View Full Version : I'd appreciate it if you turned around and went somewhere else

12-07-2009, 01:10 PM
My buddy and I were heading out for our last deer hunt of the year yesterday morning. Our plan was to drop my truck off at the bottom of the mountain, then take his to the top. We were going to hike from top to bottom, shuttling back up at the end of the day.

After we dropped my truck off, we got to 2K on the road ( the first of many major forks). A truck was backing up in a weird direction, my buddy swerved around him towards the direction we wanted to take. This other guy comes running up to us on foot. We rolled down the window, I asked him what he's seen, he says 3 moose, no deer, just tracks.

"Oh, and my buddies are hunting up this road, I'd appreciate it if you guys turned around and went somewhere else."

I told him that we had a truck parked at the bottom and we were going to the top to hike down.

Then he totally SPAZZED, started screaming "goddamint, *%$#**!!" as he ran away from us kicking the ground and throwing his fists in the air.

So we laughed and headed up the mountain to do our thing. There were at least 20k of road behind where they were trying to block off, if you include all the forks. We never even saw his buddies or their vehicles. I just can't believe someone could be so ignorant.

At least he made me laugh by throwing that hissy fit. That may work on his mom, but not us:)

1/2 slam
12-07-2009, 01:14 PM
There are a lot of arseholes out there. Trying to block off 20 k worth of road...

12-07-2009, 01:26 PM
hahaha ive heard a story or a guy pushing another persons truck right off the bank when he was blocking a road lol

12-07-2009, 01:27 PM
That's funny - nothing like a 2yr old's temper tantrum!

At least he did "ask" and didn't just errect wall tent city in the middle of the road, blocking access beyond that point like I saw some bums do this year!

12-07-2009, 01:33 PM
Good thing this guy wasn't Arsehole enough to vandalize your truck that you told him was parked at the bottom. Definately a jerk... I hate guys like that.

12-07-2009, 01:35 PM
Yeah I've blocked off a dend end road before,but it was only about 300yrds long,and still heard people honking while i was waliking.Was probaly the same guy that you ran into behemoth :roll:

12-07-2009, 01:50 PM
Some guys can be real tools.

Lance Barkman
12-07-2009, 02:13 PM
You know I love when guys respect hunting in my direction in tight spots, But I HATE when guys park in the middle of the road to block it off!!! They deserve to get all the air let out of their tires! Except when the road is truck width and not going too much further, that is borderline in my opinion.

Tenacious Billy
12-07-2009, 02:16 PM
Yeah I've blocked off a dend end road before,but it was only about 300yrds long,and still heard people honking while i was waliking.Was probaly the same guy that you ran into behemoth :roll:

Wait.......you've blocked off roads?????

12-07-2009, 02:26 PM
Wait.......you've blocked off roads?????
Small little dead end spurs,for sure,I'm not talking about a main sevice rd

12-07-2009, 02:32 PM
Wait.......you've blocked off roads?????
The roads im talking about arent the begining of lets say......the bull river,I'm tlaking about a little spur rd you can basically see the end of from your truck.Theres nothing wrong with that,there no reason why any would want to go past because you can see the end any way 200 yards away.

One Shot
12-07-2009, 02:32 PM
Nothing unsual about what your intentions to do that day were. Well All I can say what if the shoe was on the other foot. He did mention to you that his buddies were up on the road hunting. Maybe they had a track going on at the time.

A lot of people on this site have mentioned how inconsiderate it is for other hunters to carry on by into the area that they are actively hunting, is this not the case here.

Maybe you should have been a little more considerate and asked a few more questions as to where exactly his buddies were and show him where you were going, like pull out a map and have a look together. That goes for him as well. Having a hissy fit doesn't help as well.

The ignorant component of the post I think falls on you as well from what I read from your post.

12-07-2009, 02:41 PM
I sense the beginning of an argument....:mrgreen:

12-07-2009, 02:44 PM
Nothing unsual about what your intentions to do that day were. Well All I can say what if the shoe was on the other foot. He did mention to you that his buddies were up on the road hunting. Maybe they had a track going on at the time.

A lot of people on this site have mentioned how inconsiderate it is for other hunters to carry on by into the area that they are actively hunting, is this not the case here.

Maybe you should have been a little more considerate and asked a few more questions as to where exactly his buddies were and show him where you were going, like pull out a map and have a look together. That goes for him as well. Having a hissy fit doesn't help as well.

The ignorant component of the post I think fall on you as well from what I read from your post.
Hey you were propably that guy :biggrin:

12-07-2009, 02:48 PM
Just kidding 1shot,a little more communication should have happend,cause personaly i would'nt want to chance runnig into someone else while hiking all that way ,point taken.

12-07-2009, 02:48 PM
Most times if it looks like another stupid Saterday morning in Kimberley hunting season..........I go farther.It`s either that or go home and "bond"with the wife.

12-07-2009, 02:48 PM
So, since this is a hunting forum, did you get anything?

12-07-2009, 02:51 PM
I never block any road, any time. You can always squeeze over somewhere so that a vehicle can get by. By blocking a road you could be doing something as simple as screwing up someone's firewood cutting plans, to blocking a gypo logger from walking a machine in or out, to a medical emergency. You just never know. Also if I see a vehicle parked at the beginning of a dead end spur, I don't drive in (unless I have firmed up plans to hunt the area)

12-07-2009, 03:05 PM
Nothing unsual about what your intentions to do that day were. Well All I can say what if the shoe was on the other foot. He did mention to you that his buddies were up on the road hunting. Maybe they had a track going on at the time.

A lot of people on this site have mentioned how inconsiderate it is for other hunters to carry on by into the area that they are actively hunting, is this not the case here.

Maybe you should have been a little more considerate and asked a few more questions as to where exactly his buddies were and show him where you were going, like pull out a map and have a look together. That goes for him as well. Having a hissy fit doesn't help as well.

The ignorant component of the post I think falls on you as well from what I read from your post.

Sounds to me like bforce knew the area and was well within his rights to hunt on...20k is a pretty big area imo. I think the point here is the person who threw the hissy fit was the inconsiderate one and was trying to block off an area that is open to all hunters.

12-07-2009, 03:08 PM
Nothing unsual about what your intentions to do that day were. Well All I can say what if the shoe was on the other foot. He did mention to you that his buddies were up on the road hunting. Maybe they had a track going on at the time.

A lot of people on this site have mentioned how inconsiderate it is for other hunters to carry on by into the area that they are actively hunting, is this not the case here.

Maybe you should have been a little more considerate and asked a few more questions as to where exactly his buddies were and show him where you were going, like pull out a map and have a look together. That goes for him as well. Having a hissy fit doesn't help as well.

The ignorant component of the post I think falls on you as well from what I read from your post.

The problem is CROWN land it's everyones right to hunt you can't pinch a little off for yourself and say this 20 clicks is mine!

One Shot
12-07-2009, 03:20 PM
The problem is CROWN land it's everyones right to hunt you can't pinch a little off for yourself and say this 20 clicks is mine!

True that it is crown land. But some common courtesy should prevail here. But there is 20 clicks of spurs but he did mention that his buddies were hunting on the road. The poster did not indicate that they were blocking the road.

The side walk is common city property, but do you bud first in line past 50 or so people to buy concert tickets? Maybe you do?

It all come down to hunter ethics, common courtesy and all getting along to enjoy a common interest. That is what is being lost here.

12-07-2009, 03:43 PM
Haha, I have had that too, guys before daylight, 5 miles in standing a quarter mile past our camp on the trail saying that we couldn't hunt it and that he hiked all the way iun here so he could hunt it. I laughed and walked by, serously? We packed food and camp in two weeks before, and had packed in in the spring with a chainsaw to cut fire wood. Some people think they are the center of the universe...

12-07-2009, 03:44 PM
When I was up deer hunting this year some shitheads decided to park in the middle of the road, fall trees across it, and cut firewood. If that isn't ignorant I don't know what is. They put a screw into my plans to hunt a trail lined with rubs. Oh well.

12-07-2009, 03:45 PM
20k or 200m. I don't block roads. Ever. Period.
Some guys up in 8-12 like to camp out right on the junction
of a road that goes into several big blocks and more spurs. They put a camp fire right in the middle of the road. Against my wifes pleas, I drove right on through. Had to put one side of my truck in the rhubarb to do it. No one was in camp. But what a stupid place to put camp anyway. It was a busy road and I'm sure all they got were dirty looks and confrontations the whole time they were there.

One Shot had a good idea. I'll take head to that idea if the situation ever arrises. Just talk the guy and ask where his buddies are so you could go to a different area. Might as well make lemon aid from lemons.

12-07-2009, 04:12 PM
True that it is crown land. But some common courtesy should prevail here. But there is 20 clicks of spurs but he did mention that his buddies were hunting on the road. The poster did not indicate that they were blocking the road.

The side walk is common city property, but do you bud first in line past 50 or so people to buy concert tickets? Maybe you do?

It all come down to hunter ethics, common courtesy and all getting along to enjoy a common interest. That is what is being lost here.

