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View Full Version : Finally manage to cut one of my LEH tags

11-10-2009, 07:33 PM
Well after two trips to 8-15 with me not connecting with any does I had a successful trip in 3-17. Thanks to Phred123425, Aspen and BSA30-06 for all the pointers on the area.
Myself and my buddy that recently got hooked when he connected with a whitey on his first shot headed out on Friday night. We drove through an ugly storm in the canyon and got to the area we were going to be in around 9pm. A friend of my buddy's, who has hunted for the last 8 years, met us up that way. We found a great spot for camp and were set up by 9:30. The night was beautiful with stars and a full moon.
The next morning we headed out and 15 minutes from camp we spotted two muleys on the road. I jumped out of the truck just in time to see them bounding through the trees with 70m already between us. I got back in to the truck and we covered lots of territory for the next 6 hours. Around 3pm we sighted two more does who as soon as we stopped the vehicle also took off running back into the trees.
We had a great dinner and campfire that night.
The next day nothing all morning. We were just heading out of the area to go and fuel up when we came around a corner and there were three does. I bailed out and let the truck keep going with my two partners. The deer had moved off. I walked around to where I thought they had headed and then saw the back end of them heading up hill. Great! A nice big hill and them already with a 30m head start on me. I wasn't going to give up though and gave chase. They'd let me get to within 40m of them and then take off again. We did this about three times and then they lost me. I saw a lot of signs in the area though.
We headed out to fuel up, grabbed some food and headed back in to the area. I was starting to think maybe I was going to be skunked when mid-afternoon we came over a ridge and there were two does in a field off to the right. One of them disappeared in to the trees while the other larger one just stood there looking at me. I tried to get a little closer and went down on one knee. That was not going to work though as that put the crest of the ridge between the doe and I. I stood up and "boom", doe down. This was my first mule deer and I think she was a really good size. My buddy's friend (the one with 8 years of experience) seemed impressed too. I'm looking forward to getting my meat back from Sumas Meats.
Sorry, no pictures. I figured you'd all be okay with that though as this was not a buck with an impressive rack. :wink:
PS: We didn't notice any bucks the whole weekend.
Considering I don't think I might be able to afford any additional time away from the family this was a good way to possibly end the season.

11-10-2009, 07:40 PM
Hey ! Pictures !!!

11-10-2009, 07:46 PM
Rack or not everyone loves pictures!

sheep.elk.moose fanatic
11-10-2009, 07:47 PM
all i read is blah blah blah where is the pictures!!!!!!

11-10-2009, 08:00 PM
Sorry guys. I really don't have any pics. There was no way to pose the animal in way that was dignified and so I opted for no pics.
Blah, blah, blah will have to suffice. Picture a large mule deer doe and a smiling hunter standing over her.

11-10-2009, 08:07 PM
Sounds like a great trip, you didn't give up and you brought home the bacon!!! Congrats!!!

11-10-2009, 08:15 PM
HOLY CRAP!!!! i gave someone info and it actually helped.

Congrats sapper glad your hunt was succesfull.

11-10-2009, 08:28 PM
Congrats on the deer, I feel you'll know better about the pictures next time, right??

11-10-2009, 08:52 PM
Yeah, I'll try and get pix next time. I guess I could have taken a photo of the deer skinned and hanging but at that point we were packing up camp to get home and pix were the last thing on my mind.

11-10-2009, 10:42 PM
how do you have 2 doe draws? Pretty lucky to get both a whitey and amuley doe draw, pass some over here.

11-11-2009, 12:02 AM
Well, you pay your money and then you wait forever to find out if you were successful. Sometimes it is just another tax grab and other times, bingo!

11-11-2009, 12:19 AM
Good going Sapper, your first of many! to come..:) Congrats
(I never snapped any pics of my cow moose either), cause she was ugly...:wink:

11-11-2009, 06:46 AM
Way to go on connecting with the doe ,its a site like this that makes hunters appreciate that it is in place and running http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.

Lots of good people helping others http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon6.gif.

You have some good meat that will go into your freezer ,congrats on getting your first mule deer http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif.

11-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Thanks, Hunter1947 and d6dan. I totally agree. This site and the people here have been fantastic to me. I've learned a lot from people here.

I thought that after some success finally this season the itch would be scratched and I'd be good until next season but now I find myself thinking maybe I can find a weekend to get away again and try for a buck now. If I do get away and connect with a buck you can be sure there'll be pictures.