a 6 hour drive and no arrows. Thinking I forgot them we drove to the nearest town to buy more,, or not. Chase bc is a great little town where I was born and raised but they don't have 20'' arrows or broadheads. So now we are off to Kamloops a 110 km round trip. OOOOPPPPS

12-13-2009, 03:34 PM
Forgot the key to the trigger lock

12-13-2009, 03:35 PM
Yes, impatience. Getting up or moving too soon.

1/2 slam
12-13-2009, 03:35 PM
Too many to list:mrgreen: but impatience has cost me a few big bucks!

Isn't that the truth. I can't count that high.:mrgreen:

12-13-2009, 03:38 PM
Left bolt for gun at home.

12-13-2009, 03:39 PM
Left the LEH at home

BiG Boar
12-13-2009, 03:42 PM
Wow, where to begin! Range estimation rather than bringing a RF. Only bringing 8 bullets up the mountain from base camp. Not following does during the rut and watching some guys blast at a buck with them. I could go on and on! However all these things is a type of learning called experience.

12-13-2009, 03:42 PM
All in 1 day
Not knowing the characteristics of my ammo past 100 yards
Running out of ammo cause you took the brick of bullets out of the quad and never put them back in!
Leaving a great rest with an moose down in the middle of the block to get closer knowing the moose still has its head up just to close the distance from 300 shooting my buddies a .338 that hit an elk at 550.
Giving up too early on tracking an animal

12-13-2009, 03:45 PM
Left bolt for gun at home.

Yup!! When I didn't know the storage rules that well, I thought I had to store them separate.
Good thing it was a day trip up Harrison and not a week in Reg 8.

Big Lew
12-13-2009, 03:47 PM
Impatience is #1 for sure, but it's not just a rookie's albatross. Seasoned hunters still lose chances once and awhile because of impatience. My biggest rookie mistake that cost me dearly on a very large buck was forgetting in the excitement of getting within decent bow range, to make allowances for shooting uphill, shot over his back, couldn't believe that I missed!

12-13-2009, 03:49 PM
Isn't that the truth. I can't count that high.:mrgreen:
I know that empty feeling all to well:mrgreen:

12-13-2009, 03:49 PM
Forgetting to turn down the power on the scope after looking at something, that cost me a nice freezer buck :(

12-13-2009, 04:09 PM
Scoping myself in the nose from being to close to my scope when trying ti shoot a deacent buck because I spooked him and he wouldnt stop running even with me yellin at him.... i was bleedin for a while

12-13-2009, 04:11 PM
Left the LEH at homego to nearest gov agent they will get you another one. didn't even charge for it. left my mulie one at my moose cabin.

12-13-2009, 04:16 PM
Not watching my backtrail when still hunting.

12-13-2009, 04:19 PM
When I first got back into hunting with my brothers, I took a leak off my tree stand. I had no idea about scent protection at that time. Needless to say I got laughed at for a few years over that.

12-13-2009, 04:29 PM
left the trigger lock key at home when we went duck hunting.
holding the shotgun in front of me trying to shoot a grouse, that hurt, felt like Arnold Shwarzenegger punched me in the guts. Yup only did that once when i was about 20.

la river
12-13-2009, 04:49 PM
Yes, impatience. Getting up or moving too soon.
Even when you think you have waited long enough!!

12-13-2009, 04:56 PM
When I first got back into hunting with my brothers, I took a leak off my tree stand. I had no idea about scent protection at that time. Needless to say I got laughed at for a few years over that.

Nothing to laugh at there. I do it on purpose. Animals love to smell pee. Any kind, any time.

12-13-2009, 05:39 PM
i see im not the only idiot that left the bolt at home!

12-13-2009, 09:33 PM
Does buck fever count? Cause I was lined up on a nice 4 point mulie with a perfect rest on a tree and he was standing broadside in the wide open and for some reason I twitched and then shot right in front of him. And on my first moose draw I jumped a nice bull and had just enough time to get one shot and I forgot to push the safety off when I went to pull the trigger but I was lucky enough to find a different bull later that day.
I would also agree with impatience counting for a lot of missed oppertunities.

