View Full Version : Tired of Thieving F(*^*^s

10-30-2009, 04:12 PM
you know... its so dang frustrating.. I went out today, had my buddy drop me and my quad by lakit lake, I worked through to the wildhorse side, he went over that way as well from the fort steele road, he went for a hike, I was a couple hours, when I meet up with him,on the wild horse side, some simple b@$#d had taken my ramps and tie down straps from my trailer......:mad::mad: they aren't even ramps that you could use for your truck , they were old metal ramps, that I had notched to fit my little trailer, and really weren't good for anyone but me... and the tie downs, you can get from canadian tire cheap, but no... some dick head decides to take them.... seems you gotta nail it all down... I work with criminals every day, and when I'm out doing my thing in the bush, I don't need to be reminded the world is full of sh*t heads.. I already know that...... but geez... and to top it off, my buddy had the opportunity to see a truck of young fellas, a white ford pickup, throw beer cans out the window, luckily he was able to stop them and "return their items" and give them a piece of his mind... you would think young people would get it by now... don't frickking litter..... seems some hunters aren't really good people after all... I just keep shaking my head... so if one of you happens to see some aluminium ramps with notches cut to one end so it sits on the edge of my trailer, and someone is using them..... pick one up, they're light and beat the son of a B%^ch senseless with it will ya.....? I would really appreciate that... not that I'm out any real money, it's the principal....

10-30-2009, 04:16 PM
I ve had 2 sets of quad ramps taken in the year alone....

10-30-2009, 04:19 PM
While in the lytton area a couple weeks ago i saw a guy parked on top of his ramps so nobody could steal them.Makes a person a little bit nervous to leave a camp unattended or anything else for that matter.

10-30-2009, 04:22 PM
Can't say enough good about Crazybrook.

10-30-2009, 04:23 PM
fricken Jerkoffs! I'd love to find em, strip em down naked...take em to our bear spot Boyd, and put peanut butter on their balls!!!

10-30-2009, 04:23 PM
pick one up, they're light and beat the son of a B%^ch senseless with it will ya.....? I would really appreciate that... not that I'm out any real money, it's the principal....

Glad to.8-)

10-30-2009, 04:23 PM
you know... its so dang frustrating.. I went out today, had my buddy drop me and my quad by lakit lake, I worked through to the wildhorse side, he went over that way as well from the fort steele road, he went for a hike, I was a couple hours, when I meet up with him,on the wild horse side, some simple b@$#d had taken my ramps and tie down straps from my trailer......:mad::mad: they aren't even ramps that you could use for your truck , they were old metal ramps, that I had notched to fit my little trailer, and really weren't good for anyone but me... and the tie downs, you can get from canadian tire cheap, but no... some dick head decides to take them.... seems you gotta nail it all down... I work with criminals every day, and when I'm out doing my thing in the bush, I don't need to be reminded the world is full of sh*t heads.. I already know that...... but geez... and to top it off, my buddy had the opportunity to see a truck of young fellas, a white ford pickup, throw beer cans out the window, luckily he was able to stop them and "return their items" and give them a piece of his mind... you would think young people would get it by now... don't frickking litter..... seems some hunters aren't really good people after all... I just keep shaking my head... so if one of you happens to see some aluminium ramps with notches cut to one end so it sits on the edge of my trailer, and someone is using them..... pick one up, they're light and beat the son of a B%^ch senseless with it will ya.....? I would really appreciate that... not that I'm out any real money, it's the principal....

Ive seen a couple people that actually unload the quad, then park on the ramps??? I suppose its not an isolated problem.
I know a guy who parked with a trailer, came back and found his taillights were missing????
I know Id be really tempted to start shooting up a guys truck if I cought him stealing my stuff! :evil:

10-30-2009, 04:27 PM
Wouldnt it be sweet to get a plate #..i would make their life a living hell!mother f----ng thieves!

10-30-2009, 04:31 PM
I always put my ramps in my truck or cable lock them to the trailer.

You need to expect that stuff to happen.

finish; my dog likes peanut butter.

bear buster
10-30-2009, 04:31 PM
This year after 25 or so years I have hunted with my family at our spot near Dawson Creek, we had our camp trashed. Never can I ever remember anything ever happening like this before. We had a simple camp with tarps and and an old bar b que hung in the trees( bears) and some odds and ends, ply wood and benches. The tarps were gone, frame to camp pulled down by truck and bar b que was shot to hell. We go out there to enjoy the peacefulness, as I am sure many of you do at your camps, and these simple minded people with nothing better to do come by and do crap like this. Who is dumb enough to mess around a truck, quad or camp in the middle of nowhere? Do they know where the people are who own this stuff? Are the watching you, through a 3x9, I sure would'nt piss around.

