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10-31-2009, 04:29 PM
Headed Out this morning with a buddy and his brother decided to go look for a buck for the younger guy.. as we were heading up at about 6:45 to get to a nice vantage point to glass we came across a lifted dodge parked in the middle of the road (by the way the big burn we hunt is one road in one road out and branches once you get in a bit into four different roads) Anyways we politely sat there behind them for 5 and they started to move.But not 5 more mins up the road they stop, not a 100 more feet was my turn off to the vantage point we wanted to go too. so we sat once more 5 mins 10 mins finally i said thats enough . I went over to buddies lifted pavement pounder sorry excuse for 4x4 and politely asked if we could pass , To my surprise he said actually yes i do..... i was a little stunned at his response i told him we wanted to turn off on the down road 100 feet up the road and he told me he would start moving again once it was light enough too see ... Took about everything i had to not tell this guy to go #### Himself ... and throw the truck in 4x4 and go past but the road was too narrow.. It took 3 other vehicles and a quader behind him to finally get this guy to move. finally he did 30 mins later after i sat behind him i really did not want to turn around as i am not one to give up easily but it nearly drove me insane , so much for being at the place before light to watch some deer move... I am one for being early on a slash or favorite hunting ground to watch the deer move early in the morning. I am wondering what you all think about this anyone else have anything like this happen to them.


10-31-2009, 04:39 PM
I personally would have inched up beside him and layed on the horn till he moved over far enough for me to get by.I hate guys like that and would have wasted no time to tell him so.Im not an a-hole but I can sure reconize one when i see them.Sometimes you have to call an a-holes bluff!!

10-31-2009, 04:51 PM
Maybe you should have taken his plate and reported him to a co for interfering with your hunt ?.I'm sure they have more important issues to deal with but not sure what else you could do .

10-31-2009, 04:57 PM
Always carry a chainsaw, back out and then drop a few trees over the road on your way out!

10-31-2009, 05:01 PM
Hahaha I really like your idea chuck never thought about that just unfortunate its a small space to hunt to begin with. i scout all summer in these kinds of places and know where i need and want to go, and for someone to interfere just got me riled, just venting though wish i would have thought about all this stuff before i had left the mountain.

10-31-2009, 05:03 PM
Always carry a chainsaw, back out and then drop a few trees over the road on your way out!
hahaha perfect!

10-31-2009, 05:04 PM
Some people are just plain #####, no doubt about it, and they've been around for ever. About 15 years ago, the wife and I had made out way into a remote lake for a moose hunt, set up our tent camp, etc.
Lake is about 5km long and 2 km. wide, tough to get into, hard on the truck. No one else was there, or so we thought.....no camps, no vehicles, no boats, nothing.
About two hrs before sunset we launch the tin boat and row it to the west end of the lake where we knew there was a large swamp, etc. and set up for an evening of calling out into the swamp. About half an hr. later we hear a boat motor at the far end of the lake,and there comes a tin boat with 4 guys in it, heading straight for us. They can obviously see our boat from the direction they are coming. They pull in about 30 ft. from us and one guy gets out, proceeds to climb up on a nearby beaver house and sits down. None of them even so much as looked at us or said a word. The boat with the other three leaves.
Couldn't believe it.....this moron sits on top of the beaver house 30 ft. from us staring out at the swamp. After a few minutes I said to him, sort of politely...."what are you doing?".....he doesn't even look at us or answer. I figure he's either deaf or blind, but most likely just an ignorant #####. I asked him again, this time he glares at us and says "what the eff does it look like I'm doing". I thought my wife was going to plug him on the spot.
After some deliberation we decided to move, this situation was ridiculous and it was going to escalate into a gun battle in a hurry, so we rowed the boat half way back down the lake, and floated about 50m. out from shore in a shallow bay. I started calling..... ten minutes later a nice little immy steps out of the bush and he got a frontal lobotomy. Off in the distance, we hear the boat fire up immediately, we can see it cruising around the lake.....it picked up all 4 of those idiots and they bee-line straight for us.
By this time the wife and I are on shore starting to work on that little bull. Those clowns sat in their boat glaring at us for about 10 mins. then left without a word. SWEET JUSTICE !!!! We gutted him out, rowed back to camp, got the quads, hacked a trail thru the bush and out onto the bog and skidded him back to camp. Next morning we left for home.
Found out later from a buddy they had an illegal cabin on that lake, so I phoned Forestry and reported it to them......they were going to burn it down.

