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View Full Version : Merrit Hunt

Kid Hunter
11-22-2009, 09:55 PM
So me, my dad, my brother, and a guy from my dads work went up to merrit for the day yesterday and drove a bunch of dirt roads around there and walked a little bit as well. At one spot we stopped to go for a walk and me and my dad went one way and my brother and the guy from my dads work went another way. My brother and the guy from my dads work saw a two point mule deer buck and a doe with her fawn but nothing legal for shooting, and me and my dad didn't see anything. The rest of the time we didn't see anything. Does anybody know where the deer are? Is there something we're doing wrong are they all moved somewhere else or what?? It was my first time ever going hunting so I was hoping to at least see something but I guess we'll have to try another time.

Lance Barkman
11-22-2009, 10:11 PM
I usually am successfull hunter year after year, and there is still days where I won't see much for animals. If you really want to be a hunter it won't always be easy. Sometimes the timing is all wrong. take note of all the little things in your hunts, like wind, how much snow or no snow there is, how hot it is. If you go through this process of hunting you will be successfull in years to come. Ya I could probably tell you a good place to go, and you would probably shoot something. But what happens if the deer stop going to that place for some stupid reason, then your stuck back a square one. There are hundreds of hunting tips, and I'm not sure any of them are better than; get out in the bush as much as you can and experience hunting at whatever level u are at.

11-22-2009, 10:13 PM
Only the deer know where they are!!
You'll need to keep trying, the animals are there but not showing.
One spot I hunt can be thick with animals one day, then a ghost town the next.
Don't be discouraged from just one trip!!

11-22-2009, 10:31 PM
First tme hunting?? They are there. Pound the bush man, pay your dues. The guys on here that do well consistently have paid their dues, they have pounded the bush til they learned something,and then they killed something.

11-22-2009, 10:45 PM
:mrgreen: agreed totally !
First tme hunting?? They are there. Pound the bush man, pay your dues. The guys on here that do well consistently have paid their dues, they have pounded the bush til they learned something,and then they killed something.

11-22-2009, 11:57 PM
Persistence ....lots of days I come home from not seeing an animal. It will happen...you just got to keep getting up and goinging no matter how tired the body is.

11-23-2009, 05:51 AM
It's 4:46 AM and I am up going hunting again...... took yesterday off. Keep going and it will happen. The more you love it, the more you'll go, the more you'll learn, the more you'll shoot. First time hunting?? You may need to go many, many more times before success, especially now in Muley country when you are limited to 4 points only. Best of luck.

I am updating this post to tell ya that I went out this morning after 2 days of seeing nothing. Around 8:00 this morning I got a 4x4 Muley. Persistence my friend, never know when it'll pay off.

11-23-2009, 06:19 AM
I have been to an area for about ten straight times out and thought I had it all figured out, many close calls, numerous sightings. Woke up yesterday, fresh snow, good feeling and did not see a deer. Walked for five hours and nothing. That is why they call it hunting.

11-23-2009, 07:15 AM
I didnt see anything yesterday either except many tracks in the snow, but the day before I saw quite a few deer, that's just the way it is.

11-23-2009, 07:30 AM
the area i went to yesterday held many deer(saw 16 whitetail does and 3 not to bad bucks)there were also 9 muley does and 1 small buck with that herd.
its taken over 35 years of hunting around the valley in the okanagan to have half an understanding as to where they go and what routes they take to get there during what time of the hunting season.
in other words take the time to enjoy good ol mother nature in all her glory while your learning all about what it is really like to be a hunter.
there are days when i can go out and not see a thing ,then there are days when i can see between 100 and 250 deer just in the morning hunt.
all that matters is that you enjoy every moment out there and every moment out there is more time spent with your dad and brother and you will forever cherish the bonding that is created by haveing the kind of quality time with your ol-man

11-23-2009, 10:14 AM
Does anybody know where the deer are?

In the bush man...........In the bush......:-)