10-30-2009, 04:34 PM
Make up a plastic board that states" You can't see me, But I can see you. Take it if you can out run my 300 win mag!!" Moosin

10-30-2009, 04:36 PM
I do the same every time out,takes 1 minite or less to unload the quad then drop the ramps under each wheel and back up on them ,lock the doors... done.Same as when my nabour dropped by to borrow a tool last summer and made a comment about my pulling the front wheels off my quad and having it chained up. ...hey i should do that....well he didnt and just had his chained and 3 months later they broke into his locked shop,used bolt cutters on the chain and wheeled it out,gone for ever.I figure if they can drag a 650 lbs quad away without front wheels ,load it,then at least the buggers worked for it!

10-30-2009, 04:40 PM
Its the same everywhere unfortunately I cable lock my ramps when I am away from the truck. I had someone just for the hell of it kick in the door on my truck. They spent some time working at it and put a pretty decent dent in my door. Its a 98 F150 so its not the end of the world but its my truck and its the only one I got so I was pretty pissed off about that for a week...

10-30-2009, 04:46 PM
I had my old chainsaw taken out of the back of my truck after my last hunting trip. But the joke is on the thief as the saw was finally worn out. Would run good without a load but die under a load. Still irks you tho!! BCKID

10-30-2009, 04:47 PM
This sh!t pisses me off. One day I will run into somebody doing this and they will disappear.

10-30-2009, 04:56 PM
My wife found a beautiful 4x4 wt shed in excellent shape. Shoulder width apart. Brought them on hunting trips as a good luck charm (wired to the camper jacks). Had them for about 3 years. Came back into camp one day and they were gone.

I still think about it today. Some scum-bag greedily skulking around camp looking for stuff. There are some real a$$holes in the bush in no small numbers it seems.

Try to camp in an area with one slow road in and out. Setup and cammo a few trail cams. Real good 8mp cams are about $230 with a one second trigger. Should be good enough to get a plate number and vehicle description and/or any camp activity. Not to mention time and date stamp. Hire a private investigator to trace the plate number, grab a few buddies and go pay someone a visit.

Or if you are sure of who it is then post it on youtube.

10-30-2009, 05:03 PM
They do it because they know they'll get away with it. If the owner of the property catches them and tunes them up, the property owner is in deep $hit. If they are i/d'd, the police get them, charges laid, court, found guilty etc., nothing happens, ......zip,..... nada !! because poor hard done by numb-nuts had a tough up bringing, ......never had a chance in life,.....is really a good guy.......he has drug/alcohol issues.......he couldn't help himself........he helps granny all the time........he's really a good guy most of the time......it was his parents/friends/teachers/neighbors/fault, .......it's the victim's fault,.......it's the cop's fault............blah blah blah !!!!! More "probation" on top of probation, on top of probation and on and on it goes.

We are all victims a bleeding heart, liberal minded, "they can be rehabilitated",....."we should be feeling sorry for them" majority who have never been victims themselves.

It's time for change.........commit the crime------do the time !!!!!!

Here end'eth the first rant..........

10-30-2009, 05:25 PM

two days ago I had 4 tires stolen from my back yard.....they only had a year or two left so I don't care, but still.....

the ramps thing I always worry about. When i worked in the bush as a forester, I left ramps on the back of a trailer 200 times a year for 5 years without any going missing. I always expected them to go missing at least once....but nope.

I feel for you though Boyd.....darn local punks.

10-30-2009, 05:36 PM
They do it because they know they'll get away with it. If the owner of the property catches them and tunes them up, the property owner is in deep $hit. If they are i/d'd, the police get them, charges laid, court, found guilty etc., nothing happens, ......zip,..... nada !! because poor hard done by numb-nuts had a tough up bringing, ......never had a chance in life,.....is really a good guy.......he has drug/alcohol issues.......he couldn't help himself........he helps granny all the time........he's really a good guy most of the time......it was his parents/friends/teachers/neighbors/fault, .......it's the victim's fault,.......it's the cop's fault............blah blah blah !!!!! More "probation" on top of probation, on top of probation and on and on it goes.

We are all victims a bleeding heart, liberal minded, "they can be rehabilitated",....."we should be feeling sorry for them" majority who have never been victims themselves.

It's time for change.........commit the crime------do the time !!!!!!

Here end'eth the first rant..........