That's fine if I run into people I'll shift on my own not have someone tell me too.I would at least ask where his buddies were so I could shift but not leave the entire area.These types of people are like bullies of the bush blocking roads,making camps in the middle of the road.You just don't do that.

12-07-2009, 04:31 PM
The thing I think about when I see these parked vehicles blocking access during hunting season is this:

Is it a hunter? Is it an anti trying to spoil my day?

There is no right for anyone (no matter how short or long the spur/road is) to block access on public property. In my opinion, just because someone is first to the area for the day they are not given exclusive "right" to the area.

If I see a vehicle parked in an area I know is limited and choose to go elsewhere it is a decision I and I alone will make. It is not hunter ethics or any other BS that some choose to spout or pontificate upon. Public property belongs to all, even those that choose to sleep in and arrive at noon, if they so choose.

Knowing all this, I still get up at 3:00 AM to get there first! First is winning in my view. :tongue:

12-07-2009, 04:41 PM
I don't agree with blocking roads. That's ignorant sh!t. I don't care if it's a little spur or not. I don't, however, go into smaller areas if I know someones already there. If they got there first, it's theirs. I only wish more hunters thought the way I do. I've actually had guys drive up dead-end roads that I was parked-on, and pass me walking in the snow. They had to have seen my tracks. That's just plain ignorant.

12-07-2009, 04:56 PM
I don't agree with blocking roads. That's ignorant sh!t. I don't care if it's a little spur or not. I don't, however, go into smaller areas if I know someones already there. If they got there first, it's theirs. I only wish more hunters thought the way I do. I've actually had guys drive up dead-end roads that I was parked-on, and pass me walking in the snow. They had to have seen my tracks. That's just plain ignorant.

Thats why i park in the middle of those dead end roads,which you would barely call a road in the first place,and if you see me parked there,theres no doubt who got there first :biggrin:

12-07-2009, 05:01 PM
it isn't reasonable to expect to tie up 400sq kilometers. I'd told him to pack sand.

12-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Thats why i park in the middle of those dead end roads,which you would barely call a road in the first place,and if you see me parked there,theres no doubt who got there first :biggrin:

As long as you are in middle, I can still get by... :tongue:

12-07-2009, 05:08 PM
Thats why i park in the middle of those dead end roads,which you would barely call a road in the first place,and if you see me parked there,theres no doubt who got there first :biggrin:

Don't be suprised if you find your truck pushed into the ditch one day. lol

12-07-2009, 05:08 PM
As long as you are in middle, I can still get by... :tongue:
Too Funny ,die hard eh

12-07-2009, 05:12 PM
Don't be suprised if you find your truck pushed into the ditch one day. lol

That would be just fine,a spot all to myself...shoot a nice deer....and get a new truck from insurance......perfect..just as i planned.

12-07-2009, 05:23 PM
Yeah I've blocked off a dend end road before,but it was only about 300yrds long,and still heard people honking while i was waliking.Was probaly the same guy that you ran into behemoth :roll:

I totally think you are just as bad as the other guys. You can't block a public road, even if its 300m long. If you are out hiking, someone pulling into the last landing where you are parked shouldn't affect your hike. And if they are courteous they won't get out and hike b/c your truck is at the end of the road. If I passed your truck blocking a spur road I'd probably honk too!

12-07-2009, 05:24 PM
I totally think you are just as bad as the other guys. You can't block a public road, even if its 300m long. If you are out hiking, someone pulling into the last landing where you are parked shouldn't affect your hike. And if they are courteous they won't get out and hike b/c your truck is at the end of the road. If I passed your truck blocking a spur road I'd probably honk too!

Yes i can,watch me ahhh hhaha:tongue:

12-07-2009, 05:25 PM
By blocking a road you could be doing something as simple as blocking a gypo logger from walking a machine in or out, to a medical emergency.

That's a pretty good point about the medical emergency.

If it is short dead end road (less than 300m) is it really worth blocking anyways? Seems to me that it would be better to just pull off to the side rather than expect others to understand your rationale and respect your property that you have left in their way. Pulling over to the side and taking the chance that others would see your truck and not bother with the last 300m might be cheap insurance and save you a deductable claim or a headache due to flat tires.

12-07-2009, 05:28 PM
I've had a few run-in's like that. One guy even had the nerve to get out of his truck and scream at us (I mean, veins in his forehead standing out, using language that would make a sailor blush) about how this was his spot and we couldn't hunt there and blah blah blah... and this was like, right in the middle of one of those "grand central station" hunting areas -- there's another truck about 400 yards ahead of his (turned out to be a friend of mine, actually), and two more trucks coming up the road behind us, and within the first 30 minutes of daylight, we'd seen 9 other trucks. Needless to say, we just had a private chuckle or two at his expense and didn't go anywhere.

12-07-2009, 05:29 PM
Blocking roads is an asshole move. People work out there, too, and I have idiots pull this crap off every year.

12-07-2009, 05:33 PM
That's a pretty good point about the medical emergency.

If it is short dead end road (less than 300m) is it really worth blocking anyways? Seems to me that it would be better to just pull off to the side rather than expect others to understand your rationale and respect your property that you have left in their way. Pulling over to the side and taking the chance that others would see your truck and not bother with the last 300m might be cheap insurance and save you a deductable claim or a headache due to flat tires.

Believe me its not a common practice of mine,but i have before.Most of the time 300m or less road isn't worth blocking..let alone DRIVING ON,and by the way a true hunter don't vandilize...steal each other's property.

12-07-2009, 05:34 PM
And for the record -- it's totally unreasonable for you/me/anyone to expect to have ANY road to ourselves. If you wanna hunt without seeing other hunters, you need to get out of your truck and start hiking (and hiking in some direction AWAY FROM the road). Roads are where people drive; it's what they're there for.

12-07-2009, 05:34 PM
Many reasons why one should never block pulic access ..the medical emergency is the best one ive heard..wouldnt that be nice ..being blocked in 50 miles from a hospital in a life an death situation and theres some ass.... blocking you in ...

12-07-2009, 05:42 PM
Believe me its not a common practice of mine,but i have before.Most of the time 300m or less road isn't worth blocking..let alone DRIVING ON,and by the way a true hunter don't vandilize...steal each other's property.

I hear you bforce and I do understand your rationale, but I guess my point is that others might not and even though I would like to believe that all hunters would not vandalize or worse, I don't know if I have complete faith in that. Too many instances of trail cams going missing from people along game trails, etc. just saying that it might not be worth the risk.

12-07-2009, 06:03 PM
Blocking roads bad. Bush hunting good. Use one to get to the other, share and share alike. A bullet can still travel a kilometer (plus). Any person out in the bush (or on the fsr's) for hunting purposes SHOULD know that. Communication so mishaps dont happen is something HUNTERS should have ingrained in their system when on an excursion. Sounds like the tantrum thrower may need to revisit the 'Ethics' portion of his CORE handbook.

That or just push his truck off the road anyways.

12-07-2009, 06:49 PM
Blocking roads is an asshole move. People work out there, too, and I have idiots pull this crap off every year.

How shocking! I thought the resident hunter was above such conduct. You guy's sure there wasn't some fat rich "Yankee" paying a guide behind the scenes?:)

12-07-2009, 06:52 PM
Blocked a road once, 1km from the end as I knew the cut had some deer in it. This was many years ago and after I ran into someone else doing the same thing I decided it was improper. Now I always pull off only where I do not impede others. A little frustrating when someone decides to quad up the cut line I'm hiking but try not to sweat it. If I see someone parked in an area just move on or change areas. I would never damage or vandalize a camp or vehicle. You would regret it if someone needed their vehicle for an emergency and it had been tampered with. Even if they are jerks!

12-07-2009, 07:08 PM
X2, always be respectful of other hunters,but 20K of main roads you can't block off unless you physically see someone working an animal (judgement call)???

12-07-2009, 07:14 PM
what about blocking a spur road that goes for 300 yards then opens up into a field the size of a baseball field which has a tree stand in it that you are going to hunt in for the afternoon till dark and you don't want anyone to spook the game. you will not be blocking anyone from getting out for any reason. just stopping anyone who will ruin your hunt. ??????

12-07-2009, 07:19 PM
When I was up deer hunting this year some shitheads decided to park in the middle of the road, fall trees across it, and cut firewood. If that isn't ignorant I don't know what is. They put a screw into my plans to hunt a trail lined with rubs. Oh well.

I think that might have been me:(Sorry man.
Too poor to afford the gas bill.

Tenacious Billy
12-07-2009, 07:20 PM
what about blocking a spur road that goes for 300 yards then opens up into a field the size of a baseball field which has a tree stand in it that you are going to hunt in for the afternoon till dark and you don't want anyone to spook the game. you will not be blocking anyone from getting out for any reason. just stopping anyone who will ruin your hunt. ??????

Does this "baseball field" belong to you?.......

12-07-2009, 07:26 PM
Does this "baseball field" belong to you?.......

public. and there is no work being done on it. no logging.no nothin. and the only reason someone would want get in is to hunt.