12-13-2009, 09:42 PM
well thinking it be fun to thump a dicky bird witha blunt only to thump him he get the alst laugh. arrow smask him keeps going and delfects 50 fett in the air never to be seen again. those kinda things happen ALL the time!!! umm as a kid putting my rifle up agains the electric fence(dont rifle hunt anymore). and lastly not taking a 10 yard shot on a cow that was broadside because i was unconvince i could put my arrow in between the two saplings a foot apart. if i cant do that i can hunt with a bow anyhow!!!

12-13-2009, 09:48 PM
Got out of the truck to take a leak and didn't take my rifle. Nice big 4 point stood there watching me until I tried to sneak back to the truck and then buggers off. Never again. Always take my rifle.

12-13-2009, 09:51 PM
While road hunting one day I got out to look at a rub that looked very fresh. As I approached the tree and looked over the edge of the bank that the tree stood on I noticed a nice buck staring up at me from about 20 yards. Of course he wasn't still there after I had to run back to my truck to retrieve my rifle.

12-13-2009, 09:58 PM
Thinking they can run down a spooked deer. Shooting a moose on the wrong side of a swamp.

12-13-2009, 10:08 PM
Another big mistake I always do is when I'm walking, I spend too much time looking at the ground for tracks when I should be looking up for the animal lol. I've looked up many time just to see the ass end of something jumping out of sight.

12-13-2009, 10:08 PM
holding 3" over a bears back at 300 yds knowing full well that my 300 wsm is bang on target at 300yds. and of course that is exactly were the bullet went.(3"high)
Thats just a mistake made from not thinking it through enough. But then I did the exact same thing 1 month later on another bear at the same distance.aaaaarrrrgghhhhh!!!
300 yds just seems sooooo far, and really, its not.
LESSON LEARNED! wont happen again.

12-14-2009, 09:50 AM
holding on the back line on a moose at 200 yards when i know very well my gun is zero'd at 200 yards??? creased his hair line!! luckily my brother was there and tagged it right after!! that was this year and i should know better!!

when i was a new hunter, 1st big game animal, a moose calf, squeezed the trigger off before the cross hairs were on it?? wasn't familiar with my trigger weight and calf fever!! what's with me missing calves? maybe it's a sign, lol

12-14-2009, 09:56 AM
holding on a spot [not moving in] while cow calling to a responding screaming raking raging bull elk for get this...forty minutes!! till he left, dumbarse rookie.

slipping in on a bugling bull elk....finding yourself surrounded by about 10 cows from his harem....and slipping out so as not to spook the cows when you should have just sat still and waited for him to come back in...elk rookies!!!

12-14-2009, 10:10 AM
Throwing my hunting clothes in a tote with my regular clothes. Everything was nice and Downy fresh when I pulled it out. They had picked up all the fabric softener scent nicely.

12-14-2009, 12:17 PM
picking up a case guard full of primed unloaded brass instead of the one with the loaded rounds in it and going on a 21 day sheep hunt and not finding out until I headed up the mountain.

12-14-2009, 12:58 PM
picking up a case guard full of primed unloaded brass instead of the one with the loaded rounds in it and going on a 21 day sheep hunt and not finding out until I headed up the mountain.

oooooo bad bad ooooo

12-14-2009, 01:05 PM
Think firepower makes up for lack of FIELD shooting experience.

12-14-2009, 01:07 PM
my wife did the same thing when washing my hunting gear....ah downy

12-14-2009, 01:15 PM
Another big mistake I always do is when I'm walking, I spend too much time looking at the ground for tracks when I should be looking up for the animal lol. I've looked up many time just to see the ass end of something jumping out of sight.
X2 for me on that one ,spend too much time lookin for stuff that used to be there, however this and alot of other things posted on this subject are not just rookie mistakes I think veterans make the mistakes as well.

12-14-2009, 01:19 PM
Worst this year:
Overconfidence combined with the FIRM belief NO animal, regardless of size, could ever rattle me :cry:

Clients tagged out - time to play...
Amongst the Largest whitetail myself (and the outfitter I work for) have ever seen - near a foot outside the ears, and well over 2 feet of height. Initially thought it was a mulie, until it turned and flagged. Less than 200 yards. Dropped a single round (OUCH!) into Maggie, drew through that massive rack and turned to mush (Double OUCH!) When the crosshairs hit the back line, in my panic (Dammit that one is BIG!) touched her off. aYup, perfectly over the heart, 2.5 feet high. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Outfitter's comment: Just what the H was that? :twisted:

THAT was the whitetail I've been looking for in excess of 35 years of field time. And I had to muff it. Hunted all over North America, Africa, etc, and NEVER had anything rattle me to that extent. Same hunt I was tagging coyotes out to 500 with the same rifle - obviously wasn't the rifle.

