View Full Version : What would you do? :)

11-10-2009, 08:29 PM
So I have a Problem on my hands :-D

I have the last 5 days of november to go get a buck.( I have no other opportunities to go out until then) I have great area in 5-2, but I also have yet to fill my doe tag in 5-13b. I have permission at 2 farms and I would have NO PROBLEM getting one but they are tame and offer no challenge. (I went out on the weekend to look around and had 6 big does in my sights at 60 yards with not a care in the world)

So here are my options. :mrgreen:

Should I risk getting no venison for the year and concentrate on a big buck? (we do have lots of moose meat :) )


Should I take one of my precious 5 days and go try for a doe?
(I have spent hardly any time out there this year and don't have a "specific area" )


Should I go out to the farm after an evening of buck hunting and shoot a fish in a barrel to fill the freezer?

Cheers Kyle :wink:

11-10-2009, 08:32 PM
you got the moose, id be lookin for that buck until the very last day

11-10-2009, 09:54 PM
Go with the Doe in mind, you may just get that big buck instead, this wussie would hate to waste a LEH tag, even a doe!!!! :tongue::tongue:

11-10-2009, 10:26 PM
Moose meat all the time if you miss the deer!

11-10-2009, 10:34 PM
The cost of hunting for the meat alone makes no sense.Price of gas,tags,butcher,accomodations,ect.My point is that it is generally cheaper to buy meat,so what is hunting all about.The thrill of the hunt and pursuit of big game.
Look for that monster buck!
Not much thrill in just shooting a doe off a field.
my 2 cents

11-10-2009, 10:40 PM
What option is the most rewarding for you if you succeed?
Take that one IMO.

You'll probably get him. Cover lots of ground.

11-10-2009, 10:54 PM
So I have a Problem on my hands :-D

I have the last 5 days of november to go get a buck.( I have no other opportunities to go out until then) I have great area in 5-2, but I also have yet to fill my doe tag in 5-13b. I have permission at 2 farms and I would have NO PROBLEM getting one but they are tame and offer no challenge. (I went out on the weekend to look around and had 6 big does in my sights at 60 yards with not a care in the world)

So here are my options. :mrgreen:

Should I risk getting no venison for the year and concentrate on a big buck? (we do have lots of moose meat :) )


Should I take one of my precious 5 days and go try for a doe?
(I have spent hardly any time out there this year and don't have a "specific area" )


Should I go out to the farm after an evening of buck hunting and shoot a fish in a barrel to fill the freezer?

Cheers Kyle :wink:

If you have lots of moose meat but would like to round it off with a doe, I would.

Go shoot your easy doe the first morning, then spend 4 days hunting for a buck.

11-10-2009, 10:57 PM
x2 for what bcrams said...

something is to be said for the old saying of " a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush"

good luck

11-10-2009, 11:25 PM
Think buck, hunt doe. If you don't get a buck and it is only a doe, then, take your hunting to another level and look for another challenge, maybe, look at vids. and learn how to carve it up, your young and it would be a great thing to know for the rest of your life, and a money saver at that. If nothing works out, eating moose just ain't that bad. Learn how to make great recipes from it. Still a good year, lots of people out there didn't get anything.

6 K
11-10-2009, 11:27 PM
X3 for bcrams.
Don't waste the leh.
Too much of that and the g/os will get them.

11-11-2009, 07:09 AM
If me I would go for a buck ,you said you already have moose meat in the freezer.

I say go for the buck partner :wink:.

BiG Boar
11-11-2009, 07:22 AM
doe first and then second tag goes for a buck. That is a gimme.

11-11-2009, 06:50 PM
What option is the most rewarding for you if you succeed?
Take that one IMO.

I think that makes the most sense to me.

And a four point is much more rewarding than a doe. The freezer is defiantly not empty. Next year I will be putting in for 5-2 so I can hunt both at the same time.

...And hey If i get a buck before 5 days is up and can go try for a doe too.

Thanks guys