I'm also not saying that I blocked the road.

12-07-2009, 07:35 PM
Now get me wrong here im not talking about a 20km long road here,but why would you want to hunt,drive or walk up a road that you know someone has parked near....on whatever.Go somewhere else,its a pretty big province guys and gals.

Tenacious Billy
12-07-2009, 07:35 PM
public. and there is no work being done on it. no logging.no nothin. and the only reason someone would want get in is to hunt.

Yeah, I know.....it's crown land, so why should you (or anyone else for that matter) get to claim it as their own by blocking the road? If anyone with half a brain sees your truck parked on the side of the road (like in the scenario you described), they'll more than likely turn around and go elsewhere. But.....as pointed out more than once on this site, that isn't always the way it goes. That, unfortunately, still doesn't give anyone the right to block a public road.

12-07-2009, 07:38 PM
I just work around guys who block roads (which admittedly has only happened once to me) or come into the area I'm currently in or tailgate
me on a spur.

No skin off my back. I just go deeper and harder and enjoy it all the more.

I'm not going to let my hunting trip fall to ruin by allowing some guys behavior or mistake to get under my skin.

Mostly everyone I've met in the bush is great anyways.

Like I heard once:
"Go out and find the ugliest mountain with the worst roads you can possibly find and remember well what it looks like. Now go find one uglier and with worse roads and hunt there. You'll be alone and there will be more deer."

12-07-2009, 07:40 PM
A 300m spur???? why not just drive to the end?????? we went out on sunday and ended up on a spur. I drove to the end and backed my truck right off the landing to allow room for others to turn around, could this have been the situation? not being the a-hole just asking.....

12-07-2009, 08:07 PM
A 300m spur???? why not just drive to the end?????? we went out on sunday and ended up on a spur. I drove to the end and backed my truck right off the landing to allow room for others to turn around, could this have been the situation? not being the a-hole just asking.....

Well to answer your question...sometimes you can get lucky,a cranker could be on a cut block your walking into.doent happen very often i guess,but you never know.

12-07-2009, 08:33 PM
A 300m spur???? why not just drive to the end?????? we went out on sunday and ended up on a spur. I drove to the end and backed my truck right off the landing to allow room for others to turn around, could this have been the situation? not being the a-hole just asking.....

you can't really sneak up on game driving a f350. and half the time I go to that field there is game on it. so I park a ways away from the field and walk in. would it be wrong to park across the spur? the spur is only 400 yards from the main road to the field. and the area only has room for one hunter.

12-07-2009, 09:04 PM
Nothing unsual about what your intentions to do that day were. Well All I can say what if the shoe was on the other foot. He did mention to you that his buddies were up on the road hunting. Maybe they had a track going on at the time.

A lot of people on this site have mentioned how inconsiderate it is for other hunters to carry on by into the area that they are actively hunting, is this not the case here.

Maybe you should have been a little more considerate and asked a few more questions as to where exactly his buddies were and show him where you were going, like pull out a map and have a look together. That goes for him as well. Having a hissy fit doesn't help as well.

The ignorant component of the post I think falls on you as well from what I read from your post.

The shoe would never be on the other foot. I don't care if people are hunting the same general area. As a matter of fact, a good hunter can use that to his advantage. Although, I would never climb a hill that I knew someone was on.

As for being more considerate, I just answered his question. He told me they had been there for a few days and didnt see any deer. I was there for 4 hours and I saw 11. I wouldv'e even given him a few tips on where to find them if he asked.

As for me being ignorant, I digress, obviously you have the market cornered on that one.

12-07-2009, 09:11 PM
you can't really sneak up on game driving a f350. and half the time I go to that field there is game on it. so I park a ways away from the field and walk in. would it be wrong to park across the spur? the spur is only 400 yards from the main road to the field. and the area only has room for one hunter.

Sounds like your mind is made up already.
You ought to know if it's right or wrong without asking.

12-07-2009, 09:15 PM
Block roads? Thats ridiculous. If you're so worried about other people coming in and spoiling your hunt, go somewhere where there isnt 300 people to one hill!

12-07-2009, 09:18 PM
There are two real different groups of hunters around the bush. The hunters that you meet who say hello chat for a few minutes and are generally good outdoors persons. The other group are the people who drive in an area where it is obvious that people are hunting in, and ride past you on their quads when you are on foot in an area and don't even stop because they know they are being F*&%ing &##holes. It is nice to see when others are successful when they do it as outdoors persons. you can share in their joy of the hunt for a few minutes and if they need a hand for longer. The point is if we do it right we all get a better hunting experience reguardless of the a harvest or not, and everything being equal when you do it right it is always much much better.

12-07-2009, 10:19 PM
There are two real different groups of hunters around the bush. The hunters that you meet who say hello chat for a few minutes and are generally good outdoors persons. The other group are the people who drive in an area where it is obvious that people are hunting in, and ride past you on their quads when you are on foot in an area and don't even stop because they know they are being F*&%ing &##holes. It is nice to see when others are successful when they do it as outdoors persons. you can share in their joy of the hunt for a few minutes and if they need a hand for longer. The point is if we do it right we all get a better hunting experience reguardless of the a harvest or not, and everything being equal when you do it right it is always much much better.
From what I've experienced it's about a 50/50 ratio of respectful outdoorsmen to ignorant pricks who don't think twice about hunting overtop another hunter. I don't know how many times this season I've cut the only set of tracks down a spur road that maybe covers 2-5 km only to have someone follow me in and drive past, turn around, or cause some sort of commotion. If you saw a lone truck parked on the side of a 40 km stretch of other wise deserted road would you park next to it and follow the guys footprints into the bush? Same difference IMO.
It's tempting to try to block the idiots out, but the problem is, when you do, you become like the ones you so despise. I park my truck off the road and if anyone messes with it while I'm gone or appear to be gone there'll be consequences.

12-08-2009, 12:25 AM
This thread really shows the mentality of the average Joe Blow resident hunter. It really is no wonder why it is impossible for the BCWF to make progress when it has to work, promoting hunting for the greedy a___holes like some of those posting here.
Out in the press at present is a big drive for hunter recruitment, more GOS, longer seasons and less Outfitting. By this thread and the clown acting in the bush it seems. Less GOS, more LEH, more restriction and all guided hunting is really the answer to keeping so many morons safe from hurting each other fighting over hunting spots. What a JOKE!

12-08-2009, 12:32 AM
any decent hunter will have multiple spots to hunt each species. if someone beats me to it, i just go somewhere else, if I can accomodate another hunter well I do

12-08-2009, 01:27 AM
This thread really shows the mentality of the average Joe Blow resident hunter. It really is no wonder why it is impossible for the BCWF to make progress when it has to work, promoting hunting for the greedy a___holes like some of those posting here.
Out in the press at present is a big drive for hunter recruitment, more GOS, longer seasons and less Outfitting. By this thread and the clown acting in the bush it seems. Less GOS, more LEH, more restriction and all guided hunting is really the answer to keeping so many morons safe from hurting each other fighting over hunting spots. What a JOKE!

More likely you are seeing individual anecdotes of personal experiences, a very small sample of most hunting experiences.

This small example really has nothing to do with less GOS and more LEH. To alleviate issues like these, more widespread GOS, less LEH and less antler restrictions should serve to spread hunters out more

Although if this issue was widespread, chances are people would regard road blocking as 'normal" behavior and we wouldn't even bother discussing it on HBC-and clearly, since most here regard "road blocking" as wrong, it's not something that most residents engage in.

I have heard some interesting stories about outfitters digging up or blocking roads in the past, though. I'm glad that such practices are rare with the outfitters these days.

12-08-2009, 09:26 AM
More likely you are seeing individual anecdotes of personal experiences, a very small sample of most hunting experiences.

Really good point.
This thread is about road blocking so that's what you are going to be reading about here, doesn't mean it's that prevalent even if it has happened to every poster once or twice.

12-08-2009, 09:50 AM
Albeit I'm new here, I find this thread all the more reason to stay in my backyard and the private and posted land around me. Then I know I'm the only one around. Or go where I know the area is so huge and there is enough game and space that everybody has lots of room.

I've never had a bad experience with another hunter, I've helped guys drag deer back to their trucks, and had people give me a pull when stuck. I've sat on ridges and watched trucks unwittingly spook deer right to me and scare the crap out of them with the shot. Once I shot a young bull moose on a road while on a little chicken hunt. A couple guys came right behind me and said no wonder they hadn't seen any grouse, I was two minutes ahead of them. They gave me a hand to get the moose into the back of my truck, I took one guys phone number and gave them a quarter after it was cut/wrapped.

Common sense would suggest since we're all armed with high power rifles, best we be polite and never touch anyone's truck or camp.

12-08-2009, 09:54 AM
"Selfishness" is the common denominator here, and no, hunters are not exempt from this personality / character trait.
People that knowingly and purposely try to claim "ownership" to public hunting areas by blocking roads and with other methods are simply selfish people, and will likely commit countless other selfish acts towards others throught their lives.

Yes, I dispise road-blocking tactics......

