View Full Version : Back from the Koots

12-01-2009, 08:53 PM
Got back a week and a half ago, had some time to reflect on our trip and wish I lived closer. We planned our hunt to hunt mulies till the 15th and then chase whities for a bit after that. Weather was okay,some fresh snow way at the top, so we knew that we would be climbing to find any bucks. The first two days we met up with some good bucks but none that counted. We got into a spot right on top of this drainage that was where it was happening. Rubs,beds,does and on the third day up there we were real close to a great scrap though they were in the thick stuff and we couldn't see them. My son cut a big set of tracks and we decide he should go after him. I decide to stay and sneak around our buck patch. A couple hrs later he is back,caught up to him but he was another heavy 3spike. we grab a quick bite and make a new plan,my boy says he is going to go up above where the bucks were scrappin and do a big loop back onto the ridge we are on. I am so good with this as it means I get to hunt down the ridge, hate to admit it but he is kickin my butt a bit by now!

But dead slow is the way to go, 30 min after we split,movement to my left,nice,buck,30 yds looking my way. Standoff, can't count tines til he looks to where he needs to be, he fits the bill. He is moving but half stops about 70 yds away a step from the thick backside of the ridge. Smack him in the boiler and he is going down. My son soon appears,hugs and high fives and back to work. 5 hrs later he is in the truck.

The whitey end of it was fun,sitting in the timber with does all around,waiting for a big one,but ran out of days. Very happy with what the Koots gave us this year. A memorable trip for my partner and me.

Forgot the camera on our muley day,so the pics are of the deer camp genre.

Thanks Marc for helping post! Pics coming ...

12-02-2009, 05:31 AM
Sounds like you had a good time with your boys and some meat to go along with the trip ,having a good time on your hunt is the keyhttp://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon12.gif.