Idiots and ignorant people.....they're everywhere, and they think they have title to everything out there.

10-31-2009, 05:07 PM
Since he is screwing up my morning I would screw up his and lay on the horn until he got the hint. Some people are just idiots....

10-31-2009, 05:14 PM
Since he is screwing up my morning I would screw up his and lay on the horn until he got the hint. Some people are just idiots....yep then follow him all day and start target shootin' whereever he stops

10-31-2009, 05:16 PM
Unbelievable. (Shaking head)

11-01-2009, 12:28 AM
These people make you want to pull their valve stems when they go for a walk, at least a long walk out would give them time to ponder their a$$holeness. Like the target practice idea.

11-01-2009, 01:02 AM
yep then follow him all day and start target shootin' whereever he stops

Yeah, that sounds exactly how I would want to spend a day of hunting!:-D

11-01-2009, 01:19 AM
Ya I agree, who wants to have a bad day in the bush dont we go there to relax? Makes the blood boil to hear these stories I have had similar run-ins before and makes you want to lash out irrationally.

11-01-2009, 03:35 AM
you were a lot nicer then I would have been. I would of pulled him out of the truck and moved it for him.

11-01-2009, 04:34 AM
If it where me I would tell your buddy to get out of the truck with his rifle and head on up the road ahead of him well you and the young guy stayed in the truck to observe.

11-01-2009, 05:12 AM
Could you not go around him?

11-01-2009, 10:46 AM
Ignorance usually has its own rewards. Guys like that usually get what they deserve in the end and what they get isn't usually what they want.

11-01-2009, 11:10 AM
I was hunting in the kootney's a few years back, My hunting partner and I were on this road that was may be 500 yards long at the back of a old slash. We parked my truck on the road and I sat at the edge of the road looking down at a game trail that ran along the slash , and my partner went to end of the road. We been there hour before light, Then hour after it got light, 2 guys parked beside my truck and started walking down the road. Stopped behind me , asked if I saw anything. I asked them where they where going, told me they were hunting the road . I said my partner was at the end of the road. And that they should move to an other area. Told me to go ###k my self and started walking down the road. I fierd 3 shots in the air after my partner returned 10 mins later. Told co what happened and gave liecnce plate number.Pulled over truck later that day. poached mulie buck, and stolen truck.

11-01-2009, 11:12 AM
I would have parked my truck , walked past him fired off a box of ammo walked back and told him to enjoy his hunt, and gone and hunted some where else.I like the idea of recording his license plate (and make sure he knows your doing it) and telling him he is being reported to the CO's for interfering in a legal hunt.

11-01-2009, 11:44 AM
Thanks For a lot of the replies guys unfortunate to hear that a lot of this is going on everywhere else ... the worste part was that the young guy with us had to see most of this happen as he hasnt been hunting long not the idea i wanted to give him... i was so flustered at the time i could not think of any of that stuff to do.... :evil:

11-01-2009, 12:11 PM
Personaly, if someone beats me to a spot I go somewhere else and make sure im there earlier next time. and all of these comments on how to wreck his day and vandalize his property don't help. We don't need hunters out there vanalizing eachothers gear.

11-01-2009, 12:22 PM
Personaly, if someone beats me to a spot I go somewhere else and make sure im there earlier next time. and all of these comments on how to wreck his day and vandalize his property don't help. We don't need hunters out there vanalizing eachothers gear.

To my understanding It wasn't a spot it was a road, he has no right to stop everyone from entering the whole area even if he was their at first light. I could see if he was sitting in your slash before you then to move on but not a road.

