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View Full Version : Canadian Game Trackers

01-16-2006, 06:43 PM
tracking above & beyond

Our goals are to:

promote the use of trained tracking dogs to recover lost game animals
raise awareness and educate about the value of tracking dogs
provide help and assistance to existing and future tracking dog handlers
offer training seminars
offer dog first aid seminars
The club offers three kinds of memberships:

Individual member $ 25 per year
Family member $ 40 per year
Supportive member by donation (min. $15)Memberships # 1 and 2
Is for people that have an interest in the club and would like to be part of it. They will have voting rights, receive valuable information about suited tracking dog breeds and recommended kennels. Their name and a link to their website can if they wish to be placed on the Canadian Game Trackers, (CGT) website. They will receive support in their challenges as a tracking dog handler.

Membership # 3
Will be for other clubs, individuals or companies that think this is a great idea and would like to support it.

If you have questions or would like to join please feel free to e-mail us.

Best Regards,
Michael Schneider

01-17-2006, 07:34 PM
:grin: Hey Michael , Good luck to you and your co-horts in new organization. Your new Club is basicly ment to not only help club members but also those outside the club and that is a most worthy cause .

01-17-2006, 08:00 PM
Hi Greybark,
the website (once up and running) will provide valueable information on the subject. The club is creating a lot of interest and a growing number of tracking dogs from now on. The benefits for all hunters are not just the fact that there will be more handlers available to recover a lost moose, deer or elk in the future, but it will bring down the number of lost recovery and isn't that true wildlife conservation.