Just shows to go ya, occasionally even those with a good deal of experience can manage to get a serious case of the Screamin' Jeebies when the critter is big enough.

That deer wasn't taken this year, although a good handful of us put in some damn serious effort. Of course I WILL be back next year, and hope beyond hope I realize another opportunity on him (or his oversized kin!).

The one I ain't going to be favored with forgiveness nor forgetting... :confused:


12-14-2009, 01:26 PM
Throwing my hunting clothes in a tote with my regular clothes. Everything was nice and Downy fresh when I pulled it out. They had picked up all the fabric softener scent nicely.
Yes but it sure provided lots of ammo to tease and ridicule you about, and after all thats how we roll in our camp. Good times and always looking forward to the next blunder to razz you on.

12-14-2009, 04:26 PM
Rookie mistake..... Shooting a moose in a ravine, swamp, gully or -35*C .

I've never forgotten cartridges.

12-14-2009, 05:26 PM
Took my brother in law hunting.....againHe missed 4 bucks in twenty minutes.I never saw them after that.

12-14-2009, 06:08 PM
Haven't had enough hunting experience to really make a mistake, but I did try to sneak up on an elk that was walking away. I got over the crest of the hill and he was running. I guess they can hear pretty good. Oh well, I got him a few weeks later.

Fishing mistake, I was planning to go ice fishing, and needed bait while I was cooking shrimp stirfry so I left a couple raw shrimp out and cut them up for bait. The next day, my wife and I get out to the lake and I open up the bag of shrimp. All I could smell was garlic. Next time, clean cutting board, and clean knife. (Anybody use garlic to catch fish before?)

12-14-2009, 06:22 PM
Yup did that few times back in my rookie days the things you learn the hard way.:mrgreen:

Yes, impatience. Getting up or moving too soon.

12-14-2009, 06:25 PM
Lost my truck keys in the bush with no spare keys.

12-14-2009, 06:30 PM
Shot the wrong buck !

12-14-2009, 06:49 PM
Haven't had enough hunting experience to really make a mistake, but I did try to sneak up on an elk that was walking away. I got over the crest of the hill and he was running. I guess they can hear pretty good. Oh well, I got him a few weeks later.

Fishing mistake, I was planning to go ice fishing, and needed bait while I was cooking shrimp stirfry so I left a couple raw shrimp out and cut them up for bait. The next day, my wife and I get out to the lake and I open up the bag of shrimp. All I could smell was garlic. Next time, clean cutting board, and clean knife. (Anybody use garlic to catch fish before?)

Garlic flavored twister tails, I'm sure they use that over in Mb to catch smallmouth bass.

12-14-2009, 08:41 PM
Garlic flavored twister tails, I'm sure they use that over in Mb to catch smallmouth bass.

Huh. well the garlic didn't work for big rainbow trout or brook trout.

12-14-2009, 08:55 PM
My friend and I had run into one of the biggest whitetails either of us had ever seen during the rut. We found his scrape line and a bunch of rubs and bumped into him during the middle of the day. He was bedded down and took off very quickly. That night we went back to the spot and waiting until dark with no sign of him or any other deer for that matter. Well, almost dark I should say. We got up to leave and not 10 seconds down the trail there he was, walking right towards us no more than 75 yards away. He took off in a flash and we both ended up with meat bucks on the last day of the season.

12-14-2009, 09:04 PM
My very first buck,pow down he goes,I was so excited,I put the gun away and started walking to the buck and he stood up.
By the time I ran back to the truck to retrieve the gun,he fell back down and this time for good.
Never again!

12-14-2009, 09:09 PM
showing a friend my hunny hole.....