Here's one to try on.....

Drain the engine oil from the road-blocking idiot's vehicle into an emply oil container and place it a few kms down the road from where he is parked. Now, leave a note on his vehicle telling him where he can locate his engine oil. He'll have a while to contemplate his selfishness as he retrieves his oil.

Yes, hunters can possess a nasty trait too.
Now, I have never done this, but just thinking about it helps console me when I have to turn around on a road because some selfish nipplehead has claimed ownership to the remaining 300-3000 meters of road.

12-08-2009, 10:13 AM
This thread really shows the mentality of the average Joe Blow resident hunter. It really is no wonder why it is impossible for the BCWF to make progress when it has to work, promoting hunting for the greedy a___holes like some of those posting here.
Out in the press at present is a big drive for hunter recruitment, more GOS, longer seasons and less Outfitting. By this thread and the clown acting in the bush it seems. Less GOS, more LEH, more restriction and all guided hunting is really the answer to keeping so many morons safe from hurting each other fighting over hunting spots. What a JOKE!

I don't think blocking roads is the mentality of the AVERAGE resident hunter there Willy. Yaaaaa, its the residents that are greedy/morons/etc, the GOs are basically the saints of the forrest, modern day knights right Willy? What a joke indeed.

I think there are morons in both camps (GO and Res), maybe if you came off your high horse every once in a while you'd see that.

12-08-2009, 10:18 AM
"Selfishness" is the common denominator here, and no, hunters are not exempt from this personality / character trait.
People that knowingly and purposely try to claim "ownership" to public hunting areas by blocking roads and with other methods are simply selfish people, and will likely commit countless other selfish acts towards others throught their lives.

Yes, I dispise road-blocking tactics......

Here's one to try on.....

Drain the engine oil from the road-blocking idiot's vehicle into an emply oil container and place it a few kms down the road from where he is parked. Now, leave a note on his vehicle telling him where he can locate his engine oil. He'll have a while to contemplate his selfishness as he retrieves his oil.

Yes, hunters can possess a nasty trait too.
Now, I have never done this, but just thinking about it helps console me when I have to turn around on a road because some selfish nipplehead has claimed ownership to the remaining 300-3000 meters of road.

Ohhhh what a great idea,

12-08-2009, 10:43 AM
So if I read this right, you guys were going to park at the top and bottom of the road and walk more than 20 kms that day?
If I were you I would have made more of an attemp to communicate with this guy as to where eachother were planning on hunting, always a good idea when theres two or more parties hunting the same area.

12-08-2009, 10:58 AM
So if I read this right, you guys were going to park at the top and bottom of the road and walk more than 20 kms that day?
If I were you I would have made more of an attemp to communicate with this guy as to where eachother were planning on hunting, always a good idea when theres two or more parties hunting the same area.

The guy walked away from me screaming and swearing. What shouldv'e I done, made him a cup of tea? Got out and rubbedd his back? All I told him was what our plan was then he freaked out. I wouldve liked to ask him where his buddies were but I'm not a counsellor. **** him.

As for the hiking, our hike wouldve been about 5k if we didnt run into a group of does that we followed the other way for a few hours. We ended back at the truck at the top of the hill.

12-08-2009, 10:58 AM
i think he would have if the guy didnt get so mad, he didnt give a chance to talk

12-08-2009, 11:13 AM
The thing about this road is that it is BUSY. Its just off the OK connector and to someone new to the area you would think that you found your own secret spot. This is at least my 10th time hunting up there this year and I know the area very well. I bet that on some days 10- 20 vehicles head up there. I think this guy was sick of all the traffic and thought he'd do something about it.

The other thing is that most guys are road hunting and they see tonns of tracks but the deer are educated to stay away from the roads. I mostly hike and I've found a few of the honey holes. Earlier this year I chased a buck right onto the road and a guy shot it who was driving by. I went up and congratulated him, helped him take a pic. Who cares? Sometimes it works the other way around. It was this guys first deer in a few years and he was really happy.

After the guys left, I thought maybe they poached a moose or something and thats why he didnt want us up there. We followed their vehicle tracks up the mountain to look for drag marks in the snow. There wasnt even boot tracks. These guys were 100% road hunting.

Obviously these guys are just crappy hunters and they are blaming their empty bags on account of there being too many other road hunters.

12-08-2009, 11:19 AM
The guy walked away from me screaming and swearing. What shouldv'e I done, made him a cup of tea? Got out and rubbedd his back? All I told him was what our plan was then he freaked out. I wouldve liked to ask him where his buddies were but I'm not a counsellor. **** him.

As for the hiking, our hike wouldve been about 5k if we didnt run into a group of does that we followed the other way for a few hours. We ended back at the truck at the top of the hill.

Yes, I was implying make him tea and give him a back rub. did you mention that you were planning on hunting the first 5 kms and leave him the rest?
**** him? he was there first. was he not?

12-08-2009, 11:23 AM
You guy's sure there wasn't some fat rich "Yankee" paying a guide behind the scenes?:)

Your right Willy, it could have been...

Then he totally SPAZZED, started screaming "goddamint, *%$#**!!" as he ran away from us kicking the ground and throwing his fists in the air.

It sounds like an outfitter who has just had a couple of residents roll up on his honeyhole.

12-08-2009, 11:36 AM
Here's one to try on.....

Drain the engine oil from the road-blocking idiot's vehicle into an emply oil container and place it a few kms down the road from where he is parked. Now, leave a note on his vehicle telling him where he can locate his engine oil. He'll have a while to contemplate his selfishness as he retrieves his oil.

Yes, hunters can possess a nasty trait too.
Now, I have never done this, but just thinking about it helps console me when I have to turn around on a road because some selfish nipplehead has claimed ownership to the remaining 300-3000 meters of road.

I'd rather use the time it takes to find a suitable container, drain oil, write note, place oil down the road to just go and hunt somewhere else.

12-08-2009, 11:46 AM
Yes, I was implying make him tea and give him a back rub. did you mention that you were planning on hunting the first 5 kms and leave him the rest?
**** him? he was there first. was he not?

Roads dont follow creeks. The creek was 5km, but it was allot further to the top of the road.

He didnt give me the opportunity to talk about where he was hunting.

Being somewhere first doesnt give you any right to block off about 100 sq kms of forest. Gimme a break

12-08-2009, 03:19 PM
[QUOTE=Bowtime;572864]Yes, I was implying make him tea and give him a back rub. did you mention that you were planning on hunting the first 5 kms and leave him the rest?
**** him? he was there first. was he

Since it says NEw Guy under your name on here....I really hope this is not how you plan to start your hunting career....so what if the guy was there first. READ the posts.....20 k of roads...spurs...etc...etc.::confused:

12-08-2009, 05:24 PM
LMAO If anyone including any on this site parks their truck in the middle of a busy fsr and blocks it off, I will personally fall a tree on it. You have my word.

12-08-2009, 05:51 PM
Similar experience, was trying a new road to see if it connected to an area that was a long drive around previous to the new construction. Ends up it wasn't what I had hoped but a dead end with two irrate hunters at the end!! We had seen the quad parked on the side of the road back aways and thought someone was over the edge of the road in the log block gutting a moose. They were hopping mad!!

12-08-2009, 05:53 PM
Similar experience, was trying a new road to see if it connected to an area that was a long drive around previous to the new construction. Ends up it wasn't what I had hoped but a dead end with two irrate hunters at the end!! We had seen the quad parked on the side of the road back aways and thought someone was over the edge of the road in the log block gutting a moose. They were hopping mad!!

That's the other thing....People on here all the time say how they get pissed off when they hike down a dead end road and someone drives up behind them...

Not everybody knows exactly where every road leads to. Why get mad at some guys that drive down a dead end when for all they know they are driving on a much longer road!!:mrgreen:

Public land/Public road= Open to the public.

12-08-2009, 06:09 PM
More likely you are seeing individual anecdotes of personal experiences, a very small sample of most hunting experiences.

This small example really has nothing to do with less GOS and more LEH. To alleviate issues like these, more widespread GOS, less LEH and less antler restrictions should serve to spread hunters out more

Although if this issue was widespread, chances are people would regard road blocking as 'normal" behavior and we wouldn't even bother discussing it on HBC-and clearly, since most here regard "road blocking" as wrong, it's not something that most residents engage in.

I have heard some interesting stories about outfitters digging up or blocking roads in the past, though. I'm glad that such practices are rare with the outfitters these days.

You are missing my point totally Gates. The fact that this type of crap takes place and the hassles it creates, only leave a sour taste in everyones mouth. For example if you were in control of our hunting and access. Would you see the fix to this kind of conduct being more hunters? I think not, like I've stated on here many times" Our officials cannot nor will they ever be able to successfully manage the enviroment and game populations". What they can manage is people and through that in whatever form, they can regulate and disperse hunters, with some degree of success. Longer seasons, more liberal access laws and GOS will do nothing to disperse hunters, now or in the future. Don't take this as I'm looking at it from an Outfitters point of view and supporting LEH because I'm not. It has long been apparent with the Ministry that total LEH would be an easier and more economical way to provide enforcement and reduce the requirements for Wardens. The natives now bitching about over harvest in some area's will only speed up the process I'm sure. The only thing that will prevent it happening is a united front by all hunters and we are a long ways away from that.