11-01-2009, 12:34 PM
If it was a dead end road he was parked on I would have found another ,but to block of an area with more than one road make him the #### .Thre is even idiota omong the hunting crowd and we unfortuneatly have to put up with them.I never worry to much about it most of these guys see very little game anyways . I had eight trucks drive by while having coffee the other day and there was two moose feeding in the block I was watching .none of them saw the moose .

11-01-2009, 01:18 PM
yeah, some of these comments are off the wall...

FOr those advocating shooting thier rifles, wrecking his day, destroying his vehicle, etc- I give you some advice. You better know who you are dealing with.

You dont' know who this guy is, what he does for a living, who he is affiliated with or what sort of person he is. You could be messing with someone that is new to hunting and made an honest mistake or it could be someone that would have no problems ruining your life, never mind your day.

11-01-2009, 01:25 PM
All very good points GateHouse which was a conbtributing factor in why i never pushed the subject of doing something about it... you just never know these days who you are messing with although it was a couple of guys in the mid 20s like me i just chose not to mess around just politely sit there as i already knew where the deer would be when i got there shitty part was a quader beat us there and decided to walk down all 2 kms of the road .. we just left him alone... haha either way was just a crap experience and its sad to see that there are hunters out there that are like that.

11-01-2009, 01:37 PM
Ah,best to just move on.You can`t win in a situation like that.Plus you teach your boy haw REAL men act.

11-01-2009, 01:49 PM
I am happy and fortunate that such behavior is NEVER exhibited in places that I prefer to hunt.

11-01-2009, 02:25 PM
Yah, like gatehouse says.
carefully consider the consequences of your actions. I've got a couple buddies that would certainly tear you a new as***le if you decided to be the "tough guy" and shoot off a bunch of rounds behihind 'em. you'd wish that you did'nt. it would ruin more than just you're day, probably hurt for a month.
That being said, I'm not that reasonable and I'd bet my truck is bigger. I wouldnt have the patience and I'd probably move it for them.
story would be different if my boy was with me.

11-01-2009, 02:54 PM
Ah,best to just move on.You can`t win in a situation like that.Plus you teach your boy haw REAL men act.

True, fighting with idiots is useless; they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience:wink: Since you will run into them from time to time, the best plan is to do better then what they do youselves. I cannot promise to stop and help these same idiots if they break down or get stuck though:wink: But I might. Cause it could be fun:tongue:

11-01-2009, 03:35 PM
Always carry a chainsaw, back out and then drop a few trees over the road on your way out!

This would work. It would hopefully remind him what kind of jerk he truly is..:lol:

TIKA 300
11-01-2009, 06:00 PM
Ignorance usually has its own rewards. Guys like that usually get what they deserve in the end and what they get isn't usually what they want.

100% agree,but these a$$es are to ignorant to realize WHY it happened...:mad:

11-01-2009, 06:24 PM
As much as I understand the Idea of not escalating a situation until it gets out if control, why is it that the advice is to always let the @ssclowns have their way? Why do they get to do whatever they want and get away with it? I thought the way to beat a bully is to stand up to them? I'm not condoning violence or destruction of property, but if no-one ever stands up to them they are never going to change their behavior.

11-01-2009, 07:05 PM
As much as I understand the Idea of not escalating a situation until it gets out if control, why is it that the advice is to always let the @ssclowns have their way? Why do they get to do whatever they want and get away with it? I thought the way to beat a bully is to stand up to them? I'm not condoning violence or destruction of property, but if no-one ever stands up to them they are never going to change their behavior.

I'm not suggesting doing nothing and/or not standing up to them, I'm suggesting that people not act rashly, in a knee jerk manner...

11-02-2009, 10:49 AM
One thing that would completely ruin the guys' day would be to drive about 500 yds down the road, get out of your vehicle and fire a shot at a stump, then wait 4 or 5 minutes and fire a second shot.
Nothing pisses people like that off more than thinking that they missed out on an animal that close behind them and some other lucky SOB got it.
Then, you move onto another area while he's trying to figure out what you got and where the H you went.