12-14-2009, 09:46 PM
Buying Lucky Lager, when I always take Budweiser road hunting??!!! I can't hit those Lucky cans for the life of me!! Moosin

12-14-2009, 10:02 PM
leaving your truck keys with someone in prince george and not realize your keys to the dry box containing bolts trigger lock keys ammo and everything else inside and having to break it open are actually on that key ring...aiming too hight at 10 yards at the neck and shooting over,

high and to the right
12-14-2009, 10:03 PM
I was on a morning hunt a good hours walk from the truck. It was overcast and around 11:00 am so I decided to walk back to the truck. I knew the area and had walked these trails many times before. I got to thinking - if I cut through the bush I could save about 1/2 the time walking back so I decided to get off the trails and take a short cut through the timber. After 1/2 hour of walking I realized I was lost so I took out my compass (pre GPS days) to get my bearings and began to walk again. After 3/4 of an hour I realized that I was walking in exactly the wrong direction. The good part was that I crossed the trail I came in on and knew where I was. I've heard of the poles on a compass getting reversed and that is what happened to mine. In those days all I had was a cheap compass, an old British 303, a back pack and strong legs.

Once I knew where I was I threw the compass as far as I could into the bush, turned around and walked the hour back to the truck.

With a GPS it's not as serious to wander around on game trails not really knowing where you are heading but I carry extra batteries and a few supplies in case I have to spend a day or two in the woods.

12-15-2009, 06:34 AM
Stay out overnight on top of a mountain with no sleeping bag no tarp in - temperatures http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif.

BiG Boar
12-15-2009, 08:42 AM
Once I knew where I was I threw the compass as far as I could into the bush, turned around and walked the hour back to the truck.

that is funny, Never heard of that happening before.

12-15-2009, 08:53 AM
Rushing the shot on a huge buck when I had lots of time. Gave him a haircut by miss-judging the distance aiming too high. That hunt still haunts me to this day!

deer nut
12-15-2009, 09:08 AM
Shooting a little 2x3 bedded at the base of an aspen on opening day of "any buck" season....then turning and seeing the buck of my dreams standing broadside at 70 yards a second later! AAAARGH!!! (Only one buck allowed). Target fixation is a bad thing! I still have not come close to a buck like that and he will haunt my dreams forever! I just pray I get another chance!!

Vital Shock
12-15-2009, 09:13 AM
Great thread! I shot a real nice buck and it dropped in its tracks!! I was jumping up and down while running to it and up it stood, turned, and hit the bushes running....looked all evening and all the next day (after a night of rain). Never did find it :( Should have waited quietly!

12-15-2009, 09:43 AM
Forgot the release for my bow....:( Missed out on 2 nice bears that day

bushpig slayer
12-15-2009, 09:50 AM
listening to someone that has a gps on how to get back to the truck knowing darn well it was the other way,after an hour of hills i told him to stuff that gps you know where.i have a habit of bending branches when i hike so we followed those out and got back just before dark,it was a long day.trust your instincts

12-15-2009, 10:14 AM
Forgot the release for my bow....:( Missed out on 2 nice bears that day
I did that as well ,came back from fishing a little lake and saw a bear about 75 yards from camp so I grabbed the bow out of the truck and got to 25 yards and went to draw and guess what, release is in the the truck, that was my only real chance so far at a game animal within bow range as I am a rookie bow hunter but no problem I didn,t want to get all dirty anyways.

12-15-2009, 02:36 PM
oh yeah, last time i went out i forgot my hunting boots (was in a hurry)
have to tell you, my day to day leather shoes sure didnt cut it!

12-24-2009, 06:30 PM
using stinging nettle to wipe.

12-25-2009, 08:22 AM
[quote=darrin6109;577122]I'm sure we have all made a few, what have you done while hunting that you wouldn't do again?[/quote

heres my rookie day

I shot a bottom side deer went to gut it and I realized I had forgot my knife I magivered myself one out of the 30-06 shell I had shot the deer with I pounded it flat with a rock and used it as a knife it wasn't pretty but it did the trick then a couple of hours later once I got the deer to my truck I realized I had locked my keys inside there was another 45 min of playing around I unscrewed the antenna and poked it through the weather striping and hit the power door lock button I got in and drove for about an hour and it hit me I forgot the deer on the side of the road so I turned around and went back to get it by now it was snowing really hard I made it to about 2 k from where I had left the deer and I started to spin the terrain is pretty steep so I hiked the rest of the way in and dragged it back the rest of the way and guess what I had locked my keys in the truck AGAIN by now I was pissed right off for being such a tard and didn't want to dick around anymore I found a rock and smashed out the passenger window I got home and got chewed out by the old lady for busting out the window I spent the rest of my day at pick a part and in the driveway in the blowing cold replacing the window hows that for a rookie day :mrgreen:

12-25-2009, 08:34 AM
Sighting in the gun for 100 yards. Not compensating enough for a 375 yard shot and using Winchester ammo. It's great that my 4x4 buck didn't run on me (Bang! FLop?), but man you feel like shi7 when you realize you shot out both front legs.