12-08-2009, 06:17 PM
"Selfishness" is the common denominator here, and no, hunters are not exempt from this personality / character trait.
People that knowingly and purposely try to claim "ownership" to public hunting areas by blocking roads and with other methods are simply selfish people, and will likely commit countless other selfish acts towards others throught their lives.

Yes, I dispise road-blocking tactics......

Here's one to try on.....

Drain the engine oil from the road-blocking idiot's vehicle into an emply oil container and place it a few kms down the road from where he is parked. Now, leave a note on his vehicle telling him where he can locate his engine oil. He'll have a while to contemplate his selfishness as he retrieves his oil.

Besides that this is a a criminal act. It is also a waste of time. In the time it takes to commit this criminal act you could drive to another area, hunt, kill a deer, field dress it and be on your way home.

It amazes me time and again how many hunters come on this board and complain about other hunters "interfering" with their "opportunities". Most of the times I hunt in areas that are well covered with other hunters.

With a bit of smart thinking I have used the movement of other hunters time and again as my involuntary deer drivers. There are also times when I talk to other hunters and we hatch a plan together. He hunts low and high or the other way around. He drives deer my way and I his way.

The simple fact is that the land belongs to all hunters not just you or me and with a bit of thinking there is plenty room for everybody. We have so much land here that it is easy to get out of each others way.

I would like to take some of the complainers on this board with me when we hunt on public land in America. Some of the State Parks are no larger than 500 to 1000 acres. If we see 30 or 50 trucks parked along the road we say, "Oh look here. There are only 50 trucks parked. Not a bad day to hunt." Talk about hunting pressure. Yet we still manage to kill deer.

12-08-2009, 06:30 PM
What they can manage is people and through that in whatever form, they can regulate and disperse hunters, with some degree of success.

How should that be done? Like in Switzerland and Germany perhaps,where every hunter gets a particular parcel of land assigned. In some cases right down to which stand they can hunt. Where each hunter gets a set amount of dates and time assigned he/she can go hunting?

I been there and I didn't like it. If ever our government would device a hunter management plan as some form to ensure that hunters do not interfere with each other I would quit hunting. The beauty of our hunting system is that we can hunt wherever we want and wherever we feel is the most productive for us. Within the regulations of course. To have that sort of liberty I will gladly pay the price of "competing" with other hunters.

Let's not ask the government to help us sort our problems out for us. The day surly would come where we all would have to regret doing that.

12-08-2009, 06:47 PM
Let's not ask the government to help us sort our problems out for us. The day surely would come where we all would regret doing that.


12-08-2009, 07:40 PM
How should that be done? Like in Switzerland and Germany perhaps,where every hunter gets a particular parcel of land assigned. In some cases right down to which stand they can hunt. Where each hunter gets a set amount of dates and time assigned he/she can go hunting?

I been there and I didn't like it. If ever our government would device a hunter management plan as some form to ensure that hunters do not interfere with each other I would quit hunting. The beauty of our hunting system is that we can hunt wherever we want and wherever we feel is the most productive for us. Within the regulations of course. To have that sort of liberty I will gladly pay the price of "competing" with other hunters.

Let's not ask the government to help us sort our problems out for us. The day surly would come where we all would have to regret doing that.

I don't like the idea any more than you do. The thing to remember though is if we can't straighten out all the carrying on of the last few years between the natives, residents and G/O's, ourselves. The government will eventually step in and we will all loose like most on this site can't even begin to believe.

12-08-2009, 07:43 PM
You are missing my point totally Gates. The fact that this type of crap takes place and the hassles it creates, only leave a sour taste in everyones mouth. For example if you were in control of our hunting and access. Would you see the fix to this kind of conduct being more hunters? I think not, like I've stated on here many times" Our officials cannot nor will they ever be able to successfully manage the enviroment and game populations". What they can manage is people and through that in whatever form, they can regulate and disperse hunters, with some degree of success. Longer seasons, more liberal access laws and GOS will do nothing to disperse hunters, now or in the future. Don't take this as I'm looking at it from an Outfitters point of view and supporting LEH because I'm not. It has long been apparent with the Ministry that total LEH would be an easier and more economical way to provide enforcement and reduce the requirements for Wardens. The natives now bitching about over harvest in some area's will only speed up the process I'm sure. The only thing that will prevent it happening is a united front by all hunters and we are a long ways away from that.

Yeah we've got a few dicks blocking FSR's and a few guys complaining about it. The only way to solve all this chaos is to make the whole province and every species in it LEH harvest only. I assume you are saying that only a scumbag resident hunter hunting in a GOS would block a road? And if everybody had an LEH permit to hunt our great province that this rampant roadblocking problem would be over?

Sounds like rhetoric right out of GOABC handbook if you ask me.

oscar makonka
12-08-2009, 09:04 PM
what about blocking a spur road that goes for 300 yards then opens up into a field the size of a baseball field which has a tree stand in it that you are going to hunt in for the afternoon till dark and you don't want anyone to spook the game. you will not be blocking anyone from getting out for any reason. just stopping anyone who will ruin your hunt. ??????

Maybe your ruining someone elses hunt.
Is it YOUR treestand, or are you wanting to block a road and use someone elses treestand?

One time we parked on a landing at the end of a spur. We hiked up to the alpine and set up camp. About the third day a couple of us hiked down to the truck to go to town to get some more groceries. When we came back up some dick had blocked off the spur. So we parked there and walked the extra mile. We ran into the guy, he was all pissed that we walked in there past his truck. When we told him where we had been camped for 3 days he got even more pissed. We told him that was too bad he was free to hunt here but he shouldn't block roads, he went away mad.

12-08-2009, 09:45 PM
A buddy of mine and our wardens(gals) were on our quads travelling to a honey hole on a favorite mountain top. To get there from camp, we had to venture out on the main FSR that accesses more than 100 kms of territory itself. We had to travel only about 2 kms to the quad trail off this road, and came up to a guy putting down the main FSR. I am not sure why he was going so slow, and can only assume he was road hunting, but this area had shooting restriction signs all over these km boards.
Long story short, this guy was in the middle of a two lane main roadway, as I attempted to pass him, he swerved lazily over to block me. I initally thought he didn't see me and was making way for my buddy beside me to pass. Apparently my buddy thought that too, and as he went to pass him the guy swerved over to his side and sent my pal into the ditch, all the while waving out the window and yelling "No passing!"
I was floored! I tried again to pass and he cut me off again!
I wish a logging truck would have come down at that instant,.. he could have tried that shit with him. Neither a sportsman nor an outdoorsman. Thankfully we only had to travel less than a KM to our turn-off, or I think disbelief would have turned to rage, and would have made this a very ugly situation.:evil:

12-08-2009, 10:06 PM
Yeah we've got a few dicks blocking FSR's and a few guys complaining about it. The only way to solve all this chaos is to make the whole province and every species in it LEH harvest only. I assume you are saying that only a scumbag resident hunter hunting in a GOS would block a road? And if everybody had an LEH permit to hunt our great province that this rampant roadblocking problem would be over?

Sounds like rhetoric right out of GOABC handbook if you ask me.

If you were able to look a little further forward than past the end of your nose. You would see the problem is much bigger than a few idiots blocking roads. We have a fairly wide spread problem with many hunt issues during the regular season, without including poachers. Granted these are most likely committed by repeat offenders and not all resident hunters partake in the disasters we see. The problem starts with issues like pick ups blocking roads, other issues are people travelling with animals hanging off off thier trucks and or trailers, damage to equipment, shooting of signs, native roadblocks complaining of over harvest and sympathy ads running in the papers showing how well the Proffessional hunters and others get along. In my opinion it fails to paint a picture that one would want to enter into, if looking at becoming a hunter. It is the narrow minded thinking like you present here in your post that will countinually prevent any advancement in solving the age old issues.

12-08-2009, 11:21 PM
If you were able to look a little further forward than past the end of your nose. You would see the problem is much bigger than a few idiots blocking roads. We have a fairly wide spread problem with many hunt issues during the regular season, without including poachers. Granted these are most likely committed by repeat offenders and not all resident hunters partake in the disasters we see. The problem starts with issues like pick ups blocking roads, other issues are people travelling with animals hanging off off thier trucks and or trailers, damage to equipment, shooting of signs, native roadblocks complaining of over harvest and sympathy ads running in the papers showing how well the Proffessional hunters and others get along. In my opinion it fails to paint a picture that one would want to enter into, if looking at becoming a hunter. It is the narrow minded thinking like you present here in your post that will countinually prevent any advancement in solving the age old issues.

Well enlighten me then...how will an all LEH province stop, and I qoute "road blocking, un-ethical transporting of game,damage to equipment,shooting of signs, issues with first nations"???