How right you are!
All the more reason to give em a dirt nap! :twisted:

10-30-2009, 05:45 PM
sorry for 3 or 4 posts in a row but here are pics of the damage, the first pic is the passenger side, notice all the ripped sheetmetal clips.......little jerks...I WISH I could find these people...why am I over here again???fighting for who???


here's the drivers side, notice the broken clip at the top.....making his newly acquired fender vents practically useless now because the name plates were ONLY held in by 2 clips and that happened to be a nameplate clip....stupid f&**


10-30-2009, 06:02 PM
A few years ago, I shot a decent buck out at Empire Valley. I was losing light, so I cut my tag & split to go get help. Well, when I came back, some ***khead had grabbed my deer & attempted to drag it away. In the snow even!
I am amazed at how stupid people are when they know firearms are around.
Negotiations should be short & sweet.
But where will that get a guy?

10-30-2009, 06:14 PM

Ive seen some guys unload their quad using ramps.
Then they put the ramp behind each rear wheel, and back up so the wheels are on the ramps. :wink:

10-30-2009, 06:17 PM
A few years ago, I shot a decent buck out at Empire Valley. I was losing light, so I cut my tag & split to go get help. Well, when I came back, some ***khead had grabbed my deer & attempted to drag it away. In the snow even!
I am amazed at how stupid people are when they know firearms are around.
Negotiations should be short & sweet.
But where will that get a guy?

Did they get your deer, or at least drag it a little closer to yer truck???

10-30-2009, 06:28 PM
You never know when your going to get it in the back ,thieving people like this need a good attitude adjustment :mad:.

10-30-2009, 06:39 PM

two days ago I had 4 tires stolen from my back yard.....they only had a year or two left so I don't care, but still.....


Wait til you see how I got those 4 17" skins mounted on my Jimmy....Really pimped it out nicley....No need for a lift kit now....

I can rent you out one of my Rotties (the one with the bad attitude) if the little buggers come round again...

10-30-2009, 06:40 PM
leave a sign on your truck saying you are 221 yrds from my blind.or leave a note saying hey(insert your buddies name here )we are gone for a short hunt if you get here before we get back make yourself at home .

The Hermit
10-30-2009, 06:42 PM
Make me blood boil it does!

10-30-2009, 06:44 PM
Did they get your deer, or at least drag it a little closer to yer truck???
No, it was moved about 20 yds further away.:mad:
The stupid part was that there was snow everywhere & I could have tracked the clown if I had nothin better to do. Not likely! Again, I'm amazed at the stupidity of people.

10-30-2009, 06:50 PM
you know... its so dang frustrating.. I went out today, had my buddy drop me and my quad by lakit lake, I worked through to the wildhorse side, he went over that way as well from the fort steele road, he went for a hike, I was a couple hours, when I meet up with him,on the wild horse side, some simple b@$#d had taken my ramps and tie down straps from my trailer......:mad::mad: they aren't even ramps that you could use for your truck , they were old metal ramps, that I had notched to fit my little trailer, and really weren't good for anyone but me... and the tie downs, you can get from canadian tire cheap, but no... some dick head decides to take them.... seems you gotta nail it all down... I work with criminals every day, and when I'm out doing my thing in the bush, I don't need to be reminded the world is full of sh*t heads.. I already know that...... but geez... and to top it off, my buddy had the opportunity to see a truck of young fellas, a white ford pickup, throw beer cans out the window, luckily he was able to stop them and "return their items" and give them a piece of his mind... you would think young people would get it by now... don't frickking litter..... seems some hunters aren't really good people after all... I just keep shaking my head... so if one of you happens to see some aluminium ramps with notches cut to one end so it sits on the edge of my trailer, and someone is using them..... pick one up, they're light and beat the son of a B%^ch senseless with it will ya.....? I would really appreciate that... not that I'm out any real money, it's the principal....

Too bad your partner didn't look in the back of that white truck, he've probably seen your ramps lying there...!

10-30-2009, 07:00 PM
There's no deterrent any more! You can't beat a thief, you can't yell at them, god help you if you point a gun at them! Our world has gone for a shit, if we try to protect our selves or our belongings were the bad guys!!! A thief should be shot dead! But noooo, some god dam lawyer will make him out to be a up standing citizen in court and you a raving mad man with a gun who has to be commented!!! We blame it on the law courts, but I think if more law abiding people bashed the thieves skulls in with a bat, they would slowly get the hint!!!

10-30-2009, 07:04 PM
There's no deterrent any more! You can't beat a thief, you can't yell at them, god help you if you point a gun at them! Our world has gone for a shit, if we try to protect our selves or our belongings were the bad guys!!! A thief should be shot dead! But noooo, some god dam lawyer will make him out to be a up standing citizen in court and you a raving mad man with a gun who has to be commented!!! We blame it on the law courts, but I think if more law abiding people bashed the thieves skulls in with a bat, they would slowly get the hint!!!