Didn't lose more than 2lbs meat on that guy tho.

Bowhunting, spot and stalk a ways. Not seeing any track so decide to go sit in a treestand for a bit. Treestand is 200' away. Forgetting to HUNT and walk, just walked. 10 steps later my buck is 50' away and running......

12-25-2009, 04:50 PM
I'm good for one colossal brain fart a season. Done the bolt thing yep. Forgot Keys too. Scope on high power @ 30 yds, done that. Wrong ammo for gun as well. Bringing wrong ammo too, did that. Knife back in camp, been there. Funny how a 'short cut' is rarely that? One horrifying time, I couldn't find my license, not fun. Left my GPS on top a ridge miles back while stalking. How about no air in spare tire? It's a hoot! Forgot my jackets back home during PG moose hunt. Wrong foot bed for boots. Forgot water before too. Made more than one wrong turn while hunting too.

12-25-2009, 11:43 PM
[quote=darrin6109;577122]I'm sure we have all made a few, what have you done while hunting that you wouldn't do again?[/quote

heres my rookie day

I shot a bottom side deer went to gut it and I realized I had forgot my knife I magivered myself one out of the 30-06 shell I had shot the deer with I pounded it flat with a rock and used it as a knife it wasn't pretty but it did the trick then a couple of hours later once I got the deer to my truck I realized I had locked my keys inside there was another 45 min of playing around I unscrewed the antenna and poked it through the weather striping and hit the power door lock button I got in and drove for about an hour and it hit me I forgot the deer on the side of the road so I turned around and went back to get it by now it was snowing really hard I made it to about 2 k from where I had left the deer and I started to spin the terrain is pretty steep so I hiked the rest of the way in and dragged it back the rest of the way and guess what I had locked my keys in the truck AGAIN by now I was pissed right off for being such a tard and didn't want to dick around anymore I found a rock and smashed out the passenger window I got home and got chewed out by the old lady for busting out the window I spent the rest of my day at pick a part and in the driveway in the blowing cold replacing the window hows that for a rookie day :mrgreen:

that is one for the record books. great post lmao.

12-26-2009, 01:19 AM
fro got to take of scope covers on a big muley at ten feet and couldn't just pull the trigger .left the clip in my truck and go with a buddy in his truck and many more .LOL

12-26-2009, 01:26 AM
Hunted elk for four years never got one .Last day of the fifth season hunting moose walkin seen a big elk had lots of time . Jerked my gun up with such violence it scared the elk so bad it dam neer fell over trying to get out of there and oh yah no shot

12-26-2009, 01:30 AM
shot a 2 point WT the first day of my hunting trip and saw a nice 4 point WT two days later and watched it for an hour chasing does around a field. and spotted it two other times on the trip but no one else had a tag to shoot it.

12-26-2009, 01:50 AM
[quote=darrin6109;577122]I'm sure we have all made a few, what have you done while hunting that you wouldn't do again?[/quote

heres my rookie day

I shot a bottom side deer went to gut it and I realized I had forgot my knife I magivered myself one out of the 30-06 shell I had shot the deer with I pounded it flat with a rock and used it as a knife it wasn't pretty but it did the trick then a couple of hours later once I got the deer to my truck I realized I had locked my keys inside there was another 45 min of playing around I unscrewed the antenna and poked it through the weather striping and hit the power door lock button I got in and drove for about an hour and it hit me I forgot the deer on the side of the road so I turned around and went back to get it by now it was snowing really hard I made it to about 2 k from where I had left the deer and I started to spin the terrain is pretty steep so I hiked the rest of the way in and dragged it back the rest of the way and guess what I had locked my keys in the truck AGAIN by now I was pissed right off for being such a tard and didn't want to dick around anymore I found a rock and smashed out the passenger window I got home and got chewed out by the old lady for busting out the window I spent the rest of my day at pick a part and in the driveway in the blowing cold replacing the window hows that for a rookie day :mrgreen:
Great story Im still laughing, Thanks for sharing.