Expand my mind Willy. Maybe we should all, residents and non-residents alike be required to hire a guide to ensure the safety and total hunting experience of everyone and everything in this province. If all these problems are as much of a cancer on hunting as you claim why would you want to encourage even more hunters?? Sounds to me like you feel there are too many already. A complete move to a total LEH system, yeah that'll recruit those new hunters!

I look forward to the continued propoganda.

One Shot
12-09-2009, 01:22 AM
That's the other thing....People on here all the time say how they get pissed off when they hike down a dead end road and someone drives up behind them...

Not everybody knows exactly where every road leads to. Why get mad at some guys that drive down a dead end when for all they know they are driving on a much longer road!!:mrgreen:

Public land/Public road= Open to the public.


Here is a question. Does blocking of a road constitute interferring with a legal hunt?

I believe that there is also a BC act or regulation that prohibits the blocking of a trail or road (historical?). Bridger I believe is familiar with this.

12-09-2009, 01:39 AM
Well enlighten me then...how will an all LEH province stop, and I qoute "road blocking, un-ethical transporting of game,damage to equipment,shooting of signs, issues with first nations"???

Expand my mind Willy. Maybe we should all, residents and non-residents alike be required to hire a guide to ensure the safety and total hunting experience of everyone and everything in this province. If all these problems are as much of a cancer on hunting as you claim why would you want to encourage even more hunters?? Sounds to me like you feel there are too many already. A complete move to a total LEH system, yeah that'll recruit those new hunters!

I look forward to the continued propoganda.

Maybe go back and actually read my post, rather then spouting off trying to make this into a G/O verses resident hunter issue. The issue at hand is the hunter being his own worst enemy. If all LEH. Why would you need to block roads. Why would you be travelling around with a gun in your truck if you failed to be in possession of an LEH tag. Less trucks with guns in them = less area damage from guy's that just have to shoot at something. ie, stop signs, old tractors.
More than once I have travelled these roads in the North and had people shooting at game in my direction it is not a new thing. My point being, none of this is helping to bring new hunters out. After all is that not what many on here say is required. Clean the image up and maybe it will happen.

12-09-2009, 01:46 AM
I sense the beginning of an argument....:mrgreen:

Man am I good.

I made my Prediction 1 page into the thread.

Now we have a 10 page beauty.:neutral:

12-09-2009, 07:42 AM
How shocking! I thought the resident hunter was above such conduct. You guy's sure there wasn't some fat rich "Yankee" paying a guide behind the scenes?

This thread really shows the mentality of the average Joe Blow resident hunter. It really is no wonder why it is impossible for the BCWF to make progress when it has to work, promoting hunting for the greedy a___holes like some of those posting here.
Out in the press at present is a big drive for hunter recruitment, more GOS, longer seasons and less Outfitting. By this thread and the clown acting in the bush it seems. Less GOS, more LEH, more restriction and all guided hunting is really the answer to keeping so many morons safe from hurting each other fighting over hunting spots. What a JOKE!

Maybe go back and actually read my post, rather then spouting off trying to make this into a G/O verses resident hunter issue. The issue at hand is the hunter being his own worst enemy. If all LEH. Why would you need to block roads. Why would you be travelling around with a gun in your truck if you failed to be in possession of an LEH tag. Less trucks with guns in them = less area damage from guy's that just have to shoot at something. ie, stop signs, old tractors.
More than once I have travelled these roads in the North and had people shooting at game in my direction it is not a new thing. My point being, none of this is helping to bring new hunters out. After all is that not what many on here say is required. Clean the image up and maybe it will happen.

I did read your posts Willy, all of them, maybe you should as well. Nobody turned this into G/O vs the resident hunter except you.

"If all LEH why would you need to block roads"

Oh I don't know maybe in the idealistic all LEH province of the future us greedy residents would be fortunate enough to have GOABC give us TWO tags for the same area and even the same species. It could make for some ugly competition though. Blocking roads would likely still have to be a tool used by us ruthless resident hunters to ensure we got blood on our hands.

12-09-2009, 07:51 AM
its a free country-and Crown land means exactly that-you don't own it and the fact you can hunt there means everybody else can too-and while common courtecy generally works, you can't legislate ethics.if I come across another hunter getting out of his truck,where I had planned to go,I either go on to another spot or I ask him where he intends to hunt-and where I will be.Funny how people think they can block off a road though-fact is the ONLY way you can block off a road is if you own the land-and even then you can't block a road that has an access easement through it

12-09-2009, 08:37 AM
A buddy of mine and our wardens(gals) were on our quads travelling to a honey hole on a favorite mountain top. To get there from camp, we had to venture out on the main FSR that accesses more than 100 kms of territory itself. We had to travel only about 2 kms to the quad trail off this road, and came up to a guy putting down the main FSR. I am not sure why he was going so slow, and can only assume he was road hunting, but this area had shooting restriction signs all over these km boards.
Long story short, this guy was in the middle of a two lane main roadway, as I attempted to pass him, he swerved lazily over to block me. I initally thought he didn't see me and was making way for my buddy beside me to pass. Apparently my buddy thought that too, and as he went to pass him the guy swerved over to his side and sent my pal into the ditch, all the while waving out the window and yelling "No passing!"
I was floored! I tried again to pass and he cut me off again!
I wish a logging truck would have come down at that instant,.. he could have tried that shit with him. Neither a sportsman nor an outdoorsman. Thankfully we only had to travel less than a KM to our turn-off, or I think disbelief would have turned to rage, and would have made this a very ugly situation.:evil:

FSR demo derby......lol. The guy was begging for a demo on the "pit manouver".

BiG Boar
12-09-2009, 09:12 AM
I have had hunters pass me twice, once we were sitting in a cutblock watching some does when they rolled up in thier truck, past mine which was on the side of the road a little ways (300 m) down the mountian. We told them we were watching some does (over in this direction) and they said they are just going to hike this ridge over here. Next thing you know they hike right over to the does we are watching and blast at a buck they then saw. In my opinion that was rude. I was really glad when they missed the big buck. I learned something though. Next time if they ask nicely be clear about where they are heading, and if you see hunters heading in one direction, use them as a game drive if you somehow can without interfering with their hunt.

12-09-2009, 09:41 AM
I did read your posts Willy, all of them, maybe you should as well. Nobody turned this into G/O vs the resident hunter except you.

"If all LEH why would you need to block roads"

Oh I don't know maybe in the idealistic all LEH province of the future us greedy residents would be fortunate enough to have GOABC give us TWO tags for the same area and even the same species. It could make for some ugly competition though. Blocking roads would likely still have to be a tool used by us ruthless resident hunters to ensure we got blood on our hands.

People like you are the ones that fall into the catagory that should be lead around in the bush. You really have no concept of what the big issue's are now, nor the ones coming soon. It appauls me that someone who portrays themselves as an ethical hunter can be so blind. I rest my case and will sit back and watch, oh by the way have you sent your donation into the resident hunter fund, please do so if not. Then you can claim you've actually tried to help accomplish something.

12-09-2009, 09:54 AM
People like you are the ones that fall into the catagory that should be lead around in the bush. You really have no concept of what the big issue's are now, nor the ones coming soon. It appauls me that someone who portrays themselves as an ethical hunter can be so blind. I rest my case and will sit back and watch, oh by the way have you sent your donation into the resident hunter fund, please do so if not. Then you can claim you've actually tried to help accomplish something.

Somehow I just really really doubt that,.

A ten page gongshow about sharing the forest?? People need to practice reason and reason will prevail. When I was little we had only one sandbox in the backyard and all the children were expected to share and play in a civil manner. There were disputes, but we were five!!

12-09-2009, 12:22 PM
People like you are the ones that fall into the catagory that should be lead around in the bush. You really have no concept of what the big issue's are now, nor the ones coming soon. It appauls me that someone who portrays themselves as an ethical hunter can be so blind. I rest my case and will sit back and watch, oh by the way have you sent your donation into the resident hunter fund, please do so if not. Then you can claim you've actually tried to help accomplish something.

What case?? I assumed since you have such strong opinions on province wide LEH that they would be based on some facts that you would use to answer my question with. Guess not.

As for the RP donation it's all good, though I didn't donate as much as you it's in there. But that leads to another thing I always wondered about. While I applaud your donation why would a guy donate a fairly substantial amount of money to a fund that is commited to fighting against basically everything I've seen you post on this site. Did you lose a bet or something?

12-09-2009, 12:36 PM
Somehow I just really really doubt that,.

A ten page gongshow about sharing the forest?? People need to practice reason and reason will prevail. When I was little we had only one sandbox in the backyard and all the children were expected to share and play in a civil manner. There were disputes, but we were five!!

We are indeed our own worst enemies.Seems like nobody hates hunters as much as other hunters.That being said ,there are some incredibly ignorant asshats out there.If you come across them either punch them out or move on.It`s getting busier every year here in the EK but there ain`t really a thing you can do about it,it is a free country after all and as a rule 99% of the hunters are real good guys.I figure who ever gets to a spot first owns it for the day and good luck to them.
If I get there first I park crossways on the road and fall 2 big trees ahead of me with a 12 gauge hooked up to some fishing line .:twisted:

12-09-2009, 12:40 PM
People like you are the ones that fall into the catagory that should be lead around in the bush. You really have no concept of what the big issue's are now, nor the ones coming soon. It appauls me that someone who portrays themselves as an ethical hunter can be so blind. I rest my case and will sit back and watch, oh by the way have you sent your donation into the resident hunter fund, please do so if not. Then you can claim you've actually tried to help accomplish something.