10-30-2009, 07:04 PM
My wife found a beautiful 4x4 wt shed in excellent shape. Shoulder width apart. Brought them on hunting trips as a good luck charm (wired to the camper jacks). Had them for about 3 years. Came back into camp one day and they were gone.

I still think about it today. Some scum-bag greedily skulking around camp looking for stuff. There are some real a$$holes in the bush in no small numbers it seems.

Try to camp in an area with one slow road in and out. Setup and cammo a few trail cams. Real good 8mp cams are about $230 with a one second trigger. Should be good enough to get a plate number and vehicle description and/or any camp activity. Not to mention time and date stamp. Hire a private investigator to trace the plate number, grab a few buddies and go pay someone a visit.

Or if you are sure of who it is then post it on youtube.

my thoughts exactly, trail cam!!! stratigic parking and camera set up could really turn the tables on these maggots!! I too work with criminals on a daily basis and to run into this stuff in the bush where i'm trying to enjoy myself and forget about work causes my blood pressure to soar!!

10-30-2009, 07:14 PM
I like the old buck a digit/hand off for infractions.
Let's you know who your dealing with.

Bearen 09
10-30-2009, 07:19 PM
AMEN!!!!!! Sometimes there is. i was once hit by a drunk and he took off. I fianally caught him and he got out of his car and ran, not far. After getting him on the ground and ramming his head into the sidewalk 3 or four time he gave up. let me tell you i have never herd a person scream like that before. After screaming for a couple of minutes some old lady called 911. When the police came the DRUNK told them i was assaulting him, i simply said he was tring to run away and i didn't want that so i tripped him and he fell. They said how many times did you trip him with a smile. I said three or four,with a smile. No charges were ever laid against me. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.I to park on my ramps, try moving my truck.:cool:

10-30-2009, 07:21 PM
I got nothing constructive to say (and I think the destructive ideas have already been pretty well covered), but I just wanted to pipe up and say: Man, that just so ain't right!!!!!

10-30-2009, 08:05 PM
Public caneings with a bamboo rod sound like a good idea too!!!

A few years ago, I left a back door unlocked on my rusty old 84' land cruiser wagon and some pinhead tore my dash apart to steal the 15 year old CD player, it was worth like $15 bucks.....I didn't care so much about the player but inside it was one of my favorite CD's..and I don't like a ripped up dash.

10-30-2009, 08:18 PM
[quote=Buckmeister;541397]Public caneings with a bamboo rod sound like a good idea too!!!

I like Rocksteady's Rotti idea.....then add my german sheppard and bear hound in there, not much left but some shredded clothes

10-30-2009, 08:30 PM
[quote=Buckmeister;541397]Public caneings with a bamboo rod sound like a good idea too!!!

I like Rocksteady's Rotti idea.....then add my german sheppard and bear hound in there, not much left but some shredded clothes

It would be my luck that the dirtbags would steal the dog too!!! Or kill it.:mad:

10-30-2009, 08:30 PM
some people have no morals, at our family cabin up at bowron river we have a few old ladders out side our carpenter shop and some frigin guys took them! cost probaly 3 bucks to build and they took them! out in the middle of the bush that i thought no one new about and they just grab our stuff, pisses me right off.

10-30-2009, 08:56 PM
you know... its so dang frustrating.. I went out today, had my buddy drop me and my quad by lakit lake, I worked through to the wildhorse side, he went over that way as well from the fort steele road, he went for a hike, I was a couple hours, when I meet up with him,on the wild horse side, some simple b@$#d had taken my ramps and tie down straps from my trailer......:mad::mad: they aren't even ramps that you could use for your truck , they were old metal ramps, that I had notched to fit my little trailer, and really weren't good for anyone but me... and the tie downs, you can get from canadian tire cheap, but no... some dick head decides to take them.... seems you gotta nail it all down... I work with criminals every day, and when I'm out doing my thing in the bush, I don't need to be reminded the world is full of sh*t heads.. I already know that...... but geez... and to top it off, my buddy had the opportunity to see a truck of young fellas, a white ford pickup, throw beer cans out the window, luckily he was able to stop them and "return their items" and give them a piece of his mind... you would think young people would get it by now... don't frickking litter..... seems some hunters aren't really good people after all... I just keep shaking my head... so if one of you happens to see some aluminium ramps with notches cut to one end so it sits on the edge of my trailer, and someone is using them..... pick one up, they're light and beat the son of a B%^ch senseless with it will ya.....? I would really appreciate that... not that I'm out any real money, it's the principal....