12-26-2009, 10:40 AM
Got out of the truck to take a leak and didn't take my rifle. Nice big 4 point stood there watching me until I tried to sneak back to the truck and then buggers off. Never again. Always take my rifle.

I know someone who always has taken there rifle with them when they take a leak, one time he got out, looked over the edge of a clearcut while peeing, and a 30" mulie stood up and BOOM!

My mistakes probaly have been leaving binos at home, not taking water proof clothes on a high country bear hunt, and not remembering to aim high on a deer after it had run to a farther distance. Missed that buck 4 times.

12-26-2009, 11:49 PM
definitely being impatient is the number one offender for me, but mistakes aren't mistakes IF we learn something from them.

12-27-2009, 05:00 PM
definitely being impatient is the number one offender for me, but mistakes aren't mistakes IF we learn something from them.

That's right, experience is recognizing a mistake the second time you've made it. :)

12-27-2009, 05:42 PM
I'm sure we have all made a few, what have you done while hunting that you wouldn't do again?[/quote

heres my rookie day

I shot a bottom side deer went to gut it and I realized I had forgot my knife I magivered myself one out of the 30-06 shell I had shot the deer with I pounded it flat with a rock and used it as a knife it wasn't pretty but it did the trick then a couple of hours later once I got the deer to my truck I realized I had locked my keys inside there was another 45 min of playing around I unscrewed the antenna and poked it through the weather striping and hit the power door lock button I got in and drove for about an hour and it hit me I forgot the deer on the side of the road so I turned around and went back to get it by now it was snowing really hard I made it to about 2 k from where I had left the deer and I started to spin the terrain is pretty steep so I hiked the rest of the way in and dragged it back the rest of the way and guess what I had locked my keys in the truck AGAIN by now I was pissed right off for being such a tard and didn't want to dick around anymore I found a rock and smashed out the passenger window I got home and got chewed out by the old lady for busting out the window I spent the rest of my day at pick a part and in the driveway in the blowing cold replacing the window hows that for a rookie day :mrgreen:

OMG, that just got better and better! Great post, I am still chuckling and trying to type my lame story...

My real rookie mistake was a combination of patience and over-thinking on my first mule deer chance. I had been hunting with my dad for about a year (I was 10 years old) and my weapon was a .410 with rifled slugs. We were experimenting with calling deer and were attempting a fawn call while we sat down for a sandwich.

After about 45 minutes or so we figured, our calling wasn`t working so got up to move along a ridge and as we moved about 50 feet, the hillside was alive with deer, all running every which way. Mistake number one!

My dad picked out a nice buck that was angling accross an area with a number of openings and handed me his 30-30 to take the shot. I was nervous but had shot the old Winchester numerous times at the range and was pretty accurate with it. I picked a small clearing about 50 yards out that the buck was going to run into and lined up on it, as the deer entered the clearing I took my well aimed shot. The deer just ducked it`s head and ran faster out of sight.

I had thought I should lead the deer a foot or so as it was running pretty fast and shot the hillside about 1 foot in front of the deer. Mistake number two! Mistake number three was telling my dad about it and him laughing out loud as he informed me that there was no need to lead an animal when shooting with a rifle.

It seemed like such a good idea at the time though, I was flabergasted that the buck didn`t nose dive when I shot. What a way to deflate an ego though... As we moved on, we recounted all the deer we had just chased from the area and lost track of being able to confirm at 18 deer. Until we got up and moved, we had not seen any of them and they were all within 100 feet or so.

12-27-2009, 09:10 PM
I can't think of anything I have done wrong.

12-28-2009, 11:04 AM
Never made a mistake, but did a lot of learning the hard way.:lol::lol:

12-28-2009, 11:25 AM
patience,forgeting the safty was on forgetting binos

12-28-2009, 01:23 PM
Putting the stock on Elk up in Pink Mt. we made the mistake of cutting along ridge and ended up pushing them away from us. I believe if we came up below through the timber we would have had a better chance sneaking up on them for a shot.

