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View Full Version : elk habits

10-25-2009, 10:08 PM
has anyone noticed if elk do a basic circuit. a couple hunts lately i seen a bull on a landing ,hunted it for two days and on the third day it was back again,then the next two ,no sign. on the third it was back.
any thoughts??

10-25-2009, 10:16 PM
Hey mooseyle$$ that elk was patterning itself and sounds to me that it has a routine habitual. Must be waiting for his girlfriends to show or waiting for a taxi -- a taxidermist if he keeps showing himself on the third day pattern.
Jel -- someones going to need a taxi alright, a taxi dermist. lol.

10-26-2009, 05:49 AM
Hey mooseyle$$ that elk was patterning itself and sounds to me that it has a routine habitual. Must be waiting for his girlfriends to show or waiting for a taxi -- a taxidermist if he keeps showing himself on the third day pattern.
Jel -- someones going to need a taxi alright, a taxi dermist. lol.

Im with Jel on what he said they sometimes leave the area and will return in a few days or 2 weeks latter.

10-26-2009, 06:01 AM
i have noticed that pretty much every animal runs a circut of sorts and wont change thier ways if they are left undisturbed.animals like routiens that allow them to survive day in and day out and once a rut approachs the big boys will change up and broaden thier searchs for the ladies however they will still try to stay with whatever keeps them,1- alive,2-with food,3-with water and lastly with others of thier kind,and all of these requirements must be met in no spacific order yet must all be there.
learning any critters patterns is what allows us as hunters the oppertunity to harvest them

10-26-2009, 10:31 AM
I've patterned elk on a 4 day circuit more than a few times.

10-26-2009, 10:36 AM
Im with Jel on what he said they sometimes leave the area and will return in a few days or 2 weeks latter.

That is what I have found as well. Some elk herds seem to move around more than others as well is seems.

10-26-2009, 05:18 PM
Grant, How'd you make out this year??