Wow, I feel for ya brother. We have to deal with them at work and ya can't even get away from the crap on your off time. Where is the stress relief? I know how you deal with things, if you would have caught them in the act, WOW, Good Night Irene. Well I suppose your other arm is safe from harm. Hang in there, it will only get worse.

10-30-2009, 09:01 PM
So I guess it wasn't a good idea when we left our whole camp quads and all. Had to go to town for a night:mrgreen:!

10-30-2009, 10:35 PM
you guys won't believe this, my ol buddy rockrabbit will be shaking his head cause he says I'm the luckiest bas##$%d he knows/...... My buddy's son who wasn't with us today, gets talking to his dad, who Was with me, and tells his dad, his buddy "found " some ramps hidden in the bush up the wildhorse(guess who's ramps) so he throws them in his truck... tells my buddies son.....hey we found some ramps,,, My buddies son asks them if there were tie downs with them they say yeah.. they're my frickking ramps.... so these guys get them back to me!! unreal... seems the culprits(probably in the white truck) get scared and leave the ramps and tie downs hidden in a ditch, which my buddy's son's friend finds... go figure.. so long story short, I''ve got my ramps back... can you believe it? seems there are some good ones out there after all...... just amazing...... but lord help the little B@#$%#$ in the white truck if I find them!!! it's kinda strange... how things go, but I guess I am lucky... too weird....!!!! never would have thought this would work out this way... small world I guess.. though it does assist in my opinion of others.. at least someone did right this day.... !! but you can bet I won't be so trusting in the future!! I"ll lock the suckers up!!!!

10-30-2009, 10:41 PM
you guys won't believe this, my ol buddy rockrabbit will be shaking his head cause he says I'm the luckiest bas##$%d he knows/...... My buddy's son who wasn't with us today, gets talking to his dad, who Was with me, and tells his dad, his buddy "found " some ramps hidden in the bush up the wildhorse(guess who's ramps) so he throws them in his truck... tells my buddies son.....hey we found some ramps,,, My buddies son asks them if there were tie downs with them they say yeah.. they're my frickking ramps.... so these guys get them back to me!! unreal... seems the culprits(probably in the white truck) get scared and leave the ramps and tie downs hidden in a ditch, which my buddy's son's friend finds... go figure.. so long story short, I''ve got my ramps back... can you believe it? seems there are some good ones out there after all...... just amazing...... but lord help the little B@#$%#$ in the white truck if I find them!!! it's kinda strange... how things go, but I guess I am lucky... too weird....!!!! never would have thought this would work out this way... small world I guess.. though it does assist in my opinion of others.. at least someone did right this day.... !! but you can bet I won't be so trusting in the future!! I"ll lock the suckers up!!!!

Now I dont mean to be a negative thinker, but the first thing that popped into my mind is.... that your buddys son stole yer ramps, realized who he swiped them from, made up the "I found them in the bush" story to cover his ass, and return them????
His story sounds a bit far fetched to me, but I hope Im wrong!

10-30-2009, 10:41 PM
lets see middle of the bush - you know who ever owns this stuff is out there some were - AND HE'S ARMED - not to bright in my books. We were up on the Steward river and some one strip our meat pole (young Bull)after a few polite words all I could say was I hope they needed it more than we did.

10-30-2009, 10:49 PM
Now I dont mean to be a negative thinker, but the first thing that popped into my mind is.... that your buddys son stole yer ramps, realized who he swiped them from, made up the "I found them in the bush" story to cover his ass, and return them????
His story sounds a bit far fetched to me, but I hope Im wrong!

Do the friends of your buddies son own a white truck?

10-30-2009, 10:50 PM
Now I dont mean to be a negative thinker, but the first thing that popped into my mind is.... that your buddys son stole yer ramps, realized who he swiped them from, made up the "I found them in the bush" story to cover his ass, and return them????
His story sounds a bit far fetched to me, but I hope Im wrong!

WOW what a coincidence:shock:

10-30-2009, 10:51 PM
Now I dont mean to be a negative thinker, but the first thing that popped into my mind is.... that your buddys son stole yer ramps, realized who he swiped them from, made up the "I found them in the bush" story to cover his ass, and return them????
His story sounds a bit far fetched to me, but I hope Im wrong!
no I actually believe them, they had no idea that my buddy's son was even remotely rlated to this incident, they also found a canoe hidden in the bush .. so who knows for sure, but rather interesting they tell him of their find not knowing the connection in the least so.... I understand what you're saying but I think in this instance it just happened in a weird way that they found them legitimately ... believe it or not...

10-30-2009, 10:52 PM
Do the friends of your buddies son own a white truck? nope or we would be having a tussle!!!!