Stay at it.... I've only been hunting for three years, the last two I wasn't successful until literally the last day of the season.

12-28-2009, 03:08 PM
Biggest Rookie Mistake happened this year. I was out in Alberta hunting Whitetails with some friends near Rimbey. I spent 3 days pasing up 150+ Bucks in search of a deer that had been spotted by a freind of mines son that was looking like about 175-180. on the eavening of day 4 I found him. I let him walk as the shot was not cleen. Came back the next morning and got onto him again, but he walked into the Timber before shooting light. Snuck in to a good spot to call and rattle. At arround 11am I started to call and rattle, small bauck came in. I let him walk. (Keep in mind this was my last day for hunting in Alberta) I did some more calling and a 120" Buck came out, so I shot him at about 10 YDS. not 30seconds after he hit the ground out walked the Buck I had been after. Lets just say that having a lack of patience is the biggest screw up that everyone makes. And yes he was well over 175" not including the 2 perfect drop tines on each side...............He is still there right now, I and little does he know I'll be back next year with my .300 Weatherby and some 150GRN Barnes in hand.

12-28-2009, 03:53 PM
I can't think of anything I have done wrong.

You must be a politician:mrgreen:

Surrey Boy
12-28-2009, 03:56 PM
x2 for that Log Roller

12-28-2009, 04:00 PM
When I first got back into hunting with my brothers, I took a leak off my tree stand. I had no idea about scent protection at that time. Needless to say I got laughed at for a few years over that.

evidently your brothers watcvh entirly too much american TV thats sponsored by scentloc .... LMAO

Urine is the best buck/bull attractant around .... male or or female .... My wife thinks I am fricken weird when i ask her to pee into a bottle during her "Prime Baby makin season" ... her baby hormones will attract bucks .... male testosterone in pee will attract bucks as well

12-28-2009, 09:57 PM
next time i tie my horse off in the woods i will tie him off properly:lol:

12-28-2009, 10:54 PM
Shooting a grouse that was off about 10 feet in the bush, then walking in to pick it up right after I shot... I took a few steps forward and 2 more grouse that I was un aware of flew off. Then I stood there looking for more of em' for about 5 minutes straight. And of course there were no more. That was the first time I didn't feel happy with my kill. Cuz I just knew that I could have had more.

12-28-2009, 11:20 PM
not bothering to walk down all trails leading to and from camp at least 100 yards first thing in the morning before heading off for the hunt...missed out on 2 great bears by hurrying up to "get to the good spots" after motoring off just in time to see them dash away within 20-30 sec of camp

Shooter Jr.
12-28-2009, 11:24 PM
We were road hunting and my dad spotted a grouse just in the timber. I grabbed the .22 and take a step out of the truck and didnt even look at the ground (which was all ice) and fell on my butt with the rifle. Only a little bit of a sore butt. (BTW missed the grouse!!:evil:)

Shooter Jr.
12-28-2009, 11:29 PM
Shooting a grouse that was off about 10 feet in the bush, then walking in to pick it up right after I shot... I took a few steps forward and 2 more grouse that I was un aware of flew off. Then I stood there looking for more of em' for about 5 minutes straight. And of course there were no more. That was the first time I didn't feel happy with my kill. Cuz I just knew that I could have had more.

I kinda did that. We watched a grouse run across the road so i grab the .22 load it and go after it. I saw it's head just poking above the bank and I lined up. Then another one runs on top of the bank and stops in front of it. So i line up on that fire away and missed it. Forgetting about the other one i go make sure i missed it then it flies away. Stop not too far away and went after it. Like 5 more flew.

12-29-2009, 02:40 PM
I kinda did that. We watched a grouse run across the road so i grab the .22 load it and go after it. I saw it's head just poking above the bank and I lined up. Then another one runs on top of the bank and stops in front of it. So i line up on that fire away and missed it. Forgetting about the other one i go make sure i missed it then it flies away. Stop not too far away and went after it. Like 5 more flew. Wow that sux. I was like so sure there were no more and it was only my second grouse so I was excited and walked up to it right after.