What “case” indeed, to have a case I think you need to start off with coherent thoughts, no? In 1 breathe you support resident hunting, in the next you refer to residents as a bunch of bums and there are too many of us. Then you seem to support more LEH then say you aren’t necessarily supporting it. You tell people to look beyond the end of their nose but all you do is look down your nose at everyone else. I can only hope you sit back and watch, because all the nonsensical BS you spew is getting old.

12-09-2009, 12:43 PM
At the start of August my brother-in-law my dad and I found out that we were drawn for moose in 4-23 where we live and hunt. One evening dad and I were out for a drive to see if we could find a bull big enough to try and arrow, while driving home ( about 30min before dark) a deacent bull was standing in a cut block 5yds off the road.
We stopped and I grabbed by bow and started the 200yd walk up the road, I was about 20yds from the bull and was getting ready to shoot and heard a truck comming. The moose was now about 35yds away and I took the shot, The moose ran a short distance into the cut block, I backed out of the cut block and headed south on the road to try and cut some distance and get another shot.
While walking up the road the A$$ in the truck passed my dad and the truck and drove right up beside me and then stopped and sat there while I tried to get closer to the moose. The diesel truck he was driving caused the moose to be on alert and watch the route that I was trying to use. I was just about into position to shoot when another truck came along causing the first truck to leave and the second stopped to watch the show as well, again leaving the truck running.
Needless to say I never got another shot, and had to come back to try and find the moose the next morning. In the end I saw the moose about 3-4weeks later so he obviously survived the arrow I put in him.

I was pissed, how could 2 different people be so inconsiderate, not only will I remember their trucks but will not bother to help them in any way( unless it is an emergency).

I have come across guys that are trying to shoot something, and have always stopped and shut my truck off, or slowly backed up and gave them space. I agree with everyone some people need to be more considerate of others.

12-09-2009, 01:03 PM
Somehow I just really really doubt that,.

A ten page gongshow about sharing the forest?? People need to practice reason and reason will prevail. When I was little we had only one sandbox in the backyard and all the children were expected to share and play in a civil manner. There were disputes, but we were five!!

X2 on that, well put!

12-09-2009, 01:37 PM
just goes to show what little people have to do, once their season ends. probably a good ideA to think of an off season hobby that might be a little more fun and rewarding than arguing with some dipsh#$ THAT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ON-LINE. ***** hahahahaah

12-09-2009, 02:06 PM
just goes to show what little people have to do, once their season ends. probably a good ideA to think of an off season hobby that might be a little more fun and rewarding than arguing with some dipsh#$ THAT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ON-LINE. ***** hahahahaah

I,ve seen you block tons of roads before,vandilizing deer,bears ,darn LMLer :mrgreen:

12-09-2009, 03:44 PM
What case?? I assumed since you have such strong opinions on province wide LEH that they would be based on some facts that you would use to answer my question with. Guess not.

As for the RP donation it's all good, though I didn't donate as much as you it's in there. But that leads to another thing I always wondered about. While I applaud your donation why would a guy donate a fairly substantial amount of money to a fund that is commited to fighting against basically everything I've seen you post on this site. Did you lose a bet or something?

Like I said in the past. I got alot out of hunting and the token amount I gave to the fund is not going to hurt me. I had hoped that those administering the fund would show some maturity in how they used the cash. It's disappointing the same old blood is still there fighting the same old war.
Until residents accept the fact that Natives come first and Guides will be around for as long as we can hunt, it seems nothing will change. The battle should not be centered on who get what share. As long as it is no one will win and nothing will be gained. The actual fight should be to make the ministry actually start implementing the laws we have and promoting all hunting through enhancement.
Something you should be aware of is the G/O's and the Natives get along fine. The Natives have first ownership of the wild life, also some of them are G/O's. The resident only fails to fit in the mix because of his own personnel greed which in the end will hurt you.

As for the facts on LEH. PLEASE READ SLOWLY AND COMPREHEND. The Ministry cannot mange the vast amount of wilderness in this Province. They cannot at present do much with predators. They have no control over harsh winters and die off's. They have little power on dispersing hunters throughout the Province under todays system. Under LEH they have full control over hunters, allowing for immediate adjustments in kill levels if required due to other circumstances. The Ministry would require less people to police the areas and thier operating costs would be cut sharply. Its a win win situation for both the Ministry and the Native. The G/O would take more cuts, at the same time though they wouldn't see huge numbers of people in easily accessed areas. The price of thier hunts would go up and the book value of our resource would still favor them in comparison to the resident. :)

12-09-2009, 03:56 PM
What “case” indeed, to have a case I think you need to start off with coherent thoughts, no? In 1 breathe you support resident hunting, in the next you refer to residents as a bunch of bums and there are too many of us. Then you seem to support more LEH then say you aren’t necessarily supporting it. You tell people to look beyond the end of their nose but all you do is look down your nose at everyone else. I can only hope you sit back and watch, because all the nonsensical BS you spew is getting old.

I support ethical hunting by all. I do not support the selfish crying, clown acting and road blocking seen on this forum. Fortunately there are alot more hunters in the Province than are found on this site. Let me please add that I know many and have helped a large number of them achieve thier goals hunting Stone Sheep, Goat and Caribou. I did a fair number of pack trips with friends from the Island and they all have mounts to look at and refresh thier memories by. It's funny but not one of them posts on this site. They visit and are in awe of the crap that runs rampant on here from the wanna be's. Take it that I look down my nose at you if you want, I don't care. Myself and a few others on here that made a career out of working in the mountains have a much different view on many things compared to those like yourself.

12-09-2009, 04:22 PM
I support ethical hunting by all. I do not support the selfish crying, clown acting and road blocking seen on this forum.

My, that is an awfully large brush you paint with...

It's funny but not one of them posts on this site. They visit and are in awe of the crap that runs rampant on here from the wanna be's. Take it that I look down my nose at you if you want, I don't care. Myself and a few others on here that made a career out of working in the mountains have a much different view on many things compared to those like yourself.

If this site is so offensive to you and your likes, why are you here? I see lots of things I might not like all over, this forum included, but the majority are pretty reasonable and all on this forum are like minded and supportive of hunting. Why the need to make an attack personal? Instead of arguing the points you attack the people?

Just observing, for a bit... :tongue:

12-09-2009, 05:26 PM
Like I said in the past. I got alot out of hunting and the token amount I gave to the fund is not going to hurt me. I had hoped that those administering the fund would show some maturity in how they used the cash. It's disappointing the same old blood is still there fighting the same old war.
Until residents accept the fact that Natives come first and Guides will be around for as long as we can hunt, it seems nothing will change. The battle should not be centered on who get what share. As long as it is no one will win and nothing will be gained. The actual fight should be to make the ministry actually start implementing the laws we have and promoting all hunting through enhancement.
Something you should be aware of is the G/O's and the Natives get along fine. The Natives have first ownership of the wild life, also some of them are G/O's. The resident only fails to fit in the mix because of his own personnel greed which in the end will hurt you.

As for the facts on LEH. PLEASE READ SLOWLY AND COMPREHEND. The Ministry cannot mange the vast amount of wilderness in this Province. They cannot at present do much with predators. They have no control over harsh winters and die off's. They have little power on dispersing hunters throughout the Province under todays system. Under LEH they have full control over hunters, allowing for immediate adjustments in kill levels if required due to other circumstances. The Ministry would require less people to police the areas and thier operating costs would be cut sharply. Its a win win situation for both the Ministry and the Native. The G/O would take more cuts, at the same time though they wouldn't see huge numbers of people in easily accessed areas. The price of thier hunts would go up and the book value of our resource would still favor them in comparison to the resident. :)

Many of the areas with FN issues are already on LEH - that's the funny part.

A couple of the most 'problematic' areas for hunter crowding issues are also on LEH. In some areas that's why they made sub-units which only reduce the number of roads hunters can hunt on.

Policing is a moot point - not enough COs under any system, regardless. The bearing on opportunity is relatively low, it's just a fact of life. The government is and always has been more focused on hundreds of other priorities which take precedence over enforcement - operating costs for enforcement are relatively low.

The only way it would cost the ministry less is if harvest rates were lower, which also means less revenue, which means lower budgets, which means less money for inventory, which means reduced hunting opportunities, which means less revenue, which means lower budgets. GOs also know that.

The shape is a circle, not a square.

The issue of blocking roads isn't a new one. Seen residents and outfitters do it.

It's a piss in the pot compared to the big picture.