10-30-2009, 11:04 PM
Hey Boyd.... lets go to wildhorse area on Sunday!!!! I'll bring the peanut butter!!

10-30-2009, 11:25 PM
If these kids were to steal some stuff from some hunters would they tell everyone they stole them? No. They would probably make a story up like they found the stuff in the bush. I maybe wrong but it sounds a little fishy.

5 spike
10-31-2009, 05:42 AM
i dont take ramps into the bush. i back the truck up to a bank and unload. i have ramps at home for loading and unloading. and yes there are to many thieves out there. i dont even like to leave my truck alone and go for a hike anymore. my buddys dad was up hunting an area and when he got back to his truck his tires were slashed all four and they even stole his spare i dont no what for. and his truck was not blocking the road.

10-31-2009, 06:53 AM
what kind of people trash camps, steal stuff?
Indians? white trash? both?
Canada has the problem of over-population and doo-godder 'politicians'.
maybe not enough game to go around.

10-31-2009, 07:20 AM
There is nothing that makes you feel so violated than some lowlife coming into your camp and stealing/wrecking it.You almost have to leave someone in camp to guard it.If you took any preventitive measures or you parked your truck on the ramps-they would likely ''pay you back'' by vandalizing your truck.
Dunno-but I sure like the idea of wearing out a willow switch on their backside if you caught them-and too bad the police can't do that either.Cheap,effective and gets the measage across that behaviour like this isn't tolerated.Where in heck is the idea that you respect somebody else's property?tell yah, if my dad found out I had done something like that, he had a very simple way of getting our attention...and trust me you didn't take up his offer to come back for more.Thing is-he saw this as his RESPONSABILITY-to teach us to act responsibly, to respect other peoples and their property and bring us up with a sense of right and wrong ,not to simply avoid being caught.Simple ethics, simple solutions.....
I have no idea what would have happened but one year we were in camp and a couple of guys came by in a truck and they didn't act like hunters,my son just casually picked up his rifle and was holding it and they sort of just turned around and left.....hunters approaching a camp will generally ask permission to come in

bad arrow
10-31-2009, 08:09 AM
what kind of people trash camps, steal stuff?
Indians? white trash? both?
Canada has the problem of over-population and doo-godder 'politicians'.
maybe not enough game to go around. You seem to have a pre-occupation with race, I did not read the race card by the author of the post. Maybe its just people of low moral culture, that will steal whenever they get the chance, obviously they didn't need the ramps that bad, glad the author of this post got his ramps back. I dont leave any valuables in my truck while unattended, I stash them, I have had tools stolen and even the battery stolen out of my truck leaving me stranded, thieving is the second oldest profession.

10-31-2009, 09:00 AM
Thieves caught should have the tops of their hands branded with a giant "T". Then at least you will know what kind of people you are dealing with.

10-31-2009, 10:42 AM
All the years i've hunted and camped in the bush I had never had anything dissapear until this year. I went out to our spot which is on gated private property to cut the grass, cut some wood, etc about a week prior to elk season. I returned about 5 days later and our picnic table was missing. Someone actually loaded it up and drove the 1 km out and went around the gate, which I thought was ballsy to say the least. I had to put cable up on each side of the gate this year to stop people from driving around it, even though it is clearly marked as being private property. I even had my trail cam set up at the camp this year whenever we went out hunting. I think for next year I will put a sign at the gate that says "smile....your on camera".

10-31-2009, 10:55 AM
This years been a treat. One buddy's SD card from his trail cam this spring. Last week another one's trail cam. Couple years ago, friend had his chainsaw taken from a remote cabin.

10-31-2009, 12:27 PM
Glad it turned out for you. Most people don't ever get their stuff back.

10-31-2009, 10:58 PM
I still say you are a lucky so and so, but i am glad you got your ramps back. I guess you don't feel as violated as when the guy stole your pants out of your truck at Cameron lake 2 years ago,you even got them back washed a few days later
I was camped at Cameron this summer and my hunting partner(wife) stayed behind and when i got back later that night said a car had stopped and the a guy had walked past the camp several times, good thing one of the other guys camped there had left his Great Dane in camp. Makes me wonder how many things would of gone missing if the camp had been empty.

10-31-2009, 11:29 PM
http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/data/500/medium/If_you_can_read_this_.jpg (http://www.huntingbc.ca/photos/showphoto.php?photo=14810&size=big&cat=500&ppuser=699)

10-31-2009, 11:51 PM
Thieves caught should have the tops of their hands branded with a giant "T". Then at least you will know what kind of people you are dealing with.you didn't see them to begin with or you would've kicked there ass ..so what the hell good would a brand do??? SO MAYBE A GUY WITH A T ON HIS HAND MIGHT HAVE STOLE MY RAMPS BECAUSE I DIDN.T PARK MY TRUCK ON THEM.

11-01-2009, 10:54 AM
There's no deterrent any more! You can't beat a thief, you can't yell at them, god help you if you point a gun at them! We blame it on the law courts, but I think if more law abiding people bashed the thieves skulls in with a bat, they would slowly get the hint!!!

That's what those great big isolated burn piles are for. No evidence /no crime. Man, it does get tempting sometimes.

11-01-2009, 06:07 PM
I still say you are a lucky so and so, but i am glad you got your ramps back. I guess you don't feel as violated as when the guy stole your pants out of your truck at Cameron lake 2 years ago,you even got them back washed a few days later
I was camped at Cameron this summer and my hunting partner(wife) stayed behind and when i got back later that night said a car had stopped and the a guy had walked past the camp several times, good thing one of the other guys camped there had left his Great Dane in camp. Makes me wonder how many things would of gone missing if the camp had been empty. ha!!! I almost forgot about that..... That was an experience...... have to tell that story here sometime!!!

11-01-2009, 06:37 PM
I use a trail cam and a sign on my dash informing would be thieves to smile for the camera.

11-02-2009, 08:17 AM
Couple years back I woke up to my buck stolen of the game pole with tire tracks and people tracks all around. When I reported it the next camp over have the same thing happen. How I sleep with my rifle. They have never tried it again.

11-02-2009, 08:18 AM
awesome idea!

Long bow
11-03-2009, 03:22 AM
I have my ramps..but they stole my ATV...we draw straws and leave a guy, we take turns, as the hut slut, around camp..he cleans up, makes brunch and generaly hunts around camp...Just cant afford to have saws , gear and a generator stolen. With ATV's restricted till 10..we used to all be gone and they were left in camp too. We also put a trail cam up looking at the camp...and hidden by the road for plate numbers..It really sucks to have to worry about your camp while you are out enjojing the hunt.

11-03-2009, 07:08 AM
''it really sucks to have to worry about your camp while you are out enjoying the hunt''-couldn't agree more-having to take security measures just like you were living in the city.Quads not being registered or licenced means they can be stolen and sold with little chance of being caught- fact that hasn't gone unnoticed by the thieves.I think vandalizing a camp is even worse though-total disrespect for other peoples property.Makes you wonder what sort of mentality it takes for someone to think this is ''fun''-and the only viable solution that I can see is wearing out a willow switch on their backside-and its NOT ''violence ''-I call it a ''learning experiance''-want to come back and try for doubles next time?

11-03-2009, 07:53 AM
sign on my buddy's garage where he keeps his hunting gear!!


11-03-2009, 08:08 AM
you didn't see them to begin with or you would've kicked there ass ..so what the hell good would a brand do??? SO MAYBE A GUY WITH A T ON HIS HAND MIGHT HAVE STOLE MY RAMPS BECAUSE I DIDN.T PARK MY TRUCK ON THEM.

You don't think that thieves have jobs, deal with people, have family, etc. How embarrassing would it be to go to the grocery store, restaurant, hunting/tackle shop and reach for your wallet with a brand indicating you are a piece of shit on your hand.

11-03-2009, 08:18 AM
Does the Cranbrook area have a high theft problem? Is there lots of drug addicts? I have a family member that is contemplating a move to that town.

11-03-2009, 09:13 AM
Welcome to the Canadian criminal justice system... The thieves and drug addicts & politicians have more rights than JOE Q PUBLIC. The guy busting his nuts every day to put food on the table is quickly becoming a minority in this f--kin country. We baby drug addicts, slap thieves on the hand & the allow the politicians to get away with unspeakable acts and waists.

Its sad when you have to chain your shit up or be willing to loose it, its sad that my tax dollars go to paying for crack pipes & needle exchange sites,,, and lets not forget the politicians who seemed to have forgotten that they work for us and now tell us what we want, need & have to do... WTF!

This shit bugs me to NO end. How backwards is a system that will protect a thief that steals your shit and throw YOU in jail if you beat some sense into him.

With Nov 11 closing in, I know one thing is I'm glad to know my grandfather a Canadian vet is not around to see what Canada has become...

11-03-2009, 08:58 PM
i think people are just to stupid to realize that they are stealing stuff from someone that is packing around a firearm. They see it as easy money, not as a gun pointed at their head. I dunno about most of you, but i hunt in full camo with a facemask and all. It would be next to impossible to ID someone that looks like a tree.

On a separate but same note. Thieves are jsut as bad as people who dump garbage in the bush. 6 friggan dollars and a trip to the dump.Gets my waterpump going!!!!!!

11-03-2009, 09:36 PM
Whats worse than thieving idiots, is having a poacher fined only $6000.00 and lossing his right for hunting and owning a firearm for 5 years. Our great laws working for us once again. The ram that was taken off the Green Hills range was a once in a life time find, many of us hunters enjoyed seeing that animal once in a well.

11-04-2009, 12:30 AM
[quote=Buckmeister;541397]Public caneings with a bamboo rod sound like a good idea too!!!

I like Rocksteady's Rotti idea.....then add my german sheppard and bear hound in there, not much left but some shredded clothes

this was going around as an email a few years ago and dug it up again off the internet. a little adaption and it could work for camp and home!

Some of us spend so much time on the range, we cant afford the $35.00 per month for an alarm system, here is the solution!

Go to a second-hand store, buy a pair of used men's work boots - a really big pair. Make them all muddy.

Put them outside your front door on top of a copy of Guns & Ammo Magazine. place a couple spent 12 gauge shells next to that.

Put a dog dish beside it - a really big dog dish.

Leave a note on your front door that says:
"Bubba - Big Mike and I have gone to get more ammunition there is a sale at Gander mountain!- back in an hour. Don't disturb the pit-bulls; they've just been de-wormed and they aint too happy."

11-04-2009, 05:16 AM
Does the Cranbrook area have a high theft problem? Is there lots of drug addicts? I have a family member that is contemplating a move to that town.
I thought you lived there?

11-04-2009, 10:24 AM
Does the Cranbrook area have a high theft problem? Is there lots of drug addicts? I have a family member that is contemplating a move to that town.

all of the above.................... and more.

11-04-2009, 10:46 AM
i agree with dirty but i think the cheek or the forehead shouldbe the brand spot because those spots are harder to cover then the back of the hand.

11-04-2009, 10:50 AM
What do we expect when we live in a country where a shop owner in I think the Toronto area catches a thief and keeps him until the cops get there and then they turn around and charge the shop owner for unlawful confinement and the the thief gets a reduced sentence because he testifies against the shop owner. This thief is well known to the police as he was charged a short time earlier for similar offences.
Instead of giving the shop owner a medal the courts make him the criminal.
This BS makes my blood boil:evil:

The Hermit
11-04-2009, 11:03 AM
There's no deterrent any more! You can't beat a thief, you can't yell at them, god help you if you point a gun at them! Our world has gone for a shit, if we try to protect our selves or our belongings were the bad guys!!! A thief should be shot dead! But noooo, some god dam lawyer will make him out to be a up standing citizen in court and you a raving mad man with a gun who has to be commented!!! We blame it on the law courts, but I think if more law abiding people bashed the thieves skulls in with a bat, they would slowly get the hint!!!

While I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment and understand first hand the frustration at not being able to throttle some asshole that truly deserves it, the other side of the argument does have some logic. Part of what makes our Country such a great place to live is that we generally live by the rule of law. If everyone took the law into their own hands it wouldn't take long before the fabric of our society became unravelled. People would be killing one another over perceived slights and assumed guilt. The other result would be that assholes would not stop being assholes but become more violent themselves... if I get caught they are going to kill me so I might as well kill them first.

That being said... I think our legislators need to completely re-do the criminal code and mandate the courts to impose strict meaningful minimum jail terms, public flogging, and capital punishment.

On the other hand... my favorite TV show is... DEXTER!!! :twisted:

11-04-2009, 06:09 PM
What do we expect when we live in a country where a shop owner in I think the Toronto area catches a thief and keeps him until the cops get there and then they turn around and charge the shop owner for unlawful confinement and the the thief gets a reduced sentence because he testifies against the shop owner. This thief is well known to the police as he was charged a short time earlier for similar offences.
Instead of giving the shop owner a medal the courts make him the criminal.
This BS makes my blood boil:evil:You deserve the government you get. You have to vote and throw out the assholes that advocate this shit. If enough of em get throwed out of office and loose their fat MP paycheck they will stop thinking like a bunch of lefty loonies.

11-04-2009, 06:28 PM
I have tied down rings on the floor of my trailer that are pretty skookum and I have a length of heavy chain and a good lock and I chain my ramps down and to date I haven't had them stolen but that's only until some shit head comes along that is carrying something in his truck that will cut the chain. I've considered buying a wheel lock for the trailer too. Nothing is safe anymore.

11-04-2009, 10:06 PM
We have a cabin 40 minites past pemberton, someone broke in stole our cheep bbq, boxes of mac and cheese, old work gloves, some rope, a nice chain saw, and all sorts of random stuff.