12-29-2009, 08:45 PM
You must be a politician:mrgreen:

Ya, that or a comedian!:-D:-D

I am not good enough at arithmetic to count my mistakes.:icon_frow

12-29-2009, 11:03 PM
Get some
Hunting camp can keep you up.
My only moose that I could have shot was an imature 1 by 2 but didn't know that it was legal. I found out that night that it was a shooter but it was too late, so I drank and stayed up all night and didn't make it out in the morning, well my hunting partner shot it the next day in the same spot. I still have not shot a moose.
Last year I was spotting for my brother in law and spotted an awsome 4 point muley, he was sound asleep, by the time I woke him up it was gone.
Sleep get some.

12-30-2009, 10:58 AM
Forgot the key to the trigger lock

x2 on this one. What a pisser. I had hiked about 4km up a hill before first light. Got to my stand get all comfy check my scope and feel the trigger guard.....DOAH! back to camp where the keys are.

12-30-2009, 11:42 AM
When I first got back into hunting with my brothers, I took a leak off my tree stand. I had no idea about scent protection at that time. Needless to say I got laughed at for a few years over that.
there was a study to see if human urine actually scares deer away, and the found out it sort of attacts them and doesn't scare them. So you can take a leak off your stand when ever you want without scaring deer
I see bowszone mikey beat me to it

12-30-2009, 12:09 PM
Wow, where to begin! Range estimation rather than bringing a RF. Only bringing 8 bullets up the mountain from base camp. Not following does during the rut and watching some guys blast at a buck with them. I could go on and on! However all these things is a type of learning called experience.

Dude! If you can't do it with EIGHT bullets, go home and practise or stop shooting grouse

12-30-2009, 12:11 PM
Was a kid hunting with my dad. We were looking out over a slash when a deer that was bedded down jumped up and took off. My dad was looking in the other direction so he didn't see it. I became tongue tied (I guess I was excited) and punched my dad in the back of the head and all I could do was point. We still laugh about it to this day.

12-30-2009, 12:12 PM
Ouch! Some of you guys should never have been in the woods if you ake all those terrible mistakes. Find a mentor and spend some time with them and LISTEN to their advice. Ask why to most things the Mentor says and you will accumulate logic.Oh yeah, like any trip make a check list and use it everyday. I remember my Dad going fishing without the worms.

12-30-2009, 12:37 PM
Was a kid hunting with my dad. We were looking out over a slash when a deer that was bedded down jumped up and took off. My dad was looking in the other direction so he didn't see it. I became tongue tied (I guess I was excited) and punched my dad in the back of the head and all I could do was point. We still laugh about it to this day.

that may be the best one yet

12-30-2009, 04:08 PM
Best one so Far was leaving $300 worth of arrows and broadheads somewhere like the bumper and never seeing them again. Got to my site after a 6 hour drive and no arrows. Thinking I forgot them we drove to the nearest town to buy more,, or not. Chase bc is a great little town where I was born and raised but they don't have 20'' arrows or broadheads. So now we are off to Kamloops a 110 km round trip. OOOOPPPPS
When I lived in Chase B.C. , the hardware store, which was owned by Jake Franks, back in the 60's used to sell hunting stuff, but then again I haven't live there for 40 years!

12-30-2009, 04:30 PM
[quote=darrin6109;577122]I'm sure we have all made a few, what have you done while hunting that you wouldn't do again?[/quote

heres my rookie day

I shot a bottom side deer went to gut it and I realized I had forgot my knife I magivered myself one out of the 30-06 shell I had shot the deer with I pounded it flat with a rock and used it as a knife it wasn't pretty but it did the trick then a couple of hours later once I got the deer to my truck I realized I had locked my keys inside there was another 45 min of playing around I unscrewed the antenna and poked it through the weather striping and hit the power door lock button I got in and drove for about an hour and it hit me I forgot the deer on the side of the road so I turned around and went back to get it by now it was snowing really hard I made it to about 2 k from where I had left the deer and I started to spin the terrain is pretty steep so I hiked the rest of the way in and dragged it back the rest of the way and guess what I had locked my keys in the truck AGAIN by now I was pissed right off for being such a tard and didn't want to dick around anymore I found a rock and smashed out the passenger window I got home and got chewed out by the old lady for busting out the window I spent the rest of my day at pick a part and in the driveway in the blowing cold replacing the window hows that for a rookie day :mrgreen:

That is priceless im in tears from laughing. Things can only get better from there.:-D