12-09-2009, 07:04 PM
there are so many positives to hunting it amazes me that so much time is wasted talking about the small minority of hunters that are selfish and self centered. why bother with them they are dogs barking at the wagon. the dogs will continue to bark and the wagon will keep rolling on. to address some of the commets that willy has made. some of his points are valid, but i think he should also be making them to the goabc. the bcwf has gone on public record saying its membership supports a viabile guiding industry and has made allocation decisions to support that position. the goabc in the 35 years i have been involved in this issue has only paid lip service to resident priority and has never done anything meaningful to support resident priority. the goabc fired the first shot years ago and continues the offensive against resident prority. the goabc executive agreed to a new allocation policy that would give residents priority and before the ink was dry went back on their word. thus the fight we are now in. simple as that.

12-09-2009, 07:55 PM
Page 12, nothing accomplished... WTF?

12-09-2009, 07:58 PM
Page 12, nothing accomplished... WTF?whats to be accomplished?as long as theres ignorant people out there hunting it will continue happening..simple as that..

12-10-2009, 11:22 AM
My buddy and I were heading out for our last deer hunt of the year yesterday morning. Our plan was to drop my truck off at the bottom of the mountain, then take his to the top. We were going to hike from top to bottom, shuttling back up at the end of the day.

After we dropped my truck off, we got to 2K on the road ( the first of many major forks). A truck was backing up in a weird direction, my buddy swerved around him towards the direction we wanted to take. This other guy comes running up to us on foot. We rolled down the window, I asked him what he's seen, he says 3 moose, no deer, just tracks.

"Oh, and my buddies are hunting up this road, I'd appreciate it if you guys turned around and went somewhere else."

I told him that we had a truck parked at the bottom and we were going to the top to hike down.

Then he totally SPAZZED, started screaming "goddamint, *%$#**!!" as he ran away from us kicking the ground and throwing his fists in the air.

So we laughed and headed up the mountain to do our thing. There were at least 20k of road behind where they were trying to block off, if you include all the forks. We never even saw his buddies or their vehicles. I just can't believe someone could be so ignorant.

At least he made me laugh by throwing that hissy fit. That may work on his mom, but not us:)

Full on adult hunter tantrum! Very funny!

12-10-2009, 11:39 AM
One of our local poachers and druggies set up a big hunting tent on the road into a good area a couple of years ago. He went into town for something, probably to collect some drug money or something, and while he was gone someone stole his tent. I'd love to shake the hand of the guy that did it.
As far as blocking roads in general, I see no problem with parking across a 300 or 400 yd logging spur to let someone else know that I'm in the area and that it might be a good idea to find another spot. Apart from common courtesy, there are also some safety factors involved.

Tenacious Billy
12-10-2009, 12:37 PM
I wish this thread would die..........

12-10-2009, 01:08 PM
I wish this thread would die..........

X2,,,,please die,,,we're starting down the rat-hole.

12-10-2009, 01:12 PM
X3 and theres rats

12-10-2009, 01:43 PM
True that it is crown land. But some common courtesy should prevail here. But there is 20 clicks of spurs but he did mention that his buddies were hunting on the road. The poster did not indicate that they were blocking the road.

The side walk is common city property, but do you bud first in line past 50 or so people to buy concert tickets? Maybe you do?

It all come down to hunter ethics, common courtesy and all getting along to enjoy a common interest. That is what is being lost here.
I agree totally.. Much like steelhead fishing... Everyone has to play well together.. key to that is good communication... might even save some getting their firearms taken away until a hearing is held for "stability" letting air out of tires or doing damage in remote areas is tantamount to negligence under CCC... he said she said does not mean crap when the judge orders a forfeiture because of very bad behavior... right or wrong... gotta play well......

12-10-2009, 01:46 PM
There are two real different groups of hunters around the bush. The hunters that you meet who say hello chat for a few minutes and are generally good outdoors persons. The other group are the people who drive in an area where it is obvious that people are hunting in, and ride past you on their quads when you are on foot in an area and don't even stop because they know they are being F*&%ing &##holes. It is nice to see when others are successful when they do it as outdoors persons. you can share in their joy of the hunt for a few minutes and if they need a hand for longer. The point is if we do it right we all get a better hunting experience reguardless of the a harvest or not, and everything being equal when you do it right it is always much much better.

Agan, why are people walking down roads?? This makes no sense to me, the point of walking is to get somewhere where you can't drive! Drive down the road and then walk into the bush. If you are walking down a road or an ATV trail, expect somebody to drive right by you and laugh at your silly a## for walking down a road you should be driving down.

12-10-2009, 01:59 PM
I'm not going to pussy foot around this...blocking any road is just plain stupid. It doesn't matter whether there's 100 metres past your vehicle or 100 km. Forestry roads aren't built for hunters, they're built for forestry and other legitimate industrial uses.

By blocking the road, you are potentially blocking people from doing their job or using the road for other purposes than hunting, which is extremely ignorant.

12-10-2009, 10:31 PM
Yeah, I know.....it's crown land, so why should you (or anyone else for that matter) get to claim it as their own by blocking the road? If anyone with half a brain sees your truck parked on the side of the road (like in the scenario you described), they'll more than likely turn around and go elsewhere. But.....as pointed out more than once on this site, that isn't always the way it goes. That, unfortunately, still doesn't give anyone the right to block a public road.

That is awfully confusing.

So, it is not right for someone to drive by a parked truck if it is 200 yards from a dead end? But you shouldn't block the road either?

If I were in that baseball sized crown land piece, that was previously mentioned, I should expect nobody to come walking in on my set up because they see my vehicle parked on the side of the road. I am in the right and the "intruder" is in the wrong.

Conversely, I block the road off thus impeding further progress of the would be intruder. Now I am in the wrong for stopping him from intruding but if he intruded he would be in the wrong.

That argument does not hold water. You keep going around in circles.

12-11-2009, 12:11 AM
People need to practice reason and reason will prevail. When I was little we had only one sandbox in the backyard and all the children were expected to share and play in a civil manner. There were disputes, but we were five!!

In a nutshell that pretty much sums this discussion up.

12-11-2009, 12:31 AM
That is awfully confusing.

So, it is not right for someone to drive by a parked truck if it is 200 yards from a dead end? But you shouldn't block the road either?

If I were in that baseball sized crown land piece, that was previously mentioned, I should expect nobody to come walking in on my set up because they see my vehicle parked on the side of the road. I am in the right and the "intruder" is in the wrong.

Conversely, I block the road off thus impeding further progress of the would be intruder. Now I am in the wrong for stopping him from intruding but if he intruded he would be in the wrong.

That argument does not hold water. You keep going around in circles.

The difference is bad manners (walking in on someone else) to ******edly stupid (blocking an entire road)
I wouldnt like people walking in on my hunt and I wont do it to others, but to block a road that clearly isnt yours is not the way to stop it.

12-11-2009, 09:32 AM
Than some other logic must prevail because it is a circular argument. We all learned that in Phil. 1200. Did we not?

12-11-2009, 12:29 PM
Than some other logic must prevail because it is a circular argument. We all learned that in Phil. 1200. Did we not?

Maybe just you.Phil 1200???????While you were taking philosophy in college many of us were taking Life 101.Might want to try it,I know the real world sucks and all.........But it tends to be more usefull in the long run.

12-11-2009, 01:15 PM
If that is the way the real world is then I don't want to participate! I will stay in my cocoon.

12-11-2009, 01:18 PM
Agan, why are people walking down roads?? This makes no sense to me, the point of walking is to get somewhere where you can't drive! Drive down the road and then walk into the bush. If you are walking down a road or an ATV trail, expect somebody to drive right by you and laugh at your silly a## for walking down a road you should be driving down.

This is funny question.

If anyone has an answer I'd like to hear it.

Tenacious Billy
12-11-2009, 01:23 PM
This is funny question.

If anyone has an answer I'd like to hear it.

Hahahahaha!!! More like a stupid question!!!

12-11-2009, 02:47 PM
Agan, why are people walking down roads?? This makes no sense to me, the point of walking is to get somewhere where you can't drive! Drive down the road and then walk into the bush. If you are walking down a road or an ATV trail, expect somebody to drive right by you and laugh at your silly a## for walking down a road you should be driving down.

I'll try to answer it...

Walking down roads is an effective way to hunt deer, bear and grouse. It's not as effective on busy main line roads, but older spur roads it's great.

12-11-2009, 03:04 PM
I'll try to answer it...

Walking down roads is an effective way to hunt deer, bear and grouse. It's not as effective on busy main line roads, but older spur roads it's great.

If you are walking down a road or an ATV trail, expect somebody to drive right by you and laugh at your silly a## for walking down a road you should be driving down.

I think there should have been a question in the second part.

Maybe something along the lines of: Why would you expect other people not to drive on a road you're walking on?

After all, trails are for hiking, roads are for driving, right?


12-11-2009, 03:12 PM
I think there should have been a question in the second part.

Maybe something along the lines of: Why would you expect other people not to drive on a road you're walking on?

After all, trails are for hiking, roads are for driving, right?


Roads I walk down, I don't expect people to be on, since they are not used much. I don't get upset if I am not alone though...After all, roads were built to be driven on. :)