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View Full Version : Nature's window in agassiz, taxidermy, BAD REPORT

11-22-2009, 08:23 PM
I am a trapper as some of you guys know,
and I sent some skins from last season into two taxidermists in agassiz

1 bobcat to high caliber taxidermy,

1 bobcat to nature's window taxidermy
and 5 beaver and a bear ( only because jamie at HC was guiding at the time)

so I got the bobcat back from High Caliber, it is beautiful, fully prime, skin is soft and very supple, fur was combed and dryed, awesome product

At natures window I have got the " ready next week thing" for a couple months
and finally I got them back after about 30 phone calls ( i brought the bobcat in about 10 months ago and the bear and beaver 5 months ago)

So the bobcat is wet when I get it, looks like crap, has clusters of gunk in the fur......and!! It has about 6 loonie sized holes in the hide!!
I am a trapper, and a good skinner, and I skinned the animal, and I know there was not a single hole in it when I brought it in!

The beavers were hardly even tanned, they were wetish too, and all teh skins reeked of a chemical smell! the beavers were stiff, and not suplle at all!
I had been planning on getting my family and girlfriend some "russian style" fur hats for xmas, but that wont be happening, these beaver hides are garbage, they are all like half tanned.
The sides where the skin is thinner is soft, and the back, where it is thick, is pretty much rock hard! the hide color is blotchy and looks almost like it did when I brought it in!

The bear is OK, but he didnt black out the light spots by the crotch, and it too reeks of chemical smell

Anyways just a heads up gentlemen, to try and help you avoid some pain

11-22-2009, 08:41 PM
That totally sucks.
The quality of one tanner compared to another can be night and day,and quality taxidermists are accustomed to using the tanner they feel is best,hence, making there job easier.My whitetail has yet to come back from the tanners to the taxidermist, gone a year this month,they told me it is due anytime,but they refuse to use another or quicker tanner as they feel the quality is not there.
Would love to see a picture of the bobcat that turned out.

11-22-2009, 08:47 PM
Thats shitty , i would like to see a pic of the bobcat as well.

11-22-2009, 08:48 PM
I have had two shoulder mounts done at High Caliber and he does awesome work and is a great guy to deal with!!!

11-22-2009, 09:17 PM
I agree Muleycatcher, Jamie at High Caliber was great to me!

and sorry guys, dont have a pic, the bobcat is with my trapping partner now

11-22-2009, 09:45 PM
What did they say when you questioned the quality??

11-22-2009, 09:47 PM
ha, hes like well thats the best I can do, and you got your skins back now, so.....and it went on like that

11-22-2009, 09:54 PM
I would have given him 50 cents on the dollar and said "hey thats the best I can do".

Too bad at the end of it though. That sucks when your looking forward to something and are sadly let down.

Can the hides be softened??

11-22-2009, 10:12 PM
i hope you didn't pay for that ... i'd rather leave the skins there then pay top dollar for it and walk out with something that's probably going to fall apart and "shed" in a year....

11-22-2009, 11:09 PM
Does he tan them or send them out to be tanned ?
Either way it sucks, if he is no good at his job he shouldn't take on the business and ask to make a profit.
Thanks for the heads up.

11-22-2009, 11:29 PM
i had an alapaca tanned in pg last year by floyd he did outstanding work so i took a wolf woverine and another alpaca to him spoke to him this evening couple more weeks they will be done i can hardly wait

11-22-2009, 11:39 PM
Well that surely is a big disappointment. Not only didn't you get what you asked for, but he also buggered your furs. I'd check the testimonials of others first for a good taxi. in the future. Have a look at www.furhatworld.com if you are in a bind.