View Full Version : snowshoe hares

12-09-2009, 06:25 PM
okay what is the trick to getting snowshoe hares i have tried everything to get one, ive tried walking/waiting on a road with a lot of rabbit tracks, ive tried waiting around log piles, letting a vehicle pass by me and waiting where there is a heavily used rabbit trail and i have tried hunting during the morning at noon and in the afternoon. I have only seen one but i didn't have the shotgun or 22 even then i couldn't have gotten of a shot. i just can't figure what i'm doing wrong and it's not like i have bad eyesight either. please post some tips which have helped you bag snowshoe hares.

its funny those little suckers are harder to get than a deer

12-09-2009, 06:40 PM
What i do is find a spot loaded with rabbit tracks and then just get really low to the ground. I then let my dog circle around to get them moving. Its been working really well for me .

12-09-2009, 07:09 PM
unfortunately i don't have hunting dogs.

12-09-2009, 07:22 PM
Well when i dont have my dog with me i just get down really low and watch. I do a complete 360 degree scan. If i dont see anything then i take a couple more steps and then get down low and repeat. Sometimes all it takes is just that extra step for something to catch your eye. Good luck and keep us posted!

12-09-2009, 07:24 PM
- they like pockets of very dense, overcrowded/close together smaller trees
- find one of these areas with lots of sign, and surrounded by some more open bush......they travel between these pockets of dense bush and across roads/trails.
- clearer, sunny days seem to be more productive.
- walk very slowly, quietly, stopping and watching frequently. Along snowed in roads or trails is best, easier on you and much quieter.
- sometimes, in a real good area, just hunker down and wait......quiet, no moving.
- get down low so you can see thru the trees at their level.
- hunting in snow? Look for their eyes.
- when you see on spook and run, whistle or squeak (with your lips, no call required), they usually stop for a moment giving you a chance at a shot.

Great fun on a boring winter day........good luck.

12-09-2009, 08:09 PM
find a really good trail & set up some snare wire tied to a tree. come back the next morning & rabbit stew for dinner.

12-09-2009, 08:28 PM
find a really good trail & set up some snare wire tied to a tree. come back the next morning & rabbit stew for dinner.

that or go looking for deer, they're easier to spot :-D

12-09-2009, 10:36 PM
I dont know about the rest of the province but in the Okanagan the numbers are on the upswing.

12-10-2009, 06:23 AM
Do you need a trappers licence to set snares for rabbits?
Used to snare them back East when I was a kid and wouldn't mind trying it again if in the bush for a few days camping.

12-10-2009, 09:24 AM
I got bitch slapped by the CO here 8 years ago for setting a few rabbit snares while hunting.$250 fine for trapping without a license.Since then I have heard a lot of guys say that is IS legal as they are not considered fur bearing animals under the trapping regs.Any opinions?

12-10-2009, 10:15 AM
I got bitch slapped by the CO here 8 years ago for setting a few rabbit snares while hunting.$250 fine for trapping without a license.Since then I have heard a lot of guys say that is IS legal as they are not considered fur bearing animals under the trapping regs.Any opinions?

I clearly remember doing my CORE a couple of year back and being instructed that you can snare bunnies as long as you're using wire of ≤ 20 Gauge. That is odd... curious if the regulations have become more lax since then, or if they were so poorly worded that even a CO couldn't understand :-?

Furbearing Animal - means a fox, beaver, black bear, marten, fisher, lynx, bobcat, mink, muskrat, river otter, raccoon, striped and spotted skunk, northern flying squirrel, red and Douglas’ squirrel, ermine, weasel, wolverine, wolf or coyote. (page 3)

& It is unlawful to....

4. Use a snare made of wire heavier than 20 gauge unless licenced or authorized to trap. (page 95)

I don't think this could be any more clearer... bunnies are not furbearing animals... plus if you use ≤ 20 ga wire you do not need a trapping licence...this is really worth looking into and perhaps appealing if it's not too late...

12-10-2009, 10:31 AM
I can see a CO not understanding the regs,some of them are friggen idiots.I was using fine gauge brass wire for them,I wish I had been on this site then.I want my god damn money back and that shit stricken from my record.I`m still pissed off.

12-10-2009, 11:20 AM
I got bitch slapped by the CO here 8 years ago for setting a few rabbit snares while hunting.$250 fine for trapping without a license.Since then I have heard a lot of guys say that is IS legal as they are not considered fur bearing animals under the trapping regs.Any opinions?

I can see a CO not understanding the regs,some of them are friggen idiots.I was using fine gauge brass wire for them,I wish I had been on this site then.I want my god damn money back and that shit stricken from my record.I`m still pissed off.

Not to mention your dignity, I mean did he phisically bitch slap you? I didn't know that was a punishment they could give out. you think that would suffice but then they drop the fine on ya too, man Id be pissed too. :mrgreen:

12-10-2009, 09:28 PM
Well when i dont have my dog with me i just get down really low and watch. I do a complete 360 degree scan. If i dont see anything then i take a couple more steps and then get down low and repeat. Sometimes all it takes is just that extra step for something to catch your eye. Good luck and keep us posted! i've used this method before, worked well for me in the past..slow and quiet, keep eyes open